News Article: Troy Mann relieved of duties.

Alf Silfversson

Registered User
Jun 8, 2011
Other than being Trent's brother (who himself has a mixed bag of a track record) I don't see what Troy has ever really done for the Senators.

This is no big loss to me. Might be a good sign that Bowness is flexing a bit more power too.
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つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Jan 8, 2007
Bowness mentions cohesion of play between NHL and AhL? Does he believe that DJ will be sticking around?

That's the big glaring issue here. Do they think the problem is with Belleville and not Ottawa???

Ya this is shocking. There must have been a really nasty argument to have a firing this late at night.

Sucks to lose Mann a genuine asset for this team and has done more for us development wise than a lot of AHL coaches before him. His bro will likely be following his footsteps.

Uh, no. Coaches don't get fired based on an argument. This must have been in the works for some time.
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Out rumptackling
Oct 3, 2010
It is super hard to evaluate his performance (or the performance of the team) given the roster he had to work with. The good players didn't stick in Belleville too long or at all, and injuries and the rebuild at the NHL level meant they rarely played with a full roster.

All I know is that he sounded like a smart and informed guy in his interviews. Of the two brothers, he's actually the one I felt was the more valuable one, as I haven't been all that impressed by the other Mann's drafting skills, with all the emphasis on the "intangibles". (Ridly Greig is probably the one good pick I'm happy to credit to his crew)

I wonder if the fact that Greig and Kastelic were sent down, but without any plans to play them could have led to some nasty blow up between Troy Mann and Dorion?

This firing is scary for another reason, which is that Dorion still has enough power to do something like that and therefore the power to make other big decisions.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2012
Very odd and I hope we hear what's up as this just has a poor look to it.

The record isn't great so not shocking in that regard but the org has always seemed high on him.


Do The Right Thing
Aug 8, 2004
I'm not even really bothered by Mann's firing. It's the fact that DJ has done even less with better players and there's been precious little improvement in team play yet he remains firmly in place?

Not sure anyone in this org knows wtf they're doing.
There has been all kinds of improvement with Ottawa, their PP is one of the best in the league & their PK has also been doing well, their special teams is much improved. Last yr they were out of the playoff race in November, we are into Feb & they are still technically in it, clearly improved. This is a young team & they have had more than their share of injuries & they are still in it. It takes a long time before they mature enough to be a playoff team & longer to contend for a cup. Look how old Tampa's best players were before they started winning cups.

Trent Mann was part of the 2020 draft that got us Stutzle who so far has been the best player drafted from that draft. Sanderson is turning into a superstar & Greig looks like he is going to be a very good player as well for this team. Pinto is turning into a good player too, Tkachuk is a stud & although Batherson is having a crappy season defensively we know what he can do offensively & should also get much better. This team looks like they are on the right path & although there are many who are constantly jumping on & off the band wagon with every win & loss it's clear they have a very good young core that is only going to get better. Most analysts had them missing the playoffs this yr & it's probably likely they will although they are still in it today. Credit where credit is due, they are improved.


We are team
Oct 12, 2013

Ok so wording matters here, they didnt say fired and he didnt say quit

The only reasonable explanation is that he got a career changing offer? Or something else came up legally? Idk just talkin


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
A big reason so many fans cared about Troy Mann was he was an honest, steady, straight-forward hand in a Dorion/Melnyck led shit storm where I think many many in the fansbase felt the Sens organization was untrustworthy and desperate.

let’s see where it goes - seems super strange


Registered User
Mar 8, 2006
This will be a shock to the whole 'Troy Mann is the next Ottawa coach' crew. He's long been overrated by people who clearly don't watch any Belleville Senators hockey.

Belleville hasn't exactly been a developmental powerhouse for us recently. Other than Batherson, Norris and I guess Nick Paul not a ton of quality has actually come up through the system, and personally I think a guy like Norris probably develops no matter who his coach was. On the flip side, how many players have stagnated down there? Plenty. That's not all on the coaching staff, but it has to be accounted for.

Results have been bad too. No playoff appearances in 5 seasons, though he was robbed of one in the COVID year. I think his systems are a little outdated for the modern game. Very passive. Team is regularly dominated territorially and has a ton of trouble generating anything at 5-on-5.

He's a good interview, but so was Kurt Kleinendorst. You have to produce.

Now do DJ and Dorion.

We’re shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic and letting people who should be fired do the firing.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2021
This makes no sense. I don't get what it does. Does it accomplish something?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
That's the big glaring issue here. Do they think the problem is with Belleville and not Ottawa???

Uh, no. Coaches don't get fired based on an argument. This must have been in the works for some time.

They can if the argument reveals a core disagreement.

Lots of relationships, professional or romantic, can end with a long argument that reveals truths the other side does not want to deal with.

Not saying that this is what happened, but it's not exactly uncommon in the walks of life...that when push comes to shove, it's revealed that there's a lack of alignment in foundational beliefs.

I mean, didn't that literally happen to our president like a year or two? Where he and Melnyk got in an argument and he was fired months after starting because of a core argument.

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
Oy...I wonder what happened.

I just hope we don't lose Trent. Dude has good eyes for young talent (even as assistant GM).


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