Confirmed with Link: Pens acquire Daniel Winnik for Sill, 2016 2nd, 2015 4th (Leafs retain $650k salary)


Registered User
May 28, 2008
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
If you take umbrage with the fact that JR isn't stockpiling picks in preparation to fill the cupboard and get an influx of high end prospects in here, that's fine. I can agree with that and I have no qualms with that argument. But to say he hasn't cut any deadweight, and that he's done nothing worthwhile is just ****ing crazy talk. :laugh:

He's gotten Sid two very, very good wingers, and ones that are even better when they play together. A sum is greater than it's parts situation (and it's parts are very good). He's found a gem in Comeau (who makes the same as Adams, by the way--let's all think about that for a second). He signed Ehrhoff, a low-risk deal that I genuinely think was partially made to make Martin expendable (before all the injuries on defense). He let all of the completely useless garbage walk from last season. He's still got work to do in finding a permanent winger for Geno, as well as cutting the rest of the deadweight in Sutter, Kunitz and Scuderi, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's made very, very smart moves that have made this team infinitely better immediately and moving forward.

If you can't see or accept that, I dunno what to tell ya.

The only weight he cut were guys on expired contracts, he didnt actively ship out any of the dead weight. I mean I guess that's something but it wouldve taken work to actually re-sign the guys instead of doing what he did. To me that's a bar set lower than what I want out of a Pittsburgh GM.

Waffle Fries

Registered User
Mar 7, 2013
Here's my problem, he talked a big game about how we needed to develop our own talent and stop throwing draft picks at rentals and then within a year he basically has traded most of the draft away.

He's traded most of the draft away? He's traded 3 picks total and only 2 of the 3 are for the 2015 draft.

Rutherford traded this year's 1st for David Perron, the best winger we've had since Hossa. I can't figure out why anyone would have an issue with trading a pick that may possibly turn into something three years down the line for someone who will be a huge help during Sid and Geno's prime.

The 2nd he traded in the Winnik deal is for the 2016 draft, and the odds of a 4th round pick turning into anything at all is slim.

Your definition of trading most of the draft away is a lot different than mine.

Our biggest problems was scoring diversity and he goes and trades away our best scorer who isnt Crosby/Malkin. The other thing, instead of getting the 1st round pick along with Hornqvist in return he gets a bottom 6 player and then proceeds to overpay him in arbitration thus negating any sort of cap savings that the Neal deal had.

We weren't getting a 1st round pick in addition to Hornqvist. The difference between Hornqvist and Neal as players is not the 11th overall pick. Spaling hasn't been overly impressive, but he's a solid player. As far as overpaying him, 2.2M is what you're going to get for most 3rd liners.

We still have the same old tired faces on the roster contributing less to nothing and instead of shipping them out and thus adding by subtracting we're keeping them on to take away from the future.

So now you're blaming him for not being able to rid the team of all of Shero's mistakes in less than one year?

He was a crappy GM in Carolina and there's nothing I am seeing out of him here that is impressing me whatsoever. He didnt sign anyone worthwhile, he didnt get rid of the dead weight and he's repeating the same damn mistakes that Shero did in trading the draft away for temp fixes.

I don't know about you guys but I am a penguins fan 5 years from now as well as right now and I don't want a ****** team because of some senile retread got the keys to our team and ran it into the ground.

So what I'm gathering is you had a preconceived idea of what JR would be like as a GM based on his time in Carolina and nothing he did here was going to change your mind. There's also shades of ageism here.

How are guys like Comeau and Downie not signing anyone worth while? Comeau is being payed under 1M and is producing at a 28G 53P pace. How is it a mistake to trade a 1st round pick who may or may not pan out for a legitimate top line winger?

Winnik is the first player he's traded for that could be argued is a "temporary" fix, and there's a good chance they attempt to re-sign him.


Registered User
May 28, 2008
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Because he was saying how awful our roster was last season?

My bad, I completely miss-read that as directed at my post and people reacting to it. After re-reading it I agree that he was pointing out what you said. I deleted my comment and apologize.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2008
The only weight he cut were guys on expired contracts, he didnt actively ship out any of the dead weight. I mean I guess that's something but it wouldve taken work to actually re-sign the guys instead of doing what he did. To me that's a bar set lower than what I want out of a Pittsburgh GM.

Maybe your bar is set to high? He completely revamped this team, and it's night and day from years past. We're deeper than we've been since the Cup runs. We have legit wingers for Sid. It's very likely we'll have them for Geno come October. Martin's gonna be allowed to walk. I doubt Ehrhoff's brought back. I think we'll bring in a veteran d-man so we're not rolling neck deep in inexperience next season on the blueline, but there should be ample playing time for the young d-men prospects.

The only thing I can even think of that someone might take issue with is the price of Winnik, which is more than I'd like for a guy who might walk, but I can understand why we paid it. We had to add to get them to retain salary and take Sill, and we wouldn't have paid that much for him unless it was a priority to re-sign him. As we all know, the bottom six has been atrocious for half a decade, so someone like Winnik goes a long way toward solving that. Again, I'm not thrilled that we only have one pick of significance this summer, but it's not like we traded a handful of 2nd and 3rd rounders for a five-years-too-late Morrow or a guy who would lose a footrace against a telephone pole (and wasn't a very effective d-man to boot) in Murray.

Expecting JR & Co. to come in and do any more than they've already done is just not very realistic to me. I'd love to be going into the playoffs with Sid and Geno surrounded by 2 wingers apiece of Perron/Hornqvist's caliber, Kunitz, Sutter and Scuderi gone, and a boatload of picks in the pocket. I just don't think it's very realistic to expect any more than what's been done.
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Registered User
May 28, 2008
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
He's traded most of the draft away? He's traded 3 picks total and only 2 of the 3 are for the 2015 draft.

Rutherford traded this year's 1st for David Perron, the best winger we've had since Hossa. I can't figure out why anyone would have an issue with trading a pick that may possibly turn into something three years down the line for someone who will be a huge help during Sid and Geno's prime.

If it was this in a vacuum then I could accept it, its in combination with other moves that I don't like. I wouldve preferred like I hoped many would here that we'd move some of those damn defensemen that we had stockpiled for the sole damn purpose of making that kind of Perron trade.

The 2nd he traded in the Winnik deal is for the 2016 draft, and the odds of a 4th round pick turning into anything at all is slim.

People use that to rationalize every draft pick trade. Seriously, it gets annoying that people are so short sighted that they cannot see draft picks as basically lottery tickets. The more you have the better your chances of hitting on something. When we keep pissing them away we lessen our chances at getting an impact player who can play above their cap hit. And please, lets not act like just because the 2nd rounder is next years draft somehow makes it worthless.

Your definition of trading most of the draft away is a lot different than mine.

I would prefer our GM use our draft picks to pick with rather than use them as a currency to acquire temporary relief with. This is EXACTLY what did Ray Shero in and I don't know why people arent more wary of this while it's going on under their nose. We spent years drafting more Dmen than we needed for the reason of flipping them for something, use them as currency.

We weren't getting a 1st round pick in addition to Hornqvist. The difference between Hornqvist and Neal as players is not the 11th overall pick. Spaling hasn't been overly impressive, but he's a solid player. As far as overpaying him, 2.2M is what you're going to get for most 3rd liners.

When we traded Staal to Rutherford we got his replacement and the 8th overall pick (which shouldve been Forsberg). It was not far fetched to expect Neal to return the 11th overall when you're talking about a very inexpensive young 40 goal scorer with years left on their contract.

So now you're blaming him for not being able to rid the team of all of Shero's mistakes in less than one year?

Maybe what annoys me most is he's repeating the same mistakes and the only player he seemed to actively chase off the team was the best scorer outside of Crosby/Malkin and he did not give Craig Adams or Scuderi or even Kunitz similar treatment.

So what I'm gathering is you had a preconceived idea of what JR would be like as a GM based on his time in Carolina and nothing he did here was going to change your mind. There's also shades of ageism here.

How are guys like Comeau and Downie not signing anyone worth while? Comeau is being payed under 1M and is producing at a 28G 53P pace. How is it a mistake to trade a 1st round pick who may or may not pan out for a legitimate top line winger?

Winnik is the first player he's traded for that could be argued is a "temporary" fix, and there's a good chance they attempt to re-sign him.

What are you basing agism on? I want new ideas, sometimes they can happen with old coaches/gms. Sometimes young coaches/gm's repeat tired and old ideas. Age has nothing to do with how I factor whether I like someone or not. While typically it's the younger ones who do approach things in a more modern manner it's not exclusive to age and I recognize that.

Why is looking at his record in a critical manner bad? He had his time in Carolina to completely shape that team to his desires and look what he made. That's his body of work so to me that's absolutely the most relevant way of assuming how things are going to go. I think it's hopelessly naive to assume he'll somehow be different with Pittsburgh now.

I don't get the blind faith people immediately put in him since he was hired. I'll admit, I didnt like the hire from the start. I was approaching it from a manner of he had to win me over while I feel people like you are approaching it in the manner of he has to lose you. I went through this during the Shero days. I was routinely criticized because I would criticize the things Ray Shero would do. I would get told how draft picks are basically worthless, we're in a win now mode, he's the best gm in the league etc... You know the drill. It's some of these same people who defiantly defended Ray Shero who are now doing the same with Rutherford.

I will say one thing, I liked Rutherford's coach hire. I get that will probably be unpopular here as well though. Johnston isnt exactly a spring chicken so I guess your ageism accusations fly out the window. He does have innovative ideas and I think he'll get better with time.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2006
Victoria, BC
Another thing about JR is he's been interested in a variety of guys, Shero would bring in garbage most of the time and the waiver wire, JR got rid of Arco because he wasn't working well, Shero would keep them all season long. JR does not have plan A and not have no backup plan and freaks out, JR has interest in a wide variety of players.


Registered User
May 28, 2008
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Maybe your bar is set to high? He completely revamped this team, and it's night and day from years past. We're deeper than we've been since the Cup runs. We have legit wingers for Sid. It's very likely we'll have them for Geno come October. Martin's gonna be allowed to walk. I doubt Ehrhoff's brought back. I think we'll bring in a veteran d-man so we're not rolling neck deep in inexperience next season on the blueline, but there should be ample playing time for the young d-men prospects.

The only thing I can even think of that someone might take issue with is the price of Winnik, which is more than I'd like for a guy who might walk, but I can understand why we paid it. We had to add to get them to retain salary and take Sill, and we wouldn't have paid that much for him unless it was a priority to re-sign him. As we all know, the bottom six has been atrocious for half a decade, so someone like Winnik goes a long way toward solving that. Again, I'm not thrilled that we only have one pick of significance this summer, but it's not like we traded a handful of 2nd and 3rd rounders for a five-years-too-late Morrow or a guy who would lose a footrace against a telephone pole (and wasn't a very effective d-man to boot) in Murray.

Expecting JR & Co. to come in and do any more than they've already done is just not very realistic to me. I'd love to be going into the playoffs with Sid and Geno surrounded by 2 wingers apiece of Perron/Hornqvist's caliber, Kunitz, Sutter and Scuderi gone, and a boatload of picks in the pocket. I just don't think it's very realistic to expect any more than what's been done.

I guess I wish that Craig Adams, Kunitz, and Scuderi could be as actively chased out of town as James Neal was. Going into that draft I was hoping one that he'd have a good draft and if anything trade existing roster players from position of too many to acquire more picks to start fleshing out the system. I didnt expect him to trade our biggest outside offensive threat for a side grade and a grinder. At the very least I couldve been more accepting of that if it came with an actual cleaning of the house by getting rid of the other dead weight.

The thing is, I dont even think Rutherford feels the need to even get rid of those guys. Near the deadline you can trade a turd on an expiring contract to anyone as teams seem to feel a compulsive need to just add anything to their roster because they're assumed that is what they have to do to contend. He couldve moved them if he wanted to, he didnt and that's why they're still here.

Waffle Fries

Registered User
Mar 7, 2013
If it was this in a vacuum then I could accept it, its in combination with other moves that I don't like. I wouldve preferred like I hoped many would here that we'd move some of those damn defensemen that we had stockpiled for the sole damn purpose of making that kind of Perron trade.

People use that to rationalize every draft pick trade. Seriously, it gets annoying that people are so short sighted that they cannot see draft picks as basically lottery tickets. The more you have the better your chances of hitting on something. When we keep pissing them away we lessen our chances at getting an impact player who can play above their cap hit. And please, lets not act like just because the 2nd rounder is next years draft somehow makes it worthless.

I would prefer our GM use our draft picks to pick with rather than use them as a currency to acquire temporary relief with. This is EXACTLY what did Ray Shero in and I don't know why people arent more wary of this while it's going on under their nose. We spent years drafting more Dmen than we needed for the reason of flipping them for something, use them as currency.

You keep talking about temporary relief yet there is a chance that neither of the players he traded picks for are temporary.

I think you overvalue draft picks. You'd rather the GM make picks than trade them, despite players like a Perron being a sure thing? That's a weird philosophy to me. Trading for guys like Perron and Winnik is a lot different than trading for Morrow and Murray in terms of mortgaging the future.

I think there is a good chance that Martin or Scuderi could have been moved this deadline had Maatta not needed surgery. JR hasn't been here a full year yet, there's still plenty of time for him to move out players to recoup picks.

As far as "let's not act like just because 2nd rounder is next years draft somehow makes it worthless" goes, as mentioned many times throughout this thread, when a pick is not in the current draft year, the value goes down a round. Plus since you said that he traded most of the draft away, it should be pointed out that he only traded 2 picks from this draft.

When we traded Staal to Rutherford we got his replacement and the 8th overall pick (which shouldve been Forsberg). It was not far fetched to expect Neal to return the 11th overall when you're talking about a very inexpensive young 40 goal scorer with years left on their contract.

There is a much bigger gap between Staal and Sutter than between Neal and Hornqvist.

Maybe what annoys me most is he's repeating the same mistakes and the only player he seemed to actively chase off the team was the best scorer outside of Crosby/Malkin and he did not give Craig Adams or Scuderi or even Kunitz similar treatment.

I really don't see these same mistakes you keep claiming to happen. Most of JR's moves are anti-Shero moves. Shero would never shake up the roster that much with a Neal trade. The oldest player JR has brought in was Ehrhoff, everyone else was under 30. JR has put an emphasis on making the team harder to play against. Shero didn't do any of that. You seem to be using trading picks for Winnik to try to argue that he's making Shero's mistakes. Nothing else they've done is remotely similar.

It's a lot easier to trade a guy like Neal than it is to trade Kunitz, Scuderi and Adams. No one will want Adams and Scuderi had no value at the beginning of the year (although he's rebounded a bit with his play now). I doubt anyone predicted Kunitz would be as awful as he is right now, and there are rumors that JR hasn't been thrilled with him. You have to give him a chance.

There are only 5 forwards on last year's playoff roster that are still here. That's a pretty significant overhaul considering how little time has passed

What are you basing agism on? I want new ideas, sometimes they can happen with old coaches/gms. Sometimes young coaches/gm's repeat tired and old ideas. Age has nothing to do with how I factor whether I like someone or not. While typically it's the younger ones who do approach things in a more modern manner it's not exclusive to age and I recognize that.

You don't think calling someone a "senile retread" sounds like an ageist comment?

Why is looking at his record in a critical manner bad? He had his time in Carolina to completely shape that team to his desires and look what he made. That's his body of work so to me that's absolutely the most relevant way of assuming how things are going to go. I think it's hopelessly naive to assume he'll somehow be different with Pittsburgh now.

I don't get the blind faith people immediately put in him since he was hired. I'll admit, I didnt like the hire from the start. I was approaching it from a manner of he had to win me over while I feel people like you are approaching it in the manner of he has to lose you. I went through this during the Shero days. I was routinely criticized because I would criticize the things Ray Shero would do. I would get told how draft picks are basically worthless, we're in a win now mode, he's the best gm in the league etc... You know the drill. It's some of these same people who defiantly defended Ray Shero who are now doing the same with Rutherford.

Who cares what he did in Carolina? As has been mentioned over and over again, ownership made it hard for him. One year he'd have the green light to spend, the next year he wouldn't. Carolina isn't a go-to destination for free agents so he'd have to overpay. His record isn't great there, but that doesn't affect us at all.

He's made a lot of really strong moves for the Penguins. He's signed guys who have made an impact for really cheap contracts, and he did something that Shero never did in getting Sid long-term answers for his wing.

It's not hopelessly naive if you actually look at what he's done for us without a preconceived bias.

I will say one thing, I liked Rutherford's coach hire. I get that will probably be unpopular here as well though. Johnston isnt exactly a spring chicken so I guess your ageism accusations fly out the window. He does have innovative ideas and I think he'll get better with time.

Again, when you call someone a "senile retread" there's not many other ways to take it.

Speaking Moistly

What a terrible image.
Feb 19, 2013
Injured Reserve
Another thing about JR is he's been interested in a variety of guys, Shero would bring in garbage most of the time and the waiver wire, JR got rid of Arco because he wasn't working well, Shero would keep them all season long. JR does not have plan A and not have no backup plan and freaks out, JR has interest in a wide variety of players.

Shero did eventually waive D'Agostini and Kobasew last season, eventually. Arcobello has gone on to be productive so far , and we're still stuck with Adams while Sill hung around forever. It's looking like JR at least has some kind of plan, though, and it's one that he can/will execute.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2008
I guess I wish that Craig Adams, Kunitz, and Scuderi could be as actively chased out of town as James Neal was. Going into that draft I was hoping one that he'd have a good draft and if anything trade existing roster players from position of too many to acquire more picks to start fleshing out the system. I didnt expect him to trade our biggest outside offensive threat for a side grade and a grinder. At the very least I couldve been more accepting of that if it came with an actual cleaning of the house by getting rid of the other dead weight.

The thing is, I dont even think Rutherford feels the need to even get rid of those guys. Near the deadline you can trade a turd on an expiring contract to anyone as teams seem to feel a compulsive need to just add anything to their roster because they're assumed that is what they have to do to contend. He couldve moved them if he wanted to, he didnt and that's why they're still here.

I think the problem with guys like Adams and Scuderi is that they don't have much value. In Adams' case, I don't think he's got any value. I don't think it'd be the easiest thing in the world to find a taker for Scuderi either, but I think it could be done.

Kunitz is a whole different animal. It's like the organization is terrified to offend him or hurt his feelings by asking him to waive his no-trade, or by demoting him after several years of awful (and worsening) play. They simply refuse to demote the guy, hold him accountable for his atrocious play, and I highly doubt they've even thought about moving him. It's such a weird situation. He's been dropping off in play for years, getting worse as time goes on, and yet he's completely immune. I just don't get it.

I wish he'd moved Martin though. I was happy with the Ehrhoff signing simply because I thought it meant we were going to try and move Martin and get something for him before losing him for nothing. Injuries happened, and we had to keep him, sadly. That's the only big mistake I think he's made was not moving Martin shortly after Ehrhoff was signed.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
If the argument is about JR wanting to develop prospects, theres a ton of them still here. Just off the top of my head:


This doesn't include the next crop that could have a couple more names added once they hit pro hockey.

This is why JR is using picks to re-tool. Cuz he's comfortable with whats in the near future here.

I was sort of worried about JR when he said "the 4th line sucks and needs changed" and for most of this year it had Sill, Adams and Goc on it. But now it's gonna have Spaling, Lappy, Downie, Winnik, Bennett and maybe Adams on it.

Just an example that it's gonna be a process here and overtime you'll see things change like Kunitz and Sutter not here anymore.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2007
If JR traded Sutter, Kunitz, and Scuderi for draft picks, would that make people happy?

Deutschland Dangler

Registered User
Jun 17, 2014
If JR traded Sutter, Kunitz, and Scuderi for draft picks, would that make people happy?



Registered User
Jun 25, 2014
Richmond, Va
I have an awful feeling that Bennett/Downie will see healthy scratch status over Adams even though it makes no sense. They could also be tade bait at the deadline.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pa
The issue with trading say, kunitz or sutter for draft picks is that they dont have depth to replace them right now. You cant squander chances now for possibly three to 5 years down the road. Kunitz may not be the same as pre olympic kunitz, but he certainly is still a NHL level winger. Sutter is incredibly average for what we need of him, and Spaling can replace him, but then who replaces spaling especially if an injury happens?


Registered User
Sep 30, 2007
The problem with some Pittsburgh fans is that they are what I call, "Children of the Rebuild." For years, the exciting part was seeing us collect prospects and draft picks, and sit around here ************ about how great they were going to be some day, and how this team will return to glory, and how everything will be alright. Those guys we all slobbered over amounted to absolutely zilch, but people haven't been able to move on from the mindset that "draft picks = good, real players = bad." Some posters would rather have 37 draft picks per year, only to trade them right as they got good so they could collect more draft picks, and repeat the cycle.

Most of them have absolutely no idea what you need to have a successful team, and are typically the ones who are *****ing about JR trading a 1st round pick, but don't take the time to consider that if we were to use that 1st round pick on a winger, if everything goes to plan, we could only hope he's as good as David Perron. That will never be brought up, only the fact that we traded a 1st round pick.


Sep 17, 2014
The problem with some Pittsburgh fans is that they are what I call, "Children of the Rebuild." For years, the exciting part was seeing us collect prospects and draft picks, and sit around here ************ about how great they were going to be some day, and how this team will return to glory, and how everything will be alright. Those guys we all slobbered over amounted to absolutely zilch, but people haven't been able to move on from the mindset that "draft picks = good, real players = bad." Some posters would rather have 37 draft picks per year, only to trade them right as they got good so they could collect more draft picks, and repeat the cycle.

Thanks for the morning laugh... and so true just like insomniac's post prior to yours.

Ugene Magic

Oct 17, 2008
The problem with some Pittsburgh fans is that they are what I call, "Children of the Rebuild." For years, the exciting part was seeing us collect prospects and draft picks, and sit around here ************ about how great they were going to be some day, and how this team will return to glory, and how everything will be alright. Those guys we all slobbered over amounted to absolutely zilch, but people haven't been able to move on from the mindset that "draft picks = good, real players = bad." Some posters would rather have 37 draft picks per year, only to trade them right as they got good so they could collect more draft picks, and repeat the cycle.

Most of them have absolutely no idea what you need to have a successful team, and are typically the ones who are *****ing about JR trading a 1st round pick, but don't take the time to consider that if we were to use that 1st round pick on a winger, if everything goes to plan, we could only hope he's as good as David Perron. That will never be brought up, only the fact that we traded a 1st round pick.

This is the vicious cycle the Pirates are in. All so the Nothings can pay down the dept of the team rather than boost their roster. They got lucky one season but refused to build on it and keep moving towards the goal of really competing.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2007
This is the vicious cycle the Pirates are in. All so the Nothings can pay down the dept of the team rather than boost their roster. They got lucky one season but refused to build on it and keep moving towards the goal of really competing.

Eh. Pirates have had 2 good seasons, and they are highly ranked this year. Penguins fans who watch the Pirates would want them to right now trade McCutchen, Harrison, Polanco, Walker, and anything else "while their value is high."


The halcyon days
Mar 15, 2007
This is the vicious cycle the Pirates are in. All so the Nothings can pay down the dept of the team rather than boost their roster. They got lucky one season but refused to build on it and keep moving towards the goal of really competing.
They've made the playoffs 2 years in a row and are going into this season with probably their most complete and deepest roster yet.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2003
This space.
I think JR has done a better job than anyone could have anticipated. Brought in useful depth players on bargain deals, got another legitimate top 6 winger (like people have been crying for for years). There were rumours he was going to trade Martin for Williams before Maatta went down. He was our one completely expendable piece that had good trade value (in the sense that we had someone fully capable of replacing him already on the roster in Maatta). Too bad we couldn't get assets for Martin because of Maatta's injury.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
If JR traded Sutter, Kunitz, and Scuderi for draft picks, would that make people happy?

Depends on the draft picks. THey are not all created equal. Also depends on how the players are packaged. Sutter + Kunitz could get you a real-world, already-a-good-NHL-player, so no, trading that for draft picks would be durpity dumb.

Individually, it could work to our advantage both this summer and in the long run. If you ended up with say 4-5 picks between rounds 2-4 in the next two drafts, and we can use the space this summer to sign one really good player to a long-term contract, then yah I'd be happy. If we get a couple 2nds and a bunch of 5th and 6th rounders, no I wouldn't. I'd rather trade for solid role players in that case.

Also Waffle is correct in his JR draft pick trade analysis. Anyone who complains about the Perron trade, given everything we've been through and what he brings (and his age), is off their rocker. The majority of 1st round draft picks every year, do not turn into players as good as David Perron. Especially late picks. Most years, people should think of the rounds and their value differently.

What people worry about giving away with "1st rounders" is really only likely to materialize if you have a pick in ~ the top 15 picks. Then players from about 15 to 40, have a more or less equal shot of succeeding / becoming a Top 9 F or Top 4 D. After that it's 100% crap-shoot or finding a diamond in the rough overseas that no one noticed (the Red Wings are really good at this). Draft picks are generally overvalued around here, although over time if you trade enough of them away, you are likely to hurt yourself (if you're always trading for rentals, etc). Because by shear statistics, if you pick enough of those 15-40 guys over say 5 years, at least 1 or 2 of them are likely to turn into useful players.

But Perron is not a rental.
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