Windsor Spitfires 2020 Offseason Thread

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Sep 11, 2010
Dont gms speaking glowingly about all players. Hmmm.

Youngstown I am sure must have felt the same way as they picked Catalano in the 2nd round today.
I know we can always count on you for being a source of inspiration and positivity especially in these times.
Looking forward to your next jaw dropping inspiration filled comment.
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Dec 27, 2009
When an incident like that happens something has to give. That said, that kinda stuff went on in likely every ohl team. So something did give, owner felt compelled to sell. In an around about way it did help the team get sold and it all happened at the right time for those guys to buy in up, likely keeping the team from moving. Yes I heard those other cities were interested and yes talks happened. But lucky for us it happened the way it did. If you wanna jump on Downie, that’s your prerogative, but careful casting stones. London has had its fair share of head scratching behaviour over the years. I don’t see folks going after your guys to such an extent!!

No need to be careful lol. Sure London has had knuckleheads. Not sure your point? Bring them up if you choose. I wont condone that behaviour of any player, any team ever. Im not an ever forgiving apologetic, schill for the team I cheer for looking to curry favour of the club.
And no, I disagree "That said, that kinda stuff went on in likely every ohl team" Not at that point in time to the extent it was allowed/ignored or happened (whatever you choose) in Windsor. Prove me wrong and Ill admit it. No problem. Give a me a story that shows it happened in a majority of cities, heck even half. Sounds like an assumption to me but again Ill gladly say Im wrong if you can back it up.
I responded to a post, one I disagreed with.

I still cant see how the dots connect. If it never happened chances are still in favour of the team being in Windsor for alot of reasons JMO.
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Nov 29, 2015
Youngstown I am sure must have felt the same way as they picked Catalano in the 2nd round today.
I know we can always count on you for being a source of inspiration and positivity especially in these times.
Looking forward to your next jaw dropping inspiration filled comment.

Thank u for the inspiration.


Registered User
Jul 28, 2015
I had forgotten about the whole Steve Downie situation in Windsor. Makes me remember back to my Junior C days (1982) and being a rookie. The team I played on had a 1 night rookie party where it was “open season” on the rookies but it was also over and done with that 1 night. Frankly I survived and in later years as a Vet it wasn’t really anything that I participated in I just thought it was a bit childish. They liked to give out unique hair cuts, eye brow tweaks and Sharpie messages to the forehead! Had to wear a hat to school for at least a week those Sharpies messages were tough to remove! Aw 1982 it was a great old time.

By no means am I condoning the actions of anyone or suggesting hazing is an acceptable practice, as always some idiots went way to far!! In today’s enlightened world there is no place.
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Crease Master

Registered User
Dec 17, 2016
When an incident like that happens something has to give. That said, that kinda stuff went on in likely every ohl team. So something did give, owner felt compelled to sell. In an around about way it did help the team get sold and it all happened at the right time for those guys to buy in up, likely keeping the team from moving. Yes I heard those other cities were interested and yes talks happened. But lucky for us it happened the way it did. If you wanna jump on Downie, that’s your prerogative, but careful casting stones. London has had its fair share of head scratching behaviour over the years. I don’t see folks going after your guys to such an extent!!
London still throws bananas at black hockey players, that city has no leg to stand on when criticizing the spitfires. They like to pretend that Windsor is some blue collar dumpwater full of auto working yahoos, while they are a bunch of progressive intellectual sophisticates from a town with a medical school. I've been going to the Windsor arena for years and the WFCU after that, but never once have I seen a banana thrown on the ice by any of our classless fans.
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May 21, 2011
London, Ontario
London still throws bananas at black hockey players, that city has no leg to stand on when criticizing the spitfires. They like to pretend that Windsor is some blue collar dumpwater full of auto working yahoos, while they are a bunch of progressive intellectual sophisticates from a town with a medical school. I've been going to the Windsor arena for years and the WFCU after that, but never once have I seen a banana thrown on the ice by any of our classless fans.
By "London" (in your first sentence), you mean "one" London fan, right? And I would even add one "despicable" London fan, the clown who threw the banana. Which post took a shot at the city of Windsor? I'll delete it, and warn the poster.


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Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
I've been to London on numerous occasions (10-12 times at least?) and, other than some weird drunk college bros on a couple of occasions, their fan base is solid. One person does not make a group, just like if some Spits fan gets into a fight in the stands, it doesn't speak for the entire city. Heck, I've had pre-game meals/drinks with some fans who I've known for years; they're great people. Lumping them all into one, just like any other fan base, doesn't hold water.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2018
See this is why you can’t chirp Windsor because of 1 hazing incident!! Seems every chance knight boy gets he brings up feces disturbing comments! Every team has issues but some folks here like to bring up the bad and amplify it. Another teams fan has no business chirping issues of opposing teams unless his team is pure!! Frankly what is considered out of line isn’t the same for all parties! What offends you may not offend others...
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Registered User
Dec 27, 2009
See this is why you can’t chirp Windsor because of 1 hazing incident!! Seems every chance knight boy gets he brings up feces disturbing comments! Every team has issues but some folks here like to bring up the bad and amplify it. Another teams fan has no business chirping issues of opposing teams unless his team is pure!! Frankly what is considered out of line isn’t the same for all parties! What offends you may not offend others...

Obviously you haven't read all my posts then on here then cause you are incorrect ;) But Im not sure you care.
Interesting you didn't back up your claim almost all teams had similar ongoing hazing incidents, as I questioned. But I get it. Ya cant ;) No biggie. Its a common fall back. You have some good insight but the petty insults are funny esp when ya don't back up your claims.
"Seems every chance knight boy gets he brings up feces disturbing comments" ( again with nicknames lol) Interesting wording but easily proved as hyperbole lol. Posted positive when i see it IMO eg. Cullye deal at time, DiPi draft day of, Morgan trade, good start last year, kidos on Mem Cup host week......... and many others but ignore that cause it doesn't fit your narrative...........Ok but I get it lol.
Is this an only Spits fan carrying card invite forum only?
Is it "Feces throwing" when you trash the Spits org or coaching staff which you do? And ya do more than I.

And to clarify, an idiot fan in London throwing a banana is 10000% wrong and that person is a jerk, should be tossed and never allowed back into the arena.....PERIOD. Any arena. See I got no problem calling out idiots in London.

See I didn't defend a FANS idiots actions. But Ive yet to hear you say Downie's, the Spits or anyone actually involved with the team was wrong in their actions regarding the incident.. And they definitely were, in how it transpired. After all ya think it lead to a sale of the team ;)

A players actions within an organization and how that organization dealt with it is different than a stupid azz person in the stands You cant see that I dunno what to say.
Wanna bring up other "player" actions and ownership response as well? Esp recently? No problem.

Yes a very small % of fans at a game can be idiots. And banana boy I hope was dealt with harshly.

I don't expect answers just like ya couldn't back up your previous claim that most teams did similar.
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Registered User
Dec 27, 2009
London still throws bananas at black hockey players, that city has no leg to stand on when criticizing the spitfires. They like to pretend that Windsor is some blue collar dumpwater full of auto working yahoos, while they are a bunch of progressive intellectual sophisticates from a town with a medical school. I've been going to the Windsor arena for years and the WFCU after that, but never once have I seen a banana thrown on the ice by any of our classless fans.

You do have your preconceived notions about London people I guess I know I don't fit your generalization. Factory Union great grandad, Union dad (37 years) union employee myself ( 17 years) all at same now closed factory lol. But Ok ;) Rant away. Why let facts matter.

So players, people in an organization should be held to same standards as jack ass fans lol. Yes banana boy should be banned for life from all arenas. No doubt. But as someone involved in hockey I hold players/coaches/ staff/ ownership to a higher standard. Simple.

Was the banana a 1 time incident or is it still happening? You seem to imply it has happened on numerous occassions. Hyperbole like Teflon?

The guy that did it had issues. No apologies. But the community here rallied against the action. Just as Spits fans would ( (I hope) Totally wrong but not repetitive as you suggest your post ;)

I actually like Windsor.
Missed going to the U15. HC camp this year cause of this covid.. Usually hit 2 minor team tournies a year as well. Visit a couple times a year for work as well
I like it, enjoy the food n people n pubs
Just me thou. Think what ya choose. So nope not one of the people Londoners you generalized
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Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
See this is why you can’t chirp Windsor because of 1 hazing incident!! Seems every chance knight boy gets he brings up feces disturbing comments! Every team has issues but some folks here like to bring up the bad and amplify it. Another teams fan has no business chirping issues of opposing teams unless his team is pure!! Frankly what is considered out of line isn’t the same for all parties! What offends you may not offend others...

Nobody is really throwing the hazing incident at Windsor it seems. We need to be realistic here the fight in practice if there wasn't any video there's a better chance this hazing incident doesn't come out. In the end though... yes it sucks it happened with Windsor but it's great this was brought to light. Yes it happens in other places Carcillo incident and Jeff Perry for reference. Bring up the bad and amplify it?? Nobody has to do that because hazing and the hot box or shoving a broom stick up a players... at Warren De La Salle high school football party is gross/disgusting and has absolutely zero place in any sport. Considered out of line? I hope you're not trying to distinguish between initiation and hazing or good natured fun. Hazing should offend most caring and well rounded people that actually have a soul.
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Crease Master

Registered User
Dec 17, 2016
By "London" (in your first sentence), you mean "one" London fan, right? And I would even add one "despicable" London fan, the clown who threw the banana. Which post took a shot at the city of Windsor? I'll delete it, and warn the poster.
I choose to paint everyone with the same brush, it saves time on the clean up. We are judged by the company we keep, and you should own what happened the same way Spitfire fans owned what happened with Downie and Aliu. Don't act like it must have been some sheep shagger from Ingersol or one random tractor jockey from Woodstock that threw the banana, it was a London fan. It was one of you, so own it.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2018
Lol gee seems we’ve hit a nerve with KB!! Lol I don’t need to back up my claim, it’s common knowledge and you know it! Well if your as informed as you claim to be, so save your rhetoric for someone else!! Hazing was a right of passage for decades, it happened do not pretend it was only a select few. Sure you occasionally give out a few pats on the back but your also notorious for bringing up the crappy instances, your known to ignite the men cup argument, and you directly call out players by name!! So yea I’m gonna jump on your actions! Your a London fan, there’s a big rivalry between the 2 teams, londonites believe they are better then us down here and you think it’s ok to come onto a Windsor based fan page and chirp?!?!?! I don’t do it on your page and I won’t condone it on this page!!
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May 21, 2011
London, Ontario
I choose to paint everyone with the same brush, it saves time on the clean up. We are judged by the company we keep, and you should own what happened the same way Spitfire fans owned what happened with Downie and Aliu. Don't act like it must have been some sheep shagger from Ingersol or one random tractor jockey from Woodstock that threw the banana, it was a London fan. It was one of you, so own it.
I don't understand the point of your reply. I acknowledged that it was a London fan who threw the banana, denounced the act as "despicable", did not make any comments about other towns or cities. I merely stated that one racist act by a Londoner does not imply all Londoners are racist. Is that not correct?
Never commented on Downie incident either.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2009
Ok Teflon. I get you don't have to back up your claims. No nerves hit lol. All good here.. Just hoping you could learn me up as you seem to know alot, post as such and if you did back it up I would gladly admit I was wrong on here. I posted as much. No biggie.
And Im not that informed obviously as you said as much, nor am I as involved as I previously was in hockey circles Just to clarify that point of yours.
I like the city of Windsor.
Take care. Hopefully we all some hockey at some point in the near future to discuss.
You be you and Ill do as I do ;)
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Nov 23, 2009
southern ontario
Under the same umbrella but different leagues forsure.
how is it possible that gatineau wins the Q draft lottery and along with some deals they made are now picking
1st, 2nd and 4th overall in the upcoming draft.
too funny..
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Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
Under the same umbrella but different leagues forsure.
how is it possible that gatineau wins the Q draft lottery and along with some deals they made are now picking
1st, 2nd and 4th overall in the upcoming draft.
too funny..

Impressive n lucky


Registered User
Dec 27, 2009
Under the same umbrella but different leagues forsure.
how is it possible that gatineau wins the Q draft lottery and along with some deals they made are now picking
1st, 2nd and 4th overall in the upcoming draft.
too funny..

Wow. That's crazy. Play it right and your set. If not GM fired lol.
Don't think I've seen that in any sport, any level with a draft.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2015
Pointing fingers at certain teams for the actions of some players and the actions of their fans is totally unfair. Every team has had players that do inappropriate things. These are teenagers whose brains have not been installed. Anyone that has had teenage kids or remembers their own teenage years should realize. I am definitely not condoning the actions of these players, but if these players were on other teams, the same things would have probably happened with that team.

As far as fans, every team has some idiot fans. However, London has the most because they have the most fans.
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