Confirmed with Link: PENS/STARS TRADE: Brenden Morrow, 2013 3rd<--> Joe Morrow, 2013 5th + contract talk

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Le Magnifique 66

Let's Go Pens
Jun 9, 2006
I think we are pretty deep in the bottom 6, if Shero wants a top 6 that's a different story and I'm all in for it:naughty:

What would be nice is if Iggy went up to Feaster and tells him I only want to play in Pittsburgh :nod:


Registered User
May 28, 2008
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Give me a break with that. Let's see what he does and how he fills in on this team. It sounds like you want it to fail just in principle. I hated the value, too, but that's because I really thought Morrow was a future stud here. Granted - I was basing that off SOLELY how he played in pre-season games and camp.

Who knows.. maybe Morrow ends up a bust and people are saying "Wow.. we gave up THAT for Morrow." Or maybe he's a great player and then we can revisit at that time.

Shero essentially said he's a 3rd liner by saying he's still looking for a second line winger, unless he's meaning to replace Neal. So to have the GM right off the bat call him a 3rd liner bothers me because I wouldve hoped that at least he would have a more optimistic view of the trade he just made. I am sorry, that much for a 3rd liner is insane regardless of how "well" he performs it's horrible value for what essentially is going to be a limited role.

Also, what Joe Morrow turns out to be is irrelevant. It's about the value of him at the time he was traded not what he becomes.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
I actually thought Morrow had a good bit of hop, last night. Compared to what I saw in Dallas. Given he was still often behind the play... so take that for what it's worth. But if he can keep that adrenaline pumping through his half-broken body for the duration and can find some chemistry with Malkin and Lazy... maybe we'll have something, here.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003

Judging from this article Ray Shero says he could still be in the market for a 4th liner or a 2nd line winger. That would indicate to me that he does not see Morrow as a 2nd line winger.

Yah that is a curious comment for him to make although I think mind games are as likely an explanation for Shero's comments as any. Most likely Morrow WILL be slotted in at 2LW when Geno comes back, because he's basically a poor man's Kunitz at this stage, and he's played with Neal plenty.

Replacing Kunitz is the only thing that's out of the question for Morrow at LW, so his statement could be construed a number of ways:

1) He doesn't consider Iginla to be a 1st line winger at his age, nor any of the other guys available to be 1st line wingers. Therefore if he's still in the mix, he'd consider moving Iginla to 2RW, Neal to 1RW.

Kunitz - Sid - Neal
Morrow - Geno - Iginla


Kunitz - Sid - Dupuis
Neal - Geno - Iginla

BUT neither makes as much sense as

Kunitz - Sid - Iginla
Bennett - Geno - Neal
Morrow - Sutter - Dupuis

...not by a long-shot. So there's that.

2) He's not in the market for Iggy (because he does consider him 1st line material and won't pay the cost), and he's not sure where Morrow will fit (he did say "Top 9" the day he traded for him which clearly suggests his spot on line 2 is not a sure thing AFA Shero is concerned -- Disco may be another matter, with his penchant for grinders). Therefore another "2nd line winger" is required to cover all bases if Morrow doesn't work out at 2LW.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2008
Allison Park, PA
Did anyone notice the stick lift Morrow made on the defender in front of the net to allow Neal's pass make it across the crease to Geno for his goal? I thought that was a great heads up play that goes unnoticed on the score sheet.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003

What Morrow ACTUALLY SAID: "They were very patient with me. They nitpicked my defensive game until it broke me, but I was very appreciative of that. ... they've done more for me in the last couple months than anyone has done in my entire career."

Yah Obviously a lot of bad blood as your vague, out of context tweet implies. Ross-bag.

**** YOU ROSSI YOU ARE AN INCOMPETENT PIECE OF GARBAGE. Please jump off a bridge and spare the world from your future offspring, you hack. Oh and learn how to actually be a reporter instead of basing your self-evaluation on how many other media outlets can be duped into using your "leads". I'm sure your social media professor in college would indicate you're a great success as a journalist but you can't report worth a ****. I know 10th graders who would be better at your job than you. Literally.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Talk about misleading tweet by Rossi. Morrow's remarks, in proper context, are not controversial or adversarial.
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Yeah, edited my post. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. That's my fault on that one.

The link to Benz's interview with Joe is at least still valid for those who want to hear from him directly.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
Yah the interview itself isn't bad (couple funny parts). Just wish these clowns would do their job with some level of self-respect and respect for the profession... too much to ask I guess. This is the internet age. Respect is for geezers. :laugh:


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
This misleading, sensationalist crap that these poor guys have to later answer questions about, and all the annoying hashtags are why I stopped following Rossi after about three days.

Surprised Rossi didn't go with "#Morrow says #Pens think 'short-term.' #Dallasstars think 'long-term'"

Which Morrow also said in a completely benign and correct context.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2010
Rob Rossi has been the biggest idiot in Pittsburgh sports media for a LONG time now. Smart fans should know to avoid his shady brand of journalism.

so we all agree that he is worthless and awful reporter. Than why oh why is he on every friggin show, how come, King, Todd, savran, Madden, I mean literally every single radio and TV host has him to analyze the game and provide an insider opinion, they should know sports better than any of us, I guess they couldn't design a bridge or building like I do, so who are we to say that they are wrong and we all are right.


Brink, Truth, Life
Jul 10, 2012
Did anyone notice the stick lift Morrow made on the defender in front of the net to allow Neal's pass make it across the crease to Geno for his goal? I thought that was a great heads up play that goes unnoticed on the score sheet.

I saw that play and a number of other very good plays by Morrow. I think he will fit in very well with this team.

What does everyone think about using Morrow on the PK? Would he be willing to play on the PK?

In one of the interviews with Crosby, Crosby indicated that Brenden Morrow played the PK in the Olympics in 2010. I understand the olympics are different than the NHL, but with what I saw so far from Morrow, I believe he could work well on the PK.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
so we all agree that he is worthless and awful reporter. Than why oh why is he on every friggin show, how come, King, Todd, savran, Madden, I mean literally every single radio and TV host has him to analyze the game and provide an insider opinion, they should know sports better than any of us, I guess they couldn't design a bridge or building like I do, so who are we to say that they are wrong and we all are right.

Are you Rossi's brother or something? ;)

A) The fact that a beat reporter gets a lot of play from other shows and mediums is not an indication of the quality of his reporting. IF he is the guy who is the first to work the phones with other media, the one with personal connections, HE will get the reward thrown his way. He will get the prime time exposures. That stuff has zero to do with knowledge and everything to do with who is friendly with who.

There is no business in America more incestuous than mass media. Everyone scratches everyone else's back, if they think that person might be able to help position their content. Especially now, with social media, etc.

B) Most of those people you mention, are also hacks or mediocre reporters. Particularly Madden. So the fact he appears with them, sheds no positive light on Rossi other than appearances. And frankly clicks and appearances are all he cares about / all his editors care about. I have verified that directly via means I won't discuss on a public forum. Pittsburgh media in general seems like it is VERY short on a-flight talent based on years of watching Fox / Root and listening to some of their radio stuff. People in the market wouldn't notice as much because you can't miss what you never had.

The fact that Rob Rossi is (obviously) connected, has zero bearing on how competent a reporter he is, how well he researches and checks facts, how connected he is to the organization itself (poorly , based on all evidence so far -- he has never been right on a big injury or trade scoop. Never.)


Registered User
Jul 3, 2006
How Rossi has the profile and exposure he does while Seth Rorabaugh is left with just a blog astounds me every day. You have a nerd in a fedora who's allergic to journalism with a bigger platform than the best hockey interviewer in town.

Bar Down

Bar Mexico
Jan 28, 2013
Beneath PPG Paints
so we all agree that he is worthless and awful reporter. Than why oh why is he on every friggin show, how come, King, Todd, savran, Madden, I mean literally every single radio and TV host has him to analyze the game and provide an insider opinion, they should know sports better than any of us, I guess they couldn't design a bridge or building like I do, so who are we to say that they are wrong and we all are right.

He painted a bad light on one of the most respected NHL veterans by selectively choosing words to make a story. That's not unethical to you? It doesn't take architectural knowledge to realize that this guy constantly misleads people. He's great at making stories out of things like this, that's why he's at the top. A very sketchy route to success...

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
I think at this point we don't need a Morrow acquisition thread anyway as it's been almost a week. Going to close 'er down now. We can discuss Morrows comments and play within the context of GDT, pre-game threads, line combo threads that will invariably appear, etc.
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