Disturbing e-mails leak of Eugene Melnyk bashing a Senators campaign. 📢 VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED 📢

vadim sharifijanov

Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
a part of me is like, rocky wirtz must be ecstatic that someone made himself look like just as spectacular of an asshole and is deflecting attention away from his own public self-humiliation

but on second reflection i seriously doubt a second generation boomer trust fund billionaire like that even cares that the world thinks he’s human garbage


Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
The world is a much better place now that this POS is dead and buried.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006

I ma saying that nothing good can come from this. Just someone who didnt like him or someone who has other motives....

None of us would want to find out the things we did or said wrong were broadcast to the world days after we died....
Nope. Plenty of good has already come from this and you can't actually speak to anyone's motives here in terms of the article. Pretty sure they were asked by the people who were treated like shit by this asshole to continue with it. And yes, I would want those things to happen. People need to stop burying the past with someone's dead body. It's not healthy or mature and it only serves to enable bad behavior from people with power, money, and influence in our society. Most people who say the shit you do probably have their own skeletons in their closet and should probably look for a way to make up for that while you can.

The daughters will be fine even if their dad's name rightfully gets thrown in the mud where it belongs.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2008
Not a fan of the campaign. It was a distasteful response. Not a fan of holier-than-thou angry mobs comprised of hypocrites who hopefully garner empathy when they make a mistake.

A mistake? This was far from a mistake, this was cold and calculated.. I'm sorry but if you're an asshole and do asshole things then you deserve to be outed for it whether you are alive or dead, its as simple as that. Don't want you're name being dragged through the mud when you die then don't give people a reason to do it...He's fair game


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
The guy just died, No possible good can come of showing what a dirt bag this guy was. He also has young daughters I think and now they have to know their dad was a POS.

He is gone, the world did not need to know this. The leaker is a pos too.

Hate all you want but its true.

Why is it true? I think the truth is always worth knowing regardless of it being good or bad.

Melnyk wasn't an evil man, nor was he strictly a bad one. Like every one of us, he was layered. Perhaps more or less in a certain direction than most, but he had redeeming qualities as well. How much that makes up for the vile nature of other aspects of his being is up for debate.

I'll never shame a journalist for bringing the truth of something to light. That is literally the point of their jobs and it would be nice if more did it these days.


Don't listen to me, I'm an idiot. TOGA! TOGA!
Dec 24, 2017
Hardly surprising that a sportsball team owner is/was an asshole. I'm sure 90% of owners are like this behind closed doors. billionaires don't normally become and stay billionaires by being moral and virtuous humans lol. James Dolan is an exponentially bigger piece of trash than Melnyck could have ever dreamed of being.
All that said, it is weird that professional sports leagues have all of these pride nights yet the LGTBQTIAA+ community makes up less than 2% of the population and doesn't exactly have a reputation for being fervent sports fans.
It would be interesting to see how much money these pride nights and ensuing related merch bring in or if these leagues are just using gay pride night as a tax write off.
Still not worth getting as angry about it as Melnyck did but he's dead now so it doesn't really matter. Clearly he was a shitty person to work for. Hopefully the new regime treats their employees better.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
Why are we assuming his supposedly nearest and dearest need to be protected from the truth? That they were completely unaware of what kind of man he was and/or what kind of reputation he had? It's a bit weird to assume that "everyone" on some message board knows the guy better than the people who actually, well, knew him.

Also, since we're all projecting here... It's sad that speaking the truth is seen as such an offense. I get that you (general) want to think of the [adult] children and let them preserve the good memories they have of their dad but that's you (general) projecting your own experiences and thinking you know better. For all we know, his family is relieved that the truth, or at least some of it, is out in the open and they don't need to pretend his flaws didn't exist. I did that after my dad died, bit my tongue and mumbled all the right things when people offered their condolences and waxed lyrical about what a great man he was. I knew him, and he wasn't. I still grieved him, flaws and all, but it was aggravating that even in death, there was this expectation and social pressure to keep lying (at least by omission) and protecting the reputation of a man who already benefitted from that while alive. All that just so a bunch of distant relatives, neighbors etc. wouldn't need to re-evaluate their perceived truths. Because you don't speak ill of the dead. You scream inside your head and want to puke but you keep your mouth shut to keep the peace. Because you don't matter. Because dead.

I guess my point is that we shouldn't necessarily presume we're doing the family any favors by burying unpleasant truths. And because we can never know for sure, honesty and truth should always be the default settings in how we approach these situations.


The Devils have a culture of failure
Feb 3, 2016
Brooklyn via NJ, like the Nets
As macabre as this is to say, the Senators and their fans are better off now that Melnyk is dead. The entire reason I could never see them be a consistent competitor is because of that cheap bastard.

Color me shocked that he treated his employees like dirt and was hateful to boot.


Jan 2, 2011
Evanston, IL
Hardly surprising that a sportsball team owner is/was an asshole. I'm sure 90% of owners are like this behind closed doors. billionaires don't normally become and stay billionaires by being moral and virtuous humans lol. James Dolan is an exponentially bigger piece of trash than Melnyck could have ever dreamed of being.
All that said, it is weird that professional sports leagues have all of these pride nights yet the LGTBQTIAA+ community makes up less than 2% of the population and doesn't exactly have a reputation for being fervent sports fans.
It would be interesting to see how much money these pride nights and ensuing related merch bring in or if these leagues are just using gay pride night as a tax write off.
Still not worth getting as angry about it as Melnyck did but he's dead now so it doesn't really matter.
The ratio of people in the US who identify as LGBT has more than doubled in the past 10 years (3.5% -> 7.1%), and presumably not because of some human physiological change.

Over 20% of Gen-Z self identify as LGBT.

General Fanager

Registered User
Feb 2, 2010
Chambly, Qc
Why is it true? I think the truth is always worth knowing regardless of it being good or bad.

Melnyk wasn't an evil man, nor was he strictly a bad one. Like every one of us, he was layered. Perhaps more or less in a certain direction than most, but he had redeeming qualities as well. How much that makes up for the vile nature of other aspects of his being is up for debate.

I'll never shame a journalist for bringing the truth of something to light. That is literally the point of their jobs and it would be nice if more did it these days.
I have no problem with the reporter who wrote about it or posted it. He did his job and there is nothing wrong with that.

My issue is with the person who called or emailed him. I think that was wrong and its curious that he leaked just a few days after he died. Seems odd dont you think?


Original #4
Oct 27, 2005
I have no problem with the reporter who wrote about it or posted it. He did his job and there is nothing wrong with that.

My issue is with the person who called or emailed him. I think that was wrong and its curious that he leaked just a few days after he died. Seems odd dont you think?

There's absolutely no evidence that this specific leak you talked about happened only days after Melnyk's death.

And, frankly, even if it did, what's the problem with it? The best way for that "leak" to not happen is to not write or say things that could be the object of a "leak" of any significance.


Emo Stars Fan
Dec 4, 2011
Norton, OH
The guy just died, No possible good can come of showing what a dirt bag this guy was. He also has young daughters I think and now they have to know their dad was a POS.

He is gone, the world did not need to know this. The leaker is a pos too.

Hate all you want but its true.
I don't have any words that wouldn't get me an infraction or banned, I'll just say that I'm glad I'm not you.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2009
Not entirely surprising.

I have no problem with the reporter who wrote about it or posted it. He did his job and there is nothing wrong with that.

My issue is with the person who called or emailed him. I think that was wrong and its curious that he leaked just a few days after he died. Seems odd dont you think?

No, it seems intentional. Dude was a massive bigot and this person wanted more people to know. I'm not sure why you have a problem with the homophobe being expose?

Satoru Gojo

Registered User
Jan 15, 2012
If you don’t want people talking about the shitty things you did after you die, you probably shouldn’t do shitty things while you are alive.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.
You do realize that despite how awful he was, this was still a guy with a family who is mourning at this time

I just don't think the timing is the best here, but hey that's just my opinion
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Original #4
Oct 27, 2005
You do realize that despite how awful he was, this was still a guy with a family who is mourning at this time

I just don't think the timing is the best here, but hey that's just my opinion

If Melnyk cared about the feelings of his relatives following criticism related of the things he said and did, he should've refrained from doing and saying those things.

General Fanager

Registered User
Feb 2, 2010
Chambly, Qc
Not entirely surprising.

No, it seems intentional. Dude was a massive bigot and this person wanted more people to know. I'm not sure why you have a problem with the homophobe being expose?
Because he does have a family that is grieving and it sucks to have this dumped on them. I do not see the value in doing it now and not when he was alive to roast for it.


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