Game Analysis: SERIES DISCUSSION: ADSF | Rangers vs. Canadiens Pt. 2 (Series tied 1-1)

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Filip Chytil

Registered User
Mar 3, 2014
Knowing AV, I doubt he makes any real changes to the lineup.

4th line has been playing well, so doubt he breaks them up.

So if we want to put a guy like Buch in the lineup, who are we taking out? And do you realistically see AV taking this player out for Buch?

I just don't think AV will react that strongly to one loss. Not saying I agree or disagree with him, I just don't personally see AV doing it. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
Wherever I'm standing atm
For the people like BRB who were crowing about AV the other day despite the YEARS of crap like tonight. Maybe, just maybe, it would be smart to acknowledge that this square headed imbecile DESERVES criticism he gets.

It's amazing the guy coached a single good game in game 1 and several people acted like the sample size of ONE was enough to discount all criticism of the guy. Well AV I expect you to disappoint and you didn't disappoint (Yea figure that out).

"Hurrr users here think they know better than the coach!"

Yea they DO. On several topics. Overall obviously this guy knows more about coaching, but there are singular posters here who know more on some aspects of hockey then this idiot does. Doesn't make them a better coach then him, just makes them capable of pointing out when this NHL coach screws the team. Like he did tonight, like he's done dozens of times, like he'll continue to do for reasons that seem arbitrary and idiotic.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
There were moments in the third where we were pressing and pushing Montreal back with our speed, and it seemed like we had the game in the bag. That's the key to beating this team, just push them back with speed and don't allow them to keep their structure through the neutral zone. Once we slowed down, the Habs owned the boards and we couldn't move the puck to save our lives. So many stupid icings and failed clears.

Edit: Guys, PLEASE do not turn this into another Stralman thread. Please.

You make some very good points Mac.

Has anyone noticed as I have that the Canadian back end is at least as bad as our is if not worse? Anytime we get the fore checking going and hitting and pressing their defense, they wilt like a flower and are turnover machines. That's what we need to do going forward.

I'm sure you guys noticed this...our 4th line did exactly that and pressured the Habs defense and they dominated and had zone time I'd say 70% of the time they were on the ice. Our other three lines should take notes and do the same thing. Our 4th line has been fabulous both games.

This Habs defense is horrific and that will be the difference in the series as believe it or not boys, they are worse than


To Win The One Ring
Mar 8, 2006
As much as others want to see Buch, that 4th line is great...If anything Buch comes in for another player who is not performing at all...But that comes in if we are completely getting outplayed.

Right now we are playing well against them, though our method of defense was so poor at times. Wish we won that again, Henrik has been amazing.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2004
This has been the best series out of all the match-ups. It's got everything. Great goaltending. Hitting. Frenetic pace. Intensity. Hatred. Etc. It's unfortunate they weren't able to close out the Habs at the end. And whose fault is it? I place it on the coach. Somehow, after Mac and G left the ice, out came Staal and Holden to protect a one-goal lead in the final minute. They had already been victimized twice. Of course, Holden was on his knees when Plekanec scored.

Vigneault had coached a near perfect series thus far. But this penchant for sitting back in third periods has to stop. It was like watching a bad rerun of 2014 again vs the Kings. You can't do that. They almost got away with it and would have if he had selected a different D pair. Or put Staal with Skjei or Smith, who again beasted.

It's frustrating because they had it. Lundqvist played one of his best games and allowed four goals making 54 saves. Despite all those shot attempts, he was in winning position. But it all fell apart with Holden out. Who btw wasn't used at all on our power play. The one area he excels at is offense. So, they don't utilize him right. Unreal.

The 4th line again did their thing. They forechecked and played smart hockey. The third line was a little better but still nothing from Hayes. He might be the most overrated player we've ever had. When is he gonna show up? Grabner has. Miller too even though he needs to stay away from the cute passes that can cause headaches. And he needs to score. He plays straight line which is why Weber finally got irked and pummeled him.

Zibanejad turned into Zibanebad. He did nothing. How about that one-timer he passed up for a low percentage wild one-time pass across behind Zucc on the power kill? God. If he didn't win draws, he would be a total waste. One of him or Hayes must factor in.

Kreider took his usual stupid penalty and was responsible on the 2nd Habs goal. Turns it over and doesn't hustle back. He really is a one-way player. So, if he is gonna be bad defensively, he better do more offensively. The only positive was he freed space for the Zuccarello goal from Smith and Stepan. That line needs to be better at MSG when the series shifts.

I thought Mac and G had another strong game. So did Smith and Skjei. They have played more physical than we've ever seen under AV. But you can't sit on leads and then get out battled and out hustled in overtime. Eventually, it got them beat.

Everyone knows about the last 5 home playoff games. That must be erased. Game 3 is must win. End of story.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2004
1st and 4th have been good. It's tough to make a change to the middle 6 for Buch. I think he has to try and let Hayes and Zib work through it. Zib struggled but was much better than Hayes. I've loved Hayes all year long, I believe he's a future 60 point center, but these 2 games he's looked pretty bad. I don't even want to sit him. To win, we NEED him to step up.

Hayes has disappeared since February. He's not producing enough and isn't that great in his end. His penalty killing is solid. But at times, he wanders. He doesn't look shot enough. As good as his puck skills and possession, he leaves me wanting more. I like Lindberg better because he gets the jersey dirty and is a more effective player on the boards. He's better in this kind of series. Hayes needs to be more assertive. And yes. I would consider benching him for Buchnevich and shifting Miller to center.


Apr 26, 2016
The Rempire State
Dude...the series is tied 1-1

AV screwed up a bit this game. But I thought he was flawless Game 1

This series is not over. We did what we needed to do which was steal a game at the Bell Centre

You and others in here before series thought Habs in 5....remember?

Now your pissed cause we aren't up 2-0 on the road?

How do we get from "Habs in 5 predictions" to "AV sucks and he should be fired despite stealing a road game which was the goal" after not going up 2-0 on the road no less?

It's laugh out loud funny as you can't make **** like this up....amazing. And this is not just directed at you Snow.

I truly believe a large contingent of Ranger fans in here likely the younger ones probably your age Snow(I think you said you were 27 or something like that) , have been spoiled by Ranger success over the years. And so whenever or how the Rangers lose a game it's always the end of the world.

In the playoffs expect the unexpected is my thought process. I've seen far worse Ranger teams in my lifetime beat far superior teams than the Canadians are. And I've seen far better Ranger teams lose to far inferior teams in the playoffs.

Bottom line is despite tonight's dissapointment, we are in good shape going forward in this series. We now are in drivers seat. The mission now is we need to win 2 of our 3 home games coming up and steal one more game the Bell Centre.

We do that and what I'm saying is very very doable, we move on to the 2nd round and you can than rant and rage that AV can be fired after we lose a game to either Ottawa or Boston seeing we likely won't sweep either of

Relax man...all is good here in Ranger Nation despite the dissapointing loss....:nod:

Although I'm a very young Rangers fan (21) I completely agree. We shutout the Habs in their home opener, and then came within 17 seconds of taking a 2-0 series lead back to MSG. I think we're in great position to win the series, Lundqvist is back to his God form, Smith has been an absolutely awesome pickup, Nash has showed up in the playoffs, our 4th line is superb, and even Girardi has been pretty good. I don't know if there's much of anything I'd change, I think Klein should be penciled in for Holden and I'd like to see Buchnevich get to play (although I don't know who we'd scratch for him). And I'd like to see Kreider stop playing like he's neutered; sart crashing the net and become Price's worse nightmare. Gallagher & co have been all over Lundqvist and we have to do the same to Price.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
It bothers me because it was just such a myopic way of looking at things. I really hate pulling the Euro card, but I bet that if Stralman were Canadian, he'd have been signed. Dan Boyle was a stupid signing. He was 40 when we got him and not MSL-like who was still playing extremely well. Girardi and Staal were kept strictly for sentimental reasons and it bothers me to no end. And no Stralman is not a guarantee of some great blue line, look at Tampa, but it would have been good enough for another cup run or two with the rest of the team.

Like I said, everything you say I can't disagree 100% right. Like I said before the Stralman one is the move I hated seeing like you said, if he's re signed, maybe I'm being overzealous but I think we win the Cup that year.

We need to move on now tho. I am supremely supremely confident that Jeff Gorton sees the same **** you, me and the rest of our Ranger brothers do and he will absolutaly address the back end issues before the start of next season.

We need to have faith in him Snow and I'm including you in this seeing you are part of the group who tends to tilt towards the pessimistic side of things when it comes to our team. Thus far Gorton has done nothing since he's been the one to buy the groceries and given full control over player evaluations and aquistions to doubt him.

Listen, we still have a heck of an exciting playoff series with Montreal going on and IMO after we win this series a fun playoff run but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I can't wait to see the moves Gorton makes to make our Rangers that much better for next year where we will be "true" Cup contenders.

First things first tho as I said, let's see how our current Rongos flawed and all do rest of this year....:nod:

Dr. Ogrodnick

Registered User
Jan 10, 2007
This has been the best series out of all the match-ups. It's got everything. Great goaltending. Hitting. Frenetic pace. Intensity. Hatred. Etc. It's unfortunate they weren't able to close out the Habs at the end. And whose fault is it? I place it on the coach. Somehow, after Mac and G left the ice, out came Staal and Holden to protect a one-goal lead in the final minute. They had already been victimized twice. Of course, Holden was on his knees when Plekanec scored.

Vigneault had coached a near perfect series thus far. But this penchant for sitting back in third periods has to stop. It was like watching a bad rerun of 2014 again vs the Kings. You can't do that. They almost got away with it and would have if he had selected a different D pair. Or put Staal with Skjei or Smith, who again beasted.

It's frustrating because they had it. Lundqvist played one of his best games and allowed four goals making 54 saves. Despite all those shot attempts, he was in winning position. But it all fell apart with Holden out. Who btw wasn't used at all on our power play. The one area he excels at is offense. So, they don't utilize him right. Unreal.

The 4th line again did their thing. They forechecked and played smart hockey. The third line was a little better but still nothing from Hayes. He might be the most overrated player we've ever had. When is he gonna show up? Grabner has. Miller too even though he needs to stay away from the cute passes that can cause headaches. And he needs to score. He plays straight line which is why Weber finally got irked and pummeled him.

Zibanejad turned into Zibanebad. He did nothing. How about that one-timer he passed up for a low percentage wild one-time pass across behind Zucc on the power kill? God. If he didn't win draws, he would be a total waste. One of him or Hayes must factor in.

Kreider took his usual stupid penalty and was responsible on the 2nd Habs goal. Turns it over and doesn't hustle back. He really is a one-way player. So, if he is gonna be bad defensively, he better do more offensively. The only positive was he freed space for the Zuccarello goal from Smith and Stepan. That line needs to be better at MSG when the series shifts.

I thought Mac and G had another strong game. So did Smith and Skjei. They have played more physical than we've ever seen under AV. But you can't sit on leads and then get out battled and out hustled in overtime. Eventually, it got them beat.

Everyone knows about the last 5 home playoff games. That must be erased. Game 3 is must win. End of story.

Eh, Holden gave Kreider a bad pass despite having all the time in the world, then Staal got out muscled by a much smaller player and both Holden and Staal got caught watching the puck from behind the net. Pretty much a cardinal sin for defensemen. Sure, Kreider could have played it better, but Staal and Holden were horrible on that sequence. So naturally AV puts them out for the final 40 seconds to protect the 1 goal lead when they should have been stapled to the bench for the final 2 minutes.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
Yup, we need CK to be big in NY.

He is a mental midget. So many chances to use his speed and create chances as he has all season and instead, he's doubled back in those times.

In NY we need him to be 2017 Kreider and create chances and use his speed as an asset and be the crazy man we need. Dude was Casper the ghost the first two games. It's a miracle we're tied 1-1 with what should be our best forward (Kreider) being nothing but a warm body for two nights.

Kreider had the opportunity to be public enemy number 1 in Montreal and dominate a series, but he shrunk under the pressure. If he were playing his game I wouldn't get on him, but so many chances to break in down the boards for a chance blown and so many times he could've create a chance down low using his speed (as he did all season) and he completely blew it.

Couldn't agree more.

We need Kreider who is our best player let's be player, play MUCH MUCH better. Some others like a few of you have mentioned like Stepan, Zibs, Hayes and even Miller need to be better but Kreider of all of them has the most talent and pedigree to take over. And he needs to do it pronto.

I recall saying this to my bud who I was watching game with at his crib, that I didn't recall Kreider's name being mentioned much at all. He's been way to soft. He needs to make a statement on Sunday and become dangerous again.

For me to say Rick Nash has totally blown away Chris Kreider to this point is shocking to say the least.

As an aside, Rick Nash was amazing tonight. Yeah he ****ed up when a Hab player stole the puck on him before he could dump it in before the OT goal but overall, he was by far our best player other than Hank. This might be the best playoff game I have ever seen Rick Nash play in a Ranger unie to be honest. We need Kreider to step up like Nash has. I think he will beginning Sunday.


#Connor Bedard 2023 1st, Chicago Blackhawks
Nov 7, 2014
Cuba Gooding has overcame more crushing setbacks in his movies. I have faith the Rangers can overcome a tied series. :yo:

Really I lost all faith in AV system with a 20 second left in the 3rd period - it will be a mental breakdown for sure - they will never recover from this. Another early 1st exit is my prediction after this SOG 58 disaster tactically by AV - we even won FO 51% and hits 74. But BLKS 26 anyone injured?

And you can`t really blame Nash and his contract in this serie.
I hope I`m wrong, but it will be really difficult now - we`ve not won a home game in playoffs since forever (I remember Marty OT goal in 2014), but this season we have 8 straight home losses in MSG - if we ignore the last game without Pengs core players on it.
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Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
You should have heard them on streets tonight after the game, they were insufferable. "F the Rangers" chants going everywhere, people going up to every guy in a Rangers jersey with the middle finger and getting in their faces. Dude it was pretty bad, just think Philadelphia fans but without the physical violence

Wow...that's very disappointing to read GG.

I've worn my Messier #11 jersey to the Bell Centre the 4 times i was there and tho I was teased quite a bit in the area my wife and I were sitting especially in that 6-5 game back in 2008 when Habs came back on us when we were up 5-Zip(yes I was at that game and it still gives me nightmares 9 years, I never was disrespected ever.

That sux to hear really is. Most Habs fans I know like my wifes family and their friends would never act like this. I hear ya bout Philly tho. That is the one place I've been too when I wore my Ranger jersey, that it wasn't pretty and did feel a bit unsafe as some Flyer fans got pretty belligerent with me when my wife and I walked back to our car after a Ranger win vs them 4 years ago.


High Tech Low-Life.
Apr 20, 2013
You should have heard them on streets tonight after the game, they were insufferable. "F the Rangers" chants going everywhere, people going up to every guy in a Rangers jersey with the middle finger and getting in their faces. Dude it was pretty bad, just think Philadelphia fans but without the physical violence

My apologies for such an undeserved treatment. I was at the game tonight and me and my buddy had a great time with an elderly couple in full Rangers gear who had travelled all the way from Queens to watch the game.

It's a shame that some *******s have to go out of their way to ruin the experience for others. Looking forward to the rest of the series, hoping it is a good one either way. Sorry to hear about your experience.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2008
College Point, NY
You should have heard them on streets tonight after the game, they were insufferable. "F the Rangers" chants going everywhere, people going up to every guy in a Rangers jersey with the middle finger and getting in their faces. Dude it was pretty bad, just think Philadelphia fans but without the physical violence

Yeah, if a p**** Habs fan did that to me with how pissed off and livid I was after the game ended, he'd have been knocked out.

You don't taunt someone after their team loses (especially in the playoffs and that fashion). You're asking for the wrong person to hit you in the face.

Stive Morgan

Fatso forgot to shake my hand
Jul 25, 2011
British Columbia
You should have heard them on streets tonight after the game, they were insufferable. "F the Rangers" chants going everywhere, people going up to every guy in a Rangers jersey with the middle finger and getting in their faces. Dude it was pretty bad, just think Philadelphia fans but without the physical violence

Sorry to hear that. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. I hate fans like that. They aren't true fans. A true fan is respectful of opposing fans. Whenever I go to a game, whether it be home or away, I treat everyone in the opposite coloured jersey with the utmost respect. If I were there tonight I would have told them to shut the **** up.

Agreed that Philly fans are the worst though :naughty:


Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
Although I'm a very young Rangers fan (21) I completely agree. We shutout the Habs in their home opener, and then came within 17 seconds of taking a 2-0 series lead back to MSG. I think we're in great position to win the series, Lundqvist is back to his God form, Smith has been an absolutely awesome pickup, Nash has showed up in the playoffs, our 4th line is superb, and even Girardi has been pretty good. I don't know if there's much of anything I'd change, I think Klein should be penciled in for Holden and I'd like to see Buchnevich get to play (although I don't know who we'd scratch for him). And I'd like to see Kreider stop playing like he's neutered; sart crashing the net and become Price's worse nightmare. Gallagher & co have been all over Lundqvist and we have to do the same to Price.

Damn for one of our many Millennial Ranger fans, you are quite savvy. You almost sound like an old foggy me...49 going on

Everything you said is right on point and really is the reality of the situation our boys face right now. I think you and I have been watching the same two games...I really do.

I don't have the stats for this and maybe some of our stat mavens in here can muster it up but I wonder what the records of home teams are when they start 0-1 as the Canadians did and what these teams records are in Game 2?

I'd have to think it's got to be over 80% don't y'all think? I'm still so amped up from tonight's game I can't get to sleep yet and I'm up at almost 3 in the ****ing morning despite my wife asking me when I was coming to, I'm too lazy to find out right now. But if anyone could find out when I wake up tomorrow, I'd love to know.

Yeah we had the game on the palms of our hands just seconds away of being shockingly up 2-Zip but you gotta think home playoff teams who lose first game most of the time figure out a way someway somehow to pull out Game 2 due to the desperation of it all. I mean it was obvious to all of us that the Habs were playing desperate hockey for pretty much the entire 3rd period and due to luck, good fortune and Hank being in god mode, we came 17 seconds away from making this a 5 game series in our favor instead of the Habs which most in here thought before series started.

All of my brothers in here get buckled in as this puppy is very very likely going the full 7. It's the Rangers way and the only way we

Good stuff EdJovo....for a 21 year old, you have a very savvy old soul and know your hockey...:nod:


Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
My apologies for such an undeserved treatment. I was at the game tonight and me and my buddy had a great time with an elderly couple in full Rangers gear who had travelled all the way from Queens to watch the game.

It's a shame that some *******s have to go out of their way to ruin the experience for others. Looking forward to the rest of the series, hoping it is a good one either way. Sorry to hear about your experience.

Very classy N Six

As I said in my comments above having been to the Bell 4 times, I have never ever been disrespected. I have had awesome times there. Trust me, most of us here in Rangerland respect the Canadians and their fanbase. But like it is in any sport and with any fanbase, there are always a few *******s who try and ruin it for the majority. We are still going to ultimatly kicke your ***** and break your hearts and defeat your beloved Habs but just know you and most of your brothers are very very cool.

Thanks for the comments tho....:)


Registered User
Dec 23, 2003
Doylestown, PA
Sorry to hear that. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. I hate fans like that. They aren't true fans. A true fan is respectful of opposing fans. Whenever I go to a game, whether it be home or away, I treat everyone in the opposite coloured jersey with the utmost respect. If I were there tonight I would have told them to shut the **** up.

Agreed that Philly fans are the worst though :naughty:

Same as I said to your brother N Six...99% of Habs fans are cool and very respectful.

Having been to 4 games as I said before at the Bell Centre having worn my Messier #11 jersey, I am witness to the respect. All good here. There are *******s everywhere. Montreal is one of the least places you'll find them....all good bro and thx for coming over here...cheers....


#Connor Bedard 2023 1st, Chicago Blackhawks
Nov 7, 2014
T. Glass will not score another goal - so use Buch on the 3rd line next game.
Miller & Hayes are done - we need to split them up. Lindberg can center the 3rd line, and Hayes should play on the 4th next game.
AV need to start coaching, but I don`t expect anything from this coach.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2013
Knowing AV, I doubt he makes any real changes to the lineup.

4th line has been playing well, so doubt he breaks them up.

So if we want to put a guy like Buch in the lineup, who are we taking out? And do you realistically see AV taking this player out for Buch?

I just don't think AV will react that strongly to one loss. Not saying I agree or disagree with him, I just don't personally see AV doing it. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.

I'd play Cuba Gooding for Hayes at this point.


Apr 27, 2004
Washington, D.C.
This series is still totally winnable. The Cup though? Probably not. As many have stated, both of these teams are flawed and a notch below at least Pittsburgh and Washington.

I'm confident that this team will come to play at MSG tomorrow but worried that the terrible ice will help Montreal slow the Rangers down.
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