OT: Anything Goes 28: Good Weather (for now) Edition

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Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
Never a big fan of That 70's Show, honestly. Haven't watched more than 1 or 2 episodes.

I never got into many of the shows that have a serious cult following, actually. Shows like Seinfeld, That 70's Show, Home Improvement, and now Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory.

Not sure why... I always just viewed them as "everyone likes them, so you should too" and that was a big reason why many watched. Not because they were generally good shows.

I'll watch the latter two every once in a great while, and they're ok. But that's it. At least for me.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Hope you're alright Bubba. My friends and I would smoke hookah a ton before we turned 21. Isn't it worse/just as bad as cigarettes? If you haven't already, knock that stuff off dude.


Registered User
Jun 15, 2010
Ugh. We noticed a leak in our kitchen faucet. When I say notice, we noticed our hardwood was starting to warp, so it had been going on for a while. Going to have to replace a section of hardwood, then refinish the whole floor to make it match, as well as replace the granite countertops on the cabinets which broke when removing them.

This is the second major water issue we've had in the year since we bought the house. The first one happened 10 days after my daughter was born, which was not fun.

It looks like insurance is going to pay for pretty much everything, but I'm sure our rates are going to skyrocket with the 2nd major claim in a year. Right now there are industrial fans drying out the effected area running 24/7 for the next few days. There are very loud. It sucks, but trying to stay positive as my wife is really stressed over basically not having a kitchen and taking care of our 6 month old daughter for the near future.

Give it a few weeks, the wood may settle back into place.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2015
Chicago, IL
Never a big fan of That 70's Show, honestly. Haven't watched more than 1 or 2 episodes.

I never got into many of the shows that have a serious cult following, actually. Shows like Seinfeld, That 70's Show, Home Improvement, and now Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory.

Not sure why... I always just viewed them as "everyone likes them, so you should too" and that was a big reason why many watched. Not because they were generally good shows.

I'll watch the latter two every once in a great while, and they're ok. But that's it. At least for me.

I liked that 70s show. Legitimately funny show. I didn't stick around for the whole thing though. I watch reruns now and then and I'm confused because Eric isn't in some of them.

Seinfield is an all time great show. You are missing out by not watching it. I say this realizing it will only strengthen your resolve to not watch it, you stubborn SOB, lol.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
Yoy can't lump Seinfeld in with those others.

Yeah, I was hesitant to do it, as I've heard so many people tell me it's legitimately great, and I need to watch it. And I'll admit, I've watched some of it here and there, catching an episode or two if there's nothing else for me to do, but just don't have the energy/drive to start it from the beginning and go through it all, particularly during the nicer weather months.

I just meant that I can't ever really get into those types of shows that have a massive cult following.

It's like Game of Thrones. I read the books before the show was even a thought/dream, and I watch the show because I've read the books, and actually love the story-line/characters, and the genre as a whole.

And now it has this huge cult following of people who have only watched the show, and not read the books, and it has lost some of its appeal. I'll also admit, the show has lost some appeal for me because of story deviations from the books that seemed to be critical/important and great story-lines/arcs. I get why they do it... as the shows have to be chopped down from the massive endeavors that flow from the brain of George R.R. Martin. Just sucks to see awesome story-lines MIA completely.

I do enjoy getting the visualization of the world I read in the books, without having to visualize it in my head, though.


Resident Pig Expert
Jan 11, 2014
I've never been high on Seinfeld.
I am really weird when it comes to comedy, and I don't like a whole lot of it.

ChiHawks, what kinds of books do you read? I love reading


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
I've never been high on Seinfeld.
I am really weird when it comes to comedy, and I don't like a whole lot of it.

ChiHawks, what kinds of books do you read? I love reading

Anything that's good, honestly.

I like the fantasy genre the most. Read numerous fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire(Game of Thrones), The Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Temeraire(a fantasy/historical reimagination of the Napoleonic Wars with dragons), etc.

I've read a lot of horror, mostly Stephen King.

A lot of crime/mystery/thriller novels. Hard to even remember them all.

Some biographical crime-related stuff, like this book about an undercover cop with the Hells Angels called "No Angel". Was great, actually. I'll read some stuff like that from time to time.

Obviously all the American classics like The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Scarlet Letter, Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Moby Dick, Johnny Tremain, Red Badge of Courage, etc.

I've read everything from the Tao Te Ching to graphic novels about zombies. :laugh:

It's all over the map, honestly. Like I said, if it's well-written, and interesting enough to keep my attention, I'll read it. I just love to read, and always have. It came easy to me when I was little, so I've always done it. I typically finish novels, now, in a day or two at the most.

I think it all started with some fantasy books when I was really young, as well as The Boxcar Children series.(I still have all of these at my parent's house, I believe.)

I've always loved to write, too. Which I think came from my love of reading. Won the "Young Authors" competition at my school when I was little, and got to go to the main conference and get recognized, and won an award at that, as well.

I used to write all the time. Journals, short stories, poems, etc. Still write poems for my GF on birthdays or special occasions from time to time. I tried starting a fantasy series of novels when I was around 20-22, or so. I had around 11 chapters in the first book done when my little sister crashed our home PC with a virus, and lost it all on me, at which point I never tried to pick it back up again. Was too crushed at that point, but maybe I'll try again some day.

Reading and writing are two of my favorite things to do. Right up there with fishing/boating/the outdoors, hockey, etc.
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Resident Pig Expert
Jan 11, 2014
That's so cool. I'm a huge reader. I am basically on my way to having my own library room lol. I eat up crime/mystery/thriller books. I love books that will keep me guessing and keep me hooked. I love horror, but haven't found too many books that scare me.
I am not a huge fantasy reader.
I also like random chick-lit books, but not "romance" because those are beyond cringey. lol


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
That's so cool. I'm a huge reader. I am basically on my way to having my own library room lol. I eat up crime/mystery/thriller books. I love books that will keep me guessing and keep me hooked. I love horror, but haven't found too many books that scare me.
I am not a huge fantasy reader.
I also like random chick-lit books, but not "romance" because those are beyond cringey. lol

Thanks! I always referred to myself as a nerdlete growing up, due to my love of sports, but love of reading and writing. :laugh:
I'd love to have a library room/study one day. Most of my books are older as I haven't bought many in a long time after the craze of e-books caught on, but I still have a couple bookshelves worth, and love having the actual book in my hand, as opposed to a tablet or my phone. Just cheaper, and more convenient to have e-books.

I've read some great crime/mystery/thrillers, actually. I'll take a peek at my book shelves when I get home and suggest some, if you want.

The Manhattan Hunt Club was one I really liked, just off the top of my head. It's a thriller by John Saul. I've always liked his stuff a lot, actually.

Never got into romance novels at all, and I actually would consider myself a "romantic". Like you said, just beyond cringey. Haha.
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Ugh. We noticed a leak in our kitchen faucet. When I say notice, we noticed our hardwood was starting to warp, so it had been going on for a while. Going to have to replace a section of hardwood, then refinish the whole floor to make it match, as well as replace the granite countertops on the cabinets which broke when removing them.


Seriously though, that sucks dude. It's one thing to do an improvement but redoing work that was already done blows. When it comes to those faucets, use plumbers putty on those too. I think the brand I use is Oatley, just look at the reviews before you buy any kind of compound, there are a million and most are ****. Everyone uses the Oatley though. Can never be fortified enough when it comes to that kind of ****. Even that pipe thread tape, some day it will fail you. I just use that in the shower, that's about it. Maybe you know all this crap but it's good for others too, nobody taught me ****. I'm just wrapping up a mini-renovation of my place and I am ****ing sick of it at this point. Been to the hardware store about 40 times in the last month or so. Worth it though.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Thanks for the advice. I certainly am learning as I go as a homeowner.

We all do. I was pathetic when I bought my place. Now I'm somewhat competent, got my painting badge, toilet badge, sink replacement, small electrical fixes. If I buy another place, and this is the best advice ever, do ALL of this **** before you move in. If you can't afford to do that then you can't afford the house. Walking into an empty space and doing everything would be half the work. Then you get everything on the same schedule too. I just moved in and watched everything deteriorate around me. Now I just said **** it, I'm doing this stuff once and then I'm gonna sit back for 10+ years (lie, something will happen, lol). But yeah, this goes for everyone. If you buy the place and your spouse is like "Let's move in as soon as we close on it!!!" No, that's a big fat no. Take a month and go through that ****er. I mostly just go off YouTube to learn things. Then I ask older guys I know to verify. That's where you pick up little tips and tricks of the trade.


Resident Pig Expert
Jan 11, 2014
Thanks! I always referred to myself as a nerdlete growing up, due to my love of sports, but love of reading and writing. :laugh:
I'd love to have a library room/study one day. Most of my books are older as I haven't bought many in a long time after the craze of e-books caught on, but I still have a couple bookshelves worth, and love having the actual book in my hand, as opposed to a tablet or my phone. Just cheaper, and more convenient to have e-books.

I've read some great crime/mystery/thrillers, actually. I'll take a peek at my book shelves when I get home and suggest some, if you want.

The Manhattan Hunt Club was one I really liked, just off the top of my head. It's a thriller by John Saul. I've always liked his stuff a lot, actually.

Never got into romance novels at all, and I actually would consider myself a "romantic". Like you said, just beyond cringey. Haha.

I have a lot of ebooks, but nothing compares to having a physical book
I am always down for suggestions


Registered User
Feb 16, 2015
Chicago, IL
We all do. I was pathetic when I bought my place. Now I'm somewhat competent, got my painting badge, toilet badge, sink replacement, small electrical fixes. If I buy another place, and this is the best advice ever, do ALL of this **** before you move in. If you can't afford to do that then you can't afford the house. Walking into an empty space and doing everything would be half the work. Then you get everything on the same schedule too. I just moved in and watched everything deteriorate around me. Now I just said **** it, I'm doing this stuff once and then I'm gonna sit back for 10+ years (lie, something will happen, lol). But yeah, this goes for everyone. If you buy the place and your spouse is like "Let's move in as soon as we close on it!!!" No, that's a big fat no. Take a month and go through that ****er. I mostly just go off YouTube to learn things. Then I ask older guys I know to verify. That's where you pick up little tips and tricks of the trade.

What's frustrating is that the house we bought we bought in part because of how move in ready it was.

The first water issue was a tree root getting into the clay pipes which caused our toilet to over flow and have to replace carpet in the basement as well as replacing the piping going out to the street. There's really no way to foresee that.

This recent issue, we probably should have spotted sooner than we did, but there was a matt down and the leak basically went under it. But it was new fixtures and a very new kitchen. From now on, I'm going to just constantly check for leaks because water issues become such big deals if left untreated.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Good call on the checkups. I'm gonna take that advice too. Yeah, there was no way to tell about the tree root. I had a similar unforeseen issue recently when water started leaking from the condo above mine in the bathroom. I filed a claim and it should be resolved soon but yeah, who the hell would know that would happen. My laziness saved me there cuz I hadn't painted the bathroom yet. Homes are a lot of work. I'm not gonna complain about it too much except that I think rent should be a lot higher than it is. I imagine with our current situation in IL, it will be going up soon when they raise property taxes in two years.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2016
I have a lot of ebooks, but nothing compares to having a physical book
I am always down for suggestions

do to my lack of sleep habits, i love to read. i had a huge great assortments of books. now with my eye problems, i get into audiobooks. i listen when i am driving, at work as background noise in my office and of course at home esp when i am on the puter.

reading... :yo:


Registered User
Sep 28, 2016
Thanks! I always referred to myself as a nerdlete growing up, due to my love of sports, but love of reading and writing. :laugh:
I'd love to have a library room/study one day. Most of my books are older as I haven't bought many in a long time after the craze of e-books caught on, but I still have a couple bookshelves worth, and love having the actual book in my hand, as opposed to a tablet or my phone. Just cheaper, and more convenient to have e-books.

I've read some great crime/mystery/thrillers, actually. I'll take a peek at my book shelves when I get home and suggest some, if you want.

The Manhattan Hunt Club was one I really liked, just off the top of my head. It's a thriller by John Saul. I've always liked his stuff a lot, actually.

Never got into romance novels at all, and I actually would consider myself a "romantic". Like you said, just beyond cringey. Haha.

ref the bold, lets just say many who knows or gets to know me consider me a walking contradiction.


Resident Pig Expert
Jan 11, 2014
do to my lack of sleep habits, i love to read. i had a huge great assortments of books. now with my eye problems, i get into audiobooks. i listen when i am driving, at work as background noise in my office and of course at home esp when i am on the puter.

reading... :yo:

Reading is great. It keeps you open-minded, in my opinion.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2015
Chicago, IL
I don't get to read much. When I do, it's almost exclusively non-fiction. I like stuff like Freakenomics or Malcom Gladwell's books. Never been big into novels.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2016
I don't get to read much. When I do, it's almost exclusively non-fiction. I like stuff like Freakenomics or Malcom Gladwell's books. Never been big into novels.

my love for history has really gotten me into the historical fiction realm. then if it is interesting, i go and read up in google about that event in true history.
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