Injury Report: Karlsson - Achilles Tendon - Practicing w Team, May Return to Lineup Soon - Part II

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The Waffler

Registered Offender
Jul 10, 2009
Planet Earth
I have no idea who it was, I wish I could remember. But wasn't there a suspension that year that involved stomping. The verdict being that it may not have been intentional, but it was reckless so a suspension was given. If that being the case, then maybe Cooke did deserve a suspension whether the play was intentional or not.

Skinner maybe? Or a Canuck. I'm drawing a huge blank.


Differently Financed
Jun 14, 2010
I have no idea who it was, I wish I could remember. But wasn't there a suspension that year that involved stomping. The verdict being that it may not have been intentional, but it was reckless so a suspension was given. If that being the case, then maybe Cooke did deserve a suspension whether the play was intentional or not.

Skinner maybe? Or a Canuck. I'm drawing a huge blank.



Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown
Karlsson is not better than Crosby. He's probably the best D-man in the league, but he's not better than Crosby.

I think that the two were close enough (skill wise) where you could at least start a debate about it. Crosby still holds the edge in accomplishments and such, but I think we were getting to the point where you could start a conversation about whether Karlsson was in Crosby's league.

My point was, now that he's hurt, there's no longer a debate.


Registered User
Jul 26, 2005
I think that the two were close enough (skill wise) where you could at least start a debate about it. Crosby still holds the edge in accomplishments and such, but I think we were getting to the point where you could start a conversation about whether Karlsson was in Crosby's league.

My point was, now that he's hurt, there's no longer a debate.

I can maybe kind of agree, but I really think Crosby is capable of putting up a monster 130+ point season if he's healthy. Dude has 103 points in 63 games over the last two years.


Registered User
Jul 26, 2005
Good list but I'd throw in the Hasek injury that I still believe killed our best chance to win a cup.

That was a weird one, because the implications weren't immediately obvious. We kept thinking he'd be back until the playoffs arrived and he didn't come back. There was no real "oh ****" moment there.


Aug 12, 2007
Chilliwack BC
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I think you're right Johan, I didn't see a stomp more of a sort of trying to get his footing back, and go after the puck when you look at it in real time, I think he had his foot up to get more of a complete check, with less focus on him trying to put the foot down of pin him. Keep in mind, Karlsson had a good beat on him, so cook was trying to check from the side to avoid boarding, or like you said, it may have been him just being an idiot.

I will never defend cooke on the stance that he is a smart person, but his intentions have clearly changed from that of a dirty player, to someone who has really tried to make a name for himself as a cleaner hockey player.

I like your point about saying not knowing when to ease off, because honestly, i think he was just trying to keep the pace up. The argument that he did all of this on purpose, or had intention to harm may have been more applicable if the penguins had all but lost, or were getting blown out. However this was an extremely tight checking game, and it isn't like a goon to start attacking players in that situation.

If thats all you got from my post, you're feeding into the old matt cooke vs the new matt cooke, and like i said, he's known more for his hits to the head, then trying to attack a player with his skates. I think ottawa fans should be more upset no whistle was blown when the puck went into the netting. none of this would have even happened.

Regardless, you guys will come to your own conclusions, i just felt for conversations sake that you should here a non-sens fans perspective. And I hope i don't seem too much of a homer by defending cooke. This is the first time he's deserved someone defending his case.

No I was responding to your own personal comment
"This is not something Matt Cooke does with his skates. He's never been known to act that way,..."
but he has acted that way. (Osgood)


Aug 12, 2007
Chilliwack BC
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I think equating drugs to the way someone plays Hockey is a little extreme of a metaphor, especially dealing with this situation. Honestly, the guy changed his game 100% and proved he was a better player than just a guy that took cheap shots at people. It's pretty arrogant to think he would throw that away to take a shot at a player during a regular "mid" season game that isn't even divisional, and he had no beef with.

I understand the frustration you guys are having over this, but Jesus, it's like you want to string the guy up after he's been deemed innocent by everyone in the league that matters.

Everyone in the league that matters deemed the Malkin stick swing on Staal was innocent as well.....


Registered User
Aug 26, 2011
The Town Fun Forgot
That was a weird one, because the implications weren't immediately obvious. We kept thinking he'd be back until the playoffs arrived and he didn't come back. There was no real "oh ****" moment there.

True enough but I'm sure we can agree that, in retrospect, it's possibly the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise. That 2005-2006 team was easily the most talented group we've ever iced.


Registered User
Jul 26, 2005
True enough but I'm sure we can agree that, in retrospect, it's possibly the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise. That 2005-2006 team was easily the most talented group we've ever iced.

I still think that game-7 in 03 was worse. We had a much weaker Ducks team waiting for us in the Finals, and we lose the series by 1 goal.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2009
This isn't even a matter of changing or not changing. The leap from throwing questionable hits to making the decision to slash someone's achilles with a blade is gigantic. I don't believe that Cooke at any point in his career was insane enough to actually do that on purpose.
Would you like to tell that to Marc Savard and all of the other players Cooke has taken cheap shots at. Look buddy this is *$%$%& Matt Cooke we are talking about 'nuff said:rant:


Registered User
Aug 13, 2007
My heart goes out to, not only the team and its fans, but mainly Karlsson. He's a dynomite player and a joy to watch.Being a Bruin fan, I know how you feel. That SOB ended Marc Savard's career. Where does it end?

And what a friggin COINCIDENCE IT WAS COOKE THAT MADE THE HIT..What doess it take to get this SOB out of hockey alltogether. Does he have to kill someone, paralyze a player, what the time slot?? How many players gotta go down to career threatening injuries to this piece of garbage before something is done. I will not blame ANY player who goes after him like Bertuzzi went after Moore. Too Drastic, to friggin bad!!

I hope every Ottawa players hits the ice for a purpose. To play for this kid, To make the playoffs and go deep enough that maybe just maybe He'll be able to join the team in the post season!! AND SCORE THE FRIGGIN OVERTIME WINNER IN GAME 7 VS PENGUINS!!!!


Aug 12, 2007
Chilliwack BC
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This isn't even a matter of changing or not changing. The leap from throwing questionable hits to making the decision to slash someone's achilles with a blade is gigantic. I don't believe that Cooke at any point in his career was insane enough to actually do that on purpose.

He thrust the blade of his skate at Chris Osgoods face. Im sure he didnt mean to injure/kill him, but if his skate connected with Osgoods neck things could have gotten real ugly. He probably didnt mean to injure Karlsson but his instinct took over. He tried to slow up, trip up, tie up, slew foot, kick at, and in the end he caused injury. If a player has to be in control of his stick in scrum situations and is penalized if he 'recklessly' hits someone, then the same should be said for ones skate.


Team Canada
Dec 28, 2008
If my foot was up in the air , I just had my skates sharpened before the game or during the intermission, I probably wouldn't hit the guy while my leg was up in the air like that. Cooke is an idiot even if he didn't mean to do it.

Novak Djokovic

#24 and counting... #GOAT
Dec 10, 2006
Your a homer if you call crosby the best.

Karlsson is the best defenseman in the league, but he's not the best player in the league. Top three so far? Yes.

P.S. Why do you have that picture as your avatar? I cringe everytime I see it. :(


Registered User
Jul 2, 2006
In honesty. I don't think he went in thinking "lets cut the back of his leg open".

You're probably one of those nice guys. Myself, I feel an urge to "react". And although I never had the tendency to use the stick I feel an instinct when I see this to ****in' use it directly on Cooke's own achilles. No way in hell I would try to cut a player. It might be the Pronger incident working its way into the primitive areas of the brains of some players.

The NHL has reacted with fear this would hurt the organisation. You can sense it in TV "professionals" as well who had to react to the incident. That's how man's psyche works. If Zandor Skepsis from Hungary via the Kazachstan's second league did this on Crosby we would have a breakthrough.

Matt Cooke's skates were in the same height through the movement. If he tried to catch Karlsson along the boards the movement would have come later. There were almost no up-down or side to side movement to make this look unintentional. However, there was a small bend of Karlssons foot.

The whole movement reminds of a dog trying to take a piss.

No word on taking a second look. No word on letting the ones who knows the games decide. Where is Brendan Shanahan? Let players become responsible for their skates. Even the NHLPA would agree on this. They could guarantee the part of the player's salary if they want. And, oh. The silence in Pittsburgh...

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