OT: The Thread About Nada Thing Part 202 (Not Much going on these days) Pfffffft

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Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
Speaking of storms, the models for the next one (Irma) currently has predictive members heading all the way up the coast, as well as other members showing it going out-to-sea. If the former is correct, it would be one of the worst storms we've seen in years, so lets root for the latter.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2003
1 week to bow season and I'm not finding any big bucks so far :(

Lots of little ones though.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2003
I've seen some decent ones around hunterdon and warren counties. I saw a 6 point buck the other day

Is that where you are from? Lots of deer in that area. Really, there are lots of deer everywhere.

I love that part of New Jersey. I've contemplated moving there a few times but it would make my commute close to an hour. And, my days for New Jersey are numbered. I thought for sure I'd already be out and living out West.


Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
1 week to bow season and I'm not finding any big bucks so far :(

Lots of little ones though.

All does and a few spikes for me. Not like last year when I had 3 big bucks on camera by now.

I have no intention of doing EAB anyway, but I hope things pick up by October.

my days for New Jersey are numbered. I thought for sure I'd already be out and living out West.

Everyone's are.

The most moved-from state in the US


Registered User
Oct 28, 2008
Ocean County
Prior to having kids i would've left NJ. Having had two kids, one two months ago, I want to stay so they have their relationships with family members and our friends, but man I'd love to sell here and move. Florida is so appealing to me, aside from Hurricanes.


Travis Green BLOWS! Bring back Nasreddine!
May 1, 2011
Prior to having kids i would've left NJ. Having had two kids, one two months ago, I want to stay so they have their relationships with family members and our friends, but man I'd love to sell here and move. Florida is so appealing to me, aside from Hurricanes.
The timing of my next statement is looking really suspect right now, but we've had fewer hurricanes/tropical storms here since I moved than Jersey has. That's only over a 6 year sample size, so it's not the rule. Just sort of ironic.

I hadn't officially moved here yet when Irene came to Jersey in 2011, I moved 3 weeks later. I was down here by the time Sandy came in 2012. I also remember the November 2009 Nor'Easter delivering a bit of a blow in Jersey. It's been fairly quiet here in 6 years. We had Matthew on the East Coast of the state last October. We've had a few tropical storms, which are really nothing for this area. Now I'm on the Gulf Coast, so it all depends on what part of the state. Homeowners insurance is brutal down here, mostly based on hurricane threat. There hasn't been a storm that has badly devastated Tampa/St Pete in quite some time, but we're more equipped to deal with hurricanes than up in Jersey, just due to the building codes, roofing, etc. They're rated to handle winds and gusts of well over 100 MPH.

That said, Irma looks frightening. Hoping it turns out to sea still, but it's not looking good. As of two days ago, the models had it heading into New York/New Jersey territory and others had it heading straight into DC, after landfall in the Mid Atlantic.

Tonight, it's looking like Miami/the Keys/South Florida.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2008
Ocean County
Looked up the average homeowners in Florida and it says $171, NJ is $91. That's a huge difference. My homeowners is less than that. Taxes in my town aren't bad either. They're still high but compared to some neighboring towns not horrible. It's just becoming increasingly appealing to leave NJ.

The Wumpus

bottomless pit supervisor
May 9, 2011
Morristown, NJ
I'd be more keen on staying in NJ long-term if the state had half or even a third as many people as it does.

Two years working in quiet central New Hampshire absolutely killed my tolerance for traffic and crowding.

I like NJ and have compelling family and employment reasons to stick around for a while, but looking into the next decade, the west beckons. Mountains, open space, and quiet.


Nope, still embarassed
Oct 14, 2013
Jersey Shore
Prior to having kids i would've left NJ. Having had two kids, one two months ago, I want to stay so they have their relationships with family members and our friends, but man I'd love to sell here and move. Florida is so appealing to me, aside from Hurricanes.

And with two kids, putting them through a Florida school system should make you shudder.


Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
Prior to having kids i would've left NJ.

I'm the opposite; having kids would likely speed up my departure from NJ.

Only thing is, I dont know where to go. I'd likely join everyone else in Eastern Pennsylvania. That said, my significant other loves Utah and we are skiers. She'd move to Utah in a second, and reminds me of this fact every few weeks. Plus, the economy in Utah is BOOMING. Colorado and Idaho are booming too, though I've never been to Idaho. I've been to Colorado, but liked Utah better.

Tonight, it's looking like Miami/the Keys/South Florida.

Here's the most recent spaghetti plots from the Euro. Looks like the Keys are going to get bashed, which makes me sad because I love the Florida Keys. :(



Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
Is it that much worse there?

Florida is a huge state, so it really depends where in Florida you'd be referencing.

That said, New Jersey is a small state, and it really depends where in New Jersey you'd be referencing as well. Well have solid public schools, and we have hell-holes. Just like Florida.

Short Story: My brother put his kid in a Catholic school in Florida because he wasn't happy with the quality of the public school teachers.*

*Long Story: My nephew was in 1st grade, and one day he comes home from school and has this conversation with my brother:

NEPHEW: Dad, can I axe you something?
MY BROTHER: You mean ask me something?
NEPHEW: No, axe.
MY BROTHER: (confused) Do you mean you need to ask me a question?
NEPHEW: Yes, I need to axe you a question.
MY BROTHER: It's ask, not axe.
NEPHEW: No it isn't, it's axe.
MY BROTHER: Who told you that?
NEPHEW: My teacher, Mrs. _______.

So my brother sets up an appointment with the principal, because he's understandably worried his kid is being taught improper English. That conversation goes something like this:

MY BROTHER: (Explains/recounts the conversation above, as well as a few other incorrect English examples discovered after grilling my nephew on what he's "learned" in English class)
PRINCIPAL: Yes. And what's the problem?
MY BROTHER: Uhhh, well, your English teacher is teaching the children incorrect English.
PRINCIPAL: No she isn't.
MY BROTHER: Did you listen to everything I just told you?
PRINCIPAL: Yes, but what you fail to understand is that Mrs. _____ is African-American, and you're not being culturally sensitive to her dialect.
MY BROTHER: (after he lifts his jaw off the floor) Your race has absolutely nothing to do with the English language. There's proper English, and there's improper English. Period.
PRINCIPAL: You're an ignorant, unevolved, simpleton. (okay, this last line never happened, but that was my brother's takeaway)

Needless to say, that was my nephew's last day of public school in Florida, and he started Catholic school the next week.
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Registered User
Feb 19, 2003
If your nephew would stop axing questions none of this would be an issue.

billingtons ghost

Registered User
Nov 29, 2010
I don't want to get into it - but I'm having a meeting with the math teacher today, because of this word problem. The final question is: Who should the coach put in?

FT% 3ptFG% FG%
Corey 15/19 2/7 50/100
Matt 15/18 2/8 55/90
Kim 16/18 2/5 50/110

The answer, according to the book, is Kim. Because both her FT% and 3-ptFG% are better than the others (and the fact that the coach will get fired for being a sexist pig...sorry for my aside).

Never mind that Matt is killing it from the low post and that you take a heck of alot more shots from the field than from the stripe or from 3point land.

If you're going to bother to make a textbook that includes real-life examples - please at least present enough info to let the kids make a correct choice.

PS. You might not want to move west. It's snowing ash on my house outside of Portland,OR as we speak.


Try Brubag*****
Feb 21, 2007
I can only vouch for somethings, but I had noticed the difference in education. I moved from NJ to Illinois, and now I am just North of Charlotte in Lake Norman. I noticed the difference with my kindergartner right away from the Illinois school we left. However, that was in the area I rented on the more Southern part of town... We now live in a very transient part of town with most folks from the Northeast or Central states. What the school lacks in funding from the state (and believe me...We don't get mouch since its an affluent area), is made up from our ridiculously strong PTO, and rather large donations.

You notice right away that the Taxes here are tremendously lower. My 300k house on just over 1/8th acre in Illinois was roughly $9k/year in taxes. My $400k house on 1/2 acre, with view of lake norman, Deeded Boat slip, and community pool is just over $2100/yr with my HOA/Slip fees adding on an additional 1200/yr. Take the good with the bad...
You can go the Private/catholic school or lottery into one of the Charter schools. So yeah, the taxes are not going to the schools like they do in NJ... I know its always been a knock on the south that the schooling is far behind, and to a degree it is, but is relative o where you are as it would be in NJ. You can argue the schools in Sussex vs Bergen all day.

I am not saying either is better. Obviously as a kid growing up in Northern NJ, I am eager to say my education was better at this point, but a lot can be said for parent involvement. We tutor our children on top of the school, not necessarily cause they need it, but to further educate.
What is more interesting, was that a big part of why we moved here was for the State Colleges and how well they perform, and the cost analysis with the quality furthering education and in-state tuition.

I see more and more folks from NJ and NY, PA, Ill, MIch, and Ohio everyday moving here... My daughters come home from school all the time and say we have a new kid in class. I ask where they are from.... 9 time out of 10, it isn't from a local area...When I meet he parents, its almost always' We had to get out, The taxes are just ridiculous. And the pissed of NY'ers are now happy southerners!! transition is amazing!

Not sure where I was really going with this, but figured to share some of my north to south experiences.

And Y'all is the NJ form of you guys!
My kids often times say stay'ers (stairs) but I am think its just jokingly until it becomes the norm...
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Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
I moved from NJ to Illinois, and now I am just North of Charlotte in Lake Norman.

I feel like my entire high school graduating class is either in the Carolinas or Virginia. Same list of reasons as discussed - similar pay, lower cost of living, drastically lower taxes.

One of my best friends from college moved there about 10 years ago, somewhere near you outside of Mooresville. That area's booming too, seems like everything is brand new construction.


aka Zippo
Aug 17, 2012
New Jersey
Biggest problem with people moving from NJ is there's very few colleges in the state.

Almost every person goes to school outside the state and some just never want to come back.


Try Brubag*****
Feb 21, 2007
I feel like my entire high school graduating class is either in the Carolinas or Virginia. Same list of reasons as discussed - similar pay, lower cost of living, drastically lower taxes.

One of my best friends from college moved there about 10 years ago, somewhere near you outside of Mooresville. That area's booming too, seems like everything is brand new construction.

You should visit him whenever you can!
Where in Mooresville?
I actually Live in Mooresville on the Lake side off Brawley School Rd.(i'm the guy with the JRZ DVLS plates!) It is booming, they are building a lot of houses, but I hope they keep the sprawl to a minimum.. Sadly I don't think they will, and the infrastructure is not ready for it. I live just before Trump National Golf Course and The Pointe. We've been here about 4 years now and have seen a ton of growth.
We had the same thing happen in Aurora/Naperville Illinois, but we bought new construction there and learned our lesson from that. Its all about Location!!! Since we couldn't afford to live on the lake, we got the next best thing; Lake view with Lake access. But paid attention to the surrounding area, living in a matured neighborhood, knowing that in our radius, they could not develop much more. It's beautiful here and we do get some cold and snow. But I can be out on the lake 12 months a year with the tri-toon.

Believe it or not, but the Deeded slip adds about $25k-$30k to the house and makes them more desirable since nearly all the new construction is limited. With the fees of only $400/year on the dock, its a no brainer. To rent a slip is anywhere from $175 (if you're lucky) to $300/month on top of whatever your boat payment is..
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