Montreal columnist Jack Todd wants shootout in Stanley Cup playoffs


Registered User
Apr 27, 2014
I'm shocked no one has mentioned this four pages in, so I will.

Not only is this a dumb idea, it's ESPECIALLY dumb in 2017.

Why? Because this post-season has seen an incredibly high amount of overtime games, but very FEW double OT games.

I bet if you were to look it up since the NHL went to the 16 win system in 86-87, this post-season may have the highest percentage of overtime games that were decided in the first 20 minutes.

I wouldn't advocate for a shootout anyway but this column would be a bit more understandable coming a few years ago when it felt like long games were becoming an epidemic. That couldn't be further from the case this playoffs.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
Oslo, Norway
Although I disagree 100 % with using the shootout in any capacity during the playoffs, I guess the only compromise would be to have 1 full OT period with an eventual shootout following after.

Only up until the SCF.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2012
The ending of the Canada-Sweden final was one of the most anticlimactic moments I've witnessed. That said, it's also a valid point that the level of play decreases heavily as the OTs pile up. However, shootout should be the absolute last resort. Rather have the game go to 3v3 first.

Jorge Garcia

Registered User
Dec 9, 2004
Jack, that event they hold in Europe for guys who didn't make the playoffs is called the world championship, not "the real World Cup." And the shootout in the most recent one dragged a thrilling game to a dead stop and made the ending flat, dull and empty. But I guess no one had to stay up late, so there's that.


iNsErT bAnNeR jOkE hErE
Mar 4, 2013
La la land
Nobody in hockey's most important market gives a flip what Montreal media has to say about anything.


Registered User
May 24, 2012
Everyone has a family to feed and this man is no different. I'm sure he's employed more for a trusted writing style. Like some people have mentioned, with bloggers you can read about anything you like. Regardless of how crazy you think what he's saying is at least he's daring to provoke commentary. You know he's not the only person thinking about it so might as well bring it up, maybe if just to remind ourselves of how lucky we are to have such great playoffs.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2009
The only thing he wanted was clicks, no serious hockey fan could possibly agree with that, OT Playoff hockey is the most intense thing in sports.

I honestly think it's hit or miss. I have no favourite NHL team, that's probably why. There have been some terrible overtimes (1999 Stars vs Sabres is always the first that comes to mind. What a grind. That was the only time I wished for a shoot out, though).


Oct 26, 2002
South Cackalacky
Jack, that event they hold in Europe for guys who didn't make the playoffs is called the world championship, not "the real World Cup." And the shootout in the most recent one dragged a thrilling game to a dead stop and made the ending flat, dull and empty. But I guess no one had to stay up late, so there's that.

The "real World Cup" he's referring to is the FIFA World Cup, i.e. the biggest sporting event on earth, not the IIHF World Championship.

But it's a worthless comparison because he's comparing a power (exert hard and rest fully) sport in hockey with a power-endurance (steady work with bursts of power output followed by active recovery) sport in soccer; continuous overtime in one is much more feasible than the other.


Registered User
May 26, 2009
New Jersey
I wouldn't mind. If it's not my team playing, be it Game 7 of the Finals, I will go to bed after the first OT.

I love shootouts.

If it's my team on the losing end, I'd MUCH rather say "Well, at least we lost in a shootout."

It's not gonna happen, but I certainly wouldn't mind.


Registered User
Nov 2, 2010
Jack Todd. I'll try to remember that name so I can ignore his opinion in the future.

I remember back a couple weeks(ish) there was a baseball guy saying they should go down to 2 strikes, instead of 3, and you're out. That is the only thing dumber than a shoot-out in the NHL playoffs.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2011
Yes, I can totally see how people discussing things you don't understand makes them comparable to a terrorist organization.

if you think that hack was serious, you might have bigger problems than he does.

but sure, keep repeating ( like the people who love jazz and soccer) that if you dont like or agree with something that this is based on ignorance. It makes you look soooo much superior ( that's what the xcel wizards are looking for, amirite) ?

here's a news flash, because jack todd is a hack doesnt mean that EVERY one of his opinions are wrong.

Uncle Bill

Know it all
Sep 21, 2011
The fact that the World Championships uses a shoot-out to choose a winner is not good enough reason to move in that direction in the NHL playoffs.

The Canada - Sweden game was a fun game to watch, especially the OT period, and was diminished when the winner (or loser) was determined by a trick-play gimmick.


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