TV: Orphan Black - BBC America's New Series


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
San Jose, CA
Great episode but I think it would have been better if the episode was like 90 minutes to two hours. There just felt like so much to cover and they had to keep things to 45 minutes that some of the stories felt a tad rushed. For example, I really wanted to see more of Rachel with Kira, especially considering what happened last week. Also, the intercutting would have been so much better if they did spread it out, so you have the argument between Sarah and Sadler, she goes to Surrender to Dyad, and then you have the theme. It would have been a long teaser, but again, I wish the episode was longer to give the show that time.

Other than that, this was a great finale, and I love the direction the show is going in. It does make sense you would have male clones, and I think that dynamic as potential to be really cool next season. I also loved that Marion, so far, seems like a good guy, much in the same vain as Mrs. S.

As for the Clone dance scene, I thought I would hate it but I loved it. For one, it was a brilliant technical acheivement, but also, I liked how this episode ended on a high note. Yeah, Helena got taken, but I don't think anything bad is going to happen to her. Considering the crap everyone went through this season, we got to see happiness and the four of them together was amazing. I don't mind if a show goes to dark areas, but I love that there is some joy to it, some sense of feeling hope and at the end of the episode, I got that. I was afraid this finale was going to be violent and there would be many deaths occurring but that wasn't really the case. I can go into the hiatus with questions but not bothered by a really big cliffhanger.

I wish the producers would make a soundtrack to Orphan Black too. They didn't for Season 1, but I would buy one if they did. One of the most underrated assets of this show is the music, and I'm a fan of good musical scores. Orphan Black has some great and haunting music to it, and it also has so much Variety. Name another show where you can get 90s pop (Spice Girls), Psychedelic noise, in a good way (Helena's theme, though I could be wrong on that one), and end season 2 with a really catchy reggae tune. Please, make a soundtrack happen, Orphan Black producers.

As for this season, I was afraid about a sophomore slump when the season started, but those fears were gone after the first episode. I loved this season, and while I admit the controversy angle did get a little convoluted, this is still my favorite series on currently and I can't wait till season 3.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2013
Haven't all the Ballots been turned in yet? Wasn't the due date yesterday? Nothing is going to change between now and when the Nominations are announced. I just am worried that tonight is the finale and they haven't announced if the show is coming back. Hate to go into this finale not knowing the future, even though they would be stupid to cancel it now.

Not sure when the ballots are due. This is just based on speculation that is going on in ******.

I saw this interview last week that's relevant to the last scene(s) to the season finale. When the reveal happened, all I could scream was "I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS DUPED!!!!!" The relevant point happens at the 43 second mark.
Don't watch it if you haven't seen Season's 2 finale.

Edit: I can't seem to get the youtube embedding to work on my work computer.
Here's a direct link


Registered User
Aug 12, 2010
I enjoyed the first season and was looking forward to this season. However, the second season was awfully disappointing to me. Even for a show about clones, the storylines have just become too ridiculous for me.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
San Jose, CA
I enjoyed the first season and was looking forward to this season. However, the second season was awfully disappointing to me. Even for a show about clones, the storylines have just become too ridiculous for me.

That seems to be the common criticism, but I still loved it. If there is one thing this show is great at, it's character development and that's where Season 2 was successful. So many great character moments, like anything between Sarah and Helena, anything between Sarah and Kira, or the Clone dance party, which brought them all together and shown how much of a family they have become.


Registered User
Aug 14, 2008
I enjoyed the first season and was looking forward to this season. However, the second season was awfully disappointing to me. Even for a show about clones, the storylines have just become too ridiculous for me.

It did become more complicated, lots of moving parts but I still enjoyed it and the characters still seemed believable. The fact that I "forget" that the actress is playing 5 different roles is a pretty amazing achievement.

member 51464

I finished season 1 today. Thought it was decent. Worth watching the 2nd?


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