[GRAPHIC] Swedish junior league: demolishes other player's face with an axe chop


2023-2024 Cup CHamps
May 22, 2017
A local shop here in Finland has a small section for American food. About a week ago I spotted mac and cheese on the shelf and thought I would try it once (not at all a common food in Finland, but something that always pops up in american TV shows, movies etc. so I was curious). I am not sure what I was expecting but I gotta say I was a little disppointed. It wasn't bad but just so stale. I mean, something was missing. Do you guys eat it like that, or you but something on it? After a good amount of ground beef and ketchup it actually tasted OK. All though after that it was basically just macaroni with ground beef and ketchup...
Add some real cheese (like a cup worth) into it and some seasoning. It’s bland and thin without it for sure, but with it, my oh my, it can be quite tasty. I prefer to add two different types of cheese because I am a man with tastes which extend far beyond the boundaries of sanity.
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Registered User
Nov 20, 2006
Hell baby
Yeah if that happened in the nhl discipline with the league might be the least of the offenders worries

might catch a charge for that


Registered User
Aug 3, 2004
Dartmouth, NS
No intention of clicking, but based on the few posts I've read on the first page he should be brought up on charges. Any criminal charge from an on-ice incident that results in a guilty verdict should result a permanent ban from the league once out of jail.


You better run.
Jun 1, 2014
Upstate NY
Ok, after seeing the video, he definitely meant to hit him in the face for trolling but it didn't look as criminal as we thought it would. Is his stick made out of iron?
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Sasha Orlov

Lord of the Manor
Jun 22, 2018
Ok, after seeing the video, he definitely meant to hit him in the face for trolling but it didn't look as criminal as we thought it would. Is his stick made out of iron?
Pretty sure he just got him with the toe of the blade, just a small point of impact so it did a lot of damage
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Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
A local shop here in Finland has a small section for American food. About a week ago I spotted mac and cheese on the shelf and thought I would try it once (not at all a common food in Finland, but something that always pops up in american TV shows, movies etc. so I was curious). I am not sure what I was expecting but I gotta say I was a little disppointed. It wasn't bad but just so stale. I mean, something was missing. Do you guys eat it like that, or you but something on it? After a good amount of ground beef and ketchup it actually tasted OK. All though after that it was basically just macaroni with ground beef and ketchup...

Eating mac and cheese out of a box is a bit like eating one of those cup-of-noodles and calling it ramen. Yes, you are technically eating ramen and it's something you can survive on if you have a student's budget for food. But it really is not the same set of ingredients that you would use to properly prepare real ramen.

Proper mac and cheese would mean preparing some pasta noodles (larger ones than than you get in the boxed version) and mixing a cheese sauce, combining them and then baking. The final product has a very different consistency, more like a casserole. An extremely carb-heavy casserole.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Video of the slash can be seen here, tbh I was expecting it to be even worse considering the result.


Is it bad that this has almost a slapstick comedy element to it? Swinging a stick like that is never OK, don't get me wrong. But maybe you don't pull some bush league crap from the bench and tempt a guy to make a bad decision.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2008
I'm in no way condoning what stick guy did - it's messed up, criminal, and way overboard - but maybe this kid learns not to squirt your water at a player skating by while you're being a punk on the bench.
Hard lesson.

Yeah, instead of chasing after him to fight, or a whack at his leg, let’s go full slash mode on the kids face. There are some things that are part of the game that wouldn’t fly off the ice, like fighting. But taking a swing at someone’s face? Don’t even try to justify that. I’m not touching the link, but to me it sounds like jail and a lifetime ban.


Shoulda got one game in
A local shop here in Finland has a small section for American food. About a week ago I spotted mac and cheese on the shelf and thought I would try it once (not at all a common food in Finland, but something that always pops up in american TV shows, movies etc. so I was curious). I am not sure what I was expecting but I gotta say I was a little disppointed. It wasn't bad but just so stale. I mean, something was missing. Do you guys eat it like that, or you but something on it? After a good amount of ground beef and ketchup it actually tasted OK. All though after that it was basically just macaroni with ground beef and ketchup...

You had terrible Mac and cheese then. Once I learned how to make real Mac and cheese, I never eat the boxed stuff anymore. And also, don’t overcook the noodles. It’s gross once they become mush. Real stuff you can see why people eat it, especially seeing you can use as many cheeses in it as you want to.

I clicked the link, and yeesh. That was some blowout of his face.

member 305909

What would be the punishment in the NHL if a player attack spectators in a way like Eric Cantona with his kung fu-kick in the Premier League in 1995?

I'm not sure is it even possible for players to attack the spectators. High fences separating the players from the spectators but let's assume for arguments sake somebody managed to do just that.

IIRC in the NBA there was an incident that a player attacked a member of the crowd who was shouting abuse at him.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2007
What would be the punishment in the NHL if a player attack spectators in a way like Eric Cantona with his king fu-kick in the Premier League in 1995?

I'm not sure is it even possible for players to attack the spectators. High fences separating the players from the spectators but let's assume for arguments sake somebody managed to do just that.

IIRC in the NBA there was an incident that a player attacked a member of the crowd who was shouting abuse at him.

Have you heard about Mike Milbury and the shoe?
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Pucks in deep
Nov 24, 2018
If you react like that to some water getting splashed on you, you have some deep psychological issues. Ban the kid who did it for life.

Also I don't know Swedish law, but just because you lace the skates up and are on ice between boards doesn't entail you to have free reign to all out assault someone. I hope law enforcement gets involved.


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