Overwatch - Part 3 - Rise of the Robot


Registered User
Nov 12, 2005
New York
Yup, nearly everybody I play comp with regularly placed about 200 points lower than where they finished the previous season, regardless of individual performance and record. May as well not have placements be a thing.


Jan 13, 2010
Southern California
Yeah I really only play to plat each season casue I don't want to play competitive that much especially since I mostly solo. Each time I get ranked high gold and doesn't take long to get back to plat.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
I think what drives me nuts the most about the game in its current state is the overuse of the supposed "shield comp" on defense.

Orisia/D.Va or Reinhardt/Mercy/Symmetra/Bastion/Any other harrasser like Tracer or Pharah makes 2CP maps somehow even less enjoyable and grind games to a total halt.

If you have to pinpoint where i got 100% fed up with the game, it was probably shortly after Orisa came out and everyone figured this out. God it's so boring.


Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
I think what drives me nuts the most about the game in its current state is the overuse of the supposed "shield comp" on defense.

Orisia/D.Va or Reinhardt/Mercy/Symmetra/Bastion/Any other harrasser like Tracer or Pharah makes 2CP maps somehow even less enjoyable and grind games to a total halt.

If you have to pinpoint where i got 100% fed up with the game, it was probably shortly after Orisa came out and everyone figured this out. God it's so boring.

Ehh, if you have a good Sombra player to hack those fools they become very useless. I have seen many people get discouraged playing Reinhardt and switch their character when a Sombra is constantly hacking them.
Mar 15, 2011
Bought this game last year, messed around with it a bit, but stopped around level 10. Picked it up a week ago and I can't stop. Just got to 25, but I dont think I'm going to play competitive for awhile. I have a solid group of 3 or 4 but I think we're gonna wait.

Love- Lucio, Reinhardt, Hanzo and McRee.

Are these characters viable in competitive?


#OGOC #2018 HFW Predictions Champ
Aug 8, 2012
Lucio and Reinhardt are

McRee and Hanzo can be if you are skilled with them. inb the wrong hands thye are irrelevant


Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
Lucio and Reinhardt are

McRee and Hanzo can be if you are skilled with them. inb the wrong hands thye are irrelevant

They seem more like supplementary characters. Like when your team has the right amount of balance already and one person still has to pick and you really don't care who they pick. Those are the time I don't mind a Hanzo or McRee.

I have recently started playing more Orisa and Reaper. Didn't like those two at first but getting pretty dang good with them.
Mar 15, 2011
Who should I try to get really good with before I make the shift to competitive? I really want to excel with at least 3 or 4 characters.


#OGOC #2018 HFW Predictions Champ
Aug 8, 2012
Who should I try to get really good with before I make the shift to competitive? I really want to excel with at least 3 or 4 characters.

If you want one of each class, id say Soldier, Junkrat, Rein/DVa and Lucio. if you know those characters, you will always have a place on the team. id also suggest being at least familiar with Tracer and Winston, if your team decide they want to run a Dive comp.

when you think you have those down, diversify with Pharah, Zarya and Mercy. by then you will have a reasonably deep pool of heroes to fit the needs of most comps


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Lucio for sure. Up until a couple months ago, he was the only character in pro play to have a 100% pick rate amongst teams.

Pro play doesn't obviously apply here, but it doesn't change the fact Lucio is literally irreplaceable because of his speed boost and is always a good pick no matter the comp. He can work with dive, more defensivecentric teams and more...unorganized comps.

Other characters i'd recommend:

D.Va - another great swiss army knife pick. She gels with pretty much any comp and can help support more barrier centric teams with her defense matrix

Rein - Another totally viable pick in comp because he does what few can do with his kit.

Soldier 76: Nerfed a tad recently but is still probably one of the better DPS in the game. Great mid range pick, solid ult and great mobility

Zenyatta: A little bit tougher to play due to his squishy health, lack of total self heal (outside of his shields regenerating) and lesser healing output, but he is an absolute monster if played well. Discord orbs help shred everything and his harmony orbs let him heal without putting himself right in the crossfire. Probably also has the best defensive ult in the game

Leafs at Knight

Mar 4, 2011
London, Ontario
Just fool around, and find heroes you're good at and like playing. No point playing heroes you don't like and aren't good at but that's what time team needs. Not going to win much like that. It's good to get good with at least one in each class though, defence isn't that important though. 95% of my play time is tank/support.

Anyhow I've played way too much over the last little while so I'm probably going to take another break now and play other games, plus comp is just way to frustrating/stressful with all the tilters, smurfs, and leavers that leave every other game.


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008
Yeah. I'm definitely less interested in OW these days.
Queue times on ps4 can be silly when I play, and then to have someone jump out of a game and restart the queue again... I think I've waited nearly 10 minutes in total for a game that actually played through before.

I would literally rather have them expand the 'skill range' they're matching you against every 30s to make sure that you don't have to wait more than a minute for a game, than to have the current system that still seems to manage to produce unbalanced games at times when solo queuing


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008
10 minutes? The most I've waited is 3 and then I usually just restart the queue and it's pretty quick

It'll be a 3 minute, get into a game but it's disbanded for waiting on players, then it seems like you're tossed into the queue brand new again rather than being top of the list

Frankie Blueberries

Dream Team
Jan 27, 2016
Big patch came out today. Things that are worth noting:

-A new map - Horizon Lunar Colony, for 2CP gametype.
-Buff to Reaper (heals on damage done now), nerf to Roadhog. I think Winston got buffed as well.
-New skins added to normal loot boxes. Oni for Genji, and one for Dvai.

New map is incredibly lopsided. I have not seen a defence team win yet, and the attacking team always wins with like 4-5 minutes to spare. It's a great map, it's just unbalanced.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Horizon is almost like a map from a totally different DPS. it's ****ing huge and has so many flank routes it seems almost impossible for the defending team to completely lock it down. That being said, i don't mind it from the little i played. Nice change a pace from the other garbage ass 2CP maps.

Character changes though...

Reaper's isn't going to make a huge impact i don't think. You basically get 20% of the enemy's health back when you kill them. So if you kill a flanker who has a shred of health back, it's not helping you much. Just makes him a bit more streamlined than actually OP (not that he would be since D.Va still laughs at him)

McCree's ult is now not garbage. Basically deletes anyone that isn't a tank that's caught in the open since they don't really have the time to get away. Flanking high noons are now legitimately threatening. Can still be shut down by a lot so i don't think it's OP.

And then Roadhog....Oh, you poor thing you. Can't even one shot the things he's supposed to now unless you line up a stupid precise head shot and even then it's a bit meh. People whined about Hog but i honestly didn't have an issue with him after they fixed his hook grabbing people through walls. He was still useless against long range heroes, could be dealt with by Zenny and charged the **** out of enemy ults.

Blizzard has no clue about balance.


Danila Yurov Fan Club President
Dec 10, 2012
Free golden loot box (which means a guaranteed legendary in it) for Twitch prime users. Those of you with Amazon prime can get Twitch prime for free just by linking your accounts. If you have neither, you can get a free month trial and thus your free loot box.


Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
Free golden loot box (which means a guaranteed legendary in it) for Twitch prime users. Those of you with Amazon prime can get Twitch prime for free just by linking your accounts. If you have neither, you can get a free month trial and thus your free loot box.

Thanks for the tip. Might do that.

Have yet to play lunar. Played about 4 games yesterday and went 2-2. I hate snipers and I normally don't like people who play snipers but was on Eichenwalde and we had nobody from defender class and to me our team looked like garbage so I picked Hanzo who I have played with maybe once before that.

Ended up winning the match as they never captured the first point and I got a 10 elimination streak and died only once. May have to Hanzo it up again sometime.


Danila Yurov Fan Club President
Dec 10, 2012
Horizon is almost like a map from a totally different DPS. it's ****ing huge and has so many flank routes it seems almost impossible for the defending team to completely lock it down. That being said, i don't mind it from the little i played. Nice change a pace from the other garbage ass 2CP maps.

My friends and I did the Horizon playlist for a few hours yesterday and won quite a bit more on defense than we lost.


Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
My friends and I did the Horizon playlist for a few hours yesterday and won quite a bit more on defense than we lost.

Finally got to play it and we didn't even cap the first point and the other team took it to the 1/3 mark with about 40 seconds left so we lost the match. I wanted to see the 2nd point haha. I guess next time maybe.


#OGOC #2018 HFW Predictions Champ
Aug 8, 2012
Highlight saving is coming (including exporting highlights at higher grpahics settings than you play at. also they are drastically reducing the rate you get duplicates in boxes, and increasing the currency refund on duplicates

I went to PTR and opened the 5 boxes and everything was new. havent seen that ina LONG time haha


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