Speculation: New away jersey coming?

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L'Etoile du Nord
Aug 5, 2011
I don't think that's going to happen because of the logo alone. I think the Wild are plenty happy with the green sweater being for special occasion such as promotion and playoffs, with limited regular season appearances. It makes it "more" special that way and keeps the fans wanting.

The wild said they plan no changes in the foreseeable future...swapping home and alts is a change. As much as you want it to, it's not happening.

Maybe you're right about the greens being used for special occasions.

During the icethetics.com interview, the question was:

"Are there any plans to change either the home or alternate jersey in the future?"

The reply:
Not that I know of. We now have a grouping of jerseys that fit well together as a family. I think were good for a while.

To me, that sounds like they're comfortable with the designs of each jersey. That doesn't necessarily mean the frequency of use won't change.

Ban Hammered

Disallowed & Inhibited
May 15, 2003
I can't see them making a sweater for the Winter Classic and only using it for that event. There's money to be made off of it.

Again, it depends. I don't remember Detroit ever wearing theirs again from the Wrigley game. I don't recall Philly or Boston wearing theirs very often if ever either.
There may be money to be made off it, but it doesn't mean that it becomes a permament part of a team's jersey usage either.


He who laughs last thinks slowest
Jun 7, 2010
I also hate the christmas references for the reds. I don't think of christmas at all with those...it's not like the original pair of sweaters...those stripes going up the arms to the shoulder...with both red and gold to go with the green...those screamed christmas. None of the new sweaters have had that feel at all imo.

Muck...you see the christmas tree reference all the time on the main board here.

One person starts a trend and the rest must follow.


The reds are probably my favorite, next to the original whites and the script green, and then the new white, in that order. I hope the reds never entirely go away because the fact it is paying respect to the history of pro hockey in St. Paul, it very appropriate. We St. Paulites have gotten crapped on forever regarding pro sports and we finally got our pro franchise so everyone else can just stuff it. :naughty:


Registered User
May 28, 2010
Reading the NHL's facebook post about the new jerseys makes me want to punch seals.

The NHL used the two photos of Parise and Harding in the jersey and everyone looked at them, saw they were the same, and assumed that one was the old and one was the new. Dozens of comments followed with "Look the same hurr durr" and "Won't help them win anyway cuz they suck go Red Wings!"(Seriously, probably 4-5 posts of that. wtf, DRW fans?)



A Digital Frontier.
Feb 7, 2013
Minnetonka, MN
Reading the NHL's facebook post about the new jerseys makes me want to punch seals.

The NHL used the two photos of Parise and Harding in the jersey and everyone looked at them, saw they were the same, and assumed that one was the old and one was the new. Dozens of comments followed with "Look the same hurr durr" and "Won't help them win anyway cuz they suck go Red Wings!"(Seriously, probably 4-5 posts of that. wtf, DRW fans?)


God, I was just coming on here to comment on that. Bunch of plebs on Facebook. How could you possibly think our old and new jerseys look the same? :dunce:

Rabid Husky said:
I don't recall Philly or Boston wearing theirs very often if ever either.

Unless you're referring to their '12 Classic, Philly's WC jersey became their primary road jersey, so... :sarcasm:

I really wish Philly had made their '12 Classic jersey an alternate. That's too good not to be used again.

Wild Caniac

Jan 23, 2013
So i ordered one yesterday from hockey lodge. Asked for them to have it sent out to be stitched on and not heat pressed. It was a Parise/11/A setup. How long should it take to get to NC?


Can heat pressed numbers/letters be removed in any way?

I have a red Fernandez that I want all taken off.


Thank you, sweet rabbit
Nov 4, 2010
So i ordered one yesterday from hockey lodge. Asked for them to have it sent out to be stitched on and not heat pressed. It was a Parise/11/A setup. How long should it take to get to NC?

I had them stitch Parise's name, number and the 'A' to a blank green alternate last summer. They need to send the jersey to another store to have everything stitched on and, IIRC, it took somewhere around 3-4 weeks to get back, and I'm local. I might add an extra week or two for you, but it might be a good idea to call and check.

Wild Caniac

Jan 23, 2013
Yeah i called before i ordered and the guy told me to just put that i wanted it sent out to be stitchdd not heatpressed on the comment section on the ordering page. Just want to make sure i did it right.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2009

this used to be a jersey the Habs wore, I'm not dissing it, but don't be calling our jerseys Christmas either.

This is the Christmas jersey if there is one, our reds are fine, they are good looking jerseys and look great. The whole its red and green therefore Christmas is a lame ass argument. I love our current line up, would I love it more if the green alt was a wheat colored jersey? yes i would.

But the point stands, we have some great jerseys and its time to stop the whole hating and get on board.
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Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
That new away jersey is a pile of puke its the worst thing that's ever happened why doesn't the owner realize the fans aren't stupid I hate this team I'm not supporting them anymore until they wise up what a joke.

Just thought I'd try it out, see what all the fuss is about.

Solid aways. In no way a disappointment. Don't think they'll look dated in a decade either.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Registered User
Jun 22, 2003
Looks fantastic. Really love that jersey.

The green in the "promo-pictures" looks better that the green in daylight. Still great looking jerseys.

Paul Bunyan

Registered User
Jul 5, 2012
Land of Ice and Snow
Yeah i called before i ordered and the guy told me to just put that i wanted it sent out to be stitchdd not heatpressed on the comment section on the ordering page. Just want to make sure i did it right.

They send them out to a place in Stillwater that does it. Apparently that same place can take off the heat pressed numbers and stitch them up instead (pretty sure I heard that on here) I want to do that with my other jerseys if possible.

3-4 weeks as Engey said is probably standard. Given the fact people will be ordering the hell out of this jersey I'd say you are looking at 5-6, but I could be wrong.
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