Jersey Tossing


Registered User
Mar 17, 2006
Further confirmation that you have no idea what you are talking about because that makes next to no sense in regards to the context of the argument.

Have a goodnight sir.

You hate psychology. Toodaloo mother****aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :naughty:


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
This. It's pathetic and pointless. We have enough trouble attracting free agents, what do you think Fayne, Nikitin, Pouliot etc thought last night? A game that the Oilers actually played quite well in and controlled most of the pace, and their logo gets disrespected like that? Disgusting. It's not hip or edgy or making a statement. It's juvenile and I wouldn't feel the least bit bad if the person sitting beside the jersey tosser gave him a hard shot in the jaw.

Oh, and if I'd been Perron, I would have hammered that moron's cell into the boards as hard as I could.


Grab some perspective. Its not a flag that somebody is burning. Unbelievable overreaction.

It that's what it takes to elicit physical violence that's a far worse thing than throwing some stupid hoody. Plus that whats more juvenile than giving somebody a shot in the jaw?
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Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
I suggest that I wouldnt have any pity for the person that threw the jersey. Not one iota.

if you don't want to be a fan of the team anymore, jump on someone else's bandwagon. You won't be missed. Throwing crap on the ice and disrespecting the team shows what, precisely? That you have disposable income? Congratulations. All you're accomplishing is pissing off the players - half of which are probably marking down the days until they can get the hell out of here.

Ultimately if you're the type of 'fan' that would throw a jersey or hoodie onto the ice after a loss, do yourselves and everyone else a favor - stay the **** home, donate your tickets to a kid that actually wants to be there, and go ***** online about how unfair it is that your NHL team isn't good. I'm sure fans in Quebec City will be incredibly receptive to your feelings. Go ask a Winnipeg fan how much fun it was not having a team.

We're all pissed off that the team sucks but a fan flinging a jersey is no better than a monkey flinging its own feces.

Respect is earned, simple as that. The current Oilers aren't worthy of any respect, simple as that.

"Type of fan" lol. I love it when somebody actually makes a statement and sacrifice to send a message. Nobody is harmed by throwing a jersey. its their jersey, its their ticket, free to express their displeasure in a peaceful manner.

Can't believe how seriously people take something like this.

Its a pro sports logo. Entertainment, not meant to be taken seriously or to promote physical violence.


Something in the water
Feb 20, 2006
Who cares about some dude throwing a jersey.

I'm less concerned about the actions of one pissed off fan than I am with the sad sack display I witnessed on the ice for large parts of the home opener.


Apr 28, 2009
The North
Is your position that they should change coaches every year?

See below. I was actually a proponent of keeping Ralph Krueger.
Maybe if they didn't hire so many incompetent people with no idea how to do their jobs, they wouldn't need to hire a new coach every year.

The onus is on management, and this sends the clearest message, along to some players to actually start giving a ****. Eberle i'm looking at you.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2008
Who cares about some dude throwing a jersey.

I'm less concerned about the actions of one pissed off fan than I am with the sad sack display I witnessed on the ice for large parts of the home opener.
It's bush league and immature. And most sane rational people can communicate their dissatisfaction without flipping out in public. Obviously he/she wasn't the sharpest tack in the drawer with the whole phone thing. It's not that I care about the individual or the act itself, more of a civic pride thing I makes us look like idiots.
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
if the Oilers cant look past a couple dumb fans immature way of handling their feelings, then the Oiler fans shouldn't expect anything more than disappointment in the standings.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2003
Edson, AB
Visit site
If you toss a jacket or a Jersey after game one, when the Oilers badly outplayed the flames and probably deserved a better fate, you're a full blown idiot. Period.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2007
There is virtually no outlet for fans in this city to show true displeasure.

Pretty well all the media are lily livered oiler rump kissers.

The Oilers gestapo liek tactics re signs at games.

People of course can do just what everyone and their dog says 'just stop going to games'. Be careful what you wish for.

As for the childish comments and such, people saying this must not go into any of our game day threads becasue most of us act that way in the heat of battle as fans.

The #1 way to stop this big percieved slight? Start winning Fing hockey games, if not against the good teams but against weak big rivals.


Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
London, ON
Dont care about the jersey toss. It doesn't bug me that someone wants to waste their own money. And if this is what it takes for management and the players to realize how bad things are then so be it. I don't give a **** about all this sentimental "not a true fan" ****. Boohoo you hurt the oilers feelings. Didn't hurt mine, and it's not a reflection of me or any one else who cheers for this team either. If you're embarassed by some drunk idiot throwing his jersey on the ice, then you clearly haven't seen the oilers record for the past 8 years, cause let me tell you, im far more embarrassed of that, than this fiasco.


Here here. Agree 100%. I'm fine with a jersey being thrown after every loss. It doesn't matter to me one bit. That is on one person, and one person only. And if it embarrasses other fans, that's a cheap irony. And if it embarrasses the Oilers, meh, they've been embarrassing me long enough that they deserve a taste of their own medicine.


Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
London, ON
Respect is earned, simple as that. The current Oilers aren't worthy of any respect, simple as that.

"Type of fan" lol. I love it when somebody actually makes a statement and sacrifice to send a message. Nobody is harmed by throwing a jersey. its their jersey, its their ticket, free to express their displeasure in a peaceful manner.

Can't believe how seriously people take something like this.

Its a pro sports logo. Entertainment, not meant to be taken seriously or to promote physical violence.

No kidding. Do these folks get as mad when somebody trashes Google or Facebook? Cuz I'd bet those play a bigger role in many peoples' lives than the Oilers do...


Registered User
Oct 8, 2010
I can't wait till we come back from the road trip 0-4. We will really see the jerseys fly. Nothing from that game gave me any hope that this season is going to be any different. The defensive zone lapses and coverage were laughable. It is hard to argue that we will beat any team playing like that. Since the oilers last made the playoffs I've graduated high school and university. That really puts things into perspective.


Fire KLowe
Aug 9, 2005
It could be worse, we could throw octopus on the ice for instance.

Really though, who cares? Everyone should be allowed to express themselves. We throw hats for a hat trick, why not a Jersey for a loss? At least it shows they care. The alternative could be an empty building with no one throwing anything.


Tier 2 Fan
Aug 1, 2003
We know for sure no one will be tossing jerseys if this team actually becomes good. In the mean time, because of how I view this organization (Lowe being given infinite time by Katz to repair his legacy and is still very hands on even though he would like everyone to think he isn't right up until the team starts to win again where he will be the first guy grabbing the microphone to brag about it) I don't care if angry fans toss their jersey on the ice. More power to them. This organization deserves to be put in the spotlight across the league in an embarrassing light and stuff like this helps. If they want it to stop, step one is to run the org like a business with accountability for everyone except the owner.

member 145483

We should throw donuts.

A big, symbolic zero...and it would drive Mr. Health nuts.


Jul 13, 2007
The first time last year was ok. A strong message needed to be sent. Anything after is just bush league. Especially at Thursdays game where we out played Cal for the most part AND the 1984 Team was in the house. I was actually embarrassed for us fans. Could easily have won if we played some defence or a had coach like Hartly for instance.

To me it has become unruly behaviour worthy of being banned from future games plain and simple. I mean show some pride and respect for the symbol of our team.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2010
I love reading the comments like we should of won but ........... clearly if there were so many mistakes/ faults we deserve to lose.


Tier 7 fan (ballcap)
Jul 16, 2009
I love the team, but wow am I ever sick of the fanbase. Why throw a jersey on the ice? Especially after last nights game of all games. The combination of absolute stupidity and the hubris in that action about sums up oilers fans right now. No one cares how "disgusted" you are. If it's that bad then go cheer for another team and quit being an attention seeking drama queen. Nobody will miss you. HFOil is the internet forum equivalent of the jersey throwing guy right now.

Great post. :handclap:

Fixed to Ruin

Come wit it now!
Feb 28, 2007
Grande Prairie, AB
I've got a better solution.

If the Oilers lose by 3 goals or more at home then everyone in the building gets a full refund.

If the Oilers want to keep putting a subpar product on the ice while charging hundreds of dollars for tickets then they have to deal with angry customers.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2011
I'm not an Oilers' fan -- this is an outsider's perspective. Here goes:

I think that if the fans genuinely have contempt for Oilers' management and want to express it, throwing jerseys on the ice is a good idea. It works, and management understands it's aimed at them. Fans in this thread calling it a waste of 200 dollars may be missing the point -- the sacrifice makes it a meaningful gesture. And it's having an effect, it has people talking about the team's problems in a way they didn't before, everyone seems to understand that the gesture is an acknowledgment of how badly this organization needs change and how little trust the fan base has left in it.


Jul 13, 2007
I've got a better solution.

If the Oilers lose by 3 goals or more at home then everyone in the building gets a full refund.

If the Oilers want to keep putting a subpar product on the ice while charging hundreds of dollars for tickets then they have to deal with angry customers.

Ha ha. If you read a poor movie review it's likely you won't pay money to see it. Especially at $250 a seat 42 times a year. Read the reviews. As a consumer you have a choice.


Gold Fever
Feb 27, 2002
Back o' beyond
I'd have more support for jersey tossing if I thought it had any hope of triggering positive change. It won't. The first couple of times, yes I do think it rattled their cages a bit. Now, I think they're just getting annoyed by it.

I expect if it continues, especially when it comes across as being more of a planned protest where the fan is literally waiting for them to lose with spare jersey in hand then a spontaneous display of emotion, the team will simply crack down on it and give out lifetime bans to the premises for anyone caught doing it. And that will be it.

Call it mafia, call it totalitarian or whatever you like. If they feel the jersey tossing is damaging the Oilers brand, they simply won't care.


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