Scariest Moments You've Seen Live


Registered User
Sep 26, 2013
Today, while watching the Kozari incident unfold, I felt like I was probably watching one of the scariest moments I've ever seen live. (I don't mean "live" as in, in-person; but rather, just watching the game as it happens as opposed to highlights.) I wasn't sure if I was over-reacting to it, so it made me think of the other scary moments I've seen unfold.

Stamkos breaks his leg -- This one was obviously bad, but I don't think anyone realized just how bad until they showed the replay and you saw Stamkos's leg bend around the post. At that point you had to question how much this would impact the rest of his career. Pretty sure this was Remembrance Day of 2013.

Yzerman takes a puck in the eye -- The scary thing about this one was that, if you followed Yzerman, you'd seen him stone-faced in the midst of some pretty crazy pain, but here, he panicked on the ice. You could tell something was very wrong, and then came the blood. The pictures of his eye after the game are some of the more horrific injury pictures I've seen. I thought his career was over.

Bertuzzi/Moore -- This is the scariest one for me. I saw it by sheer coincidence. I was just flipping through channels as a teenager and happened to stop on the game for a couple of minutes. I don't remember if I stopped because I was aware of the tension between the two teams or if I just happened to stop and watch. Wasn't planning to watch the whole game or anything, just check in for a minute, and then boom, the NHL as we know it changes.

I also seem to remember as a very young kid seeing Chris Pronger take a puck in the chest and collapse vs. The Red Wings? That memory is pretty vague though, honestly. But I remember wondering how, if this was a thing that could happen, why it didn't happen more.

Filthy Dangles

Registered User*
Oct 23, 2014
Ryan Shazier (NFL Linebacker for the Steelers) a few years ago going totally limp on a tackle. I literally thought I watched a man die.

I remember that, but I don’t remember it like you, as in thinking he died

I vividly remember the sheer panic he instantly showed when he realized he couldn’t move his legs.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 23, 2017
In hockey, Hedman almost losing his eye with his visor breaking at the world championship. Didn't realize it at the time how bad it could've been, but once you saw the photos you realized he was an inch away from ending his career right there.

I think the scariest moments I've seen live are from other sports though. Christian Eriksen having a heart attack mid play and Romain Grosjean almost burning to death have to be the two scariest, both are pretty recent as well.

Edit: I just remembered that I also watched Anthoine Hubert's fatal crash live too, so put that in there.
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Original #4
Oct 27, 2005
If live means "being in the building/place" : Trent McCleary incident
If live, as in, "was watching on TV and it was not very obviously fatal, so it's scary AF" : Romain Grosjean crash.
If live, as in, "it's so brutal it can barely be considered scary, since this is quite obviously fatal" : Greg Moore crash.


Noted Jerk
Apr 7, 2003
Winston-Salem NC
Joni Pitkanen's ankle. Also resulted in the only fight I've ever been involved in at a game when someone a couple seats over was being a complete jackass after the play acting like his team just won the f***ing cup.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2004
I have three that come to mind. The first two because I saw them live.

First was Brian Campbell’s hit on RJ Umberger. I though Umberger died

Second was Dmitri Kalinin took an Al MacInnis slap shot to the abdomen area. He just dropped and the play was whistled. He had to be helped off but we all know how much that would have hurt. He stayed laying on the ice for a while.

Third was the Bertuzzi / Moore incident. I was at a Doolies playing pool with some friends. The game was on the tv and everyone turned their attention to the tv.


Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
Game 6... Stanley Cup Finals
Devils @ Ducks.... The infamous "off the floor, on the board"
Scott Stevens absolutely blindsided Paul Kariya and you could hear a pin drop in the arena. Obviously him coming back and scoring was wild but it was something I never wanted to see live ever again.

Beyond hockey, I grew up in the motocross scene and have seen multiple horrific injuries to both friends and competitors.. everything from paralysis to death. =(

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
Was in net one time when my defenseman had his calf cut open by the skate of a guy who tried to jump over him and didn't quite clear him.

I can remember vividly watching his leg bleed out, and I can also remember the multiple times the Zamboni (okay, it was an Olympia) had to come through to clean it up.

Still makes me want to throw up when I think about it.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2013
I remember watching Hossa accidentally high-stick Bryan Berard in the eye as a kid and still remember it was jarring how much blood there was.
Caught the highlight of that one, as most of us who are old enough probably did, I guess. Berard was supposed to be the next big thing on defense.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2013
Was in net one time when my defenseman had his calf cut open by the skate of a guy who tried to jump over him and didn't quite clear him.

I can remember vividly watching his leg bleed out, and I can also remember the multiple times the Zamboni (okay, it was an Olympia) had to come through to clean it up.

Still makes me want to throw up when I think about it.
You have to wonder if someday some kind of safety rule will be implemented for players being reckless with their skates. It's kind of amazing we don't see more injuries like these, but when we do, they're pretty awful. You have to think it's only a matter of time before (another) one gets televised.

I mean, I'm not sure how such a rule would be enforced. But any time I see a player try to jump over a fallen player I hold my breath for a second.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2011
When I was playing in middle school I witnessed an opposing player fall and hit his eye on a teammates skate and literally cut his eye ball open in front of me (like his actual eyeball, dude must have decided not to blink??). You dont forget those ones....
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Registered User
Nov 10, 2010
When I was a kid, my friends and I were loitering outside of a Buffalo Wild Wings, and we happened to see the Jake Brown X Games incident through the windows on one of the huge TVs

It seemed like he went up, and was airborne for an unfathomable amount of time. Just falling, and falling, and falling. We weren't sure if he was gonna make it.

I Hate Blake Coleman

Bandwagon Burner
Jul 22, 2008
Tori Mitchell breaking his leg on the boards. I think that lead to an icing rule change.

Richard Zednik getting a skate to the throat was pretty scary, and reminiscent of Clint Malarchuk. There has been a fatality since then. RIP Adam Johnson.

Daymond Langkow took a puck to the back of the neck in a game years back that was pretty scary. He wasn't beat up too bad IIRC



Registered User
Sep 26, 2013
Pronger's collapsing from his heart stopping after taking a puck to the chest.

Jiri Fischer collapsing on the bench after a cardiac event.

Larkin face down sprawled out unconscious after taking a butt end to the jaw.
Yeah, I knew I wasn't dreaming this. I was watching that one too.

Pretty sure I tuned in late for the Fischer incident. I remember seeing the replays in-game. (I grew up a Wings fan)

Weird note: I wasn't that concerned after Kozlov got KO'd by Stevens. Not sure if that's because I was too young to understand or if that's how the times were.

The Draper injury was obviously a scary one. But I feel like we didn't know just how bad that one was until after the game, and in the days following when some of the details came out. (If memory serves, it was like 3 weeks before he could eat solid food?)


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