Books: Walking dead comic book and spoilers PART 2.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Dwight was the shadow figure that closed the last ep. He goes to Alexandria with Rosita offering to help Rick and co.

The next ep doesn't look too exciting tbh.

Paul Dipietro

Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
Dwight was the shadow figure that closed the last ep. He goes to Alexandria with Rosita offering to help Rick and co.

The next ep doesn't look too exciting tbh.

Isn't he captured to then offer to cooperate after the "prisoner exchange" takes place?


The Era of Auston
May 29, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Next episode spoilers.

[spoil] Q&A Episode 7.15 "Something They Need"
What happens with the group's encounter at Oceanside?
Using some of the explosives Rick and Co. found on the highway, they are able to corral everyone at Oceanside at one place. Except for Natania and Cyndie. Tara confronts them at gunpoint in their house. Rick tells them they are there to take their guns to fight the Saviors, but they also want them to join them in the fight. They certainly don't want to hurt them. In the end, it seems like most of them want to join Rick, but Natania said no way. Since she's the leader, they bow down and give Rick their weapons (ALL of them).
How does the conversation between Rick and Natania go?
It goes completely nowhere. Natania is finally able to overpower Tara and has a gun pointed to her head. Rick tells Natania that if she kills Tara then she'll die too, but she doesn't care. She'd rather die than to send her people into a battle they can't win. Enid is the one who finally steps up and hits Natania in the head with a rock to level the playing field, but Natania still doesn't bend.
Do Tara and Cyndie talk? Does Cyndie feel betrayed?
At first, but by the end of the episode, Cyndie forgives her. She even thanks Tara for what she's doing (trying to make the world be run by good people instead of bullies like the Saviors).
In the sneak peek we see Gregory looking at his knife with Maggie. Does he consider attacking her? What happens?
Yes, that little slime ball! Maggie asks Gregory to keep watch for walkers while she's planting some vegetables, and the ******* actually considers killing her right there. Shortly after, a walker attacks Gregory. It's obvious he has never killed a walker before. He screams for Maggie like a little girl and she has to save his ass.
What does Negan do when Sasha attacks the Sanctuary?
He locks her in the cell, but it's not quite as bad as Daryl. She still has her clothes, and she's given good food and bedding (oh, and no Easy Street either.) When Negan finally shows up, he basically offers to make her one of his top lieutenants (in time of course) because of her "beachball lady nuts"
After Sasha is taken prisoner, does a Savior try to attack her in her cell? What happens?
Yes, the Savior David comes into her cell and tries to rape her, but Negan walks in on him. In return, David gets a knife through the neck.
How does Eugene feel about Sasha being a prisoner?
He's a little distraught, but ultimately encourages her to join Negan.
What request does Sasha make to Eugene? Why?
She begs Eugene to give her something "to end it." She knows full well Negan's going to use her to hurt her friends, and she can't live with that. Eugene obliges.
She might have been asking for a weapon so she could actually take out Negan. When Eugene slips the suicide pills under the cell door, she seems surprised and upset.
How does the episode end?
It ends with Rick and Co. returning from Oceanside to be greeted by Rosita at the gate. She says they have a visitor, and that's when she leads Rick to Dwight who says he can help. Daryl tries to attack Dwight, but Rosita stops him and says he really wants to help. Then Rick asks if that's true. Dwight says "Yes," and then Rick pulls his gun and orders Dwight to his knees. Fade to black.
* Negan hears from "a little birdie" that Rick is making plans and so he prepares to head to Alexandria. Gregory gets ready to go to the Sanctuary in this episode, but doesn't leave yet so Negan didn't hear it from him.
* Good scene with a mini-herd of some cool looking walkers at Oceanside. Rick and Co have to take them all out.
* Eugene tells Sasha the reason why he has joined Negan is because when he was in that Lucille line-up it was the most scared he's been in his entire life. Then it was "rinse and repeat" when it happened to Glenn. He can't feel that way again, and by being at the Sanctuary that ensures he never will.[/spoil]

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
This finale sounds pretty bad ass.

Mod edit: added spoiler tags.

No TV spoilers - capisce?

I won't ask nicely next time.

- Sasha commits suicide by taking the pill Eugene made for her. Lots of dream sequences talking to Abe and Maggie as she's contemplating whether to do it. She decides to do it while locked in a coffin as The Saviors are on their way to Alexandria. Negan, thinking Sasha is alive, threatens to kill Sasha if Rick doesn't give him all their guns but when Negan opens the coffin, a walker Sasha attacks and tries biting Negan. Later on, Jesus and Maggie put walker Sasha out of her misery.

- The Scavengers turn on Alexandria. They were the "little birdie" that warned Negan of a revolt.

- Maggie's leading the charge at The Hilltop.

- Eugene tries convincing Alexandria to stand down.

- Negan has Carl and Rick lined up for Lucille and Negan tells Rick he's going to kill Carl in front of him and then take Rick's hands. Rick tells him he can do all of that but The Saviors are still going to die. Negan lifts Lucille up to kill Carl, but Shiva appears and attacks a Savior as The Kingdom, with Carol and Morgan, come to the rescue to fight. Maggie and The Hilltop appear to join the fight as well as Negan is disgusted seeing Maggie is still alive. Lots of gunfire and explosions.

- Dwight is with Alexandria. He cuts trees down to impede The Saviors on their way to Alexandria after having a bit of a conflict with Daryl (Daryl threatens to kill him). When Dwight was standing with The Saviors and shooting at Alexandria, Dwight was purposely aiming above everyone's head to avoid hurting anyone. He didn't know about The Junkyard group working with Negan.

- Rick and Rosita get shot but are okay.

- Michonne kills a woman throwing them off a balcony.

- Episode ends with the community leaders (Rick, Maggie, Ezekiel) talking to everyone about the fight. Maggie's voice: To suffer and stand, to grieve, to give, to love, to live. To fight for each other. "Glenn made the decision, Rick. I was just following his lead." Episode ends with Hershel's watch shown and a glimmer of sunshine on it.
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Pocket Hercules

Business in the front, party in the back.
Jun 19, 2008
York Region
Haven't read the thread so forgive me if this has already been asked...Is Jadis suppose to be the TV series version of Alpha?


Scorched Earth
Oct 20, 2012
Southbridge, MA
The Scavengers are far too simple minded and small in numbers to be an acceptable equivalent of the Whisperers but with the writing this season had who can say for sure

Pocket Hercules

Business in the front, party in the back.
Jun 19, 2008
York Region
You bring up some good points as Alpha and the Whisperers are prominent characters within the Alexandria storyline arc. I'm just thinking how the tv show writers have "hybridized" some of the characters and plot twist in the later seasons. Recent examples are, Sasha = Andrea/Holly, Denise's death = Abraham's death etc. It just seems weird that Jadis is a strong female leader of the group with some of Alpha's attributes, being a full blown sociopath and all. I hope I'm wrong as I really want to see Alpha and the Whisperers fleshed out on the TV series.

Paul Dipietro

Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
There's simply no way they're bypassing the Whisperers with the Scavengers. The trend on the show is to stretch the comic material for all its worth or simply make stuff up and run with that


Scorched Earth
Oct 20, 2012
Southbridge, MA
Am I alone in thinking Negan has no chance of surviving all out war? It seems show Rick is way more bent on killing him than comic Rick ever was

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
If viewership keeps declining and they pull the plug after All Out War, do you have a choice? I mean... they do have a lot of comic material to run 12-14 seasons considering how much they love to stretch ****, but does some of this comic material after AOW even make TV? Do viewers just lose interest and/or AMC finds a new cash cow? It's not likely, but I wouldn't be completely shocked. I know the show runners have said they want at least 12 seasons, but that's just too much. You could realistically end it after All Out War.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2004
If viewership keeps declining and they pull the plug after All Out War, do you have a choice? I mean... they do have a lot of comic material to run 12-14 seasons considering how much they love to stretch ****, but does some of this comic material after AOW even make TV? Do viewers just lose interest and/or AMC finds a new cash cow? It's not likely, but I wouldn't be completely shocked. I know the show runners have said they want at least 12 seasons, but that's just too much. You could realistically end it after All Out War.

If ratings go down in season 8, they'll have to change something. Not following the comings and doing the same rinse/repeat of having a new group and fight them. As cool as the whisperers are, the TV show will need something different. Some kind of resolution to the zombie problem. At one point, everything needs to end and you can't finish the show having the same problems and the same groups of vilains battling for power. Unless of course the show gets cancelled and they can't finish things properly.

Bixby Snyder

May 11, 2005
If ratings go down in season 8, they'll have to change something. Not following the comings and doing the same rinse/repeat of having a new group and fight them. As cool as the whisperers are, the TV show will need something different. Some kind of resolution to the zombie problem. At one point, everything needs to end and you can't finish the show having the same problems and the same groups of vilains battling for power. Unless of course the show gets cancelled and they can't finish things properly.



Registered User
Oct 28, 2016
Ratings were down for sure but the show was still a monster in ratings I don't see anything changing.

And it sucks how some things they stretch out alot yet others they just finish in like 2 episodes (cannibals)


The Hockey Library
May 13, 2003
Well that was a tough issue to get through. :(

Glad Kirkman didn't pull a Glenn "dumpster moment" but it was still tough. It's hard not to get attached to these characters after nearly 170 issues, and counting.


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