OT - NO POLITICS Off Topic 2019 part XVI - Hockey Is Coming!!!!!!

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Black & Gold ‘till I’m Dead & Cold.
Dec 17, 2011


Got my truck back today!


Black & Gold ‘till I’m Dead & Cold.
Dec 17, 2011
Star Wars: Spoilers ahead for both the Star Wars and MCU films

Disney has the market cornered on expanding and fleshing out universes both here and in the MCU via this streaming service. We are entering a new era in story telling.

Rise of Skywalker may salvage the sequel trilogy and improve other films in the series (Last Jedi) by filling in certain gaps similarly to how Infinity War and End Game improve Age of Ultron. Maybe they explain Snoke’s backstory. Maybe he was just a pawn that was used and or propped up by The Emperor all along.

If there ever was a time to bring back Hayden Christiansen, it’s this movie. It would also help explain his presence in the special edition of Return of the Jedi. Bring Qui Gonn back as well.

Speaking of ROTJ, I have mixed feelings on The Emperor’s return.

A New Hope, he’s just mentioned in a throw away line. Empire he appears in the hologram. Jedi, he’s a great character, but it’s not until the prequels that his character and motivations are fleshed out. I think it’s very important that Luke refers to him as Darth Sidious in Last Jedi when discussing with Rey. The Sith and Sidious are never mentioned in the OT. They were created for the prequels.

So whose series is this?

Lucas stated that the Star Wars saga was Anakin Skywalker’s story; his rise, fall, and ultimate redemption. It’s clear that in the original Star Wars (ANH), this was not the case. He’s only got about twelve minutes of screen time. It’s not until the retcon in Empire that he’s part of the bigger story.

Where I’m going with this is that I hope they don’t cheapen Anakin’s redemption at the end of ROTJ when he throws The Emperor down the elevator shaft. If The Emperor survived somehow, it completely cheapens Anakin’s sacrifice.

Now, as to Palpatine. Is this HIS story? Will we get answers to the Darth Plageius story? Are we to assume that Palpatine killed him off and created Anakin? Did Palpatine and the sith truly find the path to cheat death?

Does this make the entire 9 episode saga in fact Palpatine’s story? Is everyone else merely a part of HIS saga? Could it be that in creating Anakin, he ultimately created the lineage of Jedi who would be his undoing?

Curious to see how they end this. It feels as though Last Jedi already had its Iron Man “snap” moment with Luke offing himself. Han was offed in TFA. I’m sure Leia will have a nice moment, but it feels almost as though all the big guns have been fired.

Needless to say, I’m intrigued.

Here’s to a fall spent speculating!

Not I.

The very first movie I can recall seeing was the original Star Wars probably sometime in 1978 or thereabouts. I loved it. Mom brought me to the movie, bought me some of the toys soon after, and a fan was born.

I saw The Empire Strikes Back on my sixth birthday (one of the best days of my life) for the first time and it is still my favorite movie of all time. I’ve been a fan almost all my life. I loved Star Wars before I loved sports or girls - and I loved those things passionately.

The trilogy wrapped up and I moved on with my life. I still watched the original trilogy occasionally, but I had things going on.

Then in my early 20s, the movies were re-released and I had to see the new special effects and scenes. I didn’t think they added anything to the movies, and I thought the movies were fine the way they were.

Then another (prequel) trilogy was sprung on me, and I hated the storyline. Not really how I imagined the Old Republic would fall or the Empire would rise. Being a fan, I watched and tolerated them. I’ve seen each a handful of times. I’m all set.

More recently, I’ve seen two of the “newer” movies and I’m not impressed. I can’t even tell you the names of those movies, and I won’t be seeing any more.

I have all three of the original trilogy on DVD in their “original release” format and I’m very content to stick to those. I’ve had enough of George Lucas and Disney mucking up what was a pretty good thing.

Sunday will be the 39th anniversary of my seeing The Empire Strikes Back for the first time. If George Lucas or Disney ever asked me what I would like for my birthday, I would tell them to stop fu*king up Star Wars and leave it alone.

Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
My nephew getting married in Atlanta in couple of moths.
Me and the Bride will make a long weekend out of it. Staying in midtown.

Any good places for dinner?

Glove Malfunction

Ference is my binky
Jan 1, 2009
Pleasantly warm, AZ
That's awesome. College club or youth club hockey? Univ. Of Arizona has a club team that is heading towards, or trying to, reach NCAA DI status.
This was for ASU's club teams. They had 128 kids trying out. Looks like they're going to have a D1, D2 and a couple of prospect teams. The second night went much better, though it seems apparent to me that if I have any future at this level it's more likely as a liney than a ref. These kids are FAST!
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Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
On the couch
MEEI is another one of my accomplishments. A lot of what they document on, is my build.

Here's proof that no matter how good your system is (and I have no doubt that it's good), people will find a way to misuse it. And, heck, this doesn't have to do at all with actual visit documentation, so it's kind of unrelated...

I brought my dad to the MEEI location in Stoneham for an appointment maybe 2-3 years ago, fairly soon after they started implementing their new computer system. His appointment didn't show up in the system. After a little digital forensic sleuthing, the woman at the desk apologized...a few weeks ago, we had to move his podiatry appointment to another date, and, apparently, the podiatrist's office managed to not only cancel his old podiatry appointment, but also his ophtho appointment.

They managed to squeeze us in to what was an already hectic day for my dad's ophtho, but kudos to them for squeezing us in, particularly since it was pretty much a routine appointment.


Black & Gold ‘till I’m Dead & Cold.
Dec 17, 2011
Remember when they played it incessantly during the playoffs? I forget which year. I wanted to pull my hair out.

I believe that was 2010.

My wife and I found one of those singing fish in a CVS several months later. Yes, it played the Filet O’ Fish song, and it was packaged so you could try it out before you bought it.

I tried it out.

A lot.

My wife needed to shop around and I carried that rubber singing fish with us the whole way :) I even hit the button three or four times while we were standing in line. The glare I got from the manager was priceless. As we were checking out, my wife asked me if we were going to buy it, and I decided against it. Waste of money.

I brought the fish to the toy isle and placed it on a low shelf within easy reach of anyone who might want it.

I think it’s a funny little song, but not everyone thinks so, and the entire CVS was glad to see us go. The looks I got were hilarious, but nobody said anything to me.

Never saw one again.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 26, 2005
Norman, OK
I've never done job interviews via skype before so I have no idea what to wear or what to really expect.

Any tips are welcome!

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