Music: What single artist most drastically affected your taste in music?

Pharrell Williams

watch me whip and nae nae
Sep 15, 2013
a particular place or position.
when i was a teenager i was really cool and only listened to metal (mostly nu metal) and some punk. then i started listening to girl talk and learned to appreciate music of all genres, especially the hippity hop.




was there an artist that got you into a genre you had never explored before and now love, was there an artist that turned you off a certain genre, did you listen to death grips and transcend this dimension, etc


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I think the three big Krautrock bands were the biggest things that blew my mind and opened up the pandora's box for me.
Can, Faust, and Neu!

After that, stuff like Beefheart, Minimalism, and Free Jazz suddenly seemed viable to me, rather than just seeming like incomprehensible noisy nonsense.

I mean, I was into Velvet Underground before that, but I was really still just hanging onto the melodic side of everything at that point.


they praying for the death of a rockstar
Apr 6, 2015
Czech Republic
My whole taste is based on getting an Iron Maiden CD when I was a kid, so that.

After that, Immortal opened up the vast world of extreme metal to me.

Big McLargehuge

Fragile Traveler
May 9, 2002
S. Pasadena, CA
For me there was a holy trinity of bands that were suggested to me when I was 15 - Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, & Pavement - that became the catalyst for what my musical taste evolved into. Modest Mouse definitely had the biggest single influence on both my tastes and my personality.

The musical equivalent to 2001: A Space Odyssey for me. Once I listened to that I was never the same again.

Know Your Enemy

Jul 18, 2004
North Vancouver
My half-assed music taste timeline:

Started off into hip hop ( 8 years old or so at this time)
Then Neil Young and Guns n roses got me into "classic rock"
Motley Crue got me into hair metal (lol)
Slipknot/Deftones got me into Nu-Metal (lol)
Iron Maiden and Metallica got me into actual Metal
Became a huge Rush fan
Guided by Voices and Flaming Lips - Indie Rock (high school)
Became a big Opeth fan and listen to more extreme Metal
Dead Kennedy's warmed me up to punk for a brief time
Pretty Lights surprisingly got me into electronic music. Then I went to an electronic music festival and it totally changed me. I became obsessed with electronic music for a long time(early 20s)
Now I'm just a music nerd and am trying out everything

The bands the I was most obsessed with were Opeth, Guided By Voices and Pretty Lights


Registered User
Jun 10, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

You're four years old, heading to grandma's place which is a five hour drive across the prairies and you parents have it on a country station. It's going to have a big impact.

JS Bach

The very first CD our family bought was a CD of Bach's greatest hits. My older brother would obsessively learn almost the entire keyboard repertoire of his.

Scott Joplin

My brother was obsessively into piano music so he learned and played a lot of ragtime and piano blues. Mostly ragtime. The Entertainer was my grandmother's favourite tune of all time so she would ask my brother to play it all the time.

When I was learning viola, I was being taught Beethoven and it left me flat. I gave up viola but been taking it up now that I know more fiddlers than violinists.

What turne me onto electronic music was not Daft Punk or anything like that. Chris Sheppard's radio show was the avenue there. Favourite band that he played was Capital Sound. But Patti Schmidt's Brave New Waves was a naughty listen when you are twelve years old. I was exposed to Ulrich Schnaus and I got hooked.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
Definitely started on nu-metal cause I was 12 and didn't know any better. Than my mom bought me the Guns N' Roses greatest hits album and it totally changed the game for me.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Ozzy, between solo work and Black Sabbath.

All the guitarists he has recorded with have a heavy part in that as well, as I became a guitarist first and foremost because of them (early '90s, so up to and including Zakk Wylde). I could expand from there into what got me into heavier music and so forth, but it all starts with Ozzy.


There is no armour against Fate
Feb 3, 2008
Black Sabbath was the first band I ever cared about. Slayer were the next. Then probably Morbid Angel and Emperor.

J.S. Bach for baroque music. Alexander Scriabin, Bela Bartok, and Anton Bruckner for Romantic era music. Dmitri Shostakovich and Gyorgy Ligeti as a door into modernism. Arnold Schoenberg for 12-tone/serialism. Giacinto Scelsi for microtonal music.


Dead Can Dance.

King Crimson (Fripp), Gorguts (Lemay and Hurdle), and Derek Bailey for sort of fundamentally changing the way I look at the guitar.


McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006
Not an artist for me, but a composer: Gabriel Faure

If I had to pick an artist, it would probably be Bill Evans.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
Van Halen.

82, 83...I was just becoming aware of pop music. My cousin was a guitar player 6 years older than me...and of course light-years cooler than I ever could be. EVH was THE guitar player, and Van Halen was THE band. The coolest, party-hardiest band of them all. Even disco and punk had nothing on the LA edge which was just starting to crest in popularity over all of them. Okay, in retrospect the poodle rock power ballad era wasn't the best of all possible worlds, but hey, gimme a break, I was nine years old.

But that was still the tipping point. The impression was made. The first album I ever bought with my own money was Pyromania by Def Leppard, but Diver Down and 1984 will always have a special significance to me. Those albums and that band at that time will always be the unassailable cool pie in the sky that no mortal could ever attain. In my heart, I will always be staring upwards in awe at those titans of rock whenever I hear the into to Panama or Drop Dead Legs.

PS: my cousin is now just hitting 50. Give him full credit; he looks amazing for his age. He was also a football player and obsessive health nut who ran triathlons and did the whole Tough Mudder thing as recently as last year.

I played bass and rampaged all over Vancouver's nightclub scene in the grunge and heroin-fuelled 90's, and I'm also still alive. So...yay?


We need more toe-drags/60
Feb 28, 2012
Green Day - Listened to them a ton when I was a small kid. Have to credit them with kicking me off in the direction of punk/rock/metal/Non-Pop music.

Circle Takes the Square - Have absolutely worshipped them for 10+ years, so it would be hard to say they haven't affected my overall tastes. I would say they helped define what I look for today in creativity, originality, emotion, and overall sound in music...even when I'm venturing to different genres

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016
Glenn Danzig..

His work influenced both my tastes in punk (via original Misfits) & metal (late Samhain & solo Danzig).
Also liked his solo classical albums (the Black Arias).

Without the Misfits, I probably wouldn't have got too deep into punk & hardcore.

End of Line

Registered User
Mar 20, 2009

Daft Punk changed everything for me musically


Registered User
Dec 11, 2011
Nashville, TN
I'm 1st generation American my dad is straight off the boat from portugal and mom from Brazil to italian parents. Growing up it was all portuguese music (benfica games when they were on) and Italian music.

Then I went to a friend's house when I was 12 and he played me nirvana nevermind, and green day from there my musical mind was blown. I have since primarily listened to rock from every era from zeppelin to Dave Matthews ands everything in between.

A college buddy did the same for me with country. Except he dragged me to country fest and 3 days of booze and hot girls turned me to a fan..


Registered User
May 1, 2011
The Contortionist with their album Language. You listen to them, you are hooked to the new prog rock/metal scene. If are a musician, you get quite a treat with technical playing, unorthodox time signatures, vocal harmonies like no other, etc.

Papa Francouz

Registered User
Nov 25, 2013
Denver, CO
For me there was a holy trinity of bands that were suggested to me when I was 15 - Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, & Pavement - that became the catalyst for what my musical taste evolved into. Modest Mouse definitely had the biggest single influence on both my tastes and my personality.

The musical equivalent to 2001: A Space Odyssey for me. Once I listened to that I was never the same again.

Came here to say Modest Mouse. Kind of surprised to see it's already been mentioned, to be honest. I'm glad there are other people who listened past their hits, though. I'm thinking Dramamine is the song that had the biggest effect on my musical taste/personality.


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
It would have to be three artists for three different styles of music.

Metallica for me into metal as ...and justice for all just blew me away when I got it in 1989. Right after getting it I went out and got all their previous albums and started listening to heavier music in general like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, etc.

Rush for prog rock/metal. I still remember the first time I heard Tom Sawyer, I just found it amazing and from their became a Rush fan and started learning more about prog music and buying prog albums. I realize that I really loved albums that had a story that was woven in all the songs. Especially these days with the popularity in mainstream music of using online services to listen to one song. Listening to a whole album from start to finish seems to be a lost pastime.

Finally Joe Satriani. First album I listening to was lent to me by a buddy in 9th grade, Flying in a Blue Dream. Was amazed what he could do with a guitar and have been a huge fan ever since. I then branched out to more instrumental music with amazing guitarists.


Registered User
Sep 25, 2013
Edmonton, AB
Honestly I don't think there is one artist that shaped my taste the most. It's a combination of a lot of things.

Like every white kid, I loved Eminem when I was younger, and he is what got me interested in both hip-hop and music in general. My dad was always listening to dad rock in the house and car and that's what got me into guitar music. MF DOOM (Madvillainy in particular) is who got me interested in music outside of the mainstream, and I just went down the rabbit hole from there into other genres.

Most recently it's been My Bloody Valentine and Sweet Trip. Of course I loved Loveless on first listen and that made me check out other shoegaze artists that I now like as well (Slowdive, Ride, Swirlies, etc.). Sweet Trip is more of an anomaly. Their second album is incredible and has quickly become one of my favourite albums of all time. I'm now desperately seeking more albums like it. :laugh:

As far as the music I make goes, of course I wanted to rap like Eminem when I was younger and that led to me making my own boom bap-style hip-hop beats. I still do that but now the stuff I make is mostly an amalgamation of what I'm listening to at the time. I'm going to start up an electronic/shoegaze band with my friend as soon as I'm not horrible at guitar. :laugh:


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