WWE: Royal Rumble Part III

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Aug 2, 2005
A few thoughts;

The opening tag match was a mess. And if you were getting rid of the winners that fast in the Rumble, why even have the match? Why not put in Xavier Woods or Heath Slater for some comedy? Why not put in many of the other superstars who are on weekly? How is Alberto del Rio in the Rumble, but Kalisto not? Just some very poor thought out reasons. You could have easily had some type of other match on the pre-show. Tyler Breeze vs someone for a spot, etc. Very weird choice. As it was, the tag team match was predictable.

Ambrose vs Owens was very good. Didn't expect anything less from these two beauties. Very happy with the opener. Predictable finish, but they worked hard to make you believe otherwise.

The Tag Team Title match was fun. The New Day are just incredible. The Uso's are a bit stale, but they're pretty good in the ring. Enjoyable match, but predictable.

Del Rio vs Kalisto was a good match, although they had a couple of hiccups. The biggest one was recovered well by Kalisto. However, the ending was kind of weak from the rana to the ring post spot. Very disappointed in the ending as far as that goes, but the right guy won.

The divas title match was pretty good! Becky Lynch is an incredible wrestler and hopefully they don't cast her aside because she was getting over with the crowd. Nice to see Sasha though who is just incredible.

That brings us to the big main event... The Royal Rumble. And for the 4th straight year, I'm really pissed off. The Rumble has always been my favourite event but I'm at the point where I just may be done. The last 4 years... the outcomes were so absolutely, ridiculously predictable that there is absolutely zero reason to watch. The Rumble has basically become one whole storyline, every year, that's more predictable than anything they write. It's disgusting. The Rumble should be used to push new stars or establish stars they're trying to keep relevant. Not for a feud between the owner's son-in-law and the least over man in the company.

If ONE match didn't need the World Title at Wrestlemania.... it's Reigns vs. Triple H. There's enough bad blood there for that match to be a big piece of Wrestlemania either way. What do you even do at Wrestlemania? Give Triple H the win? The guy is old as dirt and WWE needs to learn how to build new stars. How about Reigns? The building will likely be burnt down because the crowd hates him so much. And Ambrose as the last guy? Wait... what? The guy who is treated like even more of a jobber to the stars than Bray Wyatt is supposed to be a threat to Triple H? The guy who fought through hell earlier in the night - far worse than what happened to Reigns is the guy were supposed to believe has a chance to win? The guy who holds the IC Championship, which until the past year or so has been so poorly booked in the company? So bad.

I also REALLY hated the whole League of Nations interference spot for multiple reasons. First, I wanted to watch the Rumble not a beat down. If you're gong to show that and it's going to be as crazy long as it was... give us split screen. Second, I love how they came out to destroy Reigns so he wouldn't win, but didn't even put him back in the match to be thrown out or throw them out himselves. Let's just beat him up badly, but then let him recover on the outside.... wait what? Third and most hilarious... we WATCHED Roman Reigns walk to the back. He stumbled a bit, sure. But he WALKED to the back. What kind of face, fighting champion is that when he comes back 20-30 minutes later? I also died laughing at Michael Cole "HOW IS REIGNS STANDING." ... Well Cole, he was standing while he left the area earlier... so why wouldn't he be now? Such poor, poor booking.

The only saving grace this year (which is more than you can say last year) was, of course, AJ Styles. What a pop. What a monster pop. Just an amazing and surreal moment. The crowd loved him. Just loved him. That's what being over feels like Reigns. Not just having a few kids cheer you. AJ is one of my favourite wrestlers, so that was an amazing moment and I'm looking forward to the Styles vs Owens match - whether it happens tonight or at Mania.

Also, it's pretty pathetic when a guy you don't use on TV... at all... is more over than your World Champion (well, former). Damien Sandow is more over than Roman Reigns and that's a fact. Just crazy.


Aug 2, 2005
The booking of AJ Styles was fantastic, btw. I haven't praised it enough. You have the biggest free agent in the world, essentially TNA's John Cena for the longest time, come into the company, gets to keep his name and everything about him, his signature moves, the names, etc., and the first thing commentary does to put him over?

"Former IWGP Heavyweight champion... just like Brock Lesnar."

Instantly putting AJ Styles in the same sentence as Brock Lesnar sets him up so well for people who may not know him. Then you have him put on a good performance in the Royal Rumble, not getting "buried" in anyway, teasing the Styles Clash, setting it up as a devastating move that they're going to tease as such.

The booking of AJ Styles was phenomenal (;)) last night and I hope WWE keeps it going.

I'd guess AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens is the next program, but god would I mark out for an Ambrose vs. Styles vs. Owens vs. Zayn match at Wrestlemania. With his appearance in the Royal Rumble, I fully expect him to be the next NXT call-up since the last NXT guy who got the Rumble spot was Rusev and he was then a full-time member of the main roster, although we may not see Zayn again until after Fast Lane, I'm guessing. I guess we'll find out tonight.
It was great booked inside a mess of booking.

Everything about Styles was done right. I thought eliminating him early was what they should have done to Bryan the last time because the crowd would get over that person in the Rumble. Even though I've hated the last two Rumbles (last four, really) - that was smart. If AJ went to the Final Four, you'd have to give him the belt because the crowd would have rioted. PS. I would have loved AJ winning the belt. Would have been insane. The pop would have been the most electric thing we've heard in years.

I re-watched it. Triple H most definitely got a big pop. Not on the level of AJ Styles or Sasha Banks, but it was a big pop.
A lot of that pop was a crowd with a simple sigh of relief. When Triple H came out, you knew he was winning. I knew he was winning before hand - but it was even more evident when he officially entered.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
It was great booked inside a mess of booking.

Everything about Styles was done right. I thought eliminating him early was what they should have done to Bryan the last time because the crowd would get over that person in the Rumble. Even though I've hated the last two Rumbles (last four, really) - that was smart. If AJ went to the Final Four, you'd have to give him the belt because the crowd would have rioted. PS. I would have loved AJ winning the belt. Would have been insane. The pop would have been the most electric thing we've heard in years.

The only thing that would have saved a riot from happening if AJ made the final four would have been if AJ eliminated Owens earlier in the match and Owens returned to eliminate AJ in the final four, but then you don't have the Owens/Zayn wrinkle in there.

dat "Welcome to the WWE", though. :laugh:

I just hope they don't defend the title in the Royal Rumble ever again. A vacant title? Sure. But don't have the champ actually defend the title, please.

S A W F T*

The booking of AJ Styles was fantastic, btw. I haven't praised it enough. You have the biggest free agent in the world, essentially TNA's John Cena for the longest time, come into the company, gets to keep his name and everything about him, his signature moves, the names, etc., and the first thing commentary does to put him over?

"Former IWGP Heavyweight champion... just like Brock Lesnar."

Instantly putting AJ Styles in the same sentence as Brock Lesnar sets him up so well for people who may not know him. Then you have him put on a good performance in the Royal Rumble, not getting "buried" in anyway, teasing the Styles Clash, setting it up as a devastating move that they're going to tease as such.

The booking of AJ Styles was phenomenal (;)) last night and I hope WWE keeps it going.

I'd guess AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens is the next program, but god would I mark out for an Ambrose vs. Styles vs. Owens vs. Zayn match at Wrestlemania. With his appearance in the Royal Rumble, I fully expect him to be the next NXT call-up since the last NXT guy who got the Rumble spot was Rusev and he was then a full-time member of the main roster, although we may not see Zayn again until after Fast Lane, I'm guessing. I guess we'll find out tonight.

Romans facial expressions when AJs music hit were money as well.


Aug 2, 2005
The only thing that would have saved a riot from happening if AJ made the final four would have been if AJ eliminated Owens earlier in the match and Owens returned to eliminate AJ in the final four, but then you don't have the Owens/Zayn wrinkle in there.

dat "Welcome to the WWE", though. :laugh:

I just hope they don't defend the title in the Royal Rumble ever again. A vacant title? Sure. But don't have the champ actually defend the title, please.
It didn't really bother me that it was for the title. What bothers me is the last four years the outcome was so predictable that it's painful.

And the last two year, the final "set" really don't get you excited. Ambrose this year? I love Ambrose but lol @ him winning. WWE would not let him win. And last year.. Show and Kane? REALLY? :facepalm:

I'm so excited for RAW tonight... and it's not because of HHH/Reigns. In fact, I saw enough of both of them last night to take me right to Mania. But I'm JACKED to see AJ Styles.


Belie Dat!
Jul 15, 2011
It was great to see AJ gets such a huge reaction. This was my thought process at the time:

Music hits- "who the hell is this? Don't recognize the music"

Camera cuts to a man in a hood- "omg it's AJ Styles! Omg omg omg!"

As bad as this company consistently is, I still mark out like that from time to time and remember what I love about wrestling.

Le Tricolore

Aug 3, 2005
I'd guess AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens is the next program, but god would I mark out for an Ambrose vs. Styles vs. Owens vs. Zayn match at Wrestlemania. With his appearance in the Royal Rumble, I fully expect him to be the next NXT call-up since the last NXT guy who got the Rumble spot was Rusev and he was then a full-time member of the main roster, although we may not see Zayn again until after Fast Lane, I'm guessing. I guess we'll find out tonight.

Yes, please!

Not sure if they'd turn Ambrose heel or have AJ cut a heel promo tonight (from what I gather, he's not good on the mic, though?) to set it up. Either way, those two matches would be great.


Cheatin on CBJ w TBL
Mar 11, 2009
The Beach, FL
It was great to see AJ gets such a huge reaction. This was my thought process at the time:

Music hits- "who the hell is this? Don't recognize the music"

Camera cuts to a man in a hood- "omg it's AJ Styles! Omg omg omg!"

As bad as this company consistently is, I still mark out like that from time to time and remember what I love about wrestling.

was explaining that part of it to my gf last night, it sucked knowing there were basically 2 outcomes to the match, but the fun is the seeing new ppl debuting, or old wrestlers returning...


Post approved by Ovechkin
Jul 30, 2011
I'd guess AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens is the next program, but god would I mark out for an Ambrose vs. Styles vs. Owens vs. Zayn match at Wrestlemania.

Just make Owens go after Zayn again and have AJ defeat Ambrose so Dean can go on for the MITB later this year. Have 2 great matches instead of 1 good one.

Didn't Nakamura sign with the WWE too? Have him, Balor and AJ form a stable after WM. Conserve Balor's demon gimmick so he can use it in a big feud, when NXT watchers would be dying to finally see the demon, instead of the debut feud.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Romans facial expressions when AJs music hit were money as well.

Roman's reaction:

"Who the **** is this?" turned into "Oh my god, not AJ..."

It didn't really bother me that it was for the title. What bothers me is the last four years the outcome was so predictable that it's painful.

And the last two year, the final "set" really don't get you excited. Ambrose this year? I love Ambrose but lol @ him winning. WWE would not let him win. And last year.. Show and Kane? REALLY? :facepalm:

I'm so excited for RAW tonight... and it's not because of HHH/Reigns. In fact, I saw enough of both of them last night to take me right to Mania. But I'm JACKED to see AJ Styles.

I didn't like that one single storyline overshadowed the Royal Rumble. It DID lead to less surprise one-off legends and more surprises that actually meant something (AJ and Zayn as the only surprises but actual quality were awesome) but we missed quite a bit of action just because of the beat down to Roman. It was all about Roman and the angle.

I don't want that. Just keep it simple... if you're going to defend the title in there again (I don't expect it for at least another decade unless a barrage of injuries happens again) make it a vacant title.

It was great to see AJ gets such a huge reaction. This was my thought process at the time:

Music hits- "who the hell is this? Don't recognize the music"

Camera cuts to a man in a hood- "omg it's AJ Styles! Omg omg omg!"

As bad as this company consistently is, I still mark out like that from time to time and remember what I love about wrestling.

My reaction was...

"This music... is it AJ!? This early!?"

And when the big pop happened, I knew. I went nuts even though I've been expecting this since early-January.

Also... dat theme music. I hope it's released soon, or the name is out there, because it's clear that WWE actually paid for a theme for him rather than giving him some in-house CFO$ song.

AJ's a big deal.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
Judging by Owens' reaction when Zayn came out, I think that's the program that's gonna happen. Owens eliminating Styles was more for heat purposes.


Thank you, sweet rabbit
Nov 4, 2010
I really do love the Rumble event, but the recent use of the Rumble by WWE has been less than great. The last 5 Royal Rumble winners have been...

2012 - Sheamus
2013 - John Cena
2014 - Batista
2015 - Roman Reigns
2016 - Triple H

Two of those five guys are part timers and the other three guys usually get a regular mix of boos and cheers from fans. Seriously, when is the last time the majority of fans were actually excited about a guy winning the Rumble? Edge in 2010?

I really think one of the biggest disconnects between WWE and their fans is the Rumble itself. What other event can you have nearly every guy in the company displayed in one match and be able to gauge the fans' response to them? This should be an event that the WWE looks at every year and says, "whoa, Wrestler A just got a huge positive response from the fans. Maybe we should do something positive with them soon to build and capitalize off of that response." Instead, WWE pushes their own narrative and blames things like smark towns for "their guys" not getting the reactions they want and "internet darlings" getting the better reactions.

S A W F T*

As great as it was for AJ to debut, how do they **** it up by showing Reigns' non-reaction instead of AJ's Titantron?

Non reaction? You should go check it out again. I thought it was great.

I do think they could have done both, though. Show Roman and the Titantron.

Big Poppa Puck

HF's Villain
Dec 8, 2009
D-Boss' Dungeon
Such a dumb, basically predictable ending. HHH still getting the shovel out in 2016. :shakehead I mean Reigns winning woulda sucked too but it was the lesser of two evils. Now Reigns will just win it back at Mania...YAWN

Styles was the only really "surprise" (and he was great, cool music too)no random legends appearances or anything was a little disappointing.

Lesnar vs Wyatt should be good and that plus whatever New Day is up to will be the only watchable things going forward.


Jan 25, 2014
I honestly thought for a moment they had ****ed up the camera. Cause they kept it fixated on Reigns for so long while the crowd started going buck. Didn't actually flip the camera to AJ until he came out, which was pretty sweet.


Jan 25, 2014
Styles was the only really "surprise" (and he was great, cool music too)no random legends appearances or anything was a little disappointing.
Yeah, I always look forward to legends appearances. Disappointing there was none. If everyone was healthy there might have been some cause it likely would have been 40 man.


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
Yeah, I found Reigns reaction to be perfect. He seemed confused, and then when AJ came out you could see his eyes grow big with shock.

People are overreacting with HHH winning. He took quite a few bumps from guys in the Rumble, and didn't bury anyone.

Bray is slowly building. I'm excited to see the payoff. I think he'll lose to Brock most likely, (though, they may have Braun face him instead) however after that, I think 2016 will be very good for Bray Wyatt.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
I was pretty happy that no filler legends were in there as a surprise.

I didn't even realize that you could hear the crowd read along with the titantron... "I... am... Pheno *crowd explodes*"


Jul 3, 2009
Great use of some young talent last night.

Then give HHH the strap.

One step forward...two back. WWE is stupid.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Style's entrance was fine, Reigns sold it well.

And a note on the production stuff, part of the crew was missing due to the storms. So that might explain some issues.


Cheatin on CBJ w TBL
Mar 11, 2009
The Beach, FL
i figure the putting of the title on HHH is so he can drop it to Reigns at Mania thus giving him some rub in hopes of getting the crowd to accept him...still bad way to go about it...
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