Seidenberg boarding of Toews; DoPS review but no hearing; Toews status ???

Savardian Spinorama

Registered User
Mar 29, 2011
Not a dirty play, but a think the 2 min call was correct. His leg drives into Toews rear which is what forces him off balance and into the boards. A dangerous play, but certainly not malicious. Hope nothing more comes of this for both Seids and Toews.


Registered User
Nov 20, 2006
Hell baby
Completely shocked that he didn't get suspended or fined for a textbook 2 minute minor.


Stu Grimson

Registered User
Apr 16, 2014
Accidental or not, the league is trying to get this nonsense out of the league. Seidenberg being a clean player or not, is not an excuse. Toews was far from the boards and was pushed recklessly. 2 games, Bruins were playing cheap the whole night. What else is new. [Mod]
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Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
On the couch
Didn't the Bruins let Bergeron play with crippling injuries? Would you classify that as "irresponsible"?

I'm assuming you're talking about Games 4, 5, 6 of 2013...and I sort of see your point there. For reference for those who might not remember the whole story:

Here's a brief rundown from the article:
Game 4, rib cartilage tear. Game 5, rib fracture - sent to hospital to make sure it wasn't a splenic rupture. It wasn't. Nerve block and x-rays before and during (!) Game 6. During game 6, he separated his shoulder and punctured his lung. Hospital after the game again for a 3 day hospitalization, presumably placed a chest tube in him.

Yeah, he probably shouldn't have played after game 5. Rib fracture, depending on location and severity, is a very real risk factor for a collapsed lung. A collapsed lung invariably leads to chest tubes and hospitalization (which it did, in this case), and chest tubes can very easily lead to more nasty complications like infections (which I'm pretty sure it didn't, in this case). So, playing with a rib fracture in game 6 wasn't the smartest idea.

That said, a collapsed lung isn't exactly a tough thing to diagnose - especially when you're taking x-rays anyway due to giving an intercostal nerve block. (And, a nerve block is also a risk for a collapsed lung - those needles can pierce the lung!) It's not uncommon for a collapsed lung to take hours to develop, both clinically (shortness of breath) and on the x-ray.

There are two huge differences between this and Toews' case, though.

1) Head injuries literally hit you in your judgment center. You will swear up and down you're fine, even after seeing video replays of what happened. That's why you need someone ELSE to step in and say "No, you're not playing." In theory, Patrice understood what he had, and understood the risks and benefits. Anything involving the head and neck, you can't guarantee that level of consent.

2) While a collapsed lung can certainly have the potential to develop quickly into a life threatening situation, more often than not, if it's caught early enough under medical supervision, it's reversible with absolutely no long term effects. With post concussion syndrome, quite frankly, there's little known - but what is known isn't good.

All that said, I certainly hope Toews is okay. A complete recovery is what everyone wants - and if it turns out to be not as bad as it looked (which is possible), then a speedy one would be icing on the cake.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2014
Was not a bad/dirty hit but players need to realize how vulnerable players are in that type of situation and let up

Seidenberg launched him

2 minutes was warranted ,, Nothing else IMO should come as result

The two bolded contradict each other, players won't realize or let up if all you are giving is 2 minutes,

Sitting him one game, will make him realize next time, to be a bit smarter...


Registered User
Nov 23, 2011
The Arctic
Not a bad hit, it just looked scary. They had to make that call though... i'm fine with 2 minutes for boarding. No suspension needed, though.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
For those of you saying that Seidenberg did something wrong here's my question. What should Seidenberg have done? Just leave him untouched so that he can make a play that could lead to a goal?

He has to make a physical play there and he has to do it quickly and hard enough that it actually stops Towes.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2013
As many have said I don't think it's a dirty suspendable hit. But wow did that look bad for 19.

Also, it's amazing to me how a team with that many great forwards has such a piss poor powerplay. Kane by himself on team USA powerplay was downright scary. Now he's with guys like Hossa, Toews, Sharp, Keith..I just don't get it. They could be even better than they already are.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2014
For those of you saying that Seidenberg did something wrong here's my question. What should Seidenberg have done? Just leave him untouched so that he can make a play that could lead to a goal?

He has to make a physical play there and he has to do it quickly and hard enough that it actually stops Towes.

Not that Seidenberg did anything wrong per se, but it was reckless to make a "hit" in that situation, Toews wasn't going to score, was going for a puck, didn't have it yet I believe not sure, don't push the guy or push off of him, drive him, get a knee between the legs and drive him to the boards, that way he would stay on his feet and not have such a bad result...


Registered User
Jun 29, 2011
Any time Bergeron has been hit anywhere near his head he goes straight down the tunnel except for when he was stretchered out after the Jones hit.

He should have never been allowed to continue to play after the hit. No player who takes any contact to their head/neck should be allowed back on the ice.

This happened in a game earlier this year.

Bad hit (as in bad for him the hit was clean and within the rules if I remember right) went straight to the room and team observed the protocols. Bergeron after the game said in an interview he didn't feel concussed but followed the protocols anyway to be on the safe side.

As for this hit-it was close to the boards but the intent and contact was a battle for the puck and Toews fell awkwardly.


Status quo
Sep 26, 2006
Location: Location:
only scrolled back a page... so i know i'm being redundant..

I had very little issue with this play...
He didn't take a run at him like you see with most boarding suspensions..
he was focused completely on making a "hockey play" to battle for the puck.

Unfortunate face plant.. Will be interested to see what DPS dishes out in this one.


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