Proposal: NYR-ANA


Registered User
Jul 2, 2003
Port Jefferson, NY
Goodrow has a ridiculously team-friendly buy out (we'd actually GAIN cap space in the first year). And again, once you factor in the fact that neither Henrique nor Vatrano would be top line guys with PP1 minutes on the Rangers, their production suddenly looks similar to guys who would be available for a 2nd or 3rd round pick. Don't pay a premium because a team is so bad that they have 3rd line guys on their top units.
You are underselling the Ducks guys.

I said earlier that the value was very close, but that I’d prefer lower cost options. I would personally go in a different direction, but I can acknowledge a deal is probably in that neighborhood. I think that’s a fair take.

Calling Henrique and Vatrano 3rd line guys is stupid. Certainly, their numbers would decline in reduced rolls but they have shown to be that caliber of player. Not acknowledging that while ranting about Kakko’s even strength numbers and “underlying stats” just show you to be a major homer. Would Kakko’s numbers be better if he were on a PP1? Sure. So would Brodzinski’s. Kakko has not shown the ability to excel at that roll in his young career. Will he in the future? I don’t know. What I do know is that Vatrano has excelled in a top 6, and with Zib/Kreider, while Kakko has not. And no, that doesn’t mean I need four paragraphs about Kappo “underlying stats” Kakko who always produces very underwhelming numbers. He’s a 30-40 point two way winger who doesn’t play special teams. I think he likely becomes a 40-50 point winger who may or may not play special teams. Don’t fall into the trap of beating up another teams guys while wildly overrating your own. You don’t want to make this deal which is understandable. I don’t either. That doesn’t mean we can’t acknowledge what Henrique and Vatrano would add. We can also want to keep Kakko without talking like he’s suddenly going to flip a switch going from 11 points in 40 games to becoming Mikko Rantanen. As if some undeserved PP time is going to make him a 70+ point player.
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Nov 29, 2011
No. Absolutely not. Neither Henrique nor Vatrano will get anywhere near the Rangers' PP1 unit, which means they won't put up the kind of production they have been in Anaheim (particularly Vatrano). Without PP time, Vatrano--at his best--is a 30-40 point player. Kakko has shown the ability to be that now, except Kakko is better defensively and is 7 years younger. Henrique would be the 3rd line center in NY, not the first line center he is in Anaheim. Plus, he has no significant playoff experience. His last playoff point was 12 years ago.

These two are picture perfect examples of putting mediocre players on top lines and 1st unit PPs. On a contender, they'd be 3rd liners, but because of their usage, some moron is going to pay a top six premium for a pair of never-weres.

I'd rather see the Rangers target vet depth that isn't over-inflated by PP time and heavy usage and therefore would come at a much cheaper cost. If I'm giving up a 1st, a 2nd, and Kakko, it had damn well better be returning a player under 25 who will be in NY for a while.

What a weird thing to say considering Vatrano and Henrique strengths are at ES...


9 - 20 - 8
May 17, 2007
Worst Case, Ontario
package deal of 4 separate parts

Shesterkin + Goodrow + Vesey + BMB
Zegras + Silfverberg + Helleson + J. Per.

Ducks get elite Vez quality netminder, helps accelerate dealing Gibson which gets some asset recovery and much cap space, which is not urgent for ANA now but is always useful

Zegras has 2 yrs after this, Shesty only 1
reasonable to think Zegras continues to trend upward, but if so his $$ will go up on his next deal. He is not dirt cheap at 5+ but is worth more now w/more term.
Shes + Zeg comp salary

Silf paid more but has less term

Vesey immediately useful bottom 6
BMB good F prospect when moving on from Strome in 2 yrs

Rs have Garand as heir apparent to Shesty, and gamble Quick + Dominque will hold the fort. Gar here as soon as AHL season over, cup o coffee +.

Zegras we hope to get for POs
1st try as pivot betw Kreider + Zib at RW

Alternatively, pivot betw Cuylle + Kakko

Helleson see what he is NOW

J Per flip to MON for Barron == swap of similar late 1st righty shot selections, JP an F and JB a D

also now
Lindgren + Jones + two 3rds to AZ
two 2nds

after the season
LaF + G Per + NYR 2024 2nd
Reinbacher + Slaf + WPG 2024 1st

Per + Rein are upwards of 2 yrs away, so =
LaF - Slaf comparable but LaF has mo upside

Trouba to 4RW or dealt for picks most likely to DET

This is ridiculously horrible for Anaheim. They are in absolutely no position to trade Zegras for a 28 year old who can walk as a UFA next summer. That would be terrible asset management for any team, but for a rebuilding club it's too ass backwards to be even remotely considerable.

That's making no mention of the fact that a goalie is the least of the Ducks needs. It's fine to be a little out there, but jeez could you at least attempt to put some thought in from the other team's perspective?


Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Da Big Apple
Your proposals get worse and worse. You won’t trade Kakko because of his “potential” yet you want the Ducks to trade Zegras, who’s accomplished way more so far. And each time you propose it, it gets more ridiculous. What the hell do the rebuilding Ducks want with Shesterkin…especially as the main piece back for their young, high potential player?! You really think a 28 year old goalie and 30 /31 year old forwards are a fair trade for a potential star, 23 year old? Then you also have the Ducks adding one of their only RD prospects and recent first rounder on top of it? Get out of here with this BS. -

One of the worst thought out deals I’ve seen for the ducks.

You're going to have to find a 3rd team that has what the Ducks need. Zegras is only moved for a forward upgrade (preferable RHS, doesn't need to play C) or a potential top pair RHD. Ducks bottom 6 is already over crowded, Killorn-Lundestrom-Strome, Jones-Groulx-Leason. While Vesey might be an upgrade, that's far from a need. Goodrow is a cap dump (negative value). A prospect 2 years away from replacing Strome isn't a need, just adds to a pile of players that might do the same. Shesterkin is an upgrade for 1 more year then UFA (no guarantees he signs here, also not a need). Plus then you want the Ducks to necessitate a Gibson trade from a position if weakness (being desperate to move him). For the Ducks to move Zegras, he's either going to have to demand a trade (hasn't) or they'll need something useful (nothing in this proposal). Anaheim isn't here to help the Rangers out.

If you guys don't like/want the deal, fine, but let's not be inaccurately disingenuous about it.

G is useful add for ANA, ditching bloated Gibson, no longer what he was while he still has some value, is smart, signif cap benefits.
Dif betw Shesty + Zegras in term IS ONE YEAR.
If Zegras was 6-8 years at 6-ish or less, then yes, I get it.
The numbers prove that is NOT the case and the #s don't lie.

You can keep Zeg and assume his production goes up. His value will not do so markedly, b'c now is when he has most term for least cost.
If you wait 2 years to move him in last year of deal, you may well still get something ample for him. But if he elects to return east then, you will be moving [so he does not walk away] an asset with reduced return due to contract status.

Whether or not you deal him to Rs or anybody else and choose to enjoy his production for 2-ish yrs is entirely your decision and entirely your right. But this suggestion of a Vez quality netminder, comparable $$ and only 1 yr apart in term, is not an insult.

I do not see Ducks as stuck early in rebuild phase.
They are relatively deep poised for exit.

The principals are even quality for quality.
Vesey is immediately contributing more than J Per not making the club
And BMB is fair value for Helleson

Silfv is paid signif more than Good, who has longer term. It is not exact even, but not as much disparity as alleged.
It was a Ducks fan who prop Silf to Rs for futures. Like I said, that's not happening, and that subset can be removed.

The offer is withdrawn, in respect acknowledging your right to your opinions.
But the shade thrown is fully repudiated, as it is wrong.

Ducks are in no rush to trade Frankie and they need to establish a consistent offense to get past the rebuild phase. Rangers know this is a good opportunity, especially in the East with only the Panthers are a true threat to them. If they really want to give their team a shot they would make some big moves. For the Ducks, I wouldn’t consider moving Vatrano unless Othmann is offered, I wouldn’t accept picks or Kaako.

Othmann for Vatrano
Goodrow for 2024 1st
Rempe for Henrique
Kaako for Pereault+3rd

Otherwise Ducks keep Frankie and send him to the Panthers or other Ranger rival.
bold is rejected, extr 1 sided, EXTREMELY

This is ridiculously horrible for Anaheim. They are in absolutely no position to trade Zegras for a 28 year old who can walk as a UFA next summer. That would be terrible asset management for any team, but for a rebuilding club it's too ass backwards to be even remotely considerable.

That's making no mention of the fact that a goalie is the least of the Ducks needs. It's fine to be a little out there, but jeez could you at least attempt to put some thought in from the other team's perspective?
Disputed, and pls see above


9 - 20 - 8
May 17, 2007
Worst Case, Ontario
If you guys don't like/want the deal, fine, but let's not be inaccurately disingenuous about it.

G is useful add for ANA, ditching bloated Gibson, no longer what he was while he still has some value, is smart, signif cap benefits.
Dif betw Shesty + Zegras in term IS ONE YEAR.
If Zegras was 6-8 years at 6-ish or less, then yes, I get it.
The numbers prove that is NOT the case and the #s don't lie.

You can keep Zeg and assume his production goes up. His value will not do so markedly, b'c now is when he has most term for least cost.
If you wait 2 years to move him in last year of deal, you may well still get something ample for him. But if he elects to return east then, you will be moving [so he does not walk away] an asset with reduced return due to contract status.

Whether or not you deal him to Rs or anybody else and choose to enjoy his production for 2-ish yrs is entirely your decision and entirely your right. But this suggestion of a Vez quality netminder, comparable $$ and only 1 yr apart in term, is not an insult.

I do not see Ducks as stuck early in rebuild phase.
They are relatively deep poised for exit.

The principals are even quality for quality.
Vesey is immediately contributing more than J Per not making the club
And BMB is fair value for Helleson

Silfv is paid signif more than Good, who has longer term. It is not exact even, but not as much disparity as alleged.
It was a Ducks fan who prop Silf to Rs for futures. Like I said, that's not happening, and that subset can be removed.

The offer is withdrawn, in respect acknowledging your right to your opinions.
But the shade thrown is fully repudiated, as it is wrong.

bold is rejected, extr 1 sided, EXTREMELY

Disputed, and pls see above

Zegras is still under RFA control at the end of his contract. Anaheim is an absolutely no position to trade a 22 year old under team control for several years, in exchange for a goalie who can be a UFA next summer.

Come one man, when you make a terrible suggestion and literally everyone tells you such - don't double down. You're smarter than that.

You've been told time and time again - if the Ducks move Zegras (and there's absolutely nothing forcing their hand to do so) it will be for another young player with star potential. They aren't suddenly getting any ideas about contending and trading him for a near 30 impending UFA. Or moving him for prospects and picks for the sake of a trade.

We already have a veteran starter who is fine holding down the fort for the rebuild, and a young goalie of the future who already impresses at the NHL level. Trading a 22 year old franchise cornerstone for a veteran goalie, is the most ass backwards suggestion you could possibly come up with. Indefensible suggestion, stop digging the hole deeper.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2019
If you guys don't like/want the deal, fine, but let's not be inaccurately disingenuous about it.

G is useful add for ANA, ditching bloated Gibson, no longer what he was while he still has some value, is smart, signif cap benefits.
Dif betw Shesty + Zegras in term IS ONE YEAR.
If Zegras was 6-8 years at 6-ish or less, then yes, I get it.
The numbers prove that is NOT the case and the #s don't lie.

You can keep Zeg and assume his production goes up. His value will not do so markedly, b'c now is when he has most term for least cost.
If you wait 2 years to move him in last year of deal, you may well still get something ample for him. But if he elects to return east then, you will be moving [so he does not walk away] an asset with reduced return due to contract status.

Whether or not you deal him to Rs or anybody else and choose to enjoy his production for 2-ish yrs is entirely your decision and entirely your right. But this suggestion of a Vez quality netminder, comparable $$ and only 1 yr apart in term, is not an insult.

I do not see Ducks as stuck early in rebuild phase.
They are relatively deep poised for exit.

The principals are even quality for quality.
Vesey is immediately contributing more than J Per not making the club
And BMB is fair value for Helleson

Silfv is paid signif more than Good, who has longer term. It is not exact even, but not as much disparity as alleged.
It was a Ducks fan who prop Silf to Rs for futures. Like I said, that's not happening, and that subset can be removed.

The offer is withdrawn, in respect acknowledging your right to your opinions.
But the shade thrown is fully repudiated, as it is wrong.
Ducks also dont need a Goalie and we arent going to trade Zegras for a year of a goalie just so we can throw away Gibson...

Zegras is a RFA after his current contract and Shestyorkin is a UFA in one year. Thats a massive difference. There has been no indication that Zegras want to leave either and is highly regarded by Ducks coaches and players.

Ducks are also year 3 into the Verbeek rebuild where he said he had reset it. We are the third worst team in the league with a -53 goal differential. There is no way we are competing for playoffs for at least a couple more years. It just doesnt make sense to trade young players for old vets at this stage.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2014
Rico is worth more than a 1st. As is Vatrano, significantly so. Kakko, with his 11 points at even-strength, is not enough to make up the difference.

No interest in Shesterkin.

One Winged Angel

You Can't Escape
May 3, 2006
Long Island
package deal of 4 separate parts

Shesterkin + Goodrow + Vesey + BMB
Zegras + Silfverberg + Helleson + J. Per.

Ducks get elite Vez quality netminder, helps accelerate dealing Gibson which gets some asset recovery and much cap space, which is not urgent for ANA now but is always useful

Zegras has 2 yrs after this, Shesty only 1
reasonable to think Zegras continues to trend upward, but if so his $$ will go up on his next deal. He is not dirt cheap at 5+ but is worth more now w/more term.
Shes + Zeg comp salary

Silf paid more but has less term

Vesey immediately useful bottom 6
BMB good F prospect when moving on from Strome in 2 yrs

Rs have Garand as heir apparent to Shesty, and gamble Quick + Dominque will hold the fort. Gar here as soon as AHL season over, cup o coffee +.

Zegras we hope to get for POs
1st try as pivot betw Kreider + Zib at RW

Alternatively, pivot betw Cuylle + Kakko

Helleson see what he is NOW

J Per flip to MON for Barron == swap of similar late 1st righty shot selections, JP an F and JB a D

also now
Lindgren + Jones + two 3rds to AZ
two 2nds

after the season
LaF + G Per + NYR 2024 2nd
Reinbacher + Slaf + WPG 2024 1st

Per + Rein are upwards of 2 yrs away, so =
LaF - Slaf comparable but LaF has mo upside

Trouba to 4RW or dealt for picks most likely to DET

Good lord what the f*** is this?


Registered User
Jun 25, 2019
Like it or not the proposal is pretty easy to break down:
Henrique for 25 1st
Vatrano for Kakko and 24 2nd

Absent one team robbing the other blind, this was a fair offer for both teams.
kakko and a 2nd is an absurd overpay. vatrano is not very good. he can shoot through the net and hes having an outlier season. thats all.
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Registered User
Jun 25, 2019
I mean it’s pretty close to what you would expect to pay on those type of players.

Maybe it’s not a great fit, or the right move for rangers.
No its not - its a massive overpay.

Vatrano for a 1st is fair

Henrique for a 2nd is fair

50% retention for 3 months of Henrique’s salary should be worth a 3rd. Kakko ought to have mid-1st round value.

There’s no way you’re getting Kakko for that package, I’m sorry.
Agreed. 1,2,3 is fair for that duo.


Registered User
May 29, 2007
If you guys don't like/want the deal, fine, but let's not be inaccurately disingenuous about it.

G is useful add for ANA, ditching bloated Gibson, no longer what he was while he still has some value, is smart, signif cap benefits.
Dif betw Shesty + Zegras in term IS ONE YEAR.
If Zegras was 6-8 years at 6-ish or less, then yes, I get it.
The numbers prove that is NOT the case and the #s don't lie.

You can keep Zeg and assume his production goes up. His value will not do so markedly, b'c now is when he has most term for least cost.
If you wait 2 years to move him in last year of deal, you may well still get something ample for him. But if he elects to return east then, you will be moving [so he does not walk away] an asset with reduced return due to contract status.

Whether or not you deal him to Rs or anybody else and choose to enjoy his production for 2-ish yrs is entirely your decision and entirely your right. But this suggestion of a Vez quality netminder, comparable $$ and only 1 yr apart in term, is not an insult.

I do not see Ducks as stuck early in rebuild phase.
They are relatively deep poised for exit.

The principals are even quality for quality.
Vesey is immediately contributing more than J Per not making the club
And BMB is fair value for Helleson

Silfv is paid signif more than Good, who has longer term. It is not exact even, but not as much disparity as alleged.
It was a Ducks fan who prop Silf to Rs for futures. Like I said, that's not happening, and that subset can be removed.

The offer is withdrawn, in respect acknowledging your right to your opinions.
But the shade thrown is fully repudiated, as it is wrong.

bold is rejected, extr 1 sided, EXTREMELY

Disputed, and pls see above

Some points that you clearly don't understand because you know very little about the Ducks roster or team needs, yet you're pretending that you know better than the many Ducks fans in this conversation.

1. Ducks don't need goalies. We have Gibson and Dostal. Ducks are fine in goal.
2. Zegras is still an RFA after his 3 year bridge deal. That increases his value a great deal.
3. Zegras can't walk away at the end of his current contract for the above reason.
4. I'm willing to bet that the majority of people here expect Zegras' production to go up. He missed training camp, was injured most of the season, and when he wasn't injured was adjusting to a new system and coach. I certainly expect his production to go up based on past performance and his overall potential.
5. Your proposal was garbage. Trying to defend it doesn't make it not garbage.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2014
If Kakko is traded for any rental in the league I’ll lose my mind. He should be part of a package for a star player coming back long term, or he should stay.

The Rangers are 29-9-2 when Kakko is in the lineup. I don’t know how to run the stat but I imagine he is the highest winning percentage player of anyone in the league with 40+ games. 11-8-2 without him. It’s not a coincidence.
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Registered User
Jul 22, 2021
If Kakko is traded for any rental in the league I’ll lose my mind. He should be part of a package for a star player coming back long term, or he should stay.
So a #2OA pick in his draft+5 season who hasn't really panned out but might evolve into a NHL-caliber player should earn the Rangers a star player in any trade?


Registered User
Oct 2, 2017
The Twilight Zone
If Kakko is traded for any rental in the league I’ll lose my mind. He should be part of a package for a star player coming back long term, or he should stay.

I agree, when they move him he should be packaged for an upgrade, but he's not bringing back a star player, at least not as the centerpiece of a package. A team trading a star player will probably get offered better young players than Kakko, or at least ones who have higher upside.

Just look at the guy that some have suggested the Ducks sell for parts in Zegras. If I had a star player who needed to be moved, and I'm offered a choice between Zegras or Kakko as the primary young piece coming back ... Let's be real here, it's not even close.
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Boo Nieves Truther
Feb 27, 2002
Imagine thinking Kakko is not an NHL caliber player?
Hell fans in the offseason were predicting he and Laf would end up on the waiver wire. The lunacy here is strong.

Imagine thinking he’s a main piece in a deal for a star player
Maybe he is maybe he's not. Doesnt change the the Rangers pisition in only moving him for such.
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Da Big Apple
Zegras is still under RFA control at the end of his contract. Anaheim is an absolutely no position to trade a 22 year old under team control for several years, in exchange for a goalie who can be a UFA next summer.

Come one man, when you make a terrible suggestion and literally everyone tells you such - don't double down. You're smarter than that.

You've been told time and time again - if the Ducks move Zegras (and there's absolutely nothing forcing their hand to do so) it will be for another young player with star potential. They aren't suddenly getting any ideas about contending and trading him for a near 30 impending UFA. Or moving him for prospects and picks for the sake of a trade.

We already have a veteran starter who is fine holding down the fort for the rebuild, and a young goalie of the future who already impresses at the NHL level. Trading a 22 year old franchise cornerstone for a veteran goalie, is the most ass backwards suggestion you could possibly come up with. Indefensible suggestion, stop digging the hole deeper.
The suggestion is not indefensible, we have dif ops about certain aspects of the deal, which is fine, we do not have to lower ourselves unnecessarily w/rancor.

The bottom line here is less about value: it is about currency.
Rarely is a deal based on fair or equal value; everybody properly wants a win. No one should be expected to make a deal and not realize enuf of a net gain on balance.

It is fair, accurate and honest to argue that based on the common market of salary/term, Shesty + Zegras ARE ballpark close.
That however, does not override that Shesty may not be the preferred currency you want, and if you can get such preference, you are entitled to it.

I appreciate the update that your G situation is not as bleak as an outsider may properly perceive.

Again, offer withdrawn
Again, it was not an improper offer.


Puck Off!
Sep 12, 2010
Orange County
The suggestion is not indefensible, we have dif ops about certain aspects of the deal, which is fine, we do not have to lower ourselves unnecessarily w/rancor.

The bottom line here is less about value: it is about currency.
Rarely is a deal based on fair or equal value; everybody properly wants a win. No one should be expected to make a deal and not realize enuf of a net gain on balance.

It is fair, accurate and honest to argue that based on the common market of salary/term, Shesty + Zegras ARE ballpark close.
That however, does not override that Shesty may not be the preferred currency you want, and if you can get such preference, you are entitled to it.

I appreciate the update that your G situation is not as bleak as an outsider may properly perceive.

Again, offer withdrawn
Again, it was not an improper offer.
No matter how much you want to defend your honor here., 1 year of a 28 year old goalie to a rebuilding team is NOT even close to fair value for a 22/23 year old center who’s already shown potential to become a star player and who has several years more of team control. Heck, it isn’t good for a non rebuilding team either.

You repeatedly preach that the Rangers should not give up youth for vets while they’re a win now team, yet somehow in your mind, it’s a great idea for the rebuilding Ducks to do just that. Maybe use your same logic for other teams that you do with your own and you may just see how silly/ridiculous this proposal of yours really is.
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Da Big Apple
Ducks also dont need a Goalie and we arent going to trade Zegras for a year of a goalie just so we can throw away Gibson...

Zegras is a RFA after his current contract and Shestyorkin is a UFA in one year. Thats a massive difference. There has been no indication that Zegras want to leave either and is highly regarded by Ducks coaches and players.

Ducks are also year 3 into the Verbeek rebuild where he said he had reset it. We are the third worst team in the league with a -53 goal differential. There is no way we are competing for playoffs for at least a couple more years. It just doesnt make sense to trade young players for old vets at this stage.
Your posture is reasonable.

However, so is projecting next contract for Zeg goes from 5+ to 6+ w/term, or 7-ish w'o term;
Shesty who is also almost same # now will get parallel numbers of 7 and 8 on his next deal. You are not a Canada based team where value of $$ earned less due to monetary value of payment made. You have ample space. You can snap up Shesty on competitive terms easily. Would Igor want to stay? If another 3-4 years rebuild, arguably no. But if as I see it we are looking at next season you are competitive as you begin to indicate now, you get coupla quality adds, you can legit contend following season. With a young core. So I think there is an honest rationale he would extend.

As for your into para, I do not get the Gibson love.
I get you don't want the rest of the netminders thrown under the bus, but this guy is making higher end $$$ and I am not seeing it warranted at present. I respect your right to a dif op, but were it me I would have already sold high on him


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 28, 2011
Kakko's value is dependent on how much confidence Kakko has. When he's confident, he looks good. When he's not confident, he looks like a player you trade away immediately.

I understand fans want to keep Kakko, but where does he fit? I don't think he wants top be a 3rd line player. I'm not sure he signs his next deal with that intention. It's not working on the top line. Blame Mikka. Blame Kreider. Blame them together. Blame Kakko. But it doesn't work. The powerplay is set for now and he's not sniffing a bigger role here for at least 2 more seasons. It's unfortunate that we don't really know the level of success he can bring, but I'm not seeing that opportunity come his way any time soon.
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Registered User
Jul 22, 2021
Imagine thinking Kakko is not an NHL caliber player?
Kakko: 7-4-11

As a comp, let's look at Max Jones, whom the Ducks chose 24th OA in 2016. By virtually all accounts, Jones has not panned out. He's recently been moved to the top six (perhaps to be showcased for a deadline deal) and his offense has improved slightly because he's playing with better linemates. But generally, he's just a guy.

Jones: 5-7-12

Should Jones "be part of a package for a star player coming back long term"? Perhaps, but he's clearly not the centerpiece of a deal. Nor is Kakko.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2020
Hell fans in the offseason were predicting he and Laf would end up on the waiver wire. The lunacy here is strong.

Meh, as weird as it to say, Kakko will always be in the league due to his defensive awareness. Heck, I'd take him as Jack's wing in NJ and wanted them to offer sheet Kakko after the game 6 scratch in 2022. But that's the hallmark of most Finnish players besides Rantanen and Laine who legit are the best scorers that country has had in a while. Lafreneiere is a bit meh defensively so the points have to come for him or else it looks really bad.


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