Patrick Kane subject of police investigation II [READ MOD OP]

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Stand-Up Philosopher
Mar 26, 2011
If someone forever stole my sense of security and self worth, no amount of money fixes that. I'd want justice served and that person punished. If found guilty, I have a good chance of suing for damages as well.

As per the post, the more likely reason they'll drop it rather than being given the settlement money is the fact that they'll probably be constantly hearing *******s in the media and in the public (and sadly sometimes even within her friends and family) **** shaming her, calling her a liar and all that nasty stuff that would go away if she drops the case. We're already seeing it, as we always do.

Of course we'd all like to believe no level of name calling and questioning of your integrity would never stop a person from pursuing the truth and revealing it to the masses, but that's just a utopian pipe dream.


Man crush on Amonte
Oct 15, 2010
If 95% of them do cheat, then 95% of them are dicks. Just cuz you're a nhl player doesn't excuse the fact you're a cheater and thus a dick.

These guys are young, many immature, and spend a ton of time on the road away from their SO's with women literally throwing themselves at them. I don't condone cheating but this shouldn't come as a shock at all to anyone.

Ryuji Yamazaki

Do yuu undastahn!?
Jul 22, 2015
These guys are young, many immature, and spend a ton of time on the road away from their SO's with women literally throwing themselves at them. I don't condone cheating but this shouldn't come as a shock at all to anyone.

Yeah agreed. Kinda surprised that some people are shocked by athletes cheating. Not that I agree with it.


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
The only crime worst then rape is being accused of it without having committed the offence.

Someone who gets raped lives with that the rest of their lives. It is the ultimate violation of someone, it takes years to come to grips with and a lifetime to get over. I think you're dismissing how much damage a rape can do, or you don't know someone who has gone through.

False accusations are a disgusting thing, but they are so damned rare relative to actual rapes. I don't understand why some dude needs to bring this up every single time rape is discussed.

Quack Shot

Registered User
Nov 14, 2010
These guys are young, many immature, and spend a ton of time on the road away from their SO's with women literally throwing themselves at them. I don't condone cheating but this shouldn't come as a shock at all to anyone.

Oh, it doesn't surprise me at all. I'm just saying they're dicks if they do cheat.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2012
Great White North
It's probably been stated a dozen times already but, if Patrick Kane played for the LA Kings and his level of play was at the stage Mike Richards has been for the past year, one might think it might go like "NO trial, NO jury, NO judge, NO decision- you're terminated!!!!!


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 29, 2008
Someone who gets raped lives with that the rest of their lives. It is the ultimate violation of someone, it takes years to come to grips with and a lifetime to get over. I think you're dismissing how much damage a rape can do, or you don't know someone who has gone through.

False accusations are a disgusting thing, but they are so damned rare relative to actual rapes. I don't understand why some dude needs to bring this up every single time rape is discussed.

Reminds me of that girl with the mattress thing at the campus. Everyone was on her side to start but now more and more facts are coming out and its really suspicious.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2014
Either way, Patrick Kane is a dick.

Either he allegedly committed a rape and deserves to be in jail
He allegedly cheated on his girlfriend with another girl at their home as the results of the rape kit will be in by now.

Did his GF make a statement? We don't know what type of dynamic they have, for all we know she is ok with him sleeping with other women. Also, is it THEIR home? Or HIS home?


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009

"The truth is, we don't know how many women have been sexually assaulted on America's college campuses, but legislation based on overblown statistics won't lead to safer campuses, just more fear."

When the article ends like that, its rather difficult to quote them for anything substantial.

Besides, a lot of this can hang on semantics. WHat constitutes rape, what constitutes sexual assault?


possession obsession
Apr 4, 2011
Ontario, Canada
"The truth is, we don't know how many women have been sexually assaulted on America's college campuses, but legislation based on overblown statistics won't lead to safer campuses, just more fear."

When the article ends like that, its rather difficult to quote them for anything substantial.

Besides, a lot of this can hang on semantics. WHat constitutes rape, what constitutes sexual assault?

See the other article I posted. But in fact, the semantics are extremely important. When 73% of the women considered to have been raped in that study don't even consider themselves to have been raped, there's something seriously wrong with the methodology.

The DOJ did another study and found the actual number is .61 percent.

The ending of the article makes an excellent point. Legislation should be based on objective evidence, provable fact, not overblown and misinterpreted fearmongering. Legislation based on these statistics has led to the erosion of due process for people accused of sexual assault, with serious consequences.


I hate this team
Aug 12, 2008
Nova Scotia
A man could claim rape, if she had forced herself on him. Rape isn't just sex when drunk, it's forcible sex against a person's will or without consent. Being drunk doesn't absolve someone from responsibility if they have sex with someone who says no or is too drunk to give consent.

As a woman I literally feel sick reading through threads like this.

Just know that not all of us MEN take this lightly as some people on here seem to. As as guy who has a mother, sisters, wife and daughter, seeing some of the comments in here disgust me.

With more info that will come out, we will hopefully all know what really happened. But as of now, we know this girl feels she was raped. And if she was, nothing that happens next will change that and she will be carrying fear with her for a lifetime.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2011
...WHat constitutes rape, what constitutes sexual assault?

the law is pretty clear on those definitions and really thats what matters here - personally i couldnt care less about statistics from non-reputable sources etc concerning the supposed frequency of these things , either he did it or he didnt and they can prove it or they cant, thats due process and it needs to happen and none of us here are privy to anything. If he did something, its illegal and it has consequences.


possession obsession
Apr 4, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Just know that not all of us MEN take this lightly as some people on here seem to. As as guy who has a mother, sisters, wife and daughter, seeing some of the comments in here disgust me.

With more info that will come out, we will hopefully all know what really happened. But as of now, we know this girl feels she was raped. And if she was, nothing that happens next will change that and she will be carrying fear with her for a lifetime.

Frankly, that reply you quoted is absolutely ludicrous. "Being too drunk is not an excuse for having sex with someone too drunk to give consent" - what?

If being drunk means you cannot give consent, then it must apply to both parties. Full stop.


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
See the other article I posted. But in fact, the semantics are extremely important. When 73% of the women considered to have been raped in that study don't even consider themselves to have been raped, there's something seriously wrong with the methodology.

The DOJ did another study and found the actual number is .61 percent.

The ending of the article makes an excellent point. Legislation should be based on objective evidence, provable fact, not overblown and misinterpreted fearmongering. Legislation based on these statistics has led to the erosion of due process for people accused of sexual assault, with serious consequences.

I agree, all Im saying is that the article doesn't say very much that isn't opinion.
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