Does anyone read lips?


Registered User
Aug 5, 2007
Whatever Eakins is saying Hall is nodding. Seems harmless to me.... If anything it's the body language of a frustrated coach. And rightfully so.
All in all...hall is nodding in understanding

I didn't notice Hall nodding as much as looking away and looking back at Eakins


Registered User
Oct 4, 2007

You've implied through your language that the situation would be different if Eakins were 100 lbs bigger. My world has no place for attitudes like that. Society has been working too hard to root out that sort of digusting viewpoint.


Feb 12, 2010
Oh my god!!! A coach spoke firmly to a player! I hope Hall doesn't have PTSD.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005

You've implied through your language that the situation would be different if Eakins were 100 lbs bigger. My world has no place for attitudes like that. Society has been working too hard to root out that sort of digusting viewpoint.

Fair enough. But this aggressive and violent world exists. You're hoping that it doesn't. "My world" in this instance unfortunately not actually describing the planet of mankind. You know, the one where human strife and conflict is solved by guns and ammo (again unfortunately)

(I'm actually a pacifist so that you know, but I wasn't that way on a personal level earlier in life)

In anycase we're talking comments relative to the physical brutal world of pro hockey where pecking order is decided on things like hits and fights and physical play.

I'm not addressing these posts to a society quarterly.

But you're an idealist, and that is fine, we'd agree on more things than you probably care to think..:D


Feb 12, 2010
Eakins is 6"2 I'm not sure if he qualifies for what you call "little man syndrome"


Considering that it is Hall who he is speaking to, I bet it is well deserved. That guy is such a ******.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2010
Given Hall's performance lately, I would think him and Eakins get along. For all we know, Eakins could be sharing Hall's anger and telling Hall to start smashing head's in.

Mr Positive

Cap Crunch Incoming
Nov 20, 2013
Hall is the type of player who should be corralled now and then. It's not just for the team's sake, but for his own sake.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2010
I'm on board with the Eakins lynching as I think his line combos, line matching/toi and ability to adapt are less that most junior coaches but I just don't see it here. Looks like he is yelling to be heard over the crowd, I don't sense hostility on his part or disbelief on Hall's.

exactly this. I want Eakins canned as much as the next guy, but we don't need to be making **** up to hate him. He gives us enough already.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2011
Are we seriously trying to make something out of this? A hockey coach talking loudly to one of his players? Come on.
There's a lot of things to critique Eakins for but this is just pathetic and a lot of the posts just come off as little teenage boys and girls chitter-chattering and trying to make up things to hate about someone. To be honest some of you come off really douchy.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2012
Hall clearly nods in agreement and it didnt seem confrontational to me. Could of been loud at that point too. I don't like Eakins but this is straw grasping.


Jun 26, 2008
I didn't notice Hall nodding as much as looking away and looking back at Eakins

He's definitely nodding at the end of the clip and clearly responding to what Eakins is saying. It seemed like he was saying something about "fighting" or "fire" (I'm not a good lip reader mind you), so I think the intense anger is actually just him getting that point across to Hall (Eg. I want you to fight out there and show some fire). I hate Eakins as much as the next Oilers fan, but this really seems like a non-issue. If anything, it actually shows some actual coaching.

McGreat One

Registered User
Jan 1, 2010
For the record I, like many other fans, believe Eakins is just not working out here and it's time for a change. In saying that, none of us "couch experts" know for sure whether it's Eakins' system that's not working or if it's actually the players failing to follow the system he has set up. We just know that what we're seeing on the ice is a train wreck and it's Eakins' responsibility to fix it.

With regards to some posters in here complaining about Eakins losing his temper a little at our star player, let me put things in perspective. What if it is actually the players continuously failing to follow the gameplan the coaching staff has in place? What if they're out there making they're own decisions and ignoring the system set up both offensively and in their own end? Because to be honest, sometimes it actually looks like that's what's happening out there. If this were the case, can you really blame Eakins for losing his **** every now and then? In all honesty, in some of these games where the whole team is playing like a bunch of peewees, I'd rather see him yelling and screaming on the bench rather than just a head shake with stupid look on his face that we see too often. At least then we'd know he cares and is holding some of these guys accountable for their mistakes.

Don't get me wrong, the purpose of this post is not to pick up for Eakins or make any excuses for him, but I do believe the players shouldn't always receive the get out of jail free card just because the coach is inapt. I often wonder where this team would be if we had hired Brent Sutter for the job instead of Eakins. I do know one thing though, most of these guys wouldn't be let off the hook as much as they are now for playing like crap if Sutter was behind the bench.


Regehr DooDoo
Nov 1, 2010
DT Cowtown
It actually looks like they're having a conversation, and he's pumped up about what he's saying. It doesn't look like he's yelling or ranting in a way that would upset Hall.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2013
Hall thinks he is above the team, that kind of asshat should be moved.

I wouldn't blame him. He's the only few oilers that have played like they give a ****. Guy can't carry this team on his own. Perhaps Eberle should show as much heart as Hall and Yakupov right now.


Define that balance
Jul 17, 2009
After watching it a few more times, maybe it's much ado about nada.

He could be telling Hall to run one of the Sedins through the boards for all we know.

But Eakins still has to go.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2013
Where does he take it over the line though? He's simply yelling at a player to get a point across. It happens multiple times a night on every NHL bench.
Don't you have to yell to be heard in an arena with 17,000 people in it? I agree with you, I don't think there's anything to be seen here. I do think Eakins embarrassed himself with the water bottle incident last year but I'm not so sure that this is the same.

The state of the hockey team should be enough reason for Eakins to be fired. I don't think it's necessary to be looking for something that probably isn't there with stuff like this.


and again...
Jan 30, 2010
Northern AB
I don't even care at this point... and I don't think the players do either.

I'm sure Eakins is frustrated... he must feel he's a quarter inch away from being canned and his future prospects as a head coach of any NHL team are probably being extinguished more and more the longer this goes on.

The players HAVE to be collectively sick of being the doormats of the NHL. They feel frustrated at being called losers by every fanbase in the NHL including their own as well as every media outlet and even casual sports fans who don't even follow the team closely.

I think we are nearing the "breaking point" for everything and everyone in the organization.

Something substantial HAS to happen (firing/trade/execution) or this continues to fester and turn to a cancer that takes down the entire franchise in terms of the support of the fanbase and the desire of the players to actually believe they can be a competitive team in the foreseeable future.

I think this is getting well beyond your normal slump/mediocrity level of crappiness... it's gone on too long and 9 years without playoffs with the prospect of many more years of basement finishes ahead is too much for this franchise to endure.

Massive changes have to occur to TRY and change that fate which looks inevitable right now.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2005
If you don't have that demeanor, and scrawny Eakins doesn't, then to pull that card makes you look like a duck mouthing off a pitbull. With similar results.
:biglaugh: lmao.

Still, the rage on his face could be directed elsewhere, like at the refs? I dont know because I couldn't catch the game yesterday. Maybe its not as bad as it looks?

The last words look like "that was ********** great".


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