WWE: Royal Rumble Part III

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RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
This post is MCGs from last thread

And theres proof where of this?

From late 2013/early 2014:

WWE's current top merchandise sellers at live event are, in order, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Batista, Sheamus, Hulk Hogan, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar. Punk is down a spot because he's been away.

On WWE's shop website, the top sellers are Cena, Punk, Bryan, Hogan, The Shield, Steve Austin, Lesnar, The Undertaker and Orton.

Source: Meltzer

From mid-2013, before the Summerslam angle where Randy turned heel

Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez discussed Daniel Bryan on Wrestling Observer radio this week. Meltzer talked about why WWE fails to give a real push to a guy that the fans have chosen as their guy. He said that the company has a mentality of what a top guy is supposed to look like and Bryan does not fit what they want for a top guy. The only way he’d have a chance at being a top guy is if someone kicked the door down and showed them numbers to prove that he should be in a top spot and right now there’s nothing out there that can prove to them (management) that they are wrong so WWE is going to assume that they’re right. Of course, if they see a guy that has the “look” that they want then their standards go out the window and that guy becomes their guy.

Randy Orton is a guy that got many chances over the years because he’s the type of guy that WWE will push. Randy’s push kind of stalled because of behavior issues and the drug test failures but he was always given a solid push depsite his baggage. Meltzer noted that Daniel Bryan’s merchandise numbers are good and he’s ahead of Randy Orton in every single category but a guy like Bryan will never be a priority over a guy like Orton or Reigns. If a guy is tall and good looking then they will always lean towards pushing that guy.

After Roman went over Bryan at Fast Lane

In the end, the only thing that matters is charisma, and charisma is about crowd connection during the time and place. That’s it. Not necessarily noise. A prelim guy with a cool gimmick or the right story can get a gigantic pop. It’s the connection where you are somebody people see as being special, and can make them buy tickets, or garner more interest in your matches than all the other guys.
Bryan was the closest guy to having that one year ago, at least among the non-Cena members of the roster. He was the closest guy now, at least until Sunday, even with never being treated like it. In his case, the connection was people just liked him a lot, liked to chant with him, and it was just the right thing at the right time. Even star athletes liked having connections to him. In the end, he was never able to overcome the physical negatives to the audience of one. And I can’t think of one example historically of someone the public embraced to that level who got treated in creative at that level. Orton never had anything close to this, never sold merchandise at his level, and he was given a decade plus of protection at a level Bryan could never dream, and championship reign after championship reign. He got his WrestleMania win and had his moment and thus, it was time for someone else. Imagine if that mentality had been used for Cena or Orton a decade ago. Take Cena out of the mix and book him like a joke who almost always failed and the company would be in far worse shape than it is now. And you could easily, if you wanted, point to all kinds of flaws with Cena, but he could be on the Muscle & Fitness cover and was a great brand ambassador to the outside world, a role nobody else would have been as good at. But Bryan had that quality of likeability and seeming genuine that can’t be taught. But because of the inability to get past the physical package, something the audience had gotten past and not considered a negative years ago, his strengths, including the ability to have a match at the level that only the best historically could hit on a consistent basis, regardless of his dance partner, was squandered.

Dave Meltzer also confirmed on Wrestling Observer Radio that Daniel Bryan sold the second highest amount of merchandise with significantly smaller amounts of it available than John Cena.


If all of this is fact, Vince, whos bottom line at the end of the day is making money, is suddenly gonna burn his own money to keep Cena on top? Are you serious?

Honestly, you guys are buying into story lines. Punk had nothing left. His character ran its course. He chose to leave on top instead of moving down the card because he had nothing to offer the main event scene.

Now Bryan, he had a hot run, nobody is denying that, but to think he was buried for the sake of Cena is pure folly. Especially if he was making Vince almost Cena money.

Something doesnt add up.

I shouldn't have gotten my sources after seeing this post.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008

Cena is still the top merch seller.

When has that waned?

Seriously, do you guys even comprehend the power of money?

I have read Vince buries guys making him money. I mean....just wow..... This, in an age where Vince has made a few financial mistakes to say the least, he will willfully cut off his own hand because he has another one on his other arm. You guys are truly hilarious.

This thread has turned into a booked match. Its HF very own Royal Rumble and sure enough, I ve played the Triple H role while theres countless Danuel Bryans running around telling me, just how much of an impact he has had and how Vince has clubbed his feet so he cant make Vince money....never change.


Triple H never buried himself this bad.

The Lunatic Fridge

why is my name here?
Aug 20, 2008
New York
Anyone remember Atlantasportsfan? aka john cena's #1 fan and if you tell him otherwise, he'll murder you.

Well i think we found his new accounts :sarcasm:


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
And to put the DB thing to rest....

1) This is, if I'm not mistaken, about Cena vs. Orton for the two titles being brought together, right? CM Punk, HHH, HBK are all in the ring. Cena/Orton are main eventing. What is the show about? Daniel Bryan. :laugh:

2) Re-watch Royal Rumble 2014 and 2015.

3) I don't need to explain this one...

4) Let's see.. Rock doing a promo, fans yes chant. Cena doing a promo, fans yes chant. People wanted to see one guy that night more than anyone - Daniel ****ing Bryan.



Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
And to put the DB thing to rest....

1) This is, if I'm not mistaken, about Cena vs. Orton for the two titles being brought together, right? CM Punk, HHH, HBK are all in the ring. Cena/Orton are main eventing. What is the show about? Daniel Bryan. :laugh:

2) Re-watch Royal Rumble 2014 and 2015.

3) I don't need to explain this one...

4) Let's see.. Rock doing a promo, fans yes chant. Cena doing a promo, fans yes chant. People wanted to see one guy that night more than anyone - Daniel ****ing Bryan.

Yeah but merchandise sales. :sarcasm:

This is honestly worse that that time last month when we all got into that argument with one poster who thought Daniel Bryan wasn't over and only his chant was. :facepalm: If I recall correctly, that was also a total rekt job from all of us.

The Shockmaster

Jul 30, 2010
I should change my username to Triple H.

Only if you have an avatar of denim/leather jacket HHH staring right at you, and you occasionally making posts in the style of an HHH promo with plenty of "THIS BINISS-AH"s and "I AM THAT DAMN GOOD"s.

The Lunatic Fridge

why is my name here?
Aug 20, 2008
New York
People over on reddit were RAGING over the fact that flair kissed becky.

And now Becky has to get checked to see if she caught some sort of ancient Egyptian disease from touching the lips of that mummy.

It's probably such an old disease that it has a vaguely racist name.

Oct 18, 2011
WWE tried everything to suppress DB's popularity, with constant ****** booking, then they would try to blame him to fit a narrative, i think they tried to blame summerslam on him or w/e. vince would have the announcers bury him, and yet the fans made their choice and still WWE resisted until punk told them to **** off and they had no choice


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
I don't hate HHH, but like other posters have said - this whole thing is literally just to get Reigns over even more. It's really strange the ultimate Reigns payoff has to come from a heel who doesn't wrestle more than once a year. Talk about building stars... the main event doesn't ever have full time wrestlers in it.

Granted I think Lesnar is always the exception because that dude just isn't normal. Just off the top of my head.. Reigns/Lesnar - Lesnar is PT. Orton/Batista - Batista wasn't full time and the fans overtook the show to get DB in there. Rock vs. Cena - Rock is PT. Taker vs. HBK - Taker wasn't full time.

Good lawd. They have to build with guys who actually are there. Shield triple threat next year please.... but then that will be Reigns THREE TIMES IN A ROW main eventing WM. :laugh: What the ****?

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
I remember a few years ago when WWE did an Orton-Cena stare down in the middle of a Rumble and it got NO reaction whatsoever...

tonight, Wyatt/HHH stare down... explosion. That's been a money program ever since Wyatt made his debut and preached "bring down the machine" in NXT.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
But daddy Vince told me Bryan is a disgusting manlet goat that wasn't over, brotherjackdude.


So is Rock reffing this new main event at Mania? And Roman strecher jobs again so Rock and HHH can wrestle for a bit before Roman wakes from his nap to win the title?

Champ we deserve


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Now that I think of it, I do have to **** on HHH a little.

Vs. Taker
Vs. Taker
Vs. Lesnar
Vs. Daniel Bryan (was supposed to be CM Punk I believe)
Vs. Sting
Vs. Reigns (main event)

For a guy wrestling part time, he sure as hell picks his match at WM. Granted he's losing most of those matches, he is just always "the guy" that has to put the other one over instead of a person wrestling full time.
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