Let's talk about movies (and TV shows)... Part XVII

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Lafleurs Guy

Jul 20, 2007
Can I just say that Rose is the most useless character in the Star Wars franchise since Jar Jar Binks. Just a totally useless character. They should've cut her out of the movie altogether - and totally could've. I don't think I've ever seen a more disposable character in film.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2008
I watched Bright yesterday and i really enjoyed it. I read a lot of critics not being to kind on the movie and they are wrong. It is very entertaining and i hope they make a sequel.


Jun 24, 2012
I watched Bright yesterday and i really enjoyed it. I read a lot of critics not being to kind on the movie and they are wrong. It is very entertaining and i hope they make a sequel.

Stronger: 7.3/10

Bright: 7.3/10 Pretty entertaining. ...

So both Mario Lemieux posters are recommending Bright. Mario Lemieux66 you are correct, critics don't like it. Scored low on RT.

I'm going to avoid it as I have an aversion to Will Smith and his overacting, "look at me, I'm so cool that I can talk directly into the camera like Ferris Bueller" and his whole thing about cracking jokes during stunts is just too much for me to bear.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2008
So both Mario Lemieux posters are recommending Bright. Mario Lemieux66 you are correct, critics don't like it. Scored low on RT.

I'm going to avoid it as I have an aversion to Will Smith and his overacting, "look at me, I'm so cool that I can talk directly into the camera like Ferris Bueller" and his whole thing about cracking jokes during stunts is just too much for me to bear.

You know what?
I feel the same way you do about him. I wasn't too keen in watching it just because of Smith, it is what it is with him. I have absolutely no doubt that he will annoy you but you will enjoy the movie. Lots of people will soon talk about this movie because its really good. Give it a try!
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Registered User
Oct 5, 2017
Just watched the entire 7th season of Game of Thrones last night. Trully was magnificent. There are no Tv shows or movies that can match these people. It's the perfect mix of art and entertainment as I've ever seen.

The next step in entertainment evolution. 7 to 10 mini-movies every year since 2011 with great wrting, acting, characterization and visual effects(really these are the best, most realistic dragons I've ever seen). They embarrass any filmakers or studios that come up with any of the super-hero movies or Starwars.

I don't know if these 2 guys, these producers that came up with it knew this would turn out the way it did. And if they did, they are geniuses and visionaries.

The true genius is the books creator. The tv show is great but it's losing it's lustre a bit since they've surpassed the books. I dont mean it is starting to suck but that even by tv show standards, the pace is a bit f***ed up now and there is way too much deus ex machina scenarios going on with last minute saves and some serious fan service going on with the "love affair" angle, but that wont last...GRRM will see to that....oh yes he will.


Jun 24, 2012
Will Smith was great in Fresh Prince. I also thought he was good in I Am Legend and Bad Boys.

I'll concur that he was at his best in Fresh Prince and I Am Legend. Didn't see Bad Boys but unfortunately did not enjoy his performances in several of his other films.


Jun 24, 2012
I finished it last night and I liked the first two episodes better than the third, a little underwhelming, I was kind of hoping the dragons would show up in the third episode.:laugh:

Me too. I liked the build up from the first two episodes. Couldn't see the point of episode 3, it became way too predictable. I was drawn to it by Kit Harington and Liv Tyler, who have medieval acting pedigree. But, these characters weren't enough to salvage it. The sundry torture and execution scenes were pretty brutal and lost their effect when they featured too many of them. If you had a rooting interest anywhere along the way, best to channel that energy elsewhere.
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Doc McKenna

A new era 2021
Jan 5, 2009
Can I just say that Rose is the most useless character in the Star Wars franchise since Jar Jar Binks. Just a totally useless character. They should've cut her out of the movie altogether - and totally could've. I don't think I've ever seen a more disposable character in film.
Look up Half In The Bag on youtube. Red Letter Media does pretty good reviews. Esp their mr plinkett ones.
Duuuh Imbed Lots of spoiler for those that haven't seen it.


Original #4
Oct 27, 2005
Copied from the Entertainment board, for discussion here (...mostly the part on the billing)

Kingsmen 2 : Golden Circle


Enjoyable to a certain extent. Clumsy. Is what it is. Should've been 30 minutes longer or 30 minutes shorter.

Not THAT related to the movie itself : Billing stupid as ****. Are Jeff Bridges, Channing Tatum and Halle Berry even bigger draws than Pedro Pascal in 2017? I surmise that none of them are with the target audience of this movie. Of course it would've made sense if their roles were bigger... Which wasn't the case (well, Berry's character is arguably on same level as Pascal's). Bridges' and Tatum's were nowhere close.

I gather not putting Edward Holcroft on the billing to a certain extent, due to lack of notoriety, but still...

Tim Wallach

Registered User
Oct 9, 2007
Kitchener, Ontario
Seinfeld is like fine wine - the more times you re-watch it the better it gets. Pure genius IMO.

So so true. I just watched the Bette Midler episode. Pure genius. It ruined comedies for me. I just watch 5 minutes of Big Bang Theory and hang my head.

It's sad when I speak to millennials and so few even know Seinfeld. Man, did they miss out.
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Registered User
Oct 18, 2017
It's sad when I speak to millennials and so few even know Seinfeld. Man, did they miss out.

A bit like the Seinfeld generation missing out on WKRP or Taxi.

“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly”
- Les Nessman

"I wonder about things, like, if they call an orange an "orange", then why don't we call a banana a "yellow" or an apple a "red"? Blueberries, I understand. But will someone explain gooseberries to me?"
- Jim Ignatowski


Jun 24, 2012
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: 7/10 Very average but still better than the disastrous TFA

My Star Wars ranking








Registered User
May 28, 2011
I'm late to this party but it looks like you guys have covered nearly all the bases. Prior to seeing the movie, I was curious about why fans hated it, and I knew that the general analysis was that "the fans are racist Trump supporters, they're unhappy because the movie has strong female and minority characters."

That's not it really. TLJ has a lot of weak humor, a lot of plot holes, and many narrative problems.
1) The fact that hyperspace ramming can cut through any ship like scissors through paper means that it should have been easy to blow up both Death Stars.
2) If Snoke's ship was only tracking the resistance flagship then the other resistance ships should have warped out to hyperspace rather than dying, Admiral Ackbar included.
3) The movie also ends with the resistance reduced to 25 people and the Falcon, and from that Poe Dameron says that they're going to light the candle whose fire will liberate the galaxy. The truth is that they're at risk of being wiped out by a single tie fighter.

There's also some other weirdness. I think that the tug-of-war between Admiral Holdo and Poe Dameron is supposed to be a metaphor for mansplaining. I'm glad to see mansplaining critiqued, but not in a Star Wars movie. Sexism shouldn't be defeated in a Star Wars movie as it should never rise there in the first place, this is supposed to be a idealistic fantasy world. Similarly to Rey's parents being alcoholics ... why does there need to be alcoholism in Star Wars?

Now in spite of this I did kind of enjoy the movie. It's not a great movie, but it's a passable one, on par with most of the MCU for example. They did build some new settings like the salt planet, that was fun. We got to see some cute animals. The musical score was good. I think that Luke becoming a depressed hermit makes sense, and I respect nods made to Rashomon. There was some cleverness in how Kylo killed Snoke, and I like that the red guards appeared to be exceptional fighters.

Moving forward, I'm not sure what they can do with Episode 9. There's no resistance at all, but maybe Abrams will fast forward two years and suddenly the resistance will have 200 warships lol. Kylo Ren is the supreme leader and Hux is his subordinate, but he may try and rebel, or alternatively Run will not have the administrative skills to manage the first order. Perhaps another Sith will come along to avenge Snoke, I don't know.

There's a solution in the EU that Abrams won't use: The Katana fleet. It's an old republic fleet of ~200 warships that vanished. It can be run by a small crew as it's a well-coordinated fleet. If the resistance finds it then they're a fighting force again.

My ranking of SW movies:

1) A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back (tie)
3) The Return of the Jedi
4) Rogue One
5) The Phantom Menace
6) The Revenge of the Sith
7) The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi (tie)
9) The Attack of the Clones

It's difficult to see where these movies can go from here as Abrams and Johnson have carpet bombed the continuity into meaninglessness. Abrams ruined things by blowing up the Republic, and then Johnson did so by eliminating the resistance and discarding all of Abrams' world building.

I wonder if R2D2 and C3PO will show up in the Han Solo origins movie?
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Mario Lemieux fan 66

Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
If I'm to copy my posts from Entertainment, might as well copy my replies, too!!

ROTJ wasn't THAT great, but.... on par with TPM and AOTC?!?!?!

Obi-Wan Kenobi is probably my favorite character in the Star Wars universe tied with Darth Vader. The lightsaber fight are also pretty good in TPM and AOTC .

I am not a fan of Jabba the hutt or the ewok so ROTJ has a lot of stuff that i don't like.
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Doc McKenna

A new era 2021
Jan 5, 2009
My work buddy asked me to go. I just can't do it. Saw rogue one with him and TFA with my family. Star wars should have ended as a thing in the 80's like Clint's the man with no name trilogy.

Thankfully I have the Orville on the other side of that nerd coin because STD is not doing anything for me either :(
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Jun 24, 2012
It's sad when I speak to millennials and so few even know Seinfeld. Man, did they miss out.

The Comedy channel has been running all of Seinfeld's shows, non-stop. You can still catch several until tomorrow. Wish I had taped them from the start.
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