Rumor: Tim Leiweke Not Happy in Toronto


Your way out in left field on this one, its taken way out of context. Although I did not listen to what was said.

Tim is "not happy" about the situation one of the team he looks after now is in. That team being the leafs.

He is showing his passion by stating his honesty that this team has no identity, culture and all that stuff and more than anything wants to field a winner.

If he wasn't happy in T.O then he wouldn't have hired Shanahan and would have left already.

You saying it was out of context what he said and then admit you didn't even listen to what he said :facepalm:


Registered User
Feb 18, 2008
:laugh: that's the show i was thinking of but I couldn't remember it. the Littlest Hobo!

yeah - Like don't get me wrong - if Lieweke hates it here, then he hates it here, whatever. But what I'm arguing is that I doubt very much he's going to go until he sees the roots of what he needs to make set, sets, and that everything is on the right path.

It's different here than it was in LA for him because he doesn't have to sell anything here other than we're going to get better. In LA he had to build everything or had a hand in it.

so - will i be shocked if Lieweke steps down say in 6ish years? kind of but not if all the teams are viable and we've won a cup (please oh please). But I call a foul if people are expecting me to believe that he hates it here and he wants to go in a year or two after he just went in front of a camera and said, we're in this for the long haul/

something tells me he is long gone before the next 2 years finish.

if it's issues with his bosses, if those issues threaten his red hot reputation , a highly astute man like himself will get out before he is tarnished.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2013
:laugh: that's the show i was thinking of but I couldn't remember it. the Littlest Hobo!

yeah - Like don't get me wrong - if Lieweke hates it here, then he hates it here, whatever. But what I'm arguing is that I doubt very much he's going to go until he sees the roots of what he needs to make set, sets, and that everything is on the right path.

It's different here than it was in LA for him because he doesn't have to sell anything here other than we're going to get better. In LA he had to build everything or had a hand in it.

so - will i be shocked if Lieweke steps down say in 6ish years? kind of but not if all the teams are viable and we've won a cup (please oh please). But I call a foul if people are expecting me to believe that he hates it here and he wants to go in a year or two after he just went in front of a camera and said, we're in this for the long haul/

You know Daisy why can't we ever have full happiness in Leaf land? Like I was excited about the Shanahan hiring because I admire the guy and think he will do a good job. But no, we can't have just one day of joy, a story has to come along and add a negative and it looks like some people here are upset. This is a good day and I'm not letting it get ruined. Shan's the man now and I have to believe today we are turning the corner for the Toronto Maple Leafs!

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
What bothers me is that he put the Raptors and TFC as first priority over the Leafs. Not that they don't deserve any attention but as put, the Leafs are the golden goose of MLSE and on a business stand point, you'd want that to get top priority as they rake in the most money.

Leafs were in the playoffs.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
He hasnt made his mark until there is a nfl team in toronto... must of been told that is impossible :sarcasm:


Registered User
Apr 6, 2009
It's pretty crazy that the Leafs are owned by two such bitter rivals. that can't be fun to deal with as CEO.

What rivalry? The ones who shake hands behind closed doors to provide the EXACT same plans for the EXACT same price?

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
OK. Just listened to the clip.

The sky is not falling.
He pretty much says "I was brought here to do a job, im going to do it. I dont plan on staying in Toronto forever, but im going to my job".

As for Bell and Rogers, I dont think they stay together for more then 3 more years.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2008
TO be fair, it was a pretty brutal winter. The worst in many many years. Imagine that was your first taste of a new city.

OH, and he has ALWAYS said that his plan is to move back to California.


Donec nunc annum
Jul 8, 2011
Your way out in left field on this one, its taken way out of context. Although I did not listen to what was said.

Tim is "not happy" about the situation one of the team he looks after now is in. That team being the leafs.

He is showing his passion by stating his honesty that this team has no identity, culture and all that stuff and more than anything wants to field a winner.

If he wasn't happy in T.O then he wouldn't have hired Shanahan and would have left already.

You're joking right? Please use one of the smilies in future or people will think you are serious.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
You know Daisy why can't we ever have full happiness in Leaf land? Like I was excited about the Shanahan hiring because I admire the guy and think he will do a good job. But no, we can't have just one day of joy, a story has to come along and add a negative and it looks like some people here are upset. This is a good day and I'm not letting it get ruined. Shan's the man now and I have to believe today we are turning the corner for the Toronto Maple Leafs!

I know, and I hear you. I'm not going to let this get me down because I think a smart guy hired a smart guy respected by a lot of smart guys by organizations that know how to win. the media here are harpies and wouldn't be happy even when the Leafs win the cup.. and it's tough, and Shanny said it best. winning and (excuse me whilst I put words in his mouth, being respectable) fixes a lot of problems. but its the media's job to keep everyone engaged with all things Leafs. Like I said everyone was to lalalla happy so now you lob this bomb and now people are fretting and miserable.

whatever. like i said i always choose to be happy about things until i see that it's a problem then I'll be cranky. :laugh:


Jan 3, 2007
San Francisco
Leiweke also hates Rob Ford and has ripped him in the media several times, and in his position he probably has to interact with the mayor and some of the other clowns from City Hall on a fairly regular basis. That place is even more of a gong show than the Leafs, so that can't be fun. Toronto seems to support bad sports teams in a way few other cities would, so the whole political situation has kind of been a big eye opener for me. it makes me wonder if there's a widespread cultural bias against holding public figures accountable.

With the Leafs, we rip them apart at the end of the year when they fail, but ultimately people forget after a few weeks. By the time next season rolls around this place will be bubbling with optimism again. We'll be excited about the possibility of making the playoffs under a new coach. Everyone will be pimping their favourite Leaf and projecting new career highs. We'll have a couple of shiny new players we'll all be looking forward to seeing. We'll have a new batch of draft picks to follow and our prospects will be a year closer and we'll be bursting at the seams with anticipation. It will be Next Year(tm).

Leiweke wants to instill a new culture in the team, but what if he's come to the depressing realization that the losing culture is a product of the city itself, and that even he isn't capable of fixing things?


Jun 12, 2010
What does this speculation have to do with him building quality teams? It's his job, and he has a reputation to uphold.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2009
What does this speculation have to do with him building quality teams? It's his job, and he has a reputation to uphold.

My thoughts exactly. What do people expect? That he'll stay here forever? If he wanted to stay in one place forever, he wouldn't have left LA. His job is to build successful teams and when he's done, best of luck to him in his future endeavors.

Albeit in his recent interview with George Strombolopolous, he sounded excited to be here and it was a great interview.


Registered User
Mar 2, 2007
This is NOT out of context. Bob McCown brought this up on PTS a few weeks ago - it is a real rumor that Tim L is already planning his exit, because him and/or his wife do not like Toronto.

and i say GOOD RIDDANCE, hope the Leaf history is being placed back on the walls as he's being escorted out by security.

and tear down that garbage Bon Jovi (Tim L's best friend) banner he had put up for the "ACC Hall of Fame". American coming in and taking down Canadian content and replacing it with a banner of his best buddy? it was disgusting and I can't believe there wasn't much pushback.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2010
LA righted their ship pretty much the same year they won a Cup. How long did he stay after that happened? Not very long. He answered the question in terms of long term and short term plans. He didn't come here with the intention of finishing off his career with MLSE. He came here with a certain job to do and once that job is done, he'll move on to another opportunity - much the same way he moved on from LA once his job was done there.

So he's not going to retire and move all of his assets to Toronto. Big whoop. Sounds like he's committed to seeing his plans through. He hates losing and if the end result is that he has to win, then hating the winter and not loving the city will work in our favour because it means he's going to work twice as hard to get results so he can get the hell out of here, haha.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
LA righted their ship pretty much the same year they won a Cup. How long did he stay after that happened? Not very long. He answered the question in terms of long term and short term plans. He didn't come here with the intention of finishing off his career with MLSE. He came here with a certain job to do and once that job is done, he'll move on to another opportunity - much the same way he moved on from LA once his job was done there.

So he's not going to retire and move all of his assets to Toronto. Big whoop. Sounds like he's committed to seeing his plans through. He hates losing and if the end result is that he has to win, then hating the winter and not loving the city will work in our favour because it means he's going to work twice as hard to get results so he can get the hell out of here, haha.

:laugh: because guess what Tim... winter is coming!

this season rock

Registered User
Mar 21, 2014
Leiweke also hates Rob Ford and has ripped him in the media several times, and in his position he probably has to interact with the mayor and some of the other clowns from City Hall on a fairly regular basis. That place is even more of a gong show than the Leafs, so that can't be fun. Toronto seems to support bad sports teams in a way few other cities would, so the whole political situation has kind of been a big eye opener for me. it makes me wonder if there's a widespread cultural bias against holding public figures accountable.

With the Leafs, we rip them apart at the end of the year when they fail, but ultimately people forget after a few weeks. By the time next season rolls around this place will be bubbling with optimism again. We'll be excited about the possibility of making the playoffs under a new coach. Everyone will be pimping their favourite Leaf and projecting new career highs. We'll have a couple of shiny new players we'll all be looking forward to seeing. We'll have a new batch of draft picks to follow and our prospects will be a year closer and we'll be bursting at the seams with anticipation. It will be Next Year(tm).

Leiweke wants to instill a new culture in the team, but what if he's come to the depressing realization that the losing culture is a product of the city itself, and that even he isn't capable of fixing things?

Man ... that what i'm afraid of ...


Jun 12, 2010
This is NOT out of context. Bob McCown brought this up on PTS a few weeks ago - it is a real rumor that Tim L is already planning his exit, because him and/or his wife do not like Toronto.

Still don't care. As long as he does his job.


Free rent for Mo?
Oct 14, 2011
Leiweke also hates Rob Ford and has ripped him in the media several times, and in his position he probably has to interact with the mayor and some of the other clowns from City Hall on a fairly regular basis. That place is even more of a gong show than the Leafs, so that can't be fun. Toronto seems to support bad sports teams in a way few other cities would, so the whole political situation has kind of been a big eye opener for me. it makes me wonder if there's a widespread cultural bias against holding public figures accountable.

With the Leafs, we rip them apart at the end of the year when they fail, but ultimately people forget after a few weeks. By the time next season rolls around this place will be bubbling with optimism again. We'll be excited about the possibility of making the playoffs under a new coach. Everyone will be pimping their favourite Leaf and projecting new career highs. We'll have a couple of shiny new players we'll all be looking forward to seeing. We'll have a new batch of draft picks to follow and our prospects will be a year closer and we'll be bursting at the seams with anticipation. It will be Next Year(tm).

Leiweke wants to instill a new culture in the team, but what if he's come to the depressing realization that the losing culture is a product of the city itself, and that even he isn't capable of fixing things?

Last call for Anti-depressants...


McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006
All of which begs the question how much more does Leiweke have to do in Toronto. What does he do after appointing Shanahan, who is to the Leafs what Ujiri is to the Raptors, the guy to set things right? What is Leiweke's job from here on out? The Leafs already spend to the cap, plus Leiweke admits that he's not a hockey guy. If Shanahan takes the reins quickly, what point is there in Leiweke hanging around? He'd make an awfully expensive security blanket.


Registered User
Jun 15, 2013
Leiweke also hates Rob Ford and has ripped him in the media several times, and in his position he probably has to interact with the mayor and some of the other clowns from City Hall on a fairly regular basis. That place is even more of a gong show than the Leafs, so that can't be fun. Toronto seems to support bad sports teams in a way few other cities would, so the whole political situation has kind of been a big eye opener for me. it makes me wonder if there's a widespread cultural bias against holding public figures accountable.

With the Leafs, we rip them apart at the end of the year when they fail, but ultimately people forget after a few weeks. By the time next season rolls around this place will be bubbling with optimism again. We'll be excited about the possibility of making the playoffs under a new coach. Everyone will be pimping their favourite Leaf and projecting new career highs. We'll have a couple of shiny new players we'll all be looking forward to seeing. We'll have a new batch of draft picks to follow and our prospects will be a year closer and we'll be bursting at the seams with anticipation. It will be Next Year(tm).

Leiweke wants to instill a new culture in the team, but what if he's come to the depressing realization that the losing culture is a product of the city itself, and that even he isn't capable of fixing things?

I don't even know what to say to this. It's so ridiculous. Wow.



Yella King

Registered User
Mar 15, 2014
Leiweke brings a winning first attitude to the organization

it's not that hard to copy that attitude - don't accept making the playoffs as a success and that is what is wrong with the organization

when winning is the absolutely only thing that matters, you have a winning culture (a.k.a Leiweke culture)


Registered User
Nov 4, 2009
OK. Just listened to the clip.

The sky is not falling.
He pretty much says "I was brought here to do a job, im going to do it. I dont plan on staying in Toronto forever, but im going to my job".

As for Bell and Rogers, I dont think they stay together for more then 3 more years.

It wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement/denial given the question.

Cox hinted at Leiweke's future and it sounds like Brunt has heard the same thing.

I don't think he wants to be here. He's still a professional, he'll still do his job, but I agree with the impression that he seems to be looking for an exit in the near-to-not too distant future.

Can't say I blame him. That boardroom must be an absolute mess with Bell and Rogers at each other's throats.


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