News Article: Leafs have Sidney Crosby to thank for Frederik Gauthier


Registered User
Sep 11, 2012
Most people who work a government job will make more than that in 40 years and retire with a pension worth another million at least. Lebanese Leaf if you think people who go to top Ivy league schools don't have a head start on the average civil servant you have a lot to learn

For sure, earning potential for these ivy league guys is huge. Even if you don't strike it rich yourself the connections you make alone put you ahead of 99% of the populations.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2011
If Gauthier is worried about failing in his hockey career, then he simply will.
What if he picks up nagging injuries,plays in the wrong system behind perhaps better players? Nothing is guaranteed. Look I hope he succeeds I'm just not sure he got the best advice from Sidney Crosby that's all.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2012
What if he picks up nagging injuries,plays in the wrong system behind perhaps better players? Nothing is guaranteed. Look I hope he succeeds I'm just not sure he got the best advice from Sidney Crosby that's all.

Even if he plays 5 years of hockey he'l probably have made more then he could make in the 10-20 years after Harvard. The average post-harvard graduate makes 120k off the bat. He just made like 10x that for 1 year of junior hockey play and you think he made the wrong choice?


May 14, 2010
What if he picks up nagging injuries,plays in the wrong system behind perhaps better players? Nothing is guaranteed.

If you want to accomplish your goal(s), you have to be completely committed. Going to Harvard as a back up plan doesn't seem like he'd be entirely committed towards an NHL career.

Look I hope he succeeds I'm just not sure he got the best advice from Sidney Crosby that's all.

No worries buddy, we're on the same team. :)
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Pep City
Aug 20, 2003
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Unless he gets stupid, he can still go to Harvard later on. Seriously, who the hell passes up an opportunity to play pro sports and where he was picked should get him a couple of games at least. As to the advice, he was drafted in the first round, I think Crosby has a pretty good eye for talent. Harvard is a great school. My cousin went to the business school and has done very well, but a chance to be drafted and play in the pros is a lot of kids dreams. I know I never dreamed about going to Harvard.

I am Canadian

May 22, 2008
Solid upside, size down the middle. Everybody crying claiming an 17/18? year old to have the maximum upside of a third liner have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. But most of you already knew that.

Lebanese Leaf

Registered User
Sep 19, 2009
Toronto, ON
Uhhh I agree with most of what you said except your estimated earnings potential, this is Harvard were talking about.... I'd be very surprised if even a handful of Harvard graduates didn't make 3 mil in 40 years.

Most people who work a government job will make more than that in 40 years and retire with a pension worth another million at least. Lebanese Leaf if you think people who go to top Ivy league schools don't have a head start on the average civil servant you have a lot to learn

Don't be fooled by prestige, movies and media, and look closer at the numbers. To earn $3 million in 40 years would mean you have to average $75,000 a year. That is nothing to scoff at, and certainly not just "average civil servant" money. The average Canadian earns around $45,000.

And according to this article from September 2012, the average Harvard graduate earns $54,100:

You guys have to realize that having a Harvard Bachelors degree is not the same as graduating from Harvard law or Med financially. Gauthier was good enough to get a scholarship for a Bachelors in science, can't assume he would continue and be good enough for law or med and earn those lucrative salaries (which btw still pale in comparison to average NHL salary).


Registered User
Sep 11, 2012
Don't be fooled by prestige, movies and media, and look closer at the numbers. To earn $3 million in 40 years would mean you have to average $75,000 a year. That is nothing to scoff at, and certainly not just "average civil servant" money. The average Canadian earns around $45,000.

And according to this article from September 2012, the average Harvard graduate earns $54,100:

You guys have to realize that having a Harvard Bachelors degree is not the same as graduating from Harvard law or Med financially. Gauthier was good enough to get a scholarship for a Bachelors in science, can't assume he would continue and be good enough for law or med and earn those lucrative salaries (which btw still pale in comparison to average NHL salary).

Lmao again I still agree but that's seriously a joke, most entry level business jobs I'll be applying for (with a good chance of getting) start at around 60k with them paying for your masters, this is all from a Bcom and Ryerson U. My dad does hiring for the treasury department at Unilever from universities like Waterloo and U of T and these business students start off with 60k entry level positions, Harvard gets you a hell of a lot more without even factoring in the potentials from networking.
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Lebanese Leaf

Registered User
Sep 19, 2009
Toronto, ON
Lmao again I still agree but that's seriously a joke, most entry level business jobs I'll be applying for (with a good chance of getting) start at around 60k with them paying for your masters. This is all from a Bcom and Ryerson U, Harvard gets you a hell of a lot more without even factoring in the potentials from networking.

Then you have some crazy good qualifications beyond your degree, or you know some serious connections.

Because as a recent graduate (B.Sc. from UofT no less) who has applied to many jobs in the past year, I can tell you that getting a 60K offer for an entry level position with just a bachelor's degree is very rare.


Schrodingers Cat
Aug 18, 2005
What a strange arguement. He will get over $1 million for his first contract so that pays for a degree pretty much anywhere.

Most top prospects don't stay in college four years so if he is good enough to turn pro he walks away in two so still no free degree.

Biggs and D'Amigo started in college and left, it isn't for everyone, and he really didn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer, so maybe it wasn't for him either.

When Crosby talked to him, wasn't he MVP of a Provincial champion midget team at the time, and already 6'3"? If he was 5'6" I think it would have been a different decision.

I would never fault a top prospect for choosing Junior because it is proven to be the path of greatest success.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2011
That's a pretty cool story, why does it have to be a negative thing to some people?

And why are people calling a rookie junior player mediocre? That's so close minded its awful. He could put up 100 points next year and people would call Nonis God. I'll admit I knew nothing about this kid until they drafted him, and I'm sure the majority of the people on this board are in the same boat. This is mostly due to the fact that Toronto has zero interest in the Q and zero exposure to French players. Sad but true.

Don't judge until you actually watch maybe a full game or two not including a youtube highlight package.

The Examiner

Registered User
Jun 24, 2013
he really didn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer, so maybe it wasn't for him either.

Wait, because he can't speak English very well, you think he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer?

Find a mirror.:shakehead
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Registered User
Jan 14, 2013
To me, Gauthier can easily top out with the same impact as Alex Steen, but because of his age, size, frame and defensive awareness, he has the potential to be better.

Anyone hating on the pick is just hating because they didn't get their guy. Everyone spends time reading up on all the potential picks, and get too attached to a couple of guys. The Leafs brass gets paid millions of dollars to run a whole organization, including scouts who have zeroed in on the guys that they like based on their real life hockey experience. To us, "scouting" is a hobby, and getting all riled about about the pick at 21 just needs to be patient and have trust in the guys who are paid to build the team, to build the team.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2010
Unless he gets stupid, he can still go to Harvard later on. Seriously, who the hell passes up an opportunity to play pro sports and where he was picked should get him a couple of games at least. As to the advice, he was drafted in the first round, I think Crosby has a pretty good eye for talent.
apparently a lot of kids... brainwashed thinking they need to pay for post secondary education to "succeed in life"

sure ur good enough to play pro hockey, and sure as hell get paid A LOT more than any moron who comes out of school
cause yeah graduating school is so hard...

but getting a piece of paper on your wall is more important
Mar 14, 2011
Lmao again I still agree but that's seriously a joke, most entry level business jobs I'll be applying for (with a good chance of getting) start at around 60k with them paying for your masters, this is all from a Bcom and Ryerson U. My dad does hiring for the treasury department at Unilever from universities like Waterloo and U of T and these business students start off with 70k entry level positions, Harvard gets you a hell of a lot more without even factoring in the potentials from networking.

Well if thats how much U of T business graduate earns in average right after graduating then I must have been one crappy student, I'm barely earning half of that. I know you never said anything about 60 -70k being the average but your making it sound like it is.
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The Blue Devil

Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
The jury is out on this kid. However his interviews were very odd.

1) didnt watch hockey
2) didnt have a favorite team
3) was going to pick between football and hockey, and chose hockey
4) wasnt sure if he wanted to go to Harvard or QMJHL

Didnt sound like he tried to get to where he was, almost as if it fell into his hands... Either that or this is just a kid that succeeds at w.e he does. Seemed like hockey was just an element to his life, not his entire life like a lot of these players. Hopefully he is motivated and doesnt suddenly decide to take up knitting.

There's something that bothers me about that comment and it's different then what your problem is. How could he say that he models his game after Jordan Staal if he didn't even watch hockey? Maybe it was meant to go along with the fact that he didn't really have a favourite team.


Pep City
Aug 20, 2003
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Lmao again I still agree but that's seriously a joke, most entry level business jobs I'll be applying for (with a good chance of getting) start at around 60k with them paying for your masters, this is all from a Bcom and Ryerson U. My dad does hiring for the treasury department at Unilever from universities like Waterloo and U of T and these business students start off with 70k entry level positions, Harvard gets you a hell of a lot more without even factoring in the potentials from networking.

Like I said earlier, my cousin graduated from Harvard business school and was offered many jobs in the US and all had major signing bonuses that were capable of paying off the loans for Harvard Business School (which is a hell of a lot of money), so yes Harvard gets you a hell of a lot more. Saying that it is NOT normal for a UofT or whatever grad to get a 60k job right off the bat, much less START at 60k unless you are in sales of some kind or earn bonuses and or commissions. It is NOT a realistic statement to say someone is getting that in base salary much less pay for a masters. That is just nuts. You either have sweetheart deals from family/friends or you have bought in to some university/parent propaganda on the values of higher education. The salary you talk about does NOT happen right off the bat; the masters comment is just a joke.
Anyone who works in business knows that. It's like pro sports actually, why pay someone a lot when you can get someone straight out of university for much cheaper. Unless, of course, you are a hot commodity (HBS) but a bcomm does not make you that.
I work for a major corporation in an upper management type role and know many that work for others in similar roles who hire people like you, so I know what I'm talking about
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The Blue Devil

Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
If you were selected by the habs or sens, would you honestly stand infront of a gazillion media members and be like 'My favourite team is the Leafs since I was 5 years old, I've watched them since I was a kid and my favourite player is Mats Sundin, I'm so dissapointed they didn't pick me, etc etc etc.'

Its Obv Fredrick's favourite team is the Habs, he's not going to say that publicly like that dumb Adam Erne kid and be hopeful about getting drafted by them. The Toronto Media would kill him if Fredrick expressed any love to Montreal.

Some fans most definitely would considering some used that as a reason why Kadri was "lazy" and "wasn't committed to the Leafs".

The Blue Devil

Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
What if he picks up nagging injuries,plays in the wrong system behind perhaps better players? Nothing is guaranteed. Look I hope he succeeds I'm just not sure he got the best advice from Sidney Crosby that's all.

You don't seem to get the fact that even after 1 year or just his signing bonus alone he could afford to go back. School isn't a 1 time only thing.


Registered User
May 26, 2008
Solid upside, size down the middle. Everybody crying claiming an 17/18? year old to have the maximum upside of a third liner have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. But most of you already knew that.


What did ROR look like in junior? Getzlaf? J. Staal? Bergeron? Etc?

Not every top 6 forward at the NHL level put up 85+ points at the CHL level in their draft year, especially the are already strong defensively.

Gauthier was a rookie in the CHL, wasnt on the top scoring line, and was getting a lot of defensive assignments. How about we wait another 2-3 years and see what his trajectory is before saying he cant be a top 6 forward.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
I don't get why people are harping on this kid, if he said he didn't watch hockey (or much hockey) growing upand didn't have a favourite team. seriously, what if he didn't. that's a moot point. I didn't watch hockey growing up, and I'm a big one now. And I suppose it's different, but I mean, seriously, come the heck on.

Re: the Harvard thing. even though I've yet to cash in on my two degrees and a diploma (I loved school), I am a firm believer people should get some higher education. (It drives me nuts when watching the NBA draft and people say "Oh, yeah, Im not going to collage, I'm going to be drafted in the NBA!") to me, it's not so much, "Oh, well, you can get a free ride with what you make" or anything - but how many DO? Not everyone is like Pat Quinn, who had a good career, then decided to go to law school, and continue on with life.

and English clearly isn't the guy's first language, can we stop harping on that. Seriously, if you can get a scholarship to Harvard, you're pretty smart.



Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
If you were selected by the habs or sens, would you honestly stand infront of a gazillion media members and be like 'My favourite team is the Leafs since I was 5 years old, I've watched them since I was a kid and my favourite player is Mats Sundin, I'm so dissapointed they didn't pick me, etc etc etc.'

Its Obv Fredrick's favourite team is the Habs, he's not going to say that publicly like that dumb Adam Erne kid and be hopeful about getting drafted by them. The Toronto Media would kill him if Fredrick expressed any love to Montreal.

You mean like Kadri? A lot of players do say it publicly, it's not a big deal.,


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
Anybody else find it strange that Crosby would use his status to talk someone out of an education? Made me cringe a bit.


Feb 27, 2002
Mountain Standard Ti
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For sure, earning potential for these ivy league guys is huge. Even if you don't strike it rich yourself the connections you make alone put you ahead of 99% of the populations.

Minimum wage in the NHL will be what $600k in 2 years?

Seriously, the only concern would be he fails, same thing that could happen at Harvard. Guaranteed income after graduating Harvard?

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