Waived: Matt Nieto (SJS) - Claimed by Colorado

Gene Parmesan

Dedicated to babies who came feet first
Jul 23, 2009
1. I agree. He's got a little upside but not much. He's a useful player though.

2. Probably. It's just frustrating to see a young NHLer with upside be given the shaft for guys that have no place long term. I'd sooner move a guy like Wingels than Nieto. Or Ward. Or Haley (though that should have been obvious). I get that guys need roles, but Nieto is a pretty versatile guy. He won't <script id="gpt-impl-0.15305428369902074" src="https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/gpt/pubads_impl_107.js"></script>be a tough guy, but can fill a lot of roles.

What role? That's the reason he's been a healthy scratch. He can't really find a niche.


Registered User
Apr 29, 2011
Those posts are also from 3 years ago when he was a rookie, every fan base overrates their exciting youth

I am not sure it was necessarily even overrating, but more mis-estimating the player's development curve based on the presumption that he would improve with experience. That is not some pie in the sky belief, but rather the typical development path. Rather, Nieto's play and production have fallen off the past 2 years and he has been passed up on the depth chart by other players as the Sharks' prospect pool has improved.

Kudos to Wilson for allowing him a shot somewhere else rather than keeping him as the 14th or 15th forward when everyone is healthy.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2012
Id' rather move Wingels, if for more cap space than you get by moving Nieto if nothing else (can bury up to 950k or 2.475M if someone claims Wingels). Wingels, Ward, and Nieto are all versatile. I could go either way with Ward or Karlsson. Ward takes a fair amount of faceoffs bc he's right-handed, though, so that may be part of it. Or maybe they like his chemistry with Marleau, Couture, or Hertl more than Nieto's. I would also rather send Haley down but if the coaches are going to play Haley over Nieto, it's probably better for Nieto to get waived and either claimed or have a lot more playing time on the Barracuda.

I hope that if Nieto gets claimed that he gets a real shot with whichever team claims him. He's a solid 4th liner with some speed.

1. I agree about Ward. It'd be hard to move him if only for the faceoff aspect.

2. Karlsson... yeah. I just have a soft spot for Melker and don't want to see him go. He's going to be cheap throughout his career, and he brings a lot of good assets to the team.

Tender Rip

Wears long pants
Feb 12, 2007
Shanghai, China
It would be almost bizarre if he isn't picked by Colorado or Phoenix I think.

They're sufficiently talent deprived and tank-modish, that they should take any young asset with half a potential future in when the opportunity presents itself.


Phu m.
May 19, 2010
Outlier opinions don't prove much. The idea that Nieto was "worldbeater" untouchable was never a thing, and I don't even think PF thought that. He was untouchable only in the sense of value to team vs trade value. No one was gonna give the team what they thought he would be worth and it made the most sense for the team to see how his development progressed.

He did not turn out to be worth what the team thought. It's unfortunate and at least part of it is due to the team's current playstyle. He could yet find greater success in a faster attacking transitional offense team.

It's pretty hacky to hold prospect predictions against a player AFTER their value has played out, unless you yourself made a well-supported case to the contrary beforehand.


Snack enthusiast
Oct 5, 2007
In Limbo
Incredible speed, no offensive creativity.

Sounds like Jason Chimera when he was younger. He eventually turned it around, sort of, and has carved out a nice career. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean Nieto will; correlation is not causation. But guys with speed to burn always get tons of chances, and some eventually find their way. We'll see what happens with Nieto.

Mister Ed

Registered User
Dec 21, 2008
Detroit should pick him up and waive Jurco. Salary cap issues could arise, though.


I am a bot
Jun 24, 2012
Doubt he makes it to them, but I see Chicago claiming him.

They want a winger, and Nieto has the skill.

Though, I think they have their sights set a little higher


If you rebuild, they will come.
Jan 5, 2003
Habs need it. But somebody else will pick him. And maybe knowing how Habs are desperate, will try to go see Bergevin and get something for one of their players.


Zoltan Poszar's Burner
Feb 5, 2014
Outlier opinions don't prove much. The idea that Nieto was "worldbeater" untouchable was never a thing, and I don't even think PF thought that. He was untouchable only in the sense of value to team vs trade value. No one was gonna give the team what they thought he would be worth and it made the most sense for the team to see how his development progressed.

He did not turn out to be worth what the team thought. It's unfortunate and at least part of it is due to the team's current playstyle. He could yet find greater success in a faster attacking transitional offense team.

It's pretty hacky to hold prospect predictions against a player AFTER their value has played out, unless you yourself made a well-supported case to the contrary beforehand.

Is this real life? Someone said that SJS fans never would have said Nieto was 'untouchable,' in whatever arbitrary internet parlance that means. They were promptly proven wrong with concrete examples from a series of different posters. Almost all of the examples I cited were from a poster who features very prominently on any topics related to San Jose.

"it's pretty hacky" to sidestep what were ridiculous claims 2-3 years ago and act like people on your end didn't massively overrate a player who has now been waived. It was the same with people who called *ahem* certain posters out on the McIlrath topic earlier this season.

That it came full circle for Nieto provides me with no great satisfaction, though calling out posters who say one thing only to flop onto the other side when their Nostradamus like predictions fall flat certainly is satisfying. Particularly when it is a poster (who will remain unnamed) who continually acts like their opinion is the gospel truth.

This will certainly be my last post on this topic but if you try to flip this one as well, you would do well to have a go at the LSAT


Registered User
Feb 2, 2011
This and if you've made a waiver claim during this season you fall to the bottom of the list I believe? Like Carolina, who claimed Rattie yesterday would have last priority.

Not so. Top priority stays top, regardless of claims. What you are describing is how fantasy sports waiver priority works.


Global Moderator
Nov 21, 2007
I thought the NHL worked that way too. If you've already made a waiver claim you fall to the bottom of the list, which if true, would affect Carolina, Arizona, New Jersey and Vancouver.

But, they may have changed the rules in the new CBA.


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