Andrei Kostitsyn

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Dec 14, 2004
cassius said:
Somehow I predict that this thread has turned into a leafs vs. habs war :D

I think every thread discussing a leafs/habs prospect does. It is just the nature of leafs/habs fans to try to dumb down the other team (see the description under my name :) )


Vlad The Impaler said:
That will depend on the imports, I suppose.

I think the underlying pattern in all this is that few (if any) come over to NA and display their full repertoire of skills in their first season like most North American born players do. IMO that says more about the transition phase than it does about the talent/performance of a given import.


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Feb 23, 2003
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You guys are really funny.

Fairly put, Kostitsyn doesn't have ice-time because there is players on the team more mature than him. Higgins, Plekanec, Ward, Ott, Begin, Miettinen... all player with a little NHL experience. Jarvis won't play him before of these guys.

Still, he scored 12 goals playing with Morgan and Ivanans. If you ask me, it's damn good.

Next year while Parise, Brown, etc will be in the NHL, Kostitsyn will be burning the AHL IMO. He will have a lot of ice-time and will probably play with Corey Locke on the first line.

The Habs are bringing him slowly and that's the right thing to do. His stats doesn't tell anything about the progression he's made this year. When he came in North America, he didn't had a clue about defensive play and he wasn't in great shape at all. From what I have seen so far, Kostitsyn isn't a softy, he's a strong kid and his defensive play his 10 times better than what it was at the beginning of the season. Next thing Jarvis will learn him is to work hard, because Kostitsyn isn't working hard right now.

Next year it will be the time to put it all together. The defensive play and hard-work with the offensive skills. If he can do that he will be one hell of a player.

For those who say that he doesn't have ice-time because he doesn't deserve it, let me tell you that if Kostitsyn was already a great defensive player, Jarvis would play him often. The whole team system is based on defense.


BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
I just went through this whole thread, it started with comments about Kostitsyn's shot and somehow, or should I say predictably, turned into a kostitsyn's worthy/not worthy thread...big surprise! :shakehead

Anyways, if there's anything I can take from this thread is...

#1.No more Kostitsyn's threads unless it's on the Habs board...

#2.Habs fans and non Habs fans have unrealistic expectations for him, because of all the hype surrounding Kostitsyn post draft, Habs fans expected this guy to dominate the AHL (some Habs fans, not all) and because of that, non Habs fans look at Kostitsyn's season to date and think he's underachived, or somehow didin't deserve his high draft status, but both parties seem to forget that he started the season as a 19yr old, just think about that for a second, it's hard to enough to do that, much less adapt to a whole new lifestyle, say what you want, call it an excuse if you want, I don't care, but it's not easy, and just because another player is able to make the adjustment (Semin, Zherdev), doesn't mean that every player automatically is supposed to do it as well...contrary to what many Habs fans had you believe, Kostitsyn was far from being a finished product...

I don't think that Kostitsyn is the next "one", I just think that he's a highly talented player, who I think will be able in the future to pot 35-40 goals on a regular basis, no one is calling him a mega star and as i read through this thread, no one is calling him a bust either...but just stop with all the comparisons, it's so stupid and pointless comparing prospects, every player is an individual and you can't always look to stats to determine a players future, fact is the most important thing for a prospect to prove himself is opportunity take Michael Ryder for example, after he was drafted he needed to work on a few things before he received his opportunity, once he worked out those kinks in his game(after suffering a demotion to the ECHL), he was given an opportunity and he hasn't looked back since...

So Habs fans, take whatever Kostitsyn accomplishes this year as a bonus and a sign of things to come...
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Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
I might as well chime in.

I'm happy with what AK has achieved in his first north american campaign...sure I would have loved for him to do better, but I'm not at all dissappointed.

He is still young and I still see him on pace to become a first liner for the Habs within three years.

I kept it simple but I think I hit the nail on the head.

The U.C.


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Jul 17, 2004
It's funny, I thought it was clearly understood from the moment Kostitsyn was drafted that he was going to be a project. This is the first year of the project so he's obviously not going to be on par with the other 2003 draft picks playing in the AHL. I thought most would have expected this season to be a learning experience for him.

Habs fans should not be complaining about his ice-time. They should instead be applauding Jarvis for bringing him along slowly (as he should) and teaching him the other elements of the game that are going to make him a more complete player in the end. His icetime has gradually increased as the season's progressed and there are visible improvements in his defensive play and ability to use his teammates instead of trying to skate through everybody on his own. I for one am glad Jarvis took that route instead of immediately throwing him out on the first line and having him be eaten alive.

I know Kostitsyn has been hyped beyond belief and many Habs fans have unrealistic expectations of him. But I think drawing comparisons to Robert Dome is unfair and premature at this point. It's understandable to want to knock down the hype a peg or two, but "being realistic" doesn't mean you have to not so subtly suggest Kostitsyn will be a bust when it's only been just under 2 years since he was drafted.


Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
417 TO MTL said:
I just went through this whole thread, it started with comments about Kostitsyn's shot and somehow, or should I say predictably, turned into a kostitsyn's worthy/not worthy thread...big surprise! :shakehead

No, it became a thread of people becoming unnecessarily defensive about their prospect.

In the past several pages, NOBODY... I repeat... NOBODY has said that Kostitsyn was a bust, not worthy of the pick, or underachieving... except for overzealous Hab fans. If I'm wrong, then I'll eat my shoe.

What HAS been said, is that Kostitsyn did not do enough to deserve top six ice time at the beginning of the season. It's not a knock on Kostitsyn. It never was. It's a simple recognition he needs more time to develop. I'm certainly willing to concede that Kostitsyn has a good chance of being in the top six next season, on a regular basis.

AK fans, however, have this impulse to make excuses for the kid not being NHL ready immediately. This has been the most civil AK thread, and I was sick of the excuses several AK threads ago. AK fans are just being paranoid beyond redemption when we call a spade a spade, and say that Kostitsyn didn't do enough to warrant top six ice time from the coach's point of view.

Why is there always such a need to get ruffled feathers when that's all the original discussion was about?

I like Kostitsyn. I hope he succeeds. I was hoping he would have fallen to the Kings.

And if he DID fall to the Kings, I'd say the EXACT same thing about him if he was getting third line ice time on the Monarchs. He isn't earning more. Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but anyone who wants to read more into it than that just needs to chill out and read some other thread, because I can't say it any nicer than I'm saying it now.

And frankly, with this "us vs. them" mentality some fans have been wielding more often than Hatcher's elbow, some of you aren't even worth this diplomatic response.


BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
King'sPawn said:
No, it became a thread of people becoming unnecessarily defensive about their prospect.

In the past several pages, NOBODY... I repeat... NOBODY has said that Kostitsyn was a bust, not worthy of the pick, or underachieving... except for overzealous Hab fans. If I'm wrong, then I'll eat my shoe.

What HAS been said, is that Kostitsyn did not do enough to deserve top six ice time at the beginning of the season. It's not a knock on Kostitsyn. It never was. It's a simple recognition he needs more time to develop. I'm certainly willing to concede that Kostitsyn has a good chance of being in the top six next season, on a regular basis.

AK fans, however, have this impulse to make excuses for the kid not being NHL ready immediately. This has been the most civil AK thread, and I was sick of the excuses several AK threads ago. AK fans are just being paranoid beyond redemption when we call a spade a spade, and say that Kostitsyn didn't do enough to warrant top six ice time from the coach's point of view.

Why is there always such a need to get ruffled feathers when that's all the original discussion was about?

I like Kostitsyn. I hope he succeeds. I was hoping he would have fallen to the Kings.

And if he DID fall to the Kings, I'd say the EXACT same thing about him if he was getting third line ice time on the Monarchs. He isn't earning more. Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but anyone who wants to read more into it than that just needs to chill out and read some other thread, because I can't say it any nicer than I'm saying it now.

And frankly, with this "us vs. them" mentality some fans have been wielding more often than Hatcher's elbow, some of you aren't even worth this diplomatic response.

I don't know if your refering to me, I'll assume you are since you quoted part of my post, but you forgot to quote the part where I basically agree with everything you say, I said, Habs fans expect way too much and are too defensive when it comes Kostitsyn...

Where I disagree with you though is that he hasn't deserved the icetime, I don't think that's the case, I think it's just like you said, they're taking they're time with Kostitsyn, again, contrary to what many Habs fans led some to believe here, Kostitsyn was not a finished product when he came over, fact is, despite all his talent, and he does have a ton of talent, he hasn't really played vs. top notch competition on a fulltime basis until this year, like you said, this year is an apprenticeship, next year we'll be able to determine a bit more what kind of player he'll become...

I for one, understood everything you were trying to say in your previous post and never did I see you write that he was a bust, but comparing him to players like Dustin Brown, Zach Parise (not sure if it was you who used the comparisons) is not fair, the only thing Kostitsyn has in common with those players is that they were chosen in the same draft, everything else about them is completely different, can't compare


Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
417 TO MTL said:
I don't know if your refering to me, I'll assume you are since you quoted part of my post, but you forgot to quote the part where I basically agree with everything you say, I said, Habs fans expect way too much and are too defensive when it comes Kostitsyn...

I didn't mean for you to feel singled out. My response to you in particular was limited to the first paragraph, in which I was trying to explain just where the disagreements are coming from.

I've read people summarize this thread as "Hab fans vs. Leaf fans," "Hab fans vs. Hab Haters," "AK fans vs. AK haters," "Fans vs. realists," and you finally said it was a question of worthiness towards Kostitsyn, which isn't quite true. I wanted to clarify that.

Then I kinda went on a rant towards the general public who has misunderstood the premise of mine and kingsjohn's arguments (and I say just KJ and me, because we're the ones who have been the most vocal in disagreement in the latter half of this thread).


Registered User
Apr 23, 2002
markov` said:
But if you wanna talk about "safe prospects", Montreal has plenty. Perezhogin, Higgins, Plekanec, Chipchura.
i don't know about many others, but i wouldn't feel safe around perezhogin...


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Feb 2, 2003
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andora said:
i don't know about many others, but i wouldn't feel safe around perezhogin...
actually for me perezhogin is our safest prospect with higgins ..
heck savard/gainey said that he could challenge for 1st/2nd line spot next year !
and IMO Perezhogin is our best prospect by a fair margin .. he's just dominating the RSL right now !

CH Wizard

Kryoptix said:
actually for me perezhogin is our safest prospect with higgins ..
heck savard/gainey said that he could challenge for 1st/2nd line spot next year !
and IMO Perezhogin is our best prospect by a fair margin .. he's just dominating the RSL right now !

I think , you missed the joke , buddy.

''I wouldn't feel safe around Perezhogin.''




Registered User
Jan 16, 2005
kost has 12 goal on 76 shot

Bochenski has 25 goal on 198 shot
parise has 14 goal on 156 shot
locke has 15 goal on 85 shot
vanek has 25 goal on 189 shot


Registered User
Mar 22, 2004
gars59 said:
kost has 12 goal on 76 shot

Bochenski has 25 goal on 198 shot
parise has 14 goal on 156 shot
locke has 15 goal on 85 shot
vanek has 25 goal on 189 shot

Good point....


Registered User
Jan 16, 2005
imagine if kost have more ice time

kost is a goal scorer

in pourcentage

kost 15.79
Bochenski 12.63
parise has 8.97
locke has 17.65
vanek has 12.62

camelerie (37) 16.44
hillbert (32) 11.19
Kobasew (31) 15.87
Boyes (27) 13.99
Wellwood (26) 18.30
King (26) 12.73
Spezza (25) 16.44
brown (24) 11.70
lehoux (23) 25.27 :eek:

Rather Gingerly 1*

If Kostitsyn is so great how come they are giving him so little icetime? Doesn't make sense


Registered User
Mar 14, 2004
Habs made the decision to bring Kosts to NA this year. Habs wanted to make sure his health concerns where properly addressed so I'm sure thats part of the reason he's with Hamilton and not playing in the Q. There is no doubt he posses skill and talent and its obvious to those of us who have seen him that his shot is something special and his skating is NHL calibre.

One of the knocks on Kosts was his play without the puck but from what I've seen and read, it looks like Jarvis and the Hamilton coaching staff have addressed this concern. When I see him play, he certainly doesn't look lost in the neutral zone or terrible in his own end.

Now he's getting very little ice time without doubt. Why? I can't answer that and only Jarvis can. What's the rush anyway. I'm disappionted he hasn't been given more of an opportunity, but this kid just turned 20 and has incredible potential. This season is far from a bust and can be see as a good transitional year for him.

Boom or bust? No way, its a matter of when.


Registered User
Jul 8, 2004
I think that pretty much all of you either don't really understand Kostitsyns situation, or have been bogged down in a debate that never had a point to begin with. I really couldn't care less about his icetime, there are reasons why he hasn't been getting a ton, but they all boil down to him not being good enough to earn it. What is the actual difference between saying "if he was good enough, he'd be on the top line" and "he's just been having a hard time to adapt to life in NA"? They both mean that he's not currently a top line player in Hamilton. That's not a debate, that's vigorous concurrence.

Here's what I have seen from Kostitsyn this year: Good shot when he uses it. Much more physical than I thought he would be, but he's definately not a Bertuzzi. He fights for the puck, and he's got a little edge to his game, which I like to see. He's obviously been working on two things quite a bit this year; defensive play, and using his teamates. The D has come along very well, and working with teamates has to a lesser extent. His offensive production has been somewhat disappointing, but he has proven to me that he's got oodles of skill there.

That's what it really boils down to for me. He's done two things this year: improved his game in areas that needed work, and demonstrated quite a bit of talent, which makes me think he's got good potential, though it could be a couple of years off.


BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
Anyways, back to what actually was the point of this thread, Kostitsyn's shot, he registered a shot of 98mph and 100mph at the Bulldogs skills competition last night :eek:
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