All Purpose Coronavirus Discussion Part XVIV: We're Goin Off The Rail On A Crazy Monorail

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Tha Snake, Tha Rat, Tha Cat, Tha Dog
Dec 23, 2013
TV and social media thrive on "immediacy," so everything is anecdote.

Now I do believe the plural of anecdote is "data," that is, you shouldn't dismiss anecdotes, but you shouldn't conclude anything off them until there's enough to start using statistical analysis to identify what is a trend v a coincidence.

The problem is the rush to judgment off insufficient data. What we "know" off a few images or interviews is often wrong in hindsight.

We know for example that police kill hundreds of people a year of all races (but we're talking almost 900,000 police), so jumping on a few isolated incidents obscures general trends, it's great for self-righteousness, but not a good guide to public policy. You want to know who was killed by whom in what circumstances, and how often it occurs - a few times a year is inevitable, any group with 900K members is going to harbor a few sociopaths and crazies. Going "postal" is a joke that reflects reality. It's just that when they're cops, they have a greater latitude to inflict harm.

Same with the current riots, until hundreds of participants are identified, we won't know if they were protesters who went over the edge, local anarchists, outside agitators or agent provocateurs or all of the above.

The key is to take a deep breath, ignore the "noise," and wait for the smoke to clear.
Police brutality goes beyond slayings.
Negligence and abuse of power run deep in that culture i dont think anyone would debate that
Protests over killings start up because the act itself is egregious and inhuman but its indicative of a rotteness that permeates depts across the country.
Illegal search and seizure, physical abuse on the street and in custody, planting of evidence, wrongful arrests and falsified statements in court leading to countless unwarranted jail terms.

Ghosts Beer

I saw Goody Fletcher with the Devil!
Feb 10, 2014
How many people aged 20-44 have died from this?
I’ll ask again.

What’s the answer?

Is it worth closing the country over?

Might be fine for old people who have made their money & are comfortable trying to live without risk.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Not with less than lethal rounds it wouldn’t.

Police don't work that way. They have guidelines regulating use of non-lethal force too.

Assaulting people who aren't within the list of people they are allowed to interact with per their orders is a violation of the 4th Amendment. Police cannot assault random peaceful citizens for no reason.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2010
Police brutality goes beyond slayings.
Negligence and abuse of power run deep in that culture i dont think anyone would debate that
Protests over killings start up because the act itself is egregious and inhuman but its indicative of a rotteness that permeates depts across the country.
Illegal search and seizure, physical abuse on the street and in custody, planting of evidence, wrongful arrests and falsified statements in court leading to countless unwarranted jail terms.

Happens here too. Even if not quite to the same levels.

The prosecution rates for minorities are lower than arrest rates.
The conviction rates are lower than the prosecution rates.

It had got better until the last 5 years or so where has started to go back up. But still being a minority - even once adjusted for area - means you are far more likely to be stopped, searched, deemed "suspicious".

And when adjust for the type/level of suspected crime minorities had a ~25% high chance of being immediately taken into custody than white counterparts.

And minorities are in turn also given longer prison sentences for the same types of crime, and also serve a higher proportion of their sentences vs white prisoners. Additionally, before the first time being imprisoned white prisoners have a far longer criminal history on average... I.E. they are "slapped on the wrist" more and let off with fines, community service more often.
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Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Including the unborn?



Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
What leaks

Epstein’s black book got leaked among other things by that Anonymous group. Beyond politicians you got celebrities’ names trending on twitter & people going nuts.

Like for disclaimer I’d imagine most of this is circumstantial. Like not sure if there’s anything other than that to suggest anything for most of these people. It’s just hilarious seeing people going nuts.
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