Battlefield 2042 (2021)

Sep 19, 2008
I was so pumped for this game because I need a hard reset from Warzone and COD but everything I'm reading has convinced me to wait on this.
It's actually not that bad other than a few flaws. If you want to join in join in later. Too many bugs now.
Sep 19, 2008
Since I've been mostly positive about this game here is what is wrong.

- the teams are kind of imbalanced in breakthrough. Defenders have an advantage. The attackers rarely get all the points, although they do sometimes manage to get the first few points. But yeah, it's favoring the defense and that needs to be fixed.

- the game only allows you 9 characters to choose from meaning you'll see familiar characters on the other side and you wouldn't even know they're not friendly either unless you checked the text over their head (no blue, bad)

- the character lines are repetitive for death. GET AWAY! GET AWAY! DON'T REVIVE ME! Surely they could have come up with something more creative. And why is the revive down time so long? It's like 25 seconds. Previous games had a much shorter revive time. So I have to space bar every time after death.

- Vehicles take too long to spawn. Then when you try to find a teammate to attack with you can't spawn on them either because they're "In Combat". So most of the time it's not worth spawning on them or even joining the battle at all. No, just gonna wait in the spawn menu upgrading my gun because I'im not running 300m to a point to die and respawn again at home.
Sep 19, 2008
Update 0.2.1

Fixes, Changes, and Improvements

  • Implemented Server Side upgrades that are targeted at reducing instances of Rubber Banding, often experienced in the later part of a round in All-Out Warfare modes.
  • Significantly reduced instances of stuttering when playing on Breakaway. If the Silo’s are destroyed, it should no longer reduce performance on the server.
  • A note that we are continuing to investigate similar occurrences that have been reported to us on other maps.
  • When looking at allies on your team, their names will now correctly display.
  • Adjusted the animations for Falck during the End of Round sequence to ensure that she is displayed correctly.
  • Updated a skin earnable for Boris via Mastery Progression with a new name: Gator.
  • Ensured that TDM Rounds in Battlefield Portal always start with Random Deploy set as active. We observed that this sometimes wasn’t active when moving from round to round, but have now fixed this.
  • Applied a set of measures that ensure the correct number of AI spawn in Custom Battlefield Portal modes using the Free for All preset.
  • PC Only - Enabled Specialist Selection in Hazard Zone via mouse interaction, removing the need to lock in your selection with the Spacebar.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence in Hazard Zone that would sometimes cause the End of Round flow to not activate correctly, ensuring that the correct amount of bonus XP was awarded.
  • Repaired an issue found in Hazard Zone that could cause players to be shown on the Map when they were not visible, or spotted.
  • Provided a fix for Hazard Zone players who were not seeing their Extraction Streaks updating correctly.


The one...the only...
May 4, 2004
Washington DC
I was so pumped for this game because I need a hard reset from Warzone and COD but everything I'm reading has convinced me to wait on this.

I bought it and played it once. I too am waiting for things to settle down before I get into it. The game is in a good place but it’s rough around the edges.


Registered User
Aug 23, 2009
Las Vegas, NV
Very disappointing so far. This is definitely a wait and let them polish before buying. The 10 hour trial was important because this thing is still a glitchy mess and I’m saving my money. I hate it because this game honestly has potential to be the best battlefield if they fix a few things.


2018-19 Cup Champs!
Mar 22, 2012
I have a similar relationship with this game as I did with PUBG a few years ago. I recognize it’s flaws and definitely wish some things were different, but I’m still playing it a ton and having a lot of fun with it. The OP vehicles are my main long term concern. They can absolutely ruin games.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2006
Westchester, NY
After having played Battlefield 1 for a while, I was so disappointed with Battlefield V, so I went back to BF1. Still playing it, too.

For those of you who have played all 3, is the gameplay for 2042 closer to bf1 or COD… I mean bfV?
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Sep 19, 2008
"but major reviewers are paid by ea and won't criticize. It's only us hardcore redditors complaining!!!"



Waiting for Ishbia
Dec 10, 2002
"but major reviewers are paid by ea and won't criticize. It's only us hardcore redditors complaining!!!"

Jack, LevelCap, and the others were all literally caught up in the EA Ronku scandal where they didn't disclose taking money from EA around BF4. They are promotional mouthpieces that should never be trusted because their income is derived from how popular a thing is and there are strict rules around capture events. It doesn't serve them to shit on a game or look the other way when EA is throwing money at them.

Jack has decided that the game is now out and the hit his reputation is taking on every video where he pretends like everything is perfectly fine isn't worth it. That's why "I'm glad Jack is finally being upfront about the current state of the game" is a meme in the comments.

This game needed to come out in Q4 aka March at the earliest. Even then, the core design decisions suck. Without Portal this is an absolutely embarrassing followup to BF4 and won't cut it in the era of F2P Halo and Warzone.
Sep 19, 2008
Jack, LevelCap, and the others were all literally caught up in the EA Ronku scandal where they didn't disclose taking money from EA around BF4. They are promotional mouthpieces that should never be trusted because their income is derived from how popular a thing is and there are strict rules around capture events. It doesn't serve them to shit on a game or look the other way when EA is throwing money at them.

Jack has decided that the game is now out and the hit his reputation is taking on every video where he pretends like everything is perfectly fine isn't worth it. That's why "I'm glad Jack is finally being upfront about the current state of the game" is a meme in the comments.

This game needed to come out in Q4 aka March at the earliest. Even then, the core design decisions suck. Without Portal this is an absolutely embarrassing followup to BF4 and won't cut it in the era of F2P Halo and Warzone.
Jack provides an honest look at the state of the game so not sure what your indignation is here. The game is in a buggy state and I do agree it should have been pushed back. But what are you gonna do. It's out now.

Biggest issues I agree with him on are

- need to seriously cut down on the bugs. I joined today and the game wouldn't end because it was stuck in overtime, and then I went to a portal game, where I couldn't even spawn into the map after joining. At that point I chalked it up to early morning BS and closed the exe. And that's not even counting the "die and can't revive" bug which he brings up

- the server browser damn sucks for Portal. The followed servers show up inconsistently. It showed up today but I venture to guess once it goes 64/64 it'll disappear and I have to tweak the settings just to force it to show up.

- the gameplay seems kind of off, especially when you die and see who killed you for 10 seconds (why can't you be revived at this time?) after which you're stuck squirming on the ground yelling the same catchphrases for 30 seconds. The respawn down time is WAY too long. And even if you space out, there's a respawn timer which is ridiculously stupid. The whole point of Battlefield is that it's a game. You're supposed to die and respawn and die and respawn etc.

That being said if you can get past all that it's actually a pretty decent game that can be fixed. I just wish they'd push these fixes out faster, because on the occasion that you are bugged out of the map or can't spawn, you have to quit the match or as earlier today, exit the game
Sep 19, 2008
I'll never understand the point of a respawn or vehicle timer. The maps are huge as is. Why can't you get a vehicle after the enemy blew yours up? Why do you have to wait 2 minutes?


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
I'll never understand the point of a respawn or vehicle timer. The maps are huge as is. Why can't you get a vehicle after the enemy blew yours up? Why do you have to wait 2 minutes?

There needs to be a penalty for dying to make you careful and encourage you to get better so that you can avoid that waiting around. More importantly, there needs to be a reward for killing others. Those minutes that your victim spends getting back into the fight is precious time for you to capture a flag, heal, ammo up, repair or find a vehicle, yourself. If killed players could rejoin the fight immediately, there'd be no point to killing them or to the game at all.
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Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
I was so pumped for this game because I need a hard reset from Warzone and COD but everything I'm reading has convinced me to wait on this.

To be fair, waiting on BF for at least a year has been a sound strategy since....BF3? 4?

Seems to be getting worse rather than better.
Sep 19, 2008
There needs to be a penalty for dying to make you careful and encourage you to get better so that you can avoid that waiting around. More importantly, there needs to be a reward for killing others. Those minutes that your victim spends getting back into the fight is precious time for you to capture a flag, heal, ammo up, repair or find a vehicle, yourself. If killed players could rejoin the fight immediately, there'd be no point to killing them or to the game at all.

The maps are huge. I'm the only one playing the objective. So I grab a buggy and chase after A1. Then someone blows me up. Fine. But then I have to wait 2 more minutes for another one?

Ostensibly it's to prevent tank camping and hoarding tanks but with how huge the maps are (even in breakthrough) having a vehicle respawn timer is completely and utterly pointless. You made the maps huge as f***. Then you don't offer people a way to travel.

I'm usually not "that guy" but BF2042 has forced me to sit in spawn menu waiting for something to happen. No teammates near a point? Everyone dead? Unable to spawn? "In combat"? Just alt tab out of the game and surf the internet until people want to PTFO...
Sep 19, 2008
Also killed players can rejoin the fight immediately. The respawn timer is so inconsistent that it works on some maps but not others. Hence I just spam space bar after dying and go straight back in without penalty.

It's more fluid this way instead of dying, instantly skipping the kill cam, going to spawn menu with 30 seconds left, and then waiting 10 seconds as a "deployment timer" ticks down.

The game has glaring issues but those are probably the most important. Stop the timers.
Sep 19, 2008
I want to be honest here but the way /r/battlefield2042 has shredded and "cyber bullied" someone's opinion just because it did not fit their definition of "acceptable criticism" is very UNFAIR, and flat out wrong. And this is the toxicity we should be trying to prevent on the internet. But leave it to senseless, hivemind Reddit to bitch and moan about people who are literally doing their job (AND being critical of the game but not throwing a hissy fit like "Angry" Joe)

This is why sites like Reddit are absolute garbage.
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
I think my biggest issue is not being able to map anything to L1 or R1 on playstation. Every time you press either button to map it, the entire menu cycles instead. I want to swap grenades and the attachment wheel so grenades are back to L1. Also when flying on Legacy, there's no use for a teammate menu or whatever it is to call for ammo and stuff since you're flying. I can yaw to the left but not the right because it brings the menu up. If anyone knows a fix, let me know.
Sep 19, 2008
Not very happy with the direction Portal is going in. Barely anyone plays and the servers that do have people have dumb hardcore modes.



~consume enhance replicate~
Aug 2, 2005
Looking at the current patch notes, and I get the feeling that a lot of fixes and changes were in the oven but they were told to just release it anyway.

Can't miss out on those holiday sales! Cause shareholders or something.


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