Why are the Flames a better organization?

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Registered User
Jun 29, 2008
The same flames that are being drooled over in the OP are now 1-4 - and their only win wasn't regulation.

They've been beaten twice by the Jets already, once by the Canucks, and once by the Blues. Not exactly the murderer's row we've been up against.


Wrong forum
Move to Calgary forum please

Don't need this garbage here


Registered User
Jun 29, 2008
Consider: Anaheim is winless, and have scored ONE GOAL in their four games.

Early season struggles happen. To much better teams than ours. I hate saying it, you hate hearing it, but - patience.


Registered User
Jul 22, 2013
I wouldn't say they're the Cardinals, the Wings are to me if anybody in the NHL is.

It's not hard to better than this organization lately, I understand where OP is coming from but wait a couple years to see about Calgary.


Registered User
Aug 15, 2007
They have a better defense.

...That's all I can really say. They're likely to faceplant this year.

Even if they didn't have better defense they work their tails off -- Something EDM refuses to do consistently. And until they do, better defense or not, they aren't going anywhere. :cry:


Registered User
Aug 30, 2009
2 years ago they were just as bad as Edmonton. Last year everyone predicted that they would be a bottom feeder and the players used that as motivation and worked their butts off each game. Their entire roster overachieved last season and things will balance out for them this year. There is no way that they will replicate the number of come from behind and 1 goal wins like they did last season.

Senor Catface

Registered User
Jul 25, 2006
If you add up the last 5 or so years, aren't all 29 year organizations better?

Doesn't seem too hard to do.


Registered User
Aug 14, 2005
Edmonton, AB
You lost me at the Cardinals. The Cardinals have 11 World Series Championships.... THe flames uh uh 1. that isn't close.

The oilers have way more talent, despite our 0-4 start this will become evident soon enough. We will bet the better team perhaps this year. But with out doubt over the next 4-5 years.

Billy Barou

Registered User
Mar 4, 2011
This thread...not sure if serious.

Calgary is a terrible organization and is not better than the Oilers. The Oil will finish ahead of Calgary for the next ten years.

Calgary is so screwed, they are a disaster on the ice and they have Brian Burke. Their fans will be so bitter at the end of the season....it's beautiful.

Flames are better...hah. Thanks for the laughs.

Up the Irons

Registered User
Mar 9, 2008
under Lowe, the Oilers had a philosophy of hiring friends and allowing them to 'learn on the job'.

Calgary decided a few years back to hire people that have already done the job, and proven they can do it well.

that is, essentially, the difference.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2014
First of all I hope that this thread doesn't invite trolling or it will be turfed in a hurry.

As for my take:

1) They got really lucky that Gio became the player that he did. Because he did he mentored Brodie and will mentor Hamilton ad it will allow them to be brought along properly instead of thrown to the wolves.

2) They don't have a losing culture, their team never really tried to tank so their vets never lost their fire and accepted what losing they did have

3) Not simply handing players the keys to the car before they are ready or deserve it.

4) Solid vets

5) They never allowed their youth to get bullied nearly as much as we allowed ours so they don't play timid.

6) Solid coaching instead of duds like Eakins.

7) Better drafting and management in general compared to what we had prior to Chia.

That is one hell of a long list and Chia and McLellan are going to have a ton of pressure on them to undue the stank left from MacT, Tambo and Eakins. They left a **** cloud that doesn't want to leave.



Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
I've paid attention the last few years to them vs. us closely. Things just seem to really fall nicely into place for them, as painful as it is to admit. Things work out, and new players come in, and they're still a respectful organization and club.

They're like the St. Louis Cardinals in baseball. They play baseball the Cardinal way. They'll never be dreadful because of the type of organization they are. It's not acceptable.

The Flames went through their rebuild; and sure enough: they've more just re-tooled than rebuilt.

Meanwhile, year after year after year, we just don't have things 'work out'. I can go into detail on this, but I shouldn't need to.

I am not in the know, I don't follow as closely as some here; so I am wondering what is the reason that the Flames always stay afloat and we never pass them up? I think I can tell it comes down to more than pure talent.

Can we discuss? What are they doing that we are not.
I do have some thoughts on this and I will try and do my best without bias.

I am an Alberta resident but do not live in either Calgary or Edmonton, I do not read newspapers and I usually only visit team websites and sites for national media outlets for my information.
One thing I started noticing over a decade ago is there was that there was always much more information leaked from Edmonton than Calgary. It seemed like there were more rumors of locker room issues (rumors around Salo and I think it was Comrie, then Souray's issues with maangement come to mind), more leaks about players asking for trades (Pronger, Souray... etc.) coming from Edmonton than Calgary.

One thing that stood out to me as something quite unprofessional was during the Pronger fiasco the chairman of the board for the Oilers conducted an interview and talked openly about Pronger requesting a trade. Then I saw how the Flames handled Alex Tanguay's trade request and the Flames flat out denied the rumors until after the season was over to protect Tanguay's image. I think little things like that stick with players and make the organization more desirable for free agents.

Since we started rebuilding one thing I noticed was how we handled our young players. When Monahan made the team at 18 we gave him sheltered minutes on the third line until there was an injury that thrust him into a top 6 role. As a sophomore despite coming off a strong rookie season he was still somewhat sheltered playing on the second line until injuries pushed him onto the top line. It allowed him to develop more so at his pace I think. With Edmonton it seemed like Eberle, Hall, Yak and Nuge were all put into a role that required them to play big roles immediately.

edit: Also luck plays a part. Giordano, Brodie and Gaudreau were quite lucky outcomes.
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I Ain't Even Mad
Mar 28, 2009
Pretty simple. They didn't go scorched earth burn it to the ground like Edmonton did. And they have had better management and coaching, even at their worst. MacT, Tambo and Lowe went full ****** in this thing and didn't really have a plan outside of getting a #1 overall pick.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2010
This thread...not sure if serious.

Calgary is a terrible organization and is not better than the Oilers. The Oil will finish ahead of Calgary for the next ten years.

Calgary is so screwed, they are a disaster on the ice and they have Brian Burke. Their fans will be so bitter at the end of the season....it's beautiful.

Flames are better...hah. Thanks for the laughs.

I've been hearing how the Oilers are going to finish ahead of the Flames for five years now. 'Maybe this'll be the year!'... Probably not.

And how are they screwed? They have a deep blueline, excellent young center depth, they actually put their players in positions to succeed, and Trevling seems to be a GM on the rise.

We finally have NHL-level coaching and management so that closes the gap but until proven otherwise Edmonton is the worst franchise in the league AINEC.

Young Lions*

Registered User
May 27, 2015
In the last 10 seasons, Calgary has exactly one playoff series win. And this is the org that's supposed to be so far ahead of ours? in the past five years, they've been in the same nowhere land the Oilers spent the 2000s, just trying to scrape into the playoffs. They haven't been near the gongshow the Oilers have been, but let's cool it on this model organization talk, maybe save it for a team that's actually accomplished something.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2011
Flames are a try hard organization. They had 1 decent year and now they might regress back hard. Their veterans are also very old so it won't be long before their in hot water again


Registered User
Feb 7, 2008
In the last 10 seasons, Calgary has exactly one playoff series win. And this is the org that's supposed to be so far ahead of ours? in the past five years, they've been in the same nowhere land the Oilers spent the 2000s, just trying to scrape into the playoffs. They haven't been near the gongshow the Oilers have been, but let's cool it on this model organization talk, maybe save it for a team that's actually accomplished something.

Comparing them with the St. Louis Cardinals is up there with some of the most rediculous things that I've read around here.
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