Another Downie Incident

Roger's Pancreas*

MrMastodonFarm said:
Slashed hit foot, you know trying to break someones foot isn't good.
Got his stick up in the face/eye of his face, it doesn't take much contact to lose vision.

Was it god awful? Is Downie an idiot and a nutjob, you bet.

He slashed him in the foot, people do that on a regular basis in the NHL and no one thinks anything of it. He got his stick up a little high but not with any force, just him trying to be a dick and get the other player to finally drop the gloves. After all of it he just gave up and the other kid skated away in perfect health, maybe a bruise on the foot. It's not hockey but it's not back alley brutality as some are making it out to be. I can't see why he would get a suspension aside from him being Downie...


Registered User
Jul 5, 2004
Panasonic Youth said:
He slashed him in the foot, people do that on a regular basis in the NHL and no one thinks anything of it. He got his stick up a little high but not with any force, just him trying to be a dick and get the other player to finally drop the gloves. After all of it he just gave up and the other kid skated away in perfect health, maybe a bruise on the foot. It's not hockey but it's not back alley brutality as some are making it out to be. I can't see why he would get a suspension aside from him being Downie...
There is a difference from when a slash happens in the game to when it happens trying to continually goad someone into a fight (assumption). Either way I don't think that wasthe big deal, it was when he put his stick up in the other kid's face I didn't like.

A major no-no in my books.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
I could care less about the slashes myself. THat happens and he was a dick for doing it but nothing more than a two minute slashing penalty should've been called and no one would care about it.

The stick thing is the ONLY thing that makes me angry about what he did. You just don't do that. Under any circumstance.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2005
Goderich, Ontario
Downie's going to get killed when he gets to Philadelphia. He'll do that to someone in practice and I can easily see Ben Eager dropping some heavy bombs on Steve. I think it's time that Clarke has a little chat with Mr. Downie about his stupidity and how he needs to get his temper under control. I just don't get the guy. At the WJC, he showed he can be a great hockey player when he wants to be. Why he can't do that in the OHL is beyond me.

I really hope that the next time he does something like this, someone feeds it to him real good and leaves him a bloody mess. This guy just doesn't get it. He's in an ideal situation where he should be competing, not being a Pejorative Slur. I'm actually starting to hope the Flyers consider moving Downie over the summer and just get him out of the organization. I can easily see him being one of the problem children and I can't see Clarke or Hitch standing for that kind of crap.


What's the big deal? All he wanted was for the other guy to take his helmet off. The pat on the cheek was no harder than what you get from your mother before going to bed at night.

Call me when Downie does something that warrants a three page thread.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2004
Jon Prescription said:
The stick thing is the ONLY thing that makes me angry about what he did. You just don't do that. Under any circumstance.
Agreed, I'm not a big fan of the fact he continually esculated his attemps to get the other guy to fight.

Slash to the back side
Cross check to the chest
Poke to the feet
Slash to the feet
Stick in his face, with upward motion towards the eye. It's obvious he was trying to flick off his helmat, but that is so stupid its rediculous. You don't put your stick in the other guys face and then make any motion with it towards or near the eye.

The esculation gets to me as well. Sure he seemed to let it go this time (after the Ref came by) but when does the hot head go overboard.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2004
St. Andrews
GiganticSnake said:
What's the big deal? All he wanted was for the other guy to take his helmet off. The pat on the cheek was no harder than what you get from your mother before going to bed at night.

Call me when Downie does something that warrants a three page thread.

k, that made me laugh.


MrMastodonFarm said:
And put the blade of his stick in the guys face in the process.

The guys in front of the goal pouding fists in each others faces you say nothing of. The guy tapping a guy on the cheek is the worst person alive?


Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
GiganticSnake said:
The guys in front of the goal pouding fists in each others faces you say nothing of. The guy tapping a guy on the cheek is the worst person alive?


Yeah, and that is all part of the game. It has been since the inception.

Putting your stick on a dudes face and moving it around has not been.

Do you watch hockey?


I dont know whats stupider.
Downies actions or the posts defending them.
I think its a draw.

Dig Out Your Soul

Ex Storm...
Aug 8, 2005
Jon Prescription said:
But how can you defend something like that where he scrapes his stick up a guys face? You say you will defend him until he does it in the NHL, but why can't you just say "Downie was dumb for doing that and I hope the league takes a stance on it" for once?

I have said he's dumb for doing it, many many times. I don't need to repeat myself in multiple threads all over the internet for your benefit. I just don't feel it's that bad and his reputation is making it worse than it is.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
trippyime said:
I have said he's dumb for doing it, many many times. I don't need to repeat myself in multiple threads all over the internet for your benefit. I just don't feel it's that bad and his reputation is making it worse than it is.

Well, next time Darius Kasparitis puts his stick on a players face on your team I don't want to see a single Flyers' fan crying about it, then.

Dig Out Your Soul

Ex Storm...
Aug 8, 2005
Jon Prescription said:
Well, next time Darius Kasparitis puts his stick on a players face on your team I don't want to see a single Flyers' fan crying about it, then.

If it's the same context, sure. But I highly doubt Kaspar will ever want a Flyer to take off his helmet to fight, or any player in this league for that matter.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2006
Jon Prescription said:
Well, next time Darius Kasparitis puts his stick on a players face on your team I don't want to see a single Flyers' fan crying about it, then.

Well that would be rediculous if you wouldn't want to hear a single Flyers Fan cry about it because there are a ton of flyers fans crying about what Downie did including me, it is b/s and he will eventually learn a lesson. I am a Flyers fan and I would B*tch if Kasperitis put his stick in someones face(not just the flyers). I understand what you are trying to say, but just restate your comment. I am sure not all of Downies fans thought it was fine.

Roy G Biv*

Meh, not a big deal. I expected 100000 X worse after reading the opening post.

And I am NOT a Downie fan.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2003
Los Angeles
Personally, a guy touches me in the face with his stick like that and I'm swinging the lumber into his unhelmeted head.


Registered User
Feb 5, 2004
If this is anyone other than Steve Downie, no one even mentions it or thinks anything of it. As it is though, we have a whole bunch of people with permanent opinions of him that magnify every tiny thing he does. The slashes were nothing at all, the stick on the side of the face was kind of dumb but not notable. Certainly not even in the realm of what people are making it out to be. Some of the commentary on how crazy Downie is and how turning your back on him is dangerous, or dropping the gloves with him is dangerous, or what a nutjob he is, etc, is so absurd that it actually made me laugh out loud. Sure, it was kind of stupid, and certainly the kind of thing that would make a lot of players angry (that's the point), but there are 100 things in every period of every game around the world that are far stupider and more dangerous. The only reason anyone even notices this is because of who's doing it.


Greg7 said:
If this is anyone other than Steve Downie, no one even mentions it or thinks anything of it. As it is though, we have a whole bunch of people with permanent opinions of him that magnify every tiny thing he does. The slashes were nothing at all, the stick on the side of the face was kind of dumb but not notable. Certainly not even in the realm of what people are making it out to be. Some of the commentary on how crazy Downie is and how turning your back on him is dangerous, or dropping the gloves with him is dangerous, or what a nutjob he is, etc, is so absurd that it actually made me laugh out loud. Sure, it was kind of stupid, and certainly the kind of thing that would make a lot of players angry (that's the point), but there are 100 things in every period of every game around the world that are far stupider and more dangerous. The only reason anyone even notices this is because of who's doing it.
Bull. Try getting chopped on the instep of the skate & tell me its no big deal (kinda like the Kovalchuk chop was dick, right). Then try having a guy run his stick blade across your face & say its no big deal. Its is, & to minimize it is ludicrous.


Registered User
Feb 5, 2004
Sammy said:
Bull. Try getting chopped on the instep of the skate & tell me its no big deal (kinda like the Kovalchuk chop was dick, right). Then try having a guy run his stick blade across your face & say its no big deal. Its is, & to minimize it is ludicrous.
That is exactly the point. It would drive me nuts, and I'd probably try to kill him for it, which is exactly what he wants. My point is it isn't dangerous, it's just a pest being a pest. If this is "Another Downie Incident" then so is every time he jaws with a guy or slashes a guy in the back of the legs, or facewashes someone in the corner, or whatever. The slashes weren't even close to hard enough to do any real damage, and the stick on the face barely touched him. Annoying? yes, extremely, that was the idea, but dangerous? hardly.


Thank you Mr. Snider
Jun 24, 2003
Kitchener, ON
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Sammy said:
Then try having a guy run his stick blade across your face & say its no big deal.
Holy exaggeration Batman!!

Look, I'm not at all endorsing what Downie did - as far as I'm concerned he was acting like a total *** - but put it into perspective.

As a side note, Downie has not been suspended.


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