Confirmed with Link: Garret Sparks Suspended Indefinitely For Violating Team Policy

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Registered User
Jun 20, 2014
Ontario, CA
He's not an average person - he's a public figure and one of the faces of an organization, and with that comes a differ t set of standards.

But to also answer your question, I don't post anything on Facebook or my Twitter that I wouldn't say in person. Right or wrong you CAN be let go for things you do on social media.

Ofcourse i did not intend to make a personal statement and i apologize if it sounded that way.

I do understand that Sparks represents a bigger organization but he is possibly going to lose thousands of dollars over this. That in no way is a reasonable response by the leafs organization. I just think it's scummy for big organizations to just play with people's livelihood like that.


Help is on the way.
Jul 31, 2010
NHL player factory
And what standard of moral codes are we following a here or do the leafs organization just makes those up as they go along. Like i said it's fine if they send a statement or make him apologize etc but taking a guy's job away indefinately for an online argument is utterly BS and holds no ground.

All NHL contracts have a morality clause in it....ALL!

Here is the wording on every SPC "to conduct himself on and off the rink according to the highest standards of honesty, morality, fair play and sportsmanship and refrain from conduct detrimental to the best interest of the Club, the League, or professional hockey generally."

He was wrong and he is going to pay the really is simply.


Help is on the way.
Jul 31, 2010
NHL player factory
Ofcourse i did not intend to make a personal statement and i apologize if it sounded that way.

I do understand that Sparks represents a bigger organization but he is possibly going to lose thousands of dollars over this. That in no way is a reasonable response by the leafs organization. I just think it's scummy for big organizations to just play with people's livelihood like that.

No one is playing with his livelihood other then himself.....It easily could be the NHL that suspended him as well.

Man Bear Pig

Registered User
Aug 10, 2008
Honestly, these guys should be able to say whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. You wanna act like John Rocker, go for it. You wanna be racist,homophobic,sexist, whatever , that's your right. To me these athletes should be able to share opinion,believe in whatever God they want to believe in and act crazy as far as I'm concerned. Will you continue finding employment? Probably not. You're taught at a young age to be proud of having the freedom to express yourself no matter how asinine it is. Then you grow up and realize it's BS in cases like this where the PC police become involved. If you were offended by what Sparks said then regarding acting like a teenage girl then you need to grow some thicker skin. As if people thought hockey players didn't talk that way? If you heard this in public from a non-celebrity you wouldn't bat an eye. Typical Toronto Sun(national enquirer) garbage.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2006
The comments bashing the disabled goalie should be sent to the employers of the people that made them, as well as the media.


Registered User
May 26, 2008

a common response to my social media skepticism is the idea that using these services “can’t hurt.†in addition to honing skills and producing things that are valuable, my critics note, why not also expose yourself to the opportunities and connections that social media can generate? i have two objections to this line of thinking.

first, interesting opportunities and useful connections are not as scarce as social media proponents claim. in my own professional life, for example, as i improved my standing as an academic and a writer, i began receiving more interesting opportunities than i could handle. I currently have filters on my website aimed at reducing, not increasing, the number of offers and introductions i receive.

My research on successful professionals underscores that this experience is common: as you become more valuable to the marketplace, good things will find you. to be clear, i’m not arguing that new opportunities and connections are unimportant. i’m instead arguing that you don’t need social media’s help to attract them.

My second objection concerns the idea that social media is harmless. Consider that the ability to concentrate without distraction on hard tasks is becoming increasingly valuable in an increasingly complicated economy. Social media weakens this skill because it’s engineered to be addictive. The more you use social media in the way it’s designed to be used — persistently throughout your waking hours — the more your brain learns to crave a quick hit of stimulus at the slightest hint of boredom.

Once this pavlovian connection is solidified, it becomes hard to give difficult tasks the unbroken concentration they require, and your brain simply won’t tolerate such a long period without a fix.
indeed, part of my own rejection of social media comes from this fear that these services will diminish my ability to concentrate — the skill on which i make my living.

the idea of purposefully introducing into my life a service designed to fragment my attention is as scary to me as the idea of smoking would be to an endurance athlete, and it should be to you if you’re serious about creating things that matter.

perhaps more important, however, than my specific objections to the idea that social media is a harmless lift to your career, is my general unease with the mind-set this belief fosters. a dedication to cultivating your social media brand is a fundamentally passive approach to professional advancement. It diverts your time and attention away from producing work that matters and toward convincing the world that you matter. The latter activity is seductive, especially for many members of my generation who were raised on this message, but it can be disastrously counterproductive.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013

I don't use any form of social media. Never have never will. No idea how Facebook works, no idea how Twitter works. Don't need it, don't want it, never have never will.

I'm living a productive, successful, normal life. Know lots of other close family and friends who do the same.

Not everyone is on that stuff. Feel sorry for the people who got caught up in it.


Help is on the way.
Jul 31, 2010
NHL player factory
Honestly, these guys should be able to say whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. You wanna act like John Rocker, go for it. You wanna be racist,homophobic,sexist, whatever , that's your right. To me these athletes should be able to share opinion,believe in whatever God they want to believe in and act crazy as far as I'm concerned. Will you continue finding employment? Probably not. You're taught at a young age to be proud of having the freedom to express yourself no matter how asinine it is. Then you grow up and realize it's BS in cases like this where the PC police become involved. If you were offended by what Sparks said then regarding acting like a teenage girl then you need to grow some thicker skin. As if people thought hockey players didn't talk that way? If you heard this in public from a non-celebrity you wouldn't bat an eye. Typical Toronto Sun(national enquirer) garbage.

It is your right to be what ever you want to be but when you are representing an organization then you are bound by the policies that you agreed to when you sign their contract, such is the case here.

The Sun only reported the Leafs suspension, so blaming them for this is misguided and wrong.

Freedom of speech is not BS but with that comes consequences and responsibility.

If I heard that in public, like I just did from you, I would do more then bat an is long past the time for men to stop attempting to use gender as an insult. In this case it was used as an attack based on weaker sex and perceived lack of intelligence based on Gender. Misogynistic thought processes and behaviour needs to stop....I laugh when I hear the term ***** being used as a term for weakness, I saw both of my children being born and their was nothing weak being exhibited.

You missed the point as have far to many people.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
I'm surprised that people still think you can say whatever you want and not get in trouble at work. Where do you guys work?

During my university days I worked at the building I lived in on campus. my friend wrote how she didnt like certain aspects of residence life, and someone (another previous co-worker), said something and I just remarked, "yeah, I can see that." that was it

next day i was called down into the office, and was asked to explain my comment. a simple "yeah, I can see that." about how residence life could be a lot better. (which was true - as a resident) - but as an employee it looked wrong. and I was told then that what I said represented the company even though I also lived there and I couldn't say things i normally did.

EVERY company has some sort of morality clause. it doesn't matter if you are an athlete or some whomever - you represent the people you work for. So yeah, if you want to be a complete idiot (even if being an idiot is well intentioned because you are doing something right) - yeah. You have that right. just as your bosses have the right to cut their association with you.

It's so sad that discipline can be wrapped up with "well people are too PC it's not fair." Life isn't fair. Actions do have consequences. Quarter has been saying it. Sparks as an admin, could have just said. "actions like this isn't tolerated, you should know better.", deleteting the comment and leaving it there - would have been fine.

Threatening to beat up someone, and then saying that he'd act like a 13 year old girl - then saying even 13 year old girls would be better than he (or however it was phrased) - is wrong. Sparks, as my grandpa used to say - had right in his hand, and threw it away to be wrong.

and Considering this is not the first time the Leafs had someone publicly threaten someone on social media - I don't blame Lou and Shanahan for shutting it down right quick. (and Sparks was here for that little debacle, so he can't be all"Oh i didn't know."

Again. we want the Leafs players to be held to a standard and be held responsible for their actions.
but when the Leafs lower the boom, everyone wants to complain how unfair it is. No. life doesn't work that way.


Registered User
Mar 17, 2015
- Threatening physical harm to another person whether sincere or not is a serious thing. Honour culture of sports suggests that you look the other way when this is done in the heat of the moment. However no one is required to be honorable.
- The team can't ignore this, they have to act.
- Uninvolved third parties whose first impulse is to sanctimoniously go after someone's livelihood for uttering the wrong words are the bottom feeders of society IMO. They are merciless power seekers.
- IMO Scott Wheeler is a weasel for bringing this to light especially skipping the context of what caused the exchange. Don't be surprised when the entire Marlies' dressing room freezes him out.


Registered User
May 24, 2015
Didn't Lupul threaten to kick someone's arse online? Did he get suspended? I honestly can't remember.

I looked into it and Lupul wasn't suspended.

This means that:

1) The policy of conduct has changed or is being more strictly enforced
2) The neckbeard (haha) influence is real

Joey Hoser

Registered User
Jan 8, 2008
I looked into it and Lupul wasn't suspended.

This means that:

1) The policy of conduct has changed or is being more strictly enforced
2) The neckbeard (haha) influence is real


I don't think Lou is some neckbearded social justice warrior. I think he's just not an idiot and doesn't want his employees saying stupid crap.


Registered User
May 24, 2015
I don't think Lou is some neckbearded social justice warrior. I think he's just not an idiot and doesn't want his employees saying stupid crap.

LOL. Fair enough.

Let's see how many games he gets before we make conclusions on idiocy though.
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Registered User
Mar 17, 2015
Very telling when someone thinks the threat of physical assault is less important than the "teenage girl" comments.

I hope this never happens here like it happened at PPP ruining that place permanently:

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Registered User
Jul 26, 2010
what if

It would be a different story if the hockey player was more talented (See Patrick Cane et al.)

lets say player A flattens Marner in the last seconds of a period, Matthews is caught on tv yelling at him from bench , first shift in next period Matthews drags player A to center ice beats him to a pulp is thrown out of game , leafs give up 2 goals while shorthanded( player A does not defend himself) and lose game afterwords Matthews quoted calling "A" a scared little girl . do leafs suspend Matthews or call him a great teammate for standing up for Marner?


Python FTW!
Nov 17, 2013
This is what I found...

Garret came to the defense of a mentally and physically disabled guy on a private facebook group. Someone was harassing the guy in some way and Garret posted this:

So if that is true, is this a case of doing the right thing but not the smart/politically correct/contractually correct thing?

To be frank,.. if I saw someone harassing a mentally or physically disable person I would without a doubt step and do the same thing Garret threatened to do. I've been in a situation where a woman, I didn't know her, was being physically harassed in a bar and I stepped up and did what I had to do. Sometimes you just have to step up and be a man.

There is no place in my world for bullies, you could argue Garrett was being a bully himself but in this case if what I read was true IMHO, it was absolutely warranted.:fight:

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
I looked into it and Lupul wasn't suspended.

This means that:

1) The policy of conduct has changed or is being more strictly enforced
2) The neckbeard (haha) influence is real

because it all happened during the Very Bad Year. I was surprised he didn't get anything because it was very public (but it was wrapped up in that thing with Dion, Elisha, and TSN which we're not allowed to go into more detail on the website). so I think it got carried away because of all the drama that was going on with that season - but I bet it was addressed by Shanahan privately.

I don't understand or get what "neckbeard" means but i am imagining it is not very nice.

Darkside Blue

Feb 17, 2014
because it all happened during the Very Bad Year. I was surprised he didn't get anything because it was very public (but it was wrapped up in that thing with Dion, Elisha, and TSN which we're not allowed to go into more detail on the website). so I think it got carried away because of all the drama that was going on with that season - but I bet it was addressed by Shanahan privately.

I don't understand or get what "neckbeard" means but i am imagining it is not very nice.

It means some slovenly basement dweller with poor hygiene who has nothing better to do than troll the internet all day. What's lost in all this tut-tutting is the fact that the trolls who provoked Sparks are laughing their balls off for creating such a controversy. They're the ones who should be the villains in all this, not Sparks.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
It means some slovenly basement dweller with poor hygiene who has nothing better to do than troll the internet all day. What's lost in all this tut-tutting is the fact that the trolls who provoked Sparks are laughing their balls off for creating such a controversy. They're the ones who should be the villains in all this, not Sparks.

Why should some trolls on the internet be the villains? I mean yeah they're the antagonists, but you have to know they exist and it's just a fact of life. Sparks doesn't get a free pass to do whatever he wants just because he got mad


Portage and Main
Feb 10, 2011
Winnipeg MB
I think Sparks deserved a punishment of some kind but I feel like he's served it.

I don't think management wants to discourage the players from taking strong stances against social injustice. He just went about it in the wrong way.
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