TV: Game of Thrones | Season 6 | Part V (NO BOOK DISCUSSION - NO SPOILERS!)

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Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
I do kind of like George's realistic approach to storywriting. There is no "Glenn" miracle from The Walking Dead. If you are surrounded by the enemy, you are killed, if you are captured by the enemy, unspeakable things happen to you, and there are consequences for every action both good and bad that can favor any philosophy.

Agreed. i mean it pisses you the hell off - (especially because you get invested and you kind of want that Doctor Who moment of "Everybody Lives!") but George doesn't play that game at all. I remember the Red Wedding and how that one guy just stabbed the ever living heck out of Robb's wife - and i was like that is beyond cruel, and there was a quote from George saying - we wanted to make everyone realise - that the wife is dead. Robb is dead. that the baby is dead. No one is going to magic the baby and have some Baby Stark come back somehow and avenge anyone. everything has consequences.

it's very realistic.

I am now thinking that maybe the same thing that happened to Hodor also happened to the "smash the beetles" Lannister cousin

I mean there just has to be a point to that scene


This time "time travel" and having influence on the past opens up so many doors (heh) of possibilities here. Is the Three-Eyed Raven an eternal position, like an eternal loop? Was that an old Bran?

So many things that they mentioned in the past now are open to the possibility of being set in motion by Bran's powers. I think Hodor was a mere glimpse of what's to come. They can really mess the story up with this, but there is potential to be really good. I just hope they proceed with caution

it is kind of weird that they didn't show how the Three-Eyed Raven (that's the man in the tree right? I am horrible at retaining anything with this show in the way of names, etc if you're not part of the main cast lol) became to be. he could be Old Bran. But he could also be part of a long line people who can see. the past, (future?) and present.

but it makes you wonder if Bran affected Wylis/Hodor.. how many other "affected" people are because of Bran/Man in the Tree.

Would be funny if they never showed the Dorne story ever again.

They just stopped after the deaths of the King and Prince, by the sand snakes, and were just like 'why bother':dunno:

because they're useless?


Jul 1, 2010
Am I missing something with Benjen? I still don't understand the repeated hopes that we'll see someone that hasn't been on the show in literally like 40+ episodes now. Maybe Gendry saves them!

I saw a theory that he was touched by the Night's King, so he couldn't go back south of the wall.

I don't know how he would survive that encounter or know about the mark breaking the wall's magic, but I thought it was kind of cool.


Student Of The Game
Mar 16, 2006
Regina, SK
You know which storyline I hate more than anything? The fact that Oberyn's wife and daughters have such a grudge against the Lannisters over Oberyn's death.

She was there; she saw it herself. He volunteered to participate in a trial by combat, and he could have won if not for his own ego. It is simply not believable that they are this angry over the whole thing.


Big F$&*in Q
Jan 5, 2005
Ottawa, ON
You know which storyline I hate more than anything? The fact that Oberyn's wife and daughters have such a grudge against the Lannisters over Oberyn's death.

She was there; she saw it herself. He volunteered to participate in a trial by combat, and he could have won if not for his own ego. It is simply not believable that they are this angry over the whole thing.

Or she loved him and people do irrational things when they are in love?


Poked the bear!!!!!
Jun 30, 2006
Montreal, QC
Or she loved him and people do irrational things when they are in love?

Well there's "irrational things" and there's "killing the ruler of your city and poisoning the daughter of the people who are currently ruling the entire continent"...

This like a Montreal Screwjob thing. The Lannisters didn't kill Oberyn, Oberyn killed Oberyn. So I get what seventieslord is saying.

What the Faulk

You'll know when you go
May 30, 2005
North Carolina
"I'm mad that my paramour lawfully died while seeking vengeance for my sister-in-law and nephew, so in order to avenge them I'm going to kill my brother-in-law and nephew."

Yeah no one really thought this through.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2009
"I'm mad that my paramour lawfully died while seeking vengeance for my sister-in-law and nephew, so in order to avenge them I'm going to kill my brother-in-law and nephew."

Yeah no one really thought this through.

Yeah that was cringe worthy.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
The more I think about it the more I feel like Baelish was lying to Sansa about Riverrun being retaken by the Blackfish. He knew she would send Brienne and he obviously wants to remove her from Sansa's side.


Registered User
Dec 14, 2011
Congratulations to Round 5 winner! : The Waffler - The Three-Eyed 'Pigeon' Raven

Game Of Thrones: Season 6: Death Prediction List

How To Play/Rules/Notices:

- Post who you think will die next. I will update the list at least once a day, as the season goes on. I will update every page or two and post the updated list, every couple of pages.

- One pick per poster.

- No takesies-backsies. Once you've chosen, you're locked in till the next episode airs.

- Flashback Deaths - Your pick has to be someone who is currently alive. Now that flashbacks are more common in the show, they may also contain scenes of people dying, who are already dead. You can't pick a current dead person to die, even if we're shown that previous death scene.

- BOOK READERS - As always, we kindly request that if you know who is going to die next, please refrain from participating. The show has caught up to and surpassed the books in some at the end of the day, use your best judgement. If you honestly don't know and are 'guessing', then you're most welcome to do so.

- And please feel free to give your character choice a 'nickname' [Ex. Meryn 'Pedo' Trant, Podrick 'Tri-Pod' Payne]. If you don't feel like it adding a nickname, i'll do it for you.

- The first poster whose character choice dies, wins.(The character doesn't have to be the first person to die in the episode)

Round 6

SashaSemin28 - Brienne 'The Fair Maiden Bear' Of Tarth
PALE PWNR - Septa 'No Soup For You!' Unella
Emperoreddy - Lancel 'Born Again' Lannister
Chippah - Lancel 'O Brother Where Art Thou' Lannister
darko - Margaery 'My Brother's Keeper' Tyrell
Amazing Kreiderman - High 'Govenor Swann' Sparrow
JDinkalage Morgoone - Tommen 'The Golden Child' Lannister
DuckJet - High 'Was In An Orgy So Good He Gave Up On Life" Sparrow
Bubba Thudd - Loras 'Kill Me Now Tyrell

The Drop - Lancel 'I Stabbed Your Sister' Lannister
Archangel - Rickon 'Ramsay's Boy Toy' Stark
Eazy for Kuzy - Margaery 'THE Queen' Tyrell
StrictlyCommercial - Lancel 'I Gotta Have Faith, Faith, Faith' Lannister
Modo - Tommen "Lil Britches" Lannister
Saskatoon - Mace 'Windoo' Tyrell

The Waffler - Missandei 'Miss Sunday'
KirkOut - Sansa 'But I Was Finally Getting To Do Something' Stark... aka, 'Stupid Sansa'
Diamondillium - The 'Pick On Someone With Your Own Visual Capabilities' Waif
kmad - Meera 'Hold The Bran' Reed
firewagonHOCKEY - Daario 'I Liked The Other Guy Better' Naharis

Blender - Lancel 'Jaime's Stuntman' Lannister
Last edited:


Registered User
Dec 14, 2011
where is ser pounce?


I got the impression that it was many maesters working on her, all trying everything they could think of. They were trying so many things, combinations of things, etc, that they weren't even sure what exactly they did that "cured" her. Just kind of a fortunate accident. Probably couldn't replicate it, and that's why they didn't get famous for finding the cure.

Ah, ok. That makes sense. Hopefully Jorah can find some concoction as well.

You wonder how it's even remotely possible for them to escape. At the pace they were being dragged, it looked like Meera was basically still probably within running distance of the hoard by the time they get through Hodor.

Like someone else said, the wights are on their tail undoubtedly, and someone or something would certainly have to intercede on their behalf in either hiding them, or helping them escape. There's the possibility that Bran 'wakes up' and warg's into an animal that can carry both Meera and himself, or a third party assists. I'm kinda interested in knowing how they escape their pursuers.

That scene after the play that just started with the guy's dick sure caught me off guard.

It was a dick move by D&D*, warts and all.

(Dick & Dong).

I think I'm most excited to see what visions Bran will go through during this mass upload. It sucks that the TER won't be there to guide him, maybe he'll have problems interpreting the visions?

So my 'theory' is that TER not only 'downloaded' his knowledge into Bran, but also his conciousness/soul, either in part or whole, in order to continue assisting/guiding Bran going forward, with the visions, etc.

I think there was something Bran said that he warged into someone or something and felt the presence of another in that mind as well. So, maybe there's room for Bran and TER inside Bran's headspace?

Maybe this is how TER has 'existed' for so long. He occupies green-seers with exceptional ability through the ages and guides them or guides the goings on of the day, for the end-game that's coming up?

Just a thought.

Dr Pepper

Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
Sunny Etobicoke
You know which storyline I hate more than anything? The fact that Oberyn's wife and daughters have such a grudge against the Lannisters over Oberyn's death.

She was there; she saw it herself. He volunteered to participate in a trial by combat, and he could have won if not for his own ego. It is simply not believable that they are this angry over the whole thing.

Pretty sure that grudge was there before Oberyn died....wasn't he introduced initially as already hating the Lannisters for an earlier attack on his family?
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