OT: Reviews of the 'tailgate party' down at Maple Leaf Square

Bedards Dad

I was in the pool!!
Nov 3, 2011
After game 3 they showed the square after everyone left and all you could see was cigarettes littered everywhere. Looks like it must be mad smoky the whole game. (I tend to chain smoke when stressed out myself, but just wondering haha.)

Lots of confetti was shot out, could have been that.

Was there last night, worth every drop of rain!

Real diehard Leaf fans came out tonight!




Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
Tomorrow will be madness.

Gonna be there taking pics from like 3PM lol.

hopefully we can pull out a W.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2009
GTA or the UK
I was there for game 2.

Chilled outside before game 3 and game 4 before going into the ACC, and then was there for game 5.

It's amazing. If you haven't witnessed it, definitely do so. The energy is so amazing and contagious.

I'll be there tomorrow, bright and early.

If anyone wants to come say hi, feel free. I'll be the guy in the Leafs jersey


Registered User
Nov 1, 2009
GTA or the UK
Do they give any free stuff out? Say like towels and posters. My kids saw it and that is the only reason they want to go? Let me know ASAP please!

Over the 4 games I've been there, I've gotten a few towels, t-shirts, a noise maker, and Marlies tickets.

Plenty of things being given away.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2010
I'm sure it's been mentioned and probably a dumb inquiry but can you bring alcohol with you or do they search you?

The Blue Devil

Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Do they give any free stuff out? Say like towels and posters. My kids saw it and that is the only reason they want to go? Let me know ASAP please!

If your kids are under 16 I would highly recommend that you do NOT bring them.

I got a free monster(energy drink) when I went.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2011
I'm sure it's been mentioned and probably a dumb inquiry but can you bring alcohol with you or do they search you?

They search you. Guys I got an idea when we sing the hockey song when the lyrics go "bobby scores" lets say kessel scores. I like bobby Orr but the fact we're facing Boston I always feel dirty singing that part.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2013
I went and did not get into the designated space and ended up staying to the side. I was still leaning on a fence for support.

Let's just say the experience is completely killed by any drunk or high idiots that go to this. It looks nice in the videos and thats why I went but I think it really is an illusion what you see in the video. Before the end of the first (I decided to leave and go to the bar after), I had already seen the following:

1) Guy get angry cause I refused to high five him as a fellow leaf fan (the man was wiping his nose and his face using the same hand after each sip of beer he had)
2) A group was smoking weed and passing it around (the smell was extremely bad) and the smoke was bad. I was very surprised the police did nothing
3) TWO fights in the span of 5 minutes. All four people involved were personally seen drinking from whatever they bought at the LCBO or had some of the weed I mentioned earlier. Definitely one group was looking for trouble as they had friends involved in both fights.
4) Obvious smoking and swearing around kids

If you are thinking of bringing children, get there early and get into the designated area. Do not hang around outside. I personally don't recommend children for the tailgate.

Honestly speaking, not a good experience on my end and very surprised the cops didn't do anything of significance.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2009
I neither condone or condemn drinking/smoking, but a tailgate party for a playoff game is no place for children. Don't expect a family atmosphere at these types of things and I really have to question your judgement if you're bringing your kids in the first place. Stay home, make popcorn get some juice boxes and watch on the TV.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2013
what time do you think i should show up to get a good spot?

i'm meeting a few buddies at 5pm at Union Station... think that's early enough to get a good spot?

and is the smoking of the herb and LCBO drinking tolerated in all locations? or only outside the designated areas?


Mar 15, 2010
I'm sorry but if you go around any Leaf fans while the game is on, swearing isn't an expectation but a known fact. Come on people.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2013
what time do you think i should show up to get a good spot?

i'm meeting a few buddies at 5pm at Union Station... think that's early enough to get a good spot?

and is the smoking of the herb and LCBO drinking tolerated in all locations? or only outside the designated areas?

I would show up 15-20 minutes earlier and tell your friends to find you in the line. Outside alcohol and weed is not allowed in the sectioned off area, but I guess you could sneak it in and be careful about security not catching you. They do check bags.

false bobo

Registered User
Dec 6, 2011
I'm sure it's been mentioned and probably a dumb inquiry but can you bring alcohol with you or do they search you?

Pretty sure they only search those who get into that designated area at the front. I was towards the side and didn't get searched at all.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2013
thanks for the responses!

i'll be the 29 year old white guy with a blue Mats Sundin jersey. though i'm guessing there may be a few people fitting that description there tomorrow.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2013
oh, one more question... do they serve food in the designated area? hot dog guys? pizza pizza? can we bring in our own food... like pack a sandwich and a bag of chips or something?


Registered User
Jul 4, 2011
oh, one more question... do they serve food in the designated area? hot dog guys? pizza pizza? can we bring in our own food... like pack a sandwich and a bag of chips or something?

No outside food or drinks allowed, plenty of overpriced hot dogs/pizza/etc inside. I've gone 2 times now and I've had nothing but fun. I got a little wasted for game 5 and random people started dancing with me to the hockey song. I'd say the crowd is def younger, I'm 22 and I'm guessing 80% of the people there are 28 and under. Then when it started raining I tried hyping up the crowd and getting them out into the open, this was like 6:30pm and I was plastered. So much fun and I don't think they'll stop them anytime soon. Anyone that walked to union station, there were massive Go Leafs Go!, Leafs in 7, **** the Bruins chants that echoed throughout. This city can be wild.

And regarding the kids there, yeah def not the place to bring them. Like I was saying on the subway to this couple in leafs gear, I was swearing at the screen and then I'd see like a 5 year old pass by me lol. Felt kind of bad, but I was exposed to swearing at a young age.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2009
No outside food or drinks allowed, plenty of overpriced hot dogs/pizza/etc inside. I've gone 2 times now and I've had nothing but fun. I got a little wasted for game 5 and random people started dancing with me to the hockey song. I'd say the crowd is def younger, I'm 22 and I'm guessing 80% of the people there are 28 and under. Then when it started raining I tried hyping up the crowd and getting them out into the open, this was like 6:30pm and I was plastered. So much fun and I don't think they'll stop them anytime soon. Anyone that walked to union station, there were massive Go Leafs Go!, Leafs in 7, **** the Bruins chants that echoed throughout. This city can be wild.

And regarding the kids there, yeah def not the place to bring them. Like I was saying on the subway to this couple in leafs gear, I was swearing at the screen and then I'd see like a 5 year old pass by me lol. Felt kind of bad, but I was exposed to swearing at a young age.

This may sound rude or mean or whatever but if I'm swearing outside and I don't know you and a kid comes around me and hears it, I'm sorry but this is a free world and if a parent doesn't like that or starts complaining then get the kid out of there. I couldn't care less who is around me at what time..parents have to realize and understand that there are certain places that kids shouldn't be and a tailgate party with 10,000 people who are around 25 and under...yeah I would think that, that's a place I wouldn't want to bring my kid. People are going to be boozing, swearing, having a good time. If someone brings their kid then they have to accept whatever they see or hear. I really don't get parents sometimes.

Parents should just stay home with their kids and watch the game from there, it's like a huge outside bar. Would you bring your kid to a bar to watch the game? Probably not.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2011
This may sound rude or mean or whatever but if I'm swearing outside and I don't know and a kid comes around me and hears it, I'm sorry but this is a free world and if a parent doesn't like that or starts complaining then get the kid out of there. I couldn't care less who is around me at what time..parents have to realize and understand that there are certain places that kids shouldn't be and a tailgate party with 10,000 people who are around 25 and under...yeah I would think that, that's a place I wouldn't want to bring my kid. People are going to be boozing, swearing, having a good time. If someone brings their kid then they have to accept whatever they see or hear. I really don't get parents sometimes.

Parents should just stay home with their kids and watch the game from there, it's like a huge outside bar. Would you bring your kid to a bar to watch the game? Probably not.

I'm with you stats. I don't use derogatory terms either. I use the f word a lot while watching the game at the square and in ways it's worse than a bar cause they want you to act way more belligerent.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2009
I'm with you stats. I don't use derogatory terms either. I use the f word a lot while watching the game at the square and in ways it's worse than a bar cause they want you to act way more belligerent.

I use the f word a lot during Leaf games, I'm emotional, I'm into it so if I went down I'd definitely be throwing f bombs around. Just not a place for a kid. Also I'm sure any parent doesn't want their kid to see a 17 year old girl passed out on the concrete lol Stay home parents, just stay home


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