2019 E3 Discussion - Live shows begin June 8th, schedule in OP


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
I mean you'd think they would be happy and content to be selling their single player game 8 years later and wouldn't mess with the formula, but their CEO did an interview with IGN recently... I'm not sure how to embed a youtube video by seconds (I actually saw the relavent clip from Jim Sterling, though the full hour+ interview is up on IGN's channel too), but here's some rough paraphrasing for what he was saying:

It's still really early and we can only speculate at this point, but really seems like they are going to increase the push on the 'paid mods' type idea. When the business side says they want to be "more engaged" with the customer that generally means 'keep selling you stuff'. And that doesn't mean expansion packs which has always been a part of the experience.
Well I mean Skyrim has as much staying power for a reason. If Bethesda can't figure out how to make the next Elder Scrolls stick to a more advanced rendition of what made Skyrim work so well, they might as well scale back and focus on freemium mobile games.

Leafs at Knight

Mar 4, 2011
London, Ontario
I'm more interested in seeing Starfield then Elder Scrolls 6, even though I'm more excited for ES6. With ES6 everyone pretty much knows what they're getting; I would love to see coop in it though but I doubt that happens since they have ESO. With Starfield no one really knows what to expect.

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
I'm more interested in seeing Starfield then Elder Scrolls 6, even though I'm more excited for ES6. With ES6 everyone pretty much knows what they're getting; I would love to see coop in it though but I doubt that happens since they have ESO. With Starfield no one really knows what to expect.

I feel the same way.

Skyrim was my first entry into the series, but I think I know what I will be getting into once the new game releases in 2027.

Starfield, though...no idea what that will be like.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
Well I mean Skyrim has as much staying power for a reason.

It is a very, very casual game that came out at the perfect time and caught lightning in a bottle.

The game is trash in terms of design (bad dialogue, bad combat, bad dungeons and bad quests. but the production values and marketing made that shortcoming less of an issue; Skyrim did get exploration very right, I'll give them credit on that front (although that is mostly due to the great map).

Same thing happened with Fallout 3: lots of fear of Oblivion with guns and that is exactly what happened. Crap game that doesn't give any satisfying rewards but because people like to talk about how immersed they felt rather than actual gameplay, it didn't really matter: people prefer walking straight for hours with nothing to do if it immersive. Well designed maps with no downtime get hated on for not being realistic.

Popularity is absolutely meaningless when discussing quality of design.
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DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
It is a very, very casual game that came out at the perfect time and caught lightning in a bottle.

The game is trash in terms of design (bad dialogue, bad combat, bad dungeons and bad quests. but the production values and marketing made that shortcoming less of an issue; Skyrim did get exploration very right, I'll give them credit on that front (although that is mostly due to the great map).

Same thing happened with Fallout 3: lots of fear of Oblivion with guns and that is exactly what happened. Crap game that doesn't give any satisfying rewards but because people like to talk about how immersed they felt rather than actual gameplay, it didn't really matter: people prefer walking straight for hours with nothing to do if it immersive. Well designed maps with no downtime get hated on for not being realistic.

Popularity is absolutely meaningless when discussing quality of design.

I don't know how much I agree. I never hopped on the Skyrim bandwagon until it got ported to Switch and I found it on sale.

There are certain elements that bug me such as with all the effort that went into storytelling, when you kill Alduin it seems like no one but NPC guards give the slightest bit of a shit. Some of the dialogue, is yes bad, and the combat hasn't really aged well at all.

But given when it came out, the amount of content and the atmosphere has made playing it feel worth it. I still think the Witcher 3 did it better but for its warts I've still been enjoying playing it.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
I don't know how much I agree. I never hopped on the Skyrim bandwagon until it got ported to Switch and I found it on sale.

There are certain elements that bug me such as with all the effort that went into storytelling, when you kill Alduin it seems like no one but NPC guards give the slightest bit of a ****. Some of the dialogue, is yes bad, and the combat hasn't really aged well at all.

But given when it came out, the amount of content and the atmosphere has made playing it feel worth it. I still think the Witcher 3 did it better but for its warts I've still been enjoying playing it.

Witcher 3 is one of the best games of all-time in my book, and to be fair to Bethesda, Skyrim came out in 2011 and Witcher 3 was in 2015.

I also probably should tone down my superlatives when it comes to Bethesda: they can't design and design is one of my favourite things in video games. I get a real kick from understanding why the developers made things work the way they did and how that affects the experience and gameplay but not everybody does and that's ok.

Bethesda sucks at making games, they know how to make good mass appeal interactive experiences though!

Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
It is a very, very casual game that came out at the perfect time and caught lightning in a bottle.

The game is trash in terms of design (bad dialogue, bad combat, bad dungeons and bad quests. but the production values and marketing made that shortcoming less of an issue; Skyrim did get exploration very right, I'll give them credit on that front (although that is mostly due to the great map).

Same thing happened with Fallout 3: lots of fear of Oblivion with guns and that is exactly what happened. Crap game that doesn't give any satisfying rewards but because people like to talk about how immersed they felt rather than actual gameplay, it didn't really matter: people prefer walking straight for hours with nothing to do if it immersive. Well designed maps with no downtime get hated on for not being realistic.

Popularity is absolutely meaningless when discussing quality of design.

I agree with you, and I loved Skyrim back in the day.

The thing they got right, though - exploration - it was done to an incredible level.

It also had some fun mechanics and so many little fun things to do that it is still one of the better examples of open world gaming and exploration in games (two terms I often roll my eyes at as far too many games shove a token version of them in to hit a buzzword).

The thing that Bethesda is (or at least was) good at in my books is world building.

Although I don't really partake personally, the ease of use when it comes to modding has also kept that game alive longer than it would have lived....at least IMO.....of course I stopped playing it at the 100 hour mark back in 2011/2012 I think.


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
True? Sony isn't going to E3 because they wouldn't have enough stuff to showcase in a presentation and that's why they cancelled their PlayStation event later in the year as well? That's pretty disappointing, but not too surprising if they're putting all their efforts in making sure their PS4 to PS5 transition is as smooth as possible.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
True? Sony isn't going to E3 because they wouldn't have enough stuff to showcase in a presentation and that's why they cancelled their PlayStation event later in the year as well? That's pretty disappointing, but not too surprising if they're putting all their efforts in making sure their PS4 to PS5 transition is as smooth as possible.

Sony probably stands to make more money by doing their own thing instead of going E3.


[1, 5, 6, 14]
Jul 13, 2007
As much as I wish they'd just make another Guilty Gear, I kinda need this ASW Godzilla rumour to be true.


Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
Jedi: Fallen Order doesn't look bad. It obviously was on easy mode.

Still don't really care about the story though, that main character is going to suffer a severe case of prequelitis(is going to die or just go away in a unsatisifactory way)


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
I hate that I really can't trust EA. That looked incredible. If that's what the final product would be like, that's the kind of gameplay I envisioned when the force unleashed was being hyped up. I hope this one if full lengthed. If it is I wouldn't give a shit how much the story sucked.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Should be interesting to see what Microsoft releases about the successor to the Xbox One. That will likely be my next console pick-up. The Game Pass feature of Xbox Live seems like a decent one.

A lot of single player stuff was teased but I'm more interested in the multiplayer games. I can't seem to get into rpgs and storylines anymore. If it's storylines than I'd rather watch a movie or a TV show and let it play out instead of participating like you do in a game. There have been a few exceptions like Pokemon Blue/Red to Crystal, Ocarina of Time but since then it's been MMOs, shooters, that type of stuff. The last two RPGs I picked up were Lets Go Evee & Zelda Breath of the Wild... and only because I really enjoyed the games mentioned earlier

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
The reaction to Fallen Order really hammers home the point that people do not want more Star Wars. I get it, I disagree since I really liked TLJ but I know I'm in the minority.

I thought it looked fine and actually had me interested but all the cool kids are not impressed. The Gameinformer article made it sound like they really held back on showing the less straightforward stuff like taking control of an AT-AT: Respawn has a good track record and this universe has a lot of potential in terms of mixing the gameplay up.

However, we have now reached the point where if a demo doesn't blow people away, it gets crapped on. Nuance is going the way of the dodo.


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