TV: Better Call Saul - Part 3

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Land of #1 Overall Picks
Nov 19, 2009
Fulton Market, Chicago
I believe Chuck did what he did because he couldn't practice law any longer. I think they showed that the law was what drove him even with his imaginary/made up disease. I think you can see the finality on his face as he is walking down the stairs during the standing ovation. The firm was his life's work and he really believed he could get position back by doing that lawsuit thing. Howard rightfully called his bluff. It didn't take Chuck long to deteriorate after Howard gave him the goodbye check.

I don't think Jimmy led Chuck to immolation.

That and his condition, it was obvious it was worse with stress. It probably started when his wife left him.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Finally got around to watching the finale.

Wow. So Kim is having a nervous breakdown or some sort of PTSD trauma it seems like,

Wasn't a nervous breakdown/PTSD.

For 3 seasons we saw her work, work, work. She nearly worked herself to death. Her near-death experience made her realize that it just wasn't worth it. She would be far from the first lawyer to burn out and leave law.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
I believe Chuck did what he did because he couldn't practice law any longer. I think they showed that the law was what drove him even with his imaginary/made up disease. I think you can see the finality on his face as he is walking down the stairs during the standing ovation. The firm was his life's work and he really believed he could get position back by doing that lawsuit thing. Howard rightfully called his bluff. It didn't take Chuck long to deteriorate after Howard gave him the goodbye check.

I don't think Jimmy led Chuck to immolation.

He partially did, after he made him seem like a nut job at the Bar Hearing. Made everyone look at him as some crazed lunatic as opposed to one of the top lawyers in New Mexico. But yea, Chuck's lifes work / calling / mission ended up being his downfall. His workaholic attitude is probably what got him separated from his ex in the first place. (unless they revealed that already?)
Feb 19, 2003
Concord, New Hampshire
Chuck has always come off as a selfish arrogant *****. I am not surprised he said what he said to Jimmy. Jimmy probably deserved it tho. His condition definitely pushed him to the brink.
if he dies. he dies.:sarcasm:
I didnt think Nacho was going to shoot Hector. But I also didnt think he was going to let Hector kill his dad and he would of eventually. I definitely think Gus knows what Nacho did. But he will accept it obviously because he having someone like Nacho around is good for business.
Jimmy doing what he did at the end to Irene and the rest of the old folks at SandPiper was pretty savage. But so Jimmy.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Monday night and I'll be here like



Master of my Domain
Jul 8, 2003
Chuck has always come off as a selfish arrogant *****. I am not surprised he said what he said to Jimmy. Jimmy probably deserved it tho. His condition definitely pushed him to the brink.
if he dies. he dies.:sarcasm:
I didnt think Nacho was going to shoot Hector. But I also didnt think he was going to let Hector kill his dad and he would of eventually. I definitely think Gus knows what Nacho did. But he will accept it obviously because he having someone like Nacho around is good for business.
Jimmy doing what he did at the end to Irene and the rest of the old folks at SandPiper was pretty savage. But so Jimmy.

I'm guessing Nacho minds the business with Tio out and Tuco in jail. He probably works well with Gus and that pisses Tio off. We don't see Nacho in BB because somehow when Tuco gets out, he is suspicious and looking for a reason to get rid of him. He eventually finds out that Nacho was the one that hired Mike to get him arrested. Somehow Jimmy is involved.

Kaapo Cabana

Next name: Admiral Kakkbar
Sep 5, 2014
I was a bit disappointed at the end of the 3rd season. I thought it started out really strong and faded in the last few episodes.

Overall still a very good season IMO.

Chuck had to go. I question his motives for telling Jimmy he never cared for him. Was it a big FU on his way out, or was it his way of softening the blow for Jimmy? I hope they don't dawdle too much on the grieving process starting in the next season. Its a dead end storyline, and frankly I don't think its very interesting.

I have no idea where they are going with Kim. I can't see her quitting the law all together. The car accident is too lame of an excuse to stop such a strong character. (I'm not saying car accidents can't cause severe trauma, I'm saying that for such a strong character, a car accident seems like a cop out from a plot standpoint).

I also wonder if we have seen pretty much all there is to see with regards to Mike's backstory. We know now that he is already linked up with Gus, we know his motives for doing so, What else is there to know before we are introduced to him in Breaking Bad? Logistically One would have to think that it would be getting increasingly more difficult to portray him as younger than he is in Breaking Bad. I'm sure he will still make some appearances, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a severely diminished role going forward.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
Chuck has always come off as a selfish arrogant *****. I am not surprised he said what he said to Jimmy. Jimmy probably deserved it tho. His condition definitely pushed him to the brink.
if he dies. he dies.:sarcasm:
I didnt think Nacho was going to shoot Hector. But I also didnt think he was going to let Hector kill his dad and he would of eventually. I definitely think Gus knows what Nacho did. But he will accept it obviously because he having someone like Nacho around is good for business.
Jimmy doing what he did at the end to Irene and the rest of the old folks at SandPiper was pretty savage. But so Jimmy.

The fact that Jimmy always looked up to him and did what he could to get a law degree and follow in his footsteps only for him to ban Jimmy from working at HHM. That was sad.

I don't think Gus minds what Nacho did because if you remember from BB flashbacks, Salamanca was always an ******** to Gus and treated him like crap. & in BCS he is causing all sorts of issues for him and the cartel. He also killed Gus' partner Max, so I'm sure he wasn't bothered by what happened.

Monday night and I'll be here like


It sucks. All my shows are done for the year with the exception of Ballers, which is starting in a month.


Jan 25, 2007
Westchester, NY
I've heard that some people say that in this scene in BB, the Ignacio that Saul mentions is Nacho. So it is possible that Nacho is alive in BB

and there's also this:
Well, we know his name is Ignacio, and that’s a name Saul drops in his very first appearance in this universe.

Peter Gould: You’re so right. We’ve laid down our marker that these guys are going to have more to do with each other.


riot survivor
Jun 16, 2003
Chuck's rant at Jimmy felt inauthentic. I do think he was just tying up loose ends and making it so he wouldn't hurt anyone on his way out.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
Chuck's rant at Jimmy felt inauthentic. I do think he was just tying up loose ends and making it so he wouldn't hurt anyone on his way out.

I don't think Chuck was planning to kill himself, it just happened out that way.

He called the electric company AFTER he laid his smack down on Jimmy. He was told no one could come out for a few days to look at his house, and he began a slow descent into madness with every hole he put in his wall. However, I don't think when Jimmy came to see him, he was planning to rip his house apart and go to Krazytown.

I think he knew then he was just too far gone after what he had done.
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Jan 25, 2007
Westchester, NY
When I was watching it I was more of the opinion that between losing his firm and then the guilt over what he said to Jimmy made him so anxious that he went into relapse and just lost it. I don't think he had planned to kill himself when Jimmy came by. Jimmy was trying to at least somewhat reconcile with Chuck and got shut down and not only that but Chuck told him that he never even cared about him, whereas Jimmy always cared about Chuck in spite of everything and deep down Chuck knew this. I don't care who you are, unless you're just a piece of trash, you'll feel a lot of guilt. I think the guilt and anxiety played a lot into Chuck's condition between his wife and then the way he treated Jimmy and the final straw of losing his firm.

Sports Enthusiast

Not Here To Be Liked
Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
Kim breaks down, forgoes or passes off her lawyer duties.
Jimmy loses the settlement money.
Nacho's plan works.
Chuck commits (or attempts) suicide.

HF: Meh, boring finale, nothing happened :rolleyes:

But none of this is that unpredictable. That's the problem. In 3 years it feels like its gone in this circle of almost nowhere. We know Chuck and Kim don't fit into BB. Jimmy always was a screw up of sorts. He and Chuck have pretty much been at odds for most of the show. Chuck loses his job and he and Jimmy no longer have much of a relationship. What's he got to live for? Jimmy and Kim were partners, once jimmy hot busted you knew there was no way she could maintain that firm. The real storyline of intrigue is the one that's secondary when Mike and Gus fit just as much into BB as Jimmy. Jimmy's story is basically finished and wasn't hard to figure out that he had an identity change and it likely wasn't for a good reason.

Sports Enthusiast

Not Here To Be Liked
Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
So with that logic, what's the point of having a show? Jimmy becomes Saul....The End. :sarcasm:

I'm saying there were countless ways to get there. The writers chose poorly. They spent endless time focusing on his mentally handicapped, narcissist brother. Jimmy/Saul hasn't come close to having the entertainment factor on this show that he did on BB. Neither has Mike.

Agreed on all the accounts. If only certain events of BB had ended differently(like Gus Mike's deaths)this show could be a what happened after BB instead of a prequel. I think the former would give more possibilities. There's only one end game here but there are better options to get there. Why did chuck get 3 years? That storyline got old on season one. Jimmy was never good enough for him, the end.

Sports Enthusiast

Not Here To Be Liked
Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
Now you are making it black and white, assuming the nostalgia of BB is what makes many of us like it.

Kim, Chuck, Howard and Nacho have zero connections to BB and they are excellent, well-rounded characters and big reasons why I watch the show. If you want to say they aren't interesting, then you haven't been paying attention.

All four have their own storylines that weren't predetermined from BB and I've been fascinated to see where their arcs ultimately end up.

Since BB predetermined all their fates, why don't you tell me exactly what happens to all these characters...

Chuck and his storyline are boring. I guess you can say he enhanced Jimmy becoming Saul but he wasn't really needed because he was always cutting the corners. Though I could see the downfall of Kim having more impact because she seems to be the one person he cares about who tries to keep him somewhat in check. Maybe Chuck isn't as important to Jimmy's transition as we think. Its not like he ever respected him. Chuck pissed on him all the time.

Sports Enthusiast

Not Here To Be Liked
Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere

Kind of surprised but not surprised. Wouldn't have been bummed had it not I'll admit. I do feel like it only is surviving because everyone watched BB first. Don't think it would last if that wasn't the case though I know a fair amount of folks who watched BB who have never watched this. Never sure what to tell them on deciding to watch or not because I can't say I'm in love with it.


Jan 25, 2007
Westchester, NY
Jimmy still cared for his brother. For him to say what he said had to hurt a lot. Also, who knows, maybe Kim ends up breaking bad herself and runs Saul's money laundering operation. We never see her in BB, doesn't mean that she's out of Saul's life.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Pretty good finale. I enjoyed it. It felt like it moved a bit slower than others, but it was still really enjoyable. Hopefully this is the end of Chuck and he really is dead. It's time.

Give us Saul Goodman for seasons 4 and possibly season 5 if it goes that long and show his drastic turn and who is affected, who joins him (that we don't see in BB - Kim?), etc.

Also not surprising about being renewed for season 4 at all. The ratings are still great when you factor in PVR viewings. It's a top-3 show on television not factoring in sports and reality TV.

USC Trojans

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
May 17, 2002
LA Oiler fan
Not surprised they renewed it for a 4th season, but also not sure where they'll go from here.

I always thought Chuck would be the catalyst to Jimmy becoming Saul...I expected them to keep battling each other until Jimmy finally decides to give up his morals and family to take Chuck down. He ultimately wins, but at the cost of sacrificing his McGill name and alienating Kim and everyone around him.


Jan 25, 2007
Westchester, NY
It takes more seasons for Saul to become a shady lawyer than a straight chemistry teacher to become a meth kingpin. lol

I feel like we are missing all the good stuff.

They definitely have dragged it out a little much. I just hope we don't get something where he becomes Saul and then we fast forward to post-BB. That would suck. For example, I want to see this story that Jessie talked about:

I want to see Saul getting all of these criminals off for the most ridiculous crimes. Before Walt + Jessie came along, Saul had to have been at it for a while. I think the most recent season of BCS is in 2003 and BB starts in 2008. That's quite a few years of Saul being Saul.


Jan 25, 2007
Westchester, NY
I think the show's great. I just hope that we're not going to get a 5 season show where it takes 4 seasons for Jimmy to become Saul and then we get 1 season of full blown Saul. I guess some people wouldn't mind that as much.
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