Confirmed with Link: Carcillo on try out contract


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
Look at the 2 years we went to the Cup, and some of the guys who were skating for us. Having guys like Carcillo on your team help when the refs start swallowing whistles. If you have Carcillo skating regular minutes, that would probably hurt the team. If you have him as a 4th liner who you send out there to dump a puck in and then run a defenseman through the end boards to give you team a bump when they are playing flat...he's perfect for that.

I subscribe to the theory that you always want the crazy guys on your side.

Yea... More of this allll day. We have two of the best/ beast players in the league we needed supplement them w the complimentary players needed to ease their work load. Coming out to Sutter spaling and comeau is no way to take a rest especially if you have Carcillo in the 4th... Dude hits like a fiend. We have an awesome penalty kill, we just didn't take the right penalties...

Zen Arcade

Bigger than Kiss
Sep 21, 2004
Glad to see the curse of pretty hockey haunts this fanbase. Never change, that's the Yinzer way.

There's a reason none of the 90's teams besides some legendarily stacked squads ever did anything in the playoffs while lesser teams won cups. There's also a lot of evidence that agitators like Ruutu and Cooke were pretty effective in the bottom 6 too.

Give me carcillo over adams, downie over the midget brigade any day. Keep your pretty, ineffectual hockey, thanks. I get enough of it overseas, anyway.

Internet high five.

So Bort, two guys who will be competing for a spot with Carcillo, two AHL players with no business in the NHL, our 12th or 13th best available d-man and two guys we don't want in scrums. All Sill or Payerl needs to do is play better than Dan Carcillo and they should have that spot. Based on your opinions on Carcillo, that shouldn't be too hard. I'm assuming you don't want them taking a spot from Downie, who is simply better at playing hockey than everyone on that list.

I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I think Farnham is an NHL caliber player. His hitting and agitating combined with his skating make him a viable option. He's one of the fastest skaters in the AHL, and the Pens lack speed.


Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009
Dustin Penner and Ryan Malone suck. They are not going to provide us with top 6 depth and they are too slow for the bottom 6. Carcillo helps us more than either. Not because he's particularly good but because they are that bad.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2009
Dustin Penner and Ryan Malone suck. They are not going to provide us with top 6 depth and they are too slow for the bottom 6. Carcillo helps us more than either. Not because he's particularly good but because they are that bad.

I hate Carcillo because he is a pain. That's more than Malone and Penner offer.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2007
It's not about finding the best hockey's about finding the right ones, and I think Daniel Carcillo on a 1 year deal is the right player for our 4th line.

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
It's not about finding the best hockey's about finding the right ones, and I think Daniel Carcillo on a 1 year deal is the right player for our 4th line.

I like him as 12th-14th forward. He doesn't have to play every game. Rotate him, Sill, Payerl, Megs, Comeau, Farnham in and out of the 4th line. He should definitely play in every Flyers, Rangers, Blue Jackets, Bruins games. Send the message to potential divisional playoff teams (and Bruins for conference finals) that you don't mess with Sid or else your star will be trolled like crazy. I'm not under any assumption that Carcillo is a deterrent to a Chara or Lucic, but he can get in Dubinsky, Staal, and Marchand's face.


Registered User
Jul 8, 2011
I like him as 12th-14th forward. He doesn't have to play every game. Rotate him, Sill, Payerl, Megs, Comeau, Farnham in and out of the 4th line. He should definitely play in every Flyers, Rangers, Blue Jackets, Bruins games. Send the message to potential divisional playoff teams (and Bruins for conference finals) that you don't mess with Sid or else your star will be trolled like crazy. I'm not under any assumption that Carcillo is a deterrent to a Chara or Lucic, but he can get in Dubinsky, Staal, and Marchand's face.

No, but he's a distraction to everybody. In the same way that Megna was a distraction to Philly when he ran Mason last year. Guys that feel that it's their job to stand up for teammates will be obliged to go after Carcillo and Downie. I don't want Hartnell and that ilk of player getting bored out there. You need to keep them occupied.

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
No, but he's a distraction to everybody. In the same way that Megna was a distraction to Philly when he ran Mason last year. Guys that feel that it's their job to stand up for teammates will be obliged to go after Carcillo and Downie. I don't want Hartnell and that ilk of player getting bored out there. You need to keep them occupied.

Oh absolutely. I guess I just wanted to make clear that I don't think Carcillo or Downie can stop everyone from going after Crosby. They can certainly help stir the pot and cause teams and other star players to be distracted.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2003
if another team went after sid/geno, i think carcillo would go after their skilled players instead of another 4th liner. i think that constitutes an improvement over last year.

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
if another team went after sid/geno, i think carcillo would go after their skilled players instead of another 4th liner. i think that constitutes an improvement over last year.

I agree. I do see Carcillo or Downie getting in Dubinsky or Staal's face for example.


fire mj
Apr 24, 2014
Oh absolutely. I guess I just wanted to make clear that I don't think Carcillo or Downie can stop everyone from going after Crosby. They can certainly help stir the pot and cause teams and other star players to be distracted.

Yeah, I'd rather we be the team that pisses off the other team's stars, than the one that fights and sticks up for our stars. Let's just irritate every other team so much that they're too agitated to go after Sid or Geno.


Aug 29, 2010
It's not about other teams respecting our's about stopping 37 cross checks to the back of Sid's head. The revered Craig Adams didn't prevent any of that. At least Carcillo might draw some attention away from Sid/Geno.

The Pens shouldn't be drawn into their opponents game. Shut up and keep playing, don't pay attention to what your opponents are doing to throw you off. If crosby was being cross checked, that's why the ref is there to listen. You don't tell the ref this guy hurt me! No call? Your dumb! No, you tell the ref to watch the interactions between you and Staal the next time your on the ice. Sid just refuses to use logic.

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Registered User
Aug 17, 2012
Glass? Very likely. Adams? He isn't on the roster just for his play. Intelligent, hard worker, leader, respected by both his team and the opposing team. Like I said before, no one goes after Craig, no one smack talks him. Why do you think that is? Carcillo is a clown, you lose the respect of the opposing team by just having him in your lineup

No craig Adams just sucks at hockey. He's none of the above. Dan Carcillo is a winner. That's what we want do around here, he's also better than Adams. Carcillo has gone to 3 of the last 5 Cups. Adams isn't respected by anyone. And how do you know nobody trash talks him? Are you around the team? I doubt many people like or talk to Adams because he was DB's favorite, told him everything that was going on in the room, didn't help young players I.e. Megna,Gibbons, Sill. And was just a down, not happy guy. Yeah, Adams is real "respected" :help::laugh:


Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009
Adams will just drag down any linemates he has. He is not a good player. His line will be better with better linemates, but it will still only have 2 good players on it even if he plays with Sid and Geno. He provides absolutely nothing positive to his line. Goc and Comeau don't need veteran leadership. They don't need someone to teach them things. They need a good hockey player, ideally with high end speed or physicality.

And no, I don't give a damn about the respect of other teams or their fans. I don't care if everyone else in the league hates us. Carcillo will help keep players from messing with Sid and Geno. The refs don't do it. Nobody else on our team is very good at it, except Downie who is often injured and coming back from concussion problems. Give me Carcillo.

Oh, Carcillo can also skate and play hockey better than Adams regardless of any agitating or goonery he may provide.

Randy Butternubs

Registered User
Mar 15, 2008
That's why I said linemates are so important. Craig had what? Glass and Vitale as linemates? There is no room to succeed there. Give Craig one more chance with new linemates, Johnston has nothing to lose. The contract isn't over yet, his trade value is low, 1 more shot will be all it takes.

Carcillo will just eat up capspace that the Pens will need at the trade deadline. If Craig doesn't win a roster spot, there's a list of players fighting for it. This is a cap league now, you can't toss money at positions that already have a lineup waiting for an opportunity. I thought this board wanted younger players to take over? Is Sill irrelevant now? Carcillo will turn this team into a circus, do Pens fans not care about getting respect from other teams and their fans? It gets tiring reading generalizations of this team from things Cooke and Neal did.

Don't even bother replying to Ogre, I don't know why people do.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2003
id be curious to see what the correlation between average age on 4th line performance is. my gut tells me that having a 4th line of thirtysomethings is a terrible idea and its a young mans line. adams could be an acknowledged hockey saint and still be jettisoned on his age alone.


Been on HF so long my Myspace link is part of my p
Oct 31, 2003
Not wanting mentally disturbed *******s who will eventually hurt the team through their viscious stupidity is not the same as wanting pretty ineffectual hockey. Not that Bylsma's dump and chase was that pretty anyway.

I want the Pens to be bigger and tougher, too. But just hiring some new cheapshot artists won't change much. The entire team needs to grow some balls and hopefully, with Johnston taking the chains off, will step up better to defend each other. We already have guys who can get nasty, they just weren't allowed to, or were stuck in the AHL. Let them play and use tryouts for positions of need. We still have a giant hole in the top 6 that needs to be filled before we can seriously contend. But apparently trolling the league is now more important than winning. :rolleyes:

Mad respect for your opinion usually Burgs, but man. This has got to be one of the most hyperbolic satements I have ever read on here. NOBODY is even insinuating that yet you are arguing the point as if that is the majority opinion around here.
We all want this team to win.
You CAN troll the league AND win at the same time. Trolling the league isn't mutually exclusive with losing.
You're assuming that this signing means that we will suddenly become losers, and carrying that assumption further, you are assuming that nobody will care so long as we get our league wide trolling mandate in.
Comon man!

Now, for my opinion on the signing (not directed at you Burgs)
I am reading all of this "opinion" on the signing and I am totally flabbergasted. Do all of you remember how horrible our fourth line was (or even our entire bottom six)? It needed a severe upgrade. Any combination that includes Goc, Spaling, Carcillo, Comeau, Sutter, Downey is SO much better than what we had at this time last season. SO MUCH BETTER!

The fact remains, the entire point should be to upgrade in obvious area's of weakness. We did exactly that.
The other fact remains. Just because we were unable to upgrade the top 6, doesn't mean we should IGNORE the other obvious problems in the lineup and focus exclusively on something that is unobtainable at the moment (upgrading the top 6).

Is Carcillo an upgrade over what we had? Absolutely.
Does he address an area of weakness? Without a doubt.
Is this team better off without him (in other words, rolling with Adams as a regular). No freaking way!

Does he come with baggage? Yup.
Does he have the potential to hurt the team? Of course.
Does the coach have the ability to minimize that affect? Absolutely.

The ENTIRE BOTTOM line is that Dan Carcillo, like him or hate him, is an upgrade for this team and addresses two obvious area's of weakness. Our fourth line AND team toughness.

I could care less about talk of being a hypocrite. It's sports. We reserve the right to hate a player when he plays for another team yet love him when he plays for us.
Ruuttu, Laraque, Cooke, Barnaby, Kasparitis, Samuelsson and so on and so on ALL fit into this category. So yeah, great. I'm a hypocrite for wanting my team to be better and for wanting a player on my team to make my team better. I can live with that. It isn't like almost every single fan in every single fanbase isn't exactly the same. I would venture a guess that those calling Pens fans hypocrites over this are even more so themselves because they would react the same exact way once "player A" signed with their team.

Another issue that is silly: This "tryout" holds back young guys looking to fill the same role (Payerl or Sill...I've even seen PL3 mentioned which is laughable). Guess what? See above. I WANT THE BEST POSSIBLE PLAYERS to be iced every night. Carcillo is a better player than Sill. He is a better player than Pay-roll. And if he proves that he isn't during his TRYOUT, then we have the option of NOT signing him.
Complaining about a guy on a tryout who is better than what we had AND fills a couple of absolute needs is just dumb.

Finally...Malone? Penner?
Dear lord people. We are really reaching. If they were actual "potential" options on a team with obvious holes in the top 6 then they would have been brought in as well. These guys are NOT options for any teams top 6 and thinking so is revisionist history...not to mention grasping at straws in order to justify the negativity surrounding this signing.
Hell, bring back Bill Guerin then. He is a net front presence and about as fast as both Penner AND Malone.
I can't believe I am reading those names seriously.

Finally, this signing does NOT mean that those who are happy with it think that we are now serious cup contenders. But I will say this. We are now a deeper and a better team than we were before this signing. And we are continuing to chip away the weaknesses where we are currently able to. So if we continue on that road then yes, we will be where we should be eventually. Just because we can't fix the top 6 at the moment DOESN'T mean we shouldn't try to fix the other weaknesses surrounding this roster.


Registered User
Apr 4, 2003
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Mad respect for your opinion usually Burgs, but man. This has got to be one of the most hyperbolic satements I have ever read on here. NOBODY is even insinuating that yet you are arguing the point as if that is the majority opinion around here.
We all want this team to win.
You CAN troll the league AND win at the same time. Trolling the league isn't mutually exclusive with losing.
You're assuming that this signing means that we will suddenly become losers, and carrying that assumption further, you are assuming that nobody will care so long as we get our league wide trolling mandate in.
Comon man!

Now, for my opinion on the signing (not directed at you Burgs)
I am reading all of this "opinion" on the signing and I am totally flabbergasted. Do all of you remember how horrible our fourth line was (or even our entire bottom six)? It needed a severe upgrade. Any combination that includes Goc, Spaling, Carcillo, Comeau, Sutter, Downey is SO much better than what we had at this time last season. SO MUCH BETTER!

The fact remains, the entire point should be to upgrade in obvious area's of weakness. We did exactly that.
The other fact remains. Just because we were unable to upgrade the top 6, doesn't mean we should IGNORE the other obvious problems in the lineup and focus exclusively on something that is unobtainable at the moment (upgrading the top 6).

Is Carcillo an upgrade over what we had? Absolutely.
Does he address an area of weakness? Without a doubt.
Is this team better off without him (in other words, rolling with Adams as a regular). No freaking way!

Does he come with baggage? Yup.
Does he have the potential to hurt the team? Of course.
Does the coach have the ability to minimize that affect? Absolutely.

The ENTIRE BOTTOM line is that Dan Carcillo, like him or hate him, is an upgrade for this team and addresses two obvious area's of weakness. Our fourth line AND team toughness.

I could care less about talk of being a hypocrite. It's sports. We reserve the right to hate a player when he plays for another team yet love him when he plays for us.
Ruuttu, Laraque, Cooke, Barnaby, Kasparitis, Samuelsson and so on and so on ALL fit into this category. So yeah, great. I'm a hypocrite for wanting my team to be better and for wanting a player on my team to make my team better. I can live with that. It isn't like almost every single fan in every single fanbase isn't exactly the same. I would venture a guess that those calling Pens fans hypocrites over this are even more so themselves because they would react the same exact way once "player A" signed with their team.

Another issue that is silly: This "tryout" holds back young guys looking to fill the same role (Payerl or Sill...I've even seen PL3 mentioned which is laughable). Guess what? See above. I WANT THE BEST POSSIBLE PLAYERS to be iced every night. Carcillo is a better player than Sill. He is a better player than Pay-roll. And if he proves that he isn't during his TRYOUT, then we have the option of NOT signing him.
Complaining about a guy on a tryout who is better than what we had AND fills a couple of absolute needs is just dumb.

Finally...Malone? Penner?
Dear lord people. We are really reaching. If they were actual "potential" options on a team with obvious holes in the top 6 then they would have been brought in as well. These guys are NOT options for any teams top 6 and thinking so is revisionist history...not to mention grasping at straws in order to justify the negativity surrounding this signing.
Hell, bring back Bill Guerin then. He is a net front presence and about as fast as both Penner AND Malone.
I can't believe I am reading those names seriously.

Finally, this signing does NOT mean that those who are happy with it think that we are now serious cup contenders. But I will say this. We are now a deeper and a better team than we were before this signing. And we are continuing to chip away the weaknesses where we are currently able to. So if we continue on that road then yes, we will be where we should be eventually. Just because we can't fix the top 6 at the moment DOESN'T mean we shouldn't try to fix the other weaknesses surrounding this roster.

Lots to agree with in your post here stardog, great breakdown and I don't think it could have been said better. Hopefully those throwing "hypocrite" around like its a moral injustice will understand.

I specifically agree with the bolded part, why anyone would believe or think that PL3 is an NHL hockey player is beyond me. He's not even close to NHL caliber, and anyone claiming otherwise should probably stick to being a fan of WBS as thats where PL3 will be this year.

Darth Vitale

Dark Matter
Aug 21, 2003
THere's one sure-fire way to cut the crap (besides never replying to Ogre -- that flaming, trolling ******* ).

*grabs the digital crap cutters*
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