OT: MLB 2019 Offseason Thread

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Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
So it's Kay and another pitching guy with high upside, teen Simeon Woods-Richardson. The cynic in me is waiting for SWR to go skyrocketing up prospect lists next year like Kelenic next year and/or Stroman to leave as a FA but if you just look at this in a vaccum, what the heck are the Blue Jays doing? Just two guys, one of whom has a questionable celing (Kay hasn't done all that well since going up to AAA) and the other of whom is a LONG way off?


Registered User
Feb 15, 2009
New York
So it's Kay and another pitching guy with high upside, teen Simeon Woods-Richardson. The cynic in me is waiting for SWR to go skyrocketing up prospect lists next year like Kelenic next year and/or Stroman to leave as a FA but if you just look at this in a vaccum, what the heck are the Blue Jays doing? Just two guys, one of whom has a questionable celing (Kay hasn't done all that well since going up to AAA) and the other of whom is a LONG way off?
Like Syndergaard. Wouldn't that be poetic.

Stroman does have talent and he's what? 27 or 28? Not old and should have some good years left in him. I just hope they can re-sign him, otherwise this is a waste.


Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
I am kind of confused by this?

You're not the only one but clearly the Mets still plan on winning next year if not this year (lol), Brodie has definitely been in purge the previous regime's farm system mode and for reasons known only to him he's been trying to trade Thor - his organization's client - since the minute he took the job so Stroman's probably to replace Thor short and long-term. They were even talking about a three-way involving Thor and Stroman so they might wind up getting something like it.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Could this be an elaborate way to just f*** with the Yanks?

The price wasn’t crazy in the end, and he would have been an arm the Yanks could desperately use.


Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
Could this be an elaborate way to just **** with the Yanks?

The price wasn’t crazy in the end, and he would have been an arm the Yanks could desperately use.

I wouldn't put that completely past the Mets either, which would be an insane rationale BUT it was rumored one of the reasons they were hot and heavy on Diaz was to keep him from the Phillies.

A lot of teams do that to a degree though, the Yankees themselves did it with EE to keep him away from the Rays.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
Now does this make the possibility of trading Wheeler or Thor more likely?

Is this a sign, with Stroman up for a contract at the end of next year, that the Mets are finally ready to start spending?


Registered User
Feb 15, 2009
New York
If we keep Noah and trade Wheeler for equivalent value, then this makes a ton of sense and is actually a smart move.

I'm nervous as hell to see how the next few days play out.


Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
Well they're not getting equal value on a straight rental in Wheeler. They'd probably get one of the type of pieces we sent to the Jays, plus one or two guys much lower on the totem pole. I still think they go full heel and trade Thor.

I'm going to try and hide in the basement at work tomorrow to listen to Joe and Evan's opening take on this.

I seriously doubt this would make the top ten on rants, especially since it isn't actually that bad of a trade...you'll want to wait for the Thor trade one for a real rant.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Idk. I figured the Mets best move was to full sell and try to copy what Cashman did.

Horde top 100 prospects. Wheel and deal some. Develop others. Then actually spend money. Not just on free agents but expanding analytics and international scouting.


Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
Hope Francesa had a good rant today over the Yankees doing squadoosh while the Astros get every pitcher under the sun.

The Mets are kidding themselves too, if you're going to stand pat and feign towards winning now at least try to help the pen.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
Hope Francesa had a good rant today over the Yankees doing squadoosh while the Astros get every pitcher under the sun.

The Mets are kidding themselves too, if you're going to stand pat and feign towards winning now at least try to help the pen.
Well they did upgrade the starting pitching. The pen however.......


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
I seriously doubt this would make the top ten on rants, especially since it isn't actually that bad of a trade...you'll want to wait for the Thor trade one for a real rant.
I didn't really expect a rant after the Stroman trade, I just thought it was an interesting move, certainly an unexpected one, and wanted to hear their take. Unfortuneatly I didn't get to hear it.


Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
I didn't really expect a rant after the Stroman trade, I just thought it was an interesting move, certainly an unexpected one, and wanted to hear their take. Unfortuneatly I didn't get to hear it.

Joe was pro the trade, Evan was wary and fearful about what was coming next because of the trade.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
Joe was pro the trade, Evan was wary and fearful about what was coming next because of the trade.
And that was certainly an aspect of it that made it so interesting, the moves that will follow. And that is still the case, especially now that we didn't trade Wheeler.

I feel this points to signing Wheeler, and trading Noah in the offseason.

And of course in the mean time we now go into August in the playoff mix having added Stroman, and guys like Noah and Matz coming off big time performances. A disaster of a season suddenly has a glimmer of hope.
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Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
The Mets have exactly one reliable bullpen pitcher (and I don't mean Edwin Rojas). They have zero real OF'ers beyond the starters, zero SP depth and are still behind several teams and under .500. If they want to delude themselves vaya con dios but they haven't even tried to get retreads for the pen let alone actually making a move. If you have no budget to make a needed move than it makes no sense to stand pat with a limited team.


Once upon a time...
Mar 21, 2007
From what I heard the Yankees were being asked to pay a higher price than other teams. I'm okay that Cashman didn't do anything. Hope that Severino and Betances can get healthy and contribute.

With Toronto and Stroman (division rival and Stroman is potentially long term) and Cleveland with Bauer (potential playoff opponent) I get the overpay. With the Mets it’s a fact of life, they wouldn’t even trade the Yankees Jay Bruce as a rental. Arizona it just seemed like the Yankees didn’t like Ray enough or they’d rather cash out on Grienke who wasn’t equipped for NY, but still keep someone - hence the Leake trade.

I am surprised they didn’t just get another pen arm and/or trade Frazier for something though, what’s the point anymore? Do they hate him that much they’d rather keep him in limbo and ruin his career over getting something back for him?


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
I am surprised they didn’t just get another pen arm and/or trade Frazier for something though, what’s the point anymore? Do they hate him that much they’d rather keep him in limbo and ruin his career over getting something back for him?
Who we talking here? Frazier?
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