OT: Other Sports 74

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Kaners Bald Spot

Registered User
Dec 6, 2011
Kane County, IL
Not only thing but Selig and Reinsdorf are the reasons why Mark Cuban is not running the Cubs instead. So yea, **** Selig.

There are 2 reasons that Jerry blocked Cuban, IMO.
1. Cuban is too player friendly while Jerry is like the furthest thing from that. Jerry railroaded his own team's window in the early 90s just to win labor negotiations. I fear he will do it again.

2. Jerry knew that if Cuban was running the Cubs, there's no way the Sox could compete with him without either skipping town or getting in a spending war with Cuban. Jerry didn't want to do either.

Everyone knows I'm a Jerry skeptic. I'm beyond annoyed he doesn't sign free agents but he is willing to give extensions to his own stars, and spread his payroll commitments around when in contention. I'm still massively nervous about Giolito as he's a smart dude and it will be very hard to win that negotiation as Giolito ascends to the upper echelon of pitchers in baseball.

Giolito deserves to get paid if he keeps getting better and if he goes down as a great, he will live forever in baseball lore. I don't think I've ever seen a guy go from can't-miss prospect, then traded, then to worst pitcher in baseball, to ace like that. There have been guys that were good prospects badly early in their careers that became HOF, but they were never THAT bad.
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Registered User
Nov 9, 2014
So apparently the Cubs couldn't keep Lester and pay him $5 million (of which $3 million is deferred, so only $2 million in salary this year) without shifting payroll.

That is utterly ridiculous.

Look, it's not so bad letting Lester the pitcher go, I get that. It means though we have no money for a replacement or to help with the outfield situation.

Also, it's a year where the Cubs are going to suck and there won't be many good moments. Keeping Lester around for his 200th win and so he could retire a Cub would have been a nice thing to do for the fans.

Man f*** the Ricketts.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
So apparently the Cubs couldn't keep Lester and pay him $5 million (of which $3 million is deferred, so only $2 million in salary this year) without shifting payroll.

That is utterly ridiculous.

Look, it's not so bad letting Lester the pitcher go, I get that. It means though we have no money for a replacement or to help with the outfield situation.

Also, it's a year where the Cubs are going to suck and there won't be many good moments. Keeping Lester around for his 200th win and so he could retire a Cub would have been a nice thing to do for the fans.

Man f*** the Ricketts.

The Ricketts really do f***ing suck. Plus, they are deplorable people too.


RIP Fugu
Jun 24, 2007
And yall trashed Jerry (Not Pez and a few others)

Jerry may not be perfect but generally he has been stable and fine owner though some Chicagoans will never acknowledge this


Registered User
Nov 3, 2008
Heart of Dixie
So apparently the Cubs couldn't keep Lester and pay him $5 million (of which $3 million is deferred, so only $2 million in salary this year) without shifting payroll.

That is utterly ridiculous.

Look, it's not so bad letting Lester the pitcher go, I get that. It means though we have no money for a replacement or to help with the outfield situation.

Also, it's a year where the Cubs are going to suck and there won't be many good moments. Keeping Lester around for his 200th win and so he could retire a Cub would have been a nice thing to do for the fans.

Man f*** the Ricketts.

Ricketts are in over their heads as owners of the Cubs and they should sell. They won't but they should.

And again frak Selig and Reinsdorf for blocking Mark Cuban owning the Cubs.

Kaners Bald Spot

Registered User
Dec 6, 2011
Kane County, IL
Yeah, there have been a few here trashing Jerry, and it's unjustified, IMO.
Jerry has shopped in the top tier in free agency exactly twice as his tenure of owner of the Sox. Immediately when he and Einhorn bought the team in 1980, they signed Carlton Fisk. The next time was Albert Belle in the winter of '96-97, and from all accounts that was an FU to the rest of the ownership about not trying harder to break the MLBPA in '94, which by the way Jerry was the leader on that negotiation and he railroaded his own team's window and killed their momentum by caring more about profits than his on-field product. You can't blame Sox fans for being skeptical.

Also, Jerry's refusal to re-negotiate Jordan and Pippen's contracts in the mid-90s is a huge reason why the Bulls are NOT a destination spot for NBA stars. All of the players see Jerry in a negative light. Reinsdorf gets far too much credit for inheriting Michael Jordan.

It has been said over the years, how he treats his employees very well, and is very generous in everything except player contracts. I don't understand how he can be from all accounts, such a good dude, but be so ruthless in CBA negotiations. He does spend overall, but he's more likely to give big contracts to players the Sox or Bulls drafted or grew up as players in his organization than he does to go outside the organization. Players, from Scottie Pippen, to Frank Thomas, to Chris Sale, to Yoan Moncada have taken a hometown discount to stay with his organizations.

My understanding of Jerry Reindsdorf is that by all accounts, he's a kind man, a great boss, but a mediocre at best owner from the fan's perspective. As a fan he does some things that are completely out of character when it comes to player contracts. That being said, his decency as a human being and as as a boss, while still being a shrewd businessman is why he owns 2 sports teams in Chicago and is a billionaire. If he has one weakness it's that he's overly loyal to those who need to be held accountable for poor performance in the upper management side of his organizations. It's one thing to be fair, and give people the benefit of the doubt, and that's admirable and quite frankly unexpected from someone of his wealth. There are times though, where the benefit of the doubt is given when it isn't warranted.

I want to like him, as he has many admirable qualities from a billionaire, but I struggle with it because he frustrates the hell out of his fanbase. If Jerry shopped at the top of Free Agency during this, what is probably this last window to win as an owner at age 85, it would do a lot for his legacy from the fans perspective. A lot would be forgiven.

Jerry Reinsdorf is a complex man, and has a complex legacy as an owner in Chicago. He very easily could have been beloved by Chicagoans if he had picked his spots with his teams a bit better. There are some big mistakes when he was too business conscious when he needed to be product conscious. Unfortunately, as of right now, he is not learning from his mistakes. Sox fans would have forgiven him for a lot if he had signed Bryce Harper, for instance, or sealed the deal with Machado before the Padres swooped in. There are too many times where he is penny wise but dollar foolish.
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RIP Fugu
Jun 24, 2007
Jerry has shopped in the top tier in free agency exactly twice as his tenure of owner of the Sox. Immediately when he and Einhorn bought the team in 1980, they signed Carlton Fisk. The next time was Albert Belle in the winter of '96-97, and from all accounts that was an FU to the rest of the ownership about not trying harder to break the MLBPA in '94, which by the way Jerry was the leader on that negotiation and he railroaded his own team's window and killed their momentum by caring more about profits than his on-field product. You can't blame Sox fans for being skeptical.

Jerry has given permission to acquire pending FA's and then paid them with extensions so this "He hasn't been FA player" is a bit absurd

Sox acquired guys like Garcia and Peavy knowing they would be requiring expensive extensions and Jerry has paid to retain top Sox FA's in past such as Konerko and Dye who both signed extensions when they could have cashed out bigtime on FA market (Especially Konerko remember after WS he was top FA and Baltimore wanted him)

Sox have also brought in guys like Dunn and Cabrera who were among top FA's those years

And the Sox were very much shopping in Machado sweepstakes finishing 2nd so this idea that Sox weren't really trying is absurd

Also, Jerry's refusal to re-negotiate Jordan and Pippen's contracts in the mid-90s is a huge reason why the Bulls are NOT a destination spot for NBA stars. All of the players see Jerry in a negative light. Reinsdorf gets far too much credit for inheriting Michael Jordan.

Pippen wants a big $$$ deal upfront and signed it.. Jerry had no obligation to rip it up after the market passed Pippen contract on by

As for MJ he was highest paid player at time and wanted ownership stake + control of roster/etc which was absurd demand and no owner should be forced to give a player that

Also Bulls dodged bullet there as MJ has been disaster as owner and player evaluator

Unfortunately, as of right now, he is not learning from his mistakes. Sox fans would have forgiven him for a lot if he had signed Bryce Harper, for instance, or sealed the deal with Machado before the Padres swooped in. There are too many times where he is penny wise but dollar foolish.

Some Sox fans bitched and moaned when he had top 10 payroll teams for good # of years after WS win so no they would have just complained some more

People would be screaming about Harper's down year this year and talking up how it was mistake if he was signed by Sox


Registered User
May 9, 2010
West Dundee, IL
Where did you hear this?
I think some random dude on reddit said it's happening. That in itself means nothing. But then someone actual Sox rumor sources have confirmed they've been after Burnes for a while. Now the food twitter guys (who have been nailing this off-season's moves) are being coy and refusing to speak about it.

It probably won't happen...but it's fun to speculate. The Sox would have an absolutely filthy rotation if they pulled this off.


RIP Fugu
Jun 24, 2007
Problem with believing this is why would Brewers trade away Burnes?

He is only 25 and just finished 6th in NL CY vote.. He and Woodruff give Brewers as good a 1-2 punch as anyone

They also have control over him until 2025 (Along with Woodruff)

Brewers are contenders in weak NL Central so why would they be waving white flag on 2021 season by trading him? Fans in Milwaukee would be pissed
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