GDT: NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II - August 20, 2016


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
And then we got Almas after they did that special where they were talking about just that.

They were hoping the look would deliver. Tough spot for Almas last night though, he looked good.


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
I was really impressed with Almas.

He's definitley got the "it" factor in the ring.

As someone said yesterday, characters can be fixed. Hopefully the begin tweaking Almas.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
William Regal always says that the audience decides if they care before you get a third of the way down the ramp. Entrance needs to be the best you can make it.

He is right. An entrance and the right song can make someone. Lots of people know who Roode is, but he went right to the moon in his first NXT match thanks to a song and an entrance.

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
The Revival is the best tag team in the game right now, they can create real heat and put on great matches night in and out, their Tag Team of the year. AA being a close 2nd. Bring the Revival to SD and have them hold the tag titles for a long time while AA chases and eventually wins

I honestly don't know how they can get rid of the title off Auska. She is a legit monster and is incredible. Her entrance music is my favourite theme right now. Does she take the NXT womens title to her on the main roster, like to SD and that then turns into the SD womens title (although maybe not I think that Womens title should stay in NXT, but atleast on SD it would have some legitimacy to it)

Joe and Nakamura had such a big fight feel, They hyped up Orton/Lesnar for a long time but Joe/Nakamura felt bigger. Can't wait for both to be on the main roster. Both should be world champs on the main roster.


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
Not sure if it was mentioned, but Samoa Joe isn't hurt. Was all selling/a work for the finish


Aug 2, 2005
NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II

Austin Aries vs. 'No Way' Jose
Solid little match and the right guy won. I don't find Jose as much fun as most and I hate to see him pushed over a guy like Tye Dillinger. I feel this was easily Aries best performance in NXT as well.

Billie Kay vs. Ember Moon
I really like Billie Kay's shtick, but holy crap is still tall. It looks almost awkward. She's a solid wrestler though. Ember Moon, I don't have much prior experience in seeing, but she was alright. She had some nice flashy offence, but she reminded of Naomi with even worse selling. The no sell of the long submission was annoying. I honestly felt like Billie Kay looked better here.

Bobby Roode vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas
Roode's entrance was a thing of absolute beauty. Loved every second of it. He's playing the role so well and I think he is a star. He could work on the main roster tomorrow. Match was solid. I feel like Almas is a fun little spot monkey, but he's just that. He's not "real" enough with his moves, meaning you don't get as sucked in by his offence because it just screams fake. Roode was money.

The Revival (c) vs. DIY
This was wrestling 101. Seriously a MOTYC. Better than anything in the CWC thus far. Better than any tag match in NXT of recent memory. Just an amazing match that surpassed even the efforts of American Alpha. Gargano and Ciampa are serious, serious talents. The only part I hated was the ending because I felt it happened a little too close to the ropes, but I like that Graves quickly tried to cover that up saying the pain was too much for Gargano to even reach for the ropes. I like when the announcers don't ignore things like that. Just an amazing match with an amazing story. They even had me believing that Ciampa was going to cheap shot Gargano after the match for a moment.

Asuka (c) vs. Bayley
Bayley is hands down one of the best storytellers in the business today. She's fabulous. She's a very good wrestler who's mind just brings her to another level. Asuka is just an amazing wrestler. These two were money a few months back and they were money again. Fantastic match and not just by women's standards.

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Beautiful match. Both of these guys are so good in the ring. Nakamura is one of the best in the world and Joe isn't far off that tier. This is a match I don't remember having ever seen on the indies (although I'm sure it happened) and it was as glorious as Bobby Roode's entrance. If it wasn't for Gargano and Ciampa absolutely lighting the house on fire, this would have easily been MOTN. Even still it's a MOTYC because the work was just so crisp. Nakamura's entrance was golden, although I liked Roode's better.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
Loving seeing people fawning over Roode who has been one of the best all around packages in the world for some time now.

The guy has no weakness in his game. He's got it all.

Deserves to be in the big leagues and be a prime player there at that.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
They were talking on LAW about how Roode finally has a set character for the first time. He didn't really have that in TNA, and now that he has the sky is the limit.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
I don't know how fair that is really. BMI aside, he had the "It Factor" character for a pretty reasonable stretch.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Sometimes I want to quit on life when my jaw shifts and it dislocates on its own and Samoa Joe just takes Nakamura's finish a second time to put it back into place.


The Hockey Library
May 13, 2003
You know, I know age isn't everything, but it really is a shame Shinsuke is already 36. I'm sure he'll be around awhile though.

Also, can't stop listening to "Glorious Domination" on Apple Music. Such a great theme. :laugh:
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The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
Rhode vs Nakamura is ***** on entrances alone. Hoping that main events a big TakeOver.

The next TakeOver is probably at Fullsail right? the one following maybe being a bigger one like Brooklyn, London or Dallas? Those TakeOver's always feel bigger (obviously due to arena and crowd size) but I'm getting tired of full sail, NXT deserves sold out arenas and big card feels like Brooklyn.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
Is NZ actually getting a Takeover? because they're coming to NZ and Aussie, I imagine one of the Aussie cities will get an actual Takeover special while Auckland and the other Aussie cities would just get tapings or house shows of sorts.

NZ is also actually getting a New Japan show later in the year, and just had WWE a week or two back, for some reason a great time to be a Wrestling fan there lately.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Is NZ actually getting a Takeover? because they're coming to NZ and Aussie, I imagine one of the Aussie cities will get an actual Takeover special while Auckland and the other Aussie cities would just get tapings or house shows of sorts.

NZ is also actually getting a New Japan show later in the year, and just had WWE a week or two back, for some reason a great time to be a Wrestling fan there lately.

Ya it seems to be Australia getting the Takeover. Melbourne.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
They would of course send NXT to NZ by the time I've gone from there to UK :laugh:


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002

Not advertising a Takeover, but that's the same week they did the London show.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Ya the rumor is to watch the Melborne show on 8th to be turned into the Takeover unless they add another show for the 9th or just do the Newcastle show on the 10th.

Around there anyway lol


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