Confirmed with Link: Bouwmeester for Cundari, Berra, protected 1st

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Registered User
Jun 6, 2011
JBo was much more physical last night than I was expecting, and his range with his stick is crazy.

I agree with this. After reading all the hate on him, you'd think he never touches anyone. In fact, it's quite the opposite. He has no problem sticking people in corners, or pushing people in front of the net. Sure he's not Robyn Reghier, but who cares? He does what he has to do.

Also, after watching Jay-Bo literally gallop up the ice a couple of times over the last two games, does anyone else look at Patrick Berglund like a Toyota Yaris? I mean seriously, Berglund just looks like a Yugo compared to a Ferrari right now.


Registered User
Feb 14, 2012
St. Louis
I agree with this. After reading all the hate on him, you'd think he never touches anyone. In fact, it's quite the opposite. He has no problem sticking people in corners, or pushing people in front of the net. Sure he's not Robyn Reghier, but who cares? He does what he has to do.

Also, after watching Jay-Bo literally gallop up the ice a couple of times over the last two games, does anyone else look at Patrick Berglund like a Toyota Yaris? I mean seriously, Berglund just looks like a Yugo compared to a Ferrari right now.

Rickshaw vs Veyron, honestly ;)

Mike Liut

HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 12, 2008
I posted this in the GDT last night, but I want to re-post it in here too. I would love for the Blues to sign J-Bo to a 5x5 contract extension. He seems like a really good fit here with his style and our need for a LHD.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
I posted this in the GDT last night, but I want to re-post it in here too. I would love for the Blues to sign J-Bo to a 5x5 contract extension. He seems like a really good fit here with his style and our need for a LHD.

I`m not a guy who overreacts much and 2 games is way too early to judge but as of now you might think that Army, Hitch and their stuff know more about hockey, whats good for our Blues and who fits well here than we do...

5x5 seems very good but I`d like to see more of him till I`d talk extension

Captain Creampuff

Registered User
Sep 10, 2012
I`m not a guy who overreacts much and 2 games is way too early to judge but as of now you might think that Army, Hitch and their stuff know more about hockey, whats good for our Blues and who fits well here than we do...

5x5 seems very good but I`d like to see more of him till I`d talk extension

I'd be more hesitant if it were a younger player, but JBo has already proved what type of defenseman he is, he's a veteran in the NHL with already over 700 games played at only 29 years old.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
I'd be more hesitant if it were a younger player, but JBo has already proved what type of defenseman he is, he's a veteran in the NHL with already over 700 games played at only 29 years old.

it doesn`t matter what I would do anyway, I think Army brought him here to stay, not just to be a better team this and next year

that said, 5x5 seems good, pretty good


That’s the joke
May 8, 2010
I happy another fan base is seeing how good JBo actually is, he got a lot of hate on here, most from people who didn't watch him.. Our transition and defensive game is destroyed by losing him


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
I happy another fan base is seeing how good JBo actually is, he got a lot of hate on here, most from people who didn't watch him.. Our transition and defensive game is destroyed by losing him

On this board, I might've been Hater #1, but mostly because 1) he truly did suck last year and for 6.68M which is the complete opposite of what the Blues needed and 2) when I watched the Blues lose to LA last year in the playoffs I thought, they'd just hit that guy and he'd cough up the puck so could we please not get him. I coveted Giordano instead.

I couldn't watch the last two games, so today is the first time I'll get to see him in a Blue uniform. I'm a sane person so I want him to be good for my team, help them win and me be wrong. He's still way overpaid but that was reflected in the cheap payment the Blues made to get him, and that Detroit wasn't even willing to go higher than a 2d and some middling prospects.

The real judgment is coming in the postseason. Let me put it this way. I've been a Blues fan all my life, and I've seen enough first and second round exits that I never need to see any again to know what that experience is like. With a long, slow, steady rebuild since the 04-05 lockout, the Blues had methodically put the right pieces in place. The last huge piece was the LHD, so it became extra huge that they didn't get right to the end and screw everything up by picking the wrong player at the clearly wrong price. If Bouwmeester does turn out to be the wrong guy in the playoffs, the Blues' rebuild is screwed, and it'll be another 10-20 years before another strong contending chance comes around again based on historical cycles.

In other words, a lot of the intensity around not getting him was a real fear that it would be another case of so close, yet so far away from true contention (given the way his salary would have ripple effects throughout the organization). Like I say, let's see him in the playoffs against LA or Chicago and make our judgment then. Would love to hang a lantern on how wrong I was about him being the final big piece. We shall see.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2011
I happy another fan base is seeing how good JBo actually is, he got a lot of hate on here, most from people who didn't watch him.. Our transition and defensive game is destroyed by losing him

I think it proves how much HF doesn't know and how important teammates and a system really is.

2 Minute Minor

Hi Keeba!
Jun 3, 2008
Temple, Texas
On this board, I might've been Hater #1, but mostly because 1) he truly did suck last year and for 6.68M which is the complete opposite of what the Blues needed and 2) when I watched the Blues lose to LA last year in the playoffs I thought, they'd just hit that guy and he'd cough up the puck so could we please not get him. I coveted Giordano instead.

I couldn't watch the last two games, so today is the first time I'll get to see him in a Blue uniform. I'm a sane person so I want him to be good for my team, help them win and me be wrong. He's still way overpaid but that was reflected in the cheap payment the Blues made to get him, and that Detroit wasn't even willing to go higher than a 2d and some middling prospects.

The real judgment is coming in the postseason. Let me put it this way. I've been a Blues fan all my life, and I've seen enough first and second round exits that I never need to see any again to know what that experience is like. With a long, slow, steady rebuild since the 04-05 lockout, the Blues had methodically put the right pieces in place. The last huge piece was the LHD, so it became extra huge that they didn't get right to the end and screw everything up by picking the wrong player at the clearly wrong price. If Bouwmeester does turn out to be the wrong guy in the playoffs, the Blues' rebuild is screwed, and it'll be another 10-20 years before another strong contending chance comes around again based on historical cycles.

In other words, a lot of the intensity around not getting him was a real fear that it would be another case of so close, yet so far away from true contention (given the way his salary would have ripple effects throughout the organization). Like I say, let's see him in the playoffs against LA or Chicago and make our judgment then. Would love to hang a lantern on how wrong I was about him being the final big piece. We shall see.

Well, its clear that Armstrong thinks he's the right guy. I'll give him credit: it was painfully obvious the Blues needed that LHD for a couple seasons now, and he didn't pull the trigger too early or make a bad deal. (Even if JBo ends up being a bad fit, the Blues can pay his salary for one season and then have a chance to reshape the D. But I think the plan is to re-sign the guy for like a 4 year deal or something.)

You've missed the wrong last 2 games, man. They've been doozies. Yeah, there's been some disorganization at times....especially on the PP. But the glints of the potential of this defense make me salivate.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2008
Well I'm glad now that some of you have actually seen Bouwmeester in action, instead of just jumping on the he's a cream puff boat and talking smack about an excellent player that you haven't actually given a chance because you haven't watched him quite as closely as you said you had, that the vast majority has decided hey wait this guy is pretty good. Mabe we shouldn't listen to disgruntled haters that teams overspent on an excellent player that didn't have the team to back him up?

As I stated earlier in the thread Bouwmeester is not a cream puff!!! He isn't Scott Stevens either but who cares? He does look a lot like what Eric Johnson was always trying to be but could never quite get to. I think part of Bouwmeesters problem with people is he does stuff and makes it look pretty effortless. He's big, has great skating stride, uses his stick very effectively and his body as well. Plus he is smart, he usually takes the smart play, which our team needs pretty badly. Some of his stuff goes unseen because he makes the simple smart play and isn't really flashy, other than his skating which I think anybody could notice. He is really a thinking player if you watch him that has fast reactions and the ability to make quick decisions that other players couldn't make.

Also just curious, who was the guy wearing 19 in the third period against the wings yesterday banging bodies like an energy guy and punishing the teams top players until they couldn't get to the front of our net?? Oh yeah it was that huge cream puff Jay Bo! Lol, told you guys he wasn't a cream puff. You guys need to get Mike Peca out of your heads and look at what a guy actually does with what he's given. Jay Bo is going to be a huge success here because he isn't the cream puff everybody says he is. A coach won't play a guy like 700 times in a row literally if he is soft and not affective and coaches definetly won't play that guy against other teams best players religiously. So get ready for the ride boys because this team got a lot better with him and Leopold.

I'm pretty excited about our chances with this defense. It is one of the better if not the best defense in the NHL, I think it is the best two way defense without a doubt and possibly the best transition defense also. Really its not to bad in a shut down role either. Probably the most versatile defense in the league.

I'm going to start calling him Jay Bo the Destroyer lol. That game against the wings was like a playoff game, he shined bright in that third period. He wasn't going to take it from anybody. This is the best team he's ever been on, and I can tell from his play he is excited to be on the team. I'm excited as a fan about this team.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2008
I happy another fan base is seeing how good JBo actually is, he got a lot of hate on here, most from people who didn't watch him.. Our transition and defensive game is destroyed by losing him

I'm sorry you guys lost him, but I'm glad we got him. I've always liked him. I watch a lot of Calgary games on center Ice. Craig Conroy was my favorite player when he was here. Great player and great guy.

I'm sorry you guys are having to rebuild, I know the Calgary fans are a good bunch. I have met several at Blues games and they are always a class act, I met a father and son that had flew in a few years back and they were really a lot of fun to watch the game with. They had got seats right by my Season Tickets at the time, we talked the whole game, I really enjoyed it. Anyway, I believe Calgary has always been a very good organization and I'm not real sure about Feaster, but with all the 1st round picks you guys are getting, I have no doubt you guys will be back in the hunt very soon. Rebuilding isn't much fun but it has to be done sometimes.

Anywhoo, from watching Calgary on Center Ice pretty often I knew what we were getting in Bouwmeester and was super excited. I want you to know there are some great Blues fans that love hockey as much as you guys up north. We have never won a cup and its exciting to me as a lifelong fan to see where we are going. I'm stoked to get a player of Bouwmeesters quality, I'm sorry it had to be because of a Calgary rebuild as you guys are my 2nd favorite team. I just wanted to say, there are lots of fans here that very much appreciate what Bouwmeester brings to the team. The haters will always post venom of what he said or she said. Its hard to judge talent from a fan hockey forum lol. Or disgruntled x players like Mike Peca. I respected Peca until he made that statement, but watching J Bo for a while really made me wonder about Peca at that point. He was the ultimate energy type player though which might explain his thoughts as if guys are banging everything that moves he probably might not be happy.

So good luck with the rebuild, I wish you guys nothing but the best as you have a great organization and wonderful fans.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008

JBo is overpaid but he's worth what someone is willing to pay. Because he is such an elite skater it is easy why some fans would expect more offensively. He is a big addition to the team at a very modest cost. JBO without a doubt is a #1 pairing LD. The Blues are not screwed if they play one or two rounds in the playoffs. This is a young team that will be together for awhile and should just keep getting better. This is the most talented Defense the Blues have iced in decades.


Don't Call Him Alex
Feb 21, 2006
I'm not entirely sure how you can make the leap that the rebuild is screwed if JayBo isn't the missing piece in the playoffs. We didn't inherit a 5-7 year deal. There is one year left. And he would not have been acquired if it would've priced out our RFA's. We've know who the priorities are for a long time and Armstrong has budgeted accordingly. We were all shocked that they took on his price tag but I'm not worried about the Blues taking care of their own players. They always have. Stillman is a shrewd businessman and I'm sure more than a small part of Stillman signing off on the deal was b/c he knew he needed the Blues to make the playoffs for revenue purposes. And it's already been confirmed ticket prices are going up.

On the ice, yes, if Bouwmeester ain't the guy than, sure, they forfeited a 1st rounder but I'm entirely OK with that since this is the start of our window and we have some great young players already at the NHL level and others just starting to turn turn pro. This isn't a Chicago situation where Bouwmeester is Brian Campbell and will play a big role in forcing the dismantling of the roster. This was the right time to role the dice.

I personally believe the defense looks great and the bigger indictment of this playoff run will fall on the offensive players that we rebuilt around. The Berglund's and Stewart's, and to a lesser extent Oshie (who has been a mediocre playoff performer). I assure you if one of Berglund and Stewart isn't here next year it will have nothing to do with the money and everything to do with their playoff performance and management not wanting to commit to inconsistent players for the long-term.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
If he's not the right piece for the playoffs and they spend the next two postseasons winning a grand total of 0-1 playoff rounds, yeah, I can see easily how ticket prices being raised will backfire and how the sour reaction of fans will deem the rebuild a failure. We didn't endure the terrible last 7-8 years just to watch a perennial 7 seed enter the playoffs. Guys in that event will start getting moved, the team will be in flux, and they will have to rebuild their core.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2012
you really cant judge success or failure from this season, some freaky things are happening. like Anaheim and Columbus.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2008
If he's not the right piece for the playoffs and they spend the next two postseasons winning a grand total of 0-1 playoff rounds, yeah, I can see easily how ticket prices being raised will backfire and how the sour reaction of fans will deem the rebuild a failure. We didn't endure the terrible last 7-8 years just to watch a perennial 7 seed enter the playoffs. Guys in that event will start getting moved, the team will be in flux, and they will have to rebuild their core.

I see what your saying, however it seems unfair as last year they battled for 1st overall and this year isn't over and I can see them crawling in 4th to 5th. which isn't bad considering Chicago has lost like 5 games and 2 of them were to us. So with the season Chicago is having we couldn't hope at this point to get higher than 4th. I'm not saying to be complacent and not strive for more but really this was a shortened year and nobody knew how it was going to play out. So they could still place a lot higher than 7th. So a year of finishing 2nd and a year of finishing 4th I don't think is a disappointment. Unless you mean they flop and finish 7th for years to come. Which I don't see happening for a while. If you did mean that I apologize. I just don't see them being mediocre. I also think Bouwmeester is the right guy from watching him for years and watching the instant way he has fit in. I think he is a good fit and what we need.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
I see what your saying, however it seems unfair as last year they battled for 1st overall and this year isn't over and I can see them crawling in 4th to 5th. which isn't bad considering Chicago has lost like 5 games and 2 of them were to us. So with the season Chicago is having we couldn't hope at this point to get higher than 4th. I'm not saying to be complacent and not strive for more but really this was a shortened year and nobody knew how it was going to play out. So they could still place a lot higher than 7th. So a year of finishing 2nd and a year of finishing 4th I don't think is a disappointment. Unless you mean they flop and finish 7th for years to come. Which I don't see happening for a while. If you did mean that I apologize. I just don't see them being mediocre. I also think Bouwmeester is the right guy from watching him for years and watching the instant way he has fit in. I think he is a good fit and what we need.

I understand you're very high on Bouwmeester and angry at those who would dare think otherwise, but it's not like you're the only one who watches hockey. His play over the past few years since going to Calgary has been inconsistent to say the least. There's a reason Detroit wouldn't pony up more than a 2d plus some middling prospects and that the trade market was basically non-existent outside of two teams who might've taken on his full bloated salary.

The point is, let's see how he handles a ferocious playoff forecheck. My perspective as a Blues fan who's seen an endless parade of first and second round exits is I only care about what gets them past the obstacles that exist in the playoffs.

Got One Cup

Registered User
Jun 3, 2008
I did not want Jbow before the trade but these first couple games of watching him has me thinking I could of been wrong. I like a lot of what I'm seeing, physical, fast, good positioning, eating a lot of minutes...what more can we ask for. I think as he learns the system and develops chemistry we will only see his play elevate. Good move by Armstrong so far.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Detroit did just sign Dekeyser so maybe that played a part in their decision? Pocket there are no guarantees. The Kings made the playoffs at the very end of the season last year and went on to win the cup. You have to make the playoffs first. Going forward the keys are getting good goal tending, getting the PP going and staying healthy. The Blues could make things much easier on themselves if they could get their power play untracked. I'm excited about this Blues team.

Louie the Blue

Because it's a trap
Jul 27, 2010
I understand you're very high on Bouwmeester and angry at those who would dare think otherwise, but it's not like you're the only one who watches hockey. His play over the past few years since going to Calgary has been inconsistent to say the least. There's a reason Detroit wouldn't pony up more than a 2d plus some middling prospects and that the trade market was basically non-existent outside of two teams who might've taken on his full bloated salary.

The point is, let's see how he handles a ferocious playoff forecheck. My perspective as a Blues fan who's seen an endless parade of first and second round exits is I only care about what gets them past the obstacles that exist in the playoffs.

Do you think part of the reason his play was inconsistent was due to the team he was on? Not trying to take a shot at the Flames, but there's a reason why they haven't been to the playoffs for a few seasons.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
Do you think part of the reason his play was inconsistent was due to the team he was on? Not trying to take a shot at the Flames, but there's a reason why they haven't been to the playoffs for a few seasons.

I watched a lot of Calgary games last year and in the around the league discussion thread from last season even at one point thought they might sneak into the playoffs the way they were playing. A lot of it was Kiprusoff. I'm not a huge fan of the "well his team sucked so he's absolved" excuse in general, and I can tell you specifically compared with Giordano last year, Giordano >> Bouwmeester. This year Hartley came in and changed the team structure to a run 'n' gun where Bouwmeester will obviously succeed more. Of course even Hartley publicly talked about his role being one of providing entertainment to fans in high-scoring games, not necessarily winning (a jaw-dropping admission by a coach). It's not that I'm oblivious to how Bouwmeester plays (I've seen him play many times), it's that I didn't think he answered the obstacle here. AND he was excessively paid AND he would become a cornerstone guy. I know people are pointing out that he could leave at the end of next year, but that's not how Hitchcock and Armstrong are talking. They want to build around him. So let's hope that the answer to a punishing forecheck is even more transition and that he doesn't get tagged with a lot of hits and wears down. The guy has never played a playoff game and it's a totally different game than he's used to playing. Yeah, he played in short Olympic tourneys but there is mostly an untested theory out there at this point.

Again, he's a Blue now so I badly want him to succeed.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2008
I understand you're very high on Bouwmeester and angry at those who would dare think otherwise, but it's not like you're the only one who watches hockey. His play over the past few years since going to Calgary has been inconsistent to say the least. There's a reason Detroit wouldn't pony up more than a 2d plus some middling prospects and that the trade market was basically non-existent outside of two teams who might've taken on his full bloated salary.

The point is, let's see how he handles a ferocious playoff forecheck. My perspective as a Blues fan who's seen an endless parade of first and second round exits is I only care about what gets them past the obstacles that exist in the playoffs.

I am high on J-Bo, I think a lot of people are after seeing how he plays instead of listening to people that never watched him in the past.

I never said I was the only one who watched hockey. I said I've watched a lot of J-Bo play in the past and he wasn't anything like what the haters were saying. I believe that's still true.

He really wasn't all that inconsistent, he was playing on teams that really were not that great. No offense to them, Calgary is my second favorite team. He was by far their best defenseman and on many nights their best player.

I'm sure there is a reason Detroit didn't trade for him, but I don't really care what it is because we got him and he makes our team a lot better. The last two blockbuster I saw Detroit pull off via trade was a 1st for Kyle Quincey, you might ask them how that's working out for them? I'm not sure but I think I'd rather have J-Bo instead of Kyle Quincey, but that's just me. So I really don't pay much attention to what Detroit does anymore since they are spiraling down and their biggest defensive pickup of the off season was Carlo Coliacivo. So no disrespect to Cola or the Red Wings, but it is possible the Red Wings were not even on Bouwmeesters list of trade places he'd go. So really that might end the whole why didn't Detroit trade for J-Bo thing? It's possible players don't want to go there as much now since they really don't have any chance of hoitsting Lord Stanleys Cup in the near future. What do I know I guess? I'm just 1 of about 3 guys that's not from Calgary that liked Bouwmeester, I can't help it I wasn't telling stories about his talent level so I could like an idiot when he showed up and twittled his thumbs like everybody else said he was going to do. Work almost 700 days straight at a job that's high competition against your competitions best workers and then mabe I will care about the your not the only one who watches hockey spill.

I'm pretty sure this is a hockey forum. I'm also pretty sure most people on this forum watch hockey pretty regularly. However if not I can see why they would want to get on here and sound intelligent to hockey fans, and x players.

Also its been a decade since we as Blues fans seen a long string of first and second round picks traded.
Also I'm not mad at anybody for not being high on Bouwmeester, that's ridiculous. Thanks for making up stuff for me though.
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