OT: All Things Coronavirus Covid-19 - Part VIII - MOD ADVISORY POST 1

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Nov 11, 2017
Ireland's prime minister to work as doctor during coronavirus epidemic

Didn’t see this posted, apologies if it already has been. Thought it was pretty cool

It'll obviously do his popularity ratings no harm which is no doubt part of the motivation (I don't trust any politician) but hey if it results in a qualified former doctor helping out in the current situation then I'm all for it.

On a side note, given I can't really contribute to the debate on how Trump is handling the situation stateside seeing as it's not my place, most people here in Ireland (myself included) are very happy with how our Taoiseach and government in general are handling the whole thing. I am and always will be very sceptical and suspicious of politicians and politics in general but it does very much feel as though all the games have been put to one side here and everyone is working together, both government and opposition parties, to try and navigate us through this outbreak as best as possible as a country and I am very grateful for that.
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Registered User
Mar 2, 2011
WHO was still saying the virus wouldn’t spread to humans in mid January.

US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be 'cataclysmic event': report

Moved on from misunderstanding how cause of deaths are determined and implying that we're somehow over counting Covid-19 cases/deaths (when its quite clearly the opposite currently) to posting tweets from a Breitbart writer? I'm seeing a trend here.

I'll be frank: If this wasn't on our intelligence's radar as a potential serious issue back in November & December (when things were getting real dicey in China), that might be a worse indictment than knowing about it but not taking the threat seriously. But every legitimate news source I've found on the matter indicates it was on the radar, and the threat profile was indicating a potential for pandemic, so I can rest a little easier about the next time, and hope that next time the right people will listen.

Now let's get through this current crisis.
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Miss Bergy, Savvy and Quaider. Welcome back Looch!
Jun 8, 2007
next to the bench
President Trump has lost an estimated $1 billion because of the coronavirus shutdowns, according to Forbes - The Boston Globe

President Trump, whose businesses have been hit by coronavirus-related shutdowns, has lost an estimated $1 billion in recent weeks, according to Forbes magazine, which released its annual ranking of the richest people in the world on Tuesday.

As the coronavirus spreads across the US, many of Trump’s resort properties have either closed or are operating with a skeleton staff as bookings plummet, according to the New York Times. The paper reported this week that the Trump Organization is in discussions with its creditors about delaying some loan payments.

As a result, Trump’s net worth is estimated to have fallen to $2.1 billion, down from $3.1 billion in early March, according to Forbes.

Trump was far from alone among those on the list in seeing their wealth plunge as the coronavirus wreaked havoc on financial markets: Investor Warren Buffet lost $15 billion, according to the magazine’s estimates, going from $82.5 billion in 2019 to $67.5 billion in 2020. Locally, Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson is estimated to have lost about $4.8 billion, and now has an estimated net worth of $10.8 billion, Forbes said.
Boo f***ing hoo. He will make it up by making the folks who protect him every weekend while he plays golf ( yes I know poor trump cannot do that now) overpay to stay at his hotels. WE pay for that...We the PEOPLE.
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Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be 'cataclysmic event': report

Moved on from misunderstanding how cause of deaths are determined and implying that we're somehow over counting Covid-19 cases to posting tweets from a Breitbart writer? I'm seeing a trend here.

I'll be frank: If this wasn't on our intelligence's radar as a potential serious issue back in November & December (when things were getting real dicey in China), that might be a worse indictment than knowing about it but not taking the threat seriously. But every legitimate news source I've found on the matter indicates it was on the radar, and the threat profile was indicating a potential for pandemic, so I can rest a little easier about the next time, and hope that next time the right people will listen.

Now let's get through this current crisis.
This makes you wonder... with all the warnings an evidence from everyone and everybody, it makes it impossible for POTUS to just... ignore it, downplay it, minimize it... so it was intentional... the question is why?


Registered User
Mar 2, 2011
This makes you wonder... with all the warnings an evidence from everyone and everybody, it makes it impossible for POTUS to just... ignore it, downplay it, minimize it... so it was intentional... the question is why?
Hubris. I am of the opinion that there was a fundamental misunderstanding of how these things happen, and they thought the threat was overblown ('it's just the flu'). I'm sure they knew that a response would have an impact on the economy so they gambled it wouldnt' be bad, and lost.

I know there were reports back in late March citing presidential aids that said the President/high level administration officials believed that warm weather would stop the virus and that weighed heavily in the decision. That wasn't widely reported so take it with a grain of salt, but it makes sense to me. It also explains why he kept talking about April early on after acknowledging the pandemic, and then backed off of that once it was clear the weather wouldn't be a savior.

Edit: Let me add, are we surprised that a President who said "I know more than the Generals" during an election would be prone to ignoring/dismissing intelligence reports that do not align with his preconceived opinions/thoughts/goals/focuses?
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Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
Tami Combs, a 58-year-old yoga instructor from Indiana, bought concert tickets to see the Rolling Stones, Elton John, Chicago and Sturgill Simpson this year.

But after the coronavirus pandemic struck, the concerts were postponed — one by seven months, the rest indefinitely. She now wants her money back, but says she is having trouble getting a refund from Ticketmaster.

“I have about $3,000 tied up in these tickets,” Ms. Combs said in an interview. “This is my money that they are holding hostage.”

Ms. Combs is far from alone as the pandemic is triggering widespread anger at ticketing companies like Ticketmaster and StubHub. Online, fans are fuming about being unable to get refunds for concerts that have been postponed, often with no rescheduled dates in sight. As they see it, ticketing outlets are being greedy at a time of crisis, holding billions of dollars in consumers’ cash that people now need for essentials.

Angry Fans Say First the Concerts Were Canceled, Then the Refunds

Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
Hubris. I am of the opinion that there was a fundamental misunderstanding of how these things happen, and they thought the threat was overblown ('it's just the flu'). I'm sure they knew that a response would have an impact on the economy so they gambled it wouldnt' be bad, and lost.

I know there were reports back in late March citing presidential aids that said the President/high level administration officials believed that warm weather would stop the virus and that weighed heavily in the decision. That wasn't widely reported so take it with a grain of salt, but it makes sense to me. It also explains why he kept talking about April early on after acknowledging the pandemic, and then backed off of that once it was clear the weather wouldn't be a savior.

Edit: Let me add, are we surprised that a President who said "I know more than the Generals" during an election would be prone to ignoring/dismissing intelligence reports that do not align with his preconceived opinions/thoughts/goals/focuses?
I just think he denies everything, says something today, denies it the very next day. I just think no one is that dumb to ignore it after all those in the know say the same thing.
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Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
The call came on March 24. Bob McGuire, the executive director of CP Nassau, a nonprofit group that cares for the developmentally disabled, received a report from a four-story, colonnaded building in Bayville, N.Y., that houses several dozen residents with severe disabilities ranging from cerebral palsy to autism. For many of them, discussions of social distancing or hand washing are moot.

“Bob, we’re starting to see symptoms,” Mr. McGuire was told.

Fevers were spreading. Within 24 hours, 10 residents were taken to the hospital. Now, little more than two weeks later, 37 of the home’s 46 residents have tested positive for the coronavirus. Two are dead; nine remain hospitalized. At least eight members of the staff have tested positive as well.

“Forgive me if I get emotional,” Mr. McGuire said in an interview, choking up. “People discount people with disabilities and presume they understand them when they don’t know them. They think their lives are not worth the same as yours or mine, and that’s just not true.”

‘It’s Hit Our Front Door’: Homes for the Disabled See a Surge of Covid-19

Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
I just think he denies everything, says something today, denies it the very next day. I just think no one is that dumb to ignore it after all those in the know say the same thing.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

― adolf hitler

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

Vladimir Lenin

Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
The director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Wednesday that he had been targeted by racist comments and death threats that originated in Taiwan, in the past three months, including being called “a Negro.”

Dr. Tedros singled out the Taiwanese government, which has been frozen out of the W.H.O. after pressure from Beijing.
“They didn’t disassociate themselves,” he said of Taiwanese officials. “They even started criticizing me in the middle of all that insult and slur, but I didn’t care.”

He said at a coronavirus news briefing on Wednesday that while he didn’t care about the personal attacks, he couldn’t accept disparagement against all black people.

“When the whole black community is insulted, when Africa is insulted, then I don’t tolerate it,” he said.

Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, hit back on Thursday, writing on Facebook: “Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.”

He made his comments after President Trump unleashed a tirade against the organization on Tuesday, accusing it of acting too slowly to sound the alarm, and of treating the Chinese government too favorably. While the president, who threatened to withhold American funding for the organization, spoke in unusually harsh terms, he was not alone in such criticism.

Critics say that the W.H.O. has been too trusting of the Chinese government, which initially tried to conceal the outbreak. Others have faulted the organization for not moving faster in declaring a global health emergency.

Asked about Mr. Trump’s comments on Wednesday, Dr. Tedros said: “Please don’t politicize this virus. If you want to be exploited and you want to have many more body bags, then you do it. If you don’t want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it.”

W.H.O.’s Chief Says He Faced Slurs and Death Threats: Live Coverage

Over the volcano

Registered User
Mar 10, 2006
The only ones besides himself that believes it are his fan base.
Everyone else are immune. Fortunately.
f*** that - there nothing fortunate about it- there’s millions in his “fan base” who believe it and will believe whatever he says next. They’re all over from the heads of our federal government all the way down to posters in this thread. The added threat are those who don’t believe him but think he creates good opportunities for their own advancement.
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Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
86-Year-Old Is Killed in E.R. Over Social Distancing

One Saturday afternoon in late March, as the coronavirus pandemic flooded hospitals across New York City with desperately ill people, an 86-year-old lost her bearings and started wandering the emergency room at Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center in Brooklyn.

The woman, Janie Marshall, who had dementia, grabbed onto another patient’s IV pole to regain her balance and orient herself, the police said.

The patient, Cassandra Lundy, 32, had apparently become irate that Ms. Marshall had broken the six feet of personal space recommended to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, law enforcement officials said. Ms. Lundy shoved the older woman, knocking her to the floor. Ms. Marshall struck her head and died three hours later.

Ms. Marshall’s death underscored how hospital officials are struggling to keep order in health care facilities overrun by the pandemic, as crowding generates a new level of fear and anxiety.

Initially, hospital officials handed Ms. Lundy a summons for disorderly conduct. But a week later, after the medical examiner ruled Ms. Marshall’s death a homicide, the police charged Ms. Lundy with manslaughter and assault.

“How do you put your hands on a 86-year-old woman?” said Ms. Marshall’s grandniece, Antoinette Leonard Jean Charles, 41, a medical student in Tennessee. “I also understand the fear level of every person in New York has. There is a notion of every man for themselves. But attacking an elderly person? That went too far.”

A spokesman for Brooklyn Defender Services, which is representing Ms. Lundy, declined to comment.

New York officials imposed social-distancing rules — maintaining space between people to stop the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus virus — in mid-March, shortly after the metropolis became the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States. The virus has claimed the lives of thousands of New Yorkers in a little more than a month.

Spooner st

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
There is no proof that any drug can cure or prevent infection with the coronavirus. But in the face of an exploding pandemic with a frightening death toll, people are desperate for a bit of hope, a chance to believe there is something that will help.

The drug that has received the most attention is hydroxychloroquine, which President Trump has recommended repeatedly, despite warnings from his own health officials that there is little data to support its widespread use as a treatment against the virus.

Drug companies across the world have begun donating tens of millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine to the United States, and the president said on April 4 that 29 million doses had been added to the National Strategic Stockpile, a cache of medical supplies maintained by the government to respond to emergencies.

What is hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxychloroquine is a prescription medicine that was approved decades ago to treat malaria. It is also used to treat autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It is sometimes referred to by its brand name, Plaquenil, and is closely related to chloroquine, which is also used to treat malaria.

7 Answers to Questions About the Malaria Drug Trump Keeps Pushing


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Sep 30, 2003
Newton, MA
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Football fans pay £21 to have their photo stuck on mannequins 'watching' a match in Belarus | Daily Mail Online


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6.6M unemployment claims for the week ending April 4th. Total unemployment over the last 3 weeks comes to about 10% of the workforce.

Fed pumping in another 2.3T into the economy:
-new SPV to buy $500B of municipal bonds
-Will buy junk bonds now (if downgraded after March 22)
-will buy junk ETFs (now HYG)
-will buy PPP and CARES loans
-expanded existing SPVs

These are important because it continues to be all about liquidity. Powell pulling no stops to keep banks and markets solvent during this time.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Jun 11, 2011
The company I work for just extended limited hours and being able to work from home, etc., until May 4th. They qualify for the federal government's aid because sales have dropped 72% (minimum is 15%), so the government pays 75% of our pay and the company pays us 25%. This helps prevent layoffs and a really good part is we don't have to apply for UI, it is all done through the corporation. This is really good news for all of us in Canada. Sadly, our US head office is laying people off so I am very grateful to our Canadian government to step up.
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