2012-13 Qualitative +/- Ratings

Joe McGrath

Registered User
Oct 29, 2009
Can we just give Sanguinetti a minus for every even-strength goal against whether he's on the ice or not, or even playing or not, just because of the damage he's doing by being on the roster? Will save time.

In a general sense yes. This project isn't really in the interest of saving time :sarcasm:


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
I'd give Sanguinetti a minus in the Staal giveaway for flying the zone early but that's probably purely out of disdain for his ability.

Good catch. It's almost comical how he finds a way to contribute to goals against, even in the most subtle and unexpected ways. And I guess it gives us a reason to appreciate guys who can actually play defense at this level, and maybe provides a little context for a guy like Pitkanen who only has 1 minus on his record despite skating big minutes.

At this point, just based on the massive gap between him and the pack, I'm wondering if Sanguinetti would have the worst rate of subjective minuses in the league. Surely there aren't many other defensemen who play this way for more than a game or two before being sent down.

In a general sense yes. This project isn't really in the interest of saving time :sarcasm:

Tell me about it!


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 11 @ New York Islanders
6-4 Win


13:42 Wallace (McBain, Nodl)
+1 Nodl - He made the critical play that kept a contested puck in the zone and put it on goal, leading directly to the scoring chance.
+1 McBain - Just put the puck on net.*
+1 Wallace - Bit of good luck on that tip-in, but hey. Whatever works.
+1 Brent - He dug the puck out for Nodl, then went to the front of the net and created the kind of slot traffic that leads to goals like this one.

05:52 Skinner (Jordan Staal)
+1 Jordan Staal - Stripped the puck away from an Islander and transitioned it through three zones.
+1 Skinner - Just put the puck on net.*

00:30 Tlusty (Semin, Eric Staal)
+1 Eric Staal - His forecheck on Dipietro got the whole thing started.
+1 Gleason - A lot of defensemen try to shoot that puck instead of cycling it around to the centerman. Nice read.
+1 Semin - Just put the puck on net.*
+1 Tlusty - Got in DiPietro's kitchen not once, but twice during the scramble.

05:33 Semin (Tlusty)
Total fluke goal, no changes.
However, it is worth re-emphasizing: Just put the puck on net.*

09:09 Eric Staal (Tlusty, Harrison)
+1 Harrison - Just put the puck on net*.
+1 Tlusty - That's just a picture-perfect deflection.
+1 Eric Staal - Nice clean faceoff win, followed by taking Tavares right to the net and getting cheesy goal credit.



+2 Eric Staal
+2 Tlusty
+1 Brent
+1 Gleason
+1 Harrison
+1 McBain
+1 Nodl
+1 Semin
+1 Skinner
+1 Jordan Staal
+1 Wallace

* especially when it's DiPietro


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 12 @ New Jersey Devils
4-2 Win


2nd 18:29 Dwyer (Harrison, Faulk)
+1 Skinner - Too bad he got hurt, because he is getting surprisingly good at creating turnovers on the forecheck.
+1 Faulk - A lot of defensemen shoot that loose puck right away, so it's kind of exciting to see Faulk developing into a guy who recognizes a better opportunity rather than making the easy play.
+1 Harrison - How impressive is it that Harrison leads the defense in offensive pluses so far?
+1 Dwyer - Don't know if he quite intended to score a goal that way, but at least he was screening Brodeur well.


3rd 01:34 Carter (unassisted)
-1 Faulk - This came at the end of an inexplicably sloppy sequence of breakout attempts that also involved Harrison and Bowman, but ultimately it comes down to Faulk skating right into a double-team in front of his own net.
-1 Harrison - I'm not sure what was going through his head here, but Harrison took a really weird angle at a slow-moving pass that created a completely unnecessary turnover and put Faulk in the awkward position of trying to skate it out by himself from in front of the net. I thought about giving Faulk the only minus, but my gut says the record should reflect that Harrison helped make his partner look bad on this play.

+1 Dwyer
+1 Skinner


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 13 vs Toronto Maple Leafs
3-1 Win


2nd 06:06 Corvo (Eric Staal)
+1 Eric Staal - Helped create the turnover, then created the Keystone Kops routine in front of the net.
+1 Corvo - I'd like to see him make a smarter play on that turnover, but I guess you can't argue with the result.
+1 Tlusty - This is just another broken play until Tlusty gives Grabovski that little love-tap in the numbers, knocking him off the puck at the critical moment.

2nd 15:09 Jordan Staal (Skinner, McBain)
+1 Skinner - His straight-ahead speed looks great on this play. Also, nice Skinner-style jumping celebration.
+1 Jordan Staal - It's a subtle thing, but watch how he slows down as Skinner moves in for the shot. Dwyer goes in full-blast and overshoots the play completely, whereas Staal is cruising in comfortably for a wide-open rebound shot. Smart play.
+1 McBain - Again, a subtle thing, but that was a really savvy one-handed poke to push the puck up for Skinner off the Leaf turnover, and smart to skate past the Leaf backcheck to get behind Skinner. You just know his eyes were as big as saucers when Staal's shot was on the way to the net with nobody defending the rebound.



+1 Corvo
+1 McBain
+1 Eric Staal
+1 Jordan Staal
+1 Skinner
+1 Tlusty


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 14 @ Montreal Canadiens
3-0 Loss




3rd 02:06 Prust (Galchenyuk, Eller)
-1 Sanguinetti - This is the kind of thing NHL forwards will do when they know they are up against a bad defender. How Sangs gives up the inside on a simple deke like that is beyond me.
-1 Jordan - It doesn't help when the defensive partner makes that kind of wild stick check on empty space.
-1 Nash - If Nash simply hits the brakes instead of cruising past the net, he's right there to contest that rebound. Can't make plays like that as a bottom-6 center in this league. Hopefully he learns from the rookie mistake.

3rd 12:03 Plekanec (Pacioretty, Emelin)
Goaltender error - Ward

3rd 12:21 Pacioretty (Desharnais, Diaz)
Goaltender error - Ward

-1 Jordan
-1 Nash
-1 Sanguinetti


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 15 vs Winnipeg Jets
4-3 Loss


1st 18:39
+1 Semin - Don't think I need to justify this one...
+1 Eric Staal - He actually made a pretty nice little cyle pass off the boards, not that anyone really cares on this particular highlight.
+1 Tlusty - Easiest non-ENG he'll ever score.

3rd 3:37 Jordan Staal (Harrison, Dwyer)
+1 Jordan Staal - Not only the shot, but also a really solid faceoff win that allowed the Canes to run a set play.
+1 Bowman - There's not much of a scoring chance if he isn't doing the dirty work in front of the net.
+1 Harrison - The one thing Harrison does well offensively is send the puck through traffic. This play is yet another case where it pays off for him.
I'm torn on whether to give Dwyer credit here... that pass really skirts the minimum threshold for plus-ness.

3rd 14:50 Tlusty (unassisted)
+1 Eric Staal - When he wants to, E.Staal can be a hell of a forechecker. He got two guys on this one.
+1 Wallace - Also had a role in forcing that turnover.
+1 Tlusty - Scored the goal.


1st 1:53 Wheeler (Ladd)
Goaltender Error - Ward

3rd 2:10 Kane (Antropov)
Goaltender Error - Ward
Per the discussion below, concerning whether Corvo contributed to the goal, he has been given a MoE point on this play

3rd 14:03 Ladd (unassisted)
-1 Harrison - Generally a clean faceoff win straight to the defenseman is a way to prevent scoring chances, not create one.

3rd 15:06 Wheeler (Ladd, Little)
-1 Corvo - That's some defense worthy of the first half hour of a Mighty Ducks movie.

+2 Eric Staal
+2 Tlusty
+1 Bowman
+1 Semin
+1 Jordan Staal
+1 Wallace
-1 Corvo
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Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 16 vs Tampa Bay Lightning
5-2 Loss


3rd 03:04 Bowman (Nash, LaRose)
+1 Nash - Solid puck support, leading to the gimme assist
+1 Bowman - Kind of wild that the Lightning left him THAT open on a broken rush.

3rd 16:11 LaRose (Sanguinetti, Jokinen)
+1 Sanguinetti - Funny enough, his poor defensive positioning turned out to help him jump past everyone into the rush.
+1 LaRose - Full marks for scoring the goal.


1st 10:54 Bergeron (unassisted)
Goaltender Error - Ellis

3rd 02:11 Pouliot (Lecavalier, St. Louis)
-1 Murphy - That's where you see the junior-leaguer coming out. He wasn't the least bit prepared for the speed of Lecavalier's turn.
-1 Eric Staal - If you're going to double-team a guy at the post, you better stop the pass from getting across.

3rd 07:37 Panik (Hall, Stamkos)
-1 Jordan - There was some controversy over whether this one was on Ellis, but the play begins and ends with Jordan failing to control his gap and contain Panik on two different scoring chances. If Jordan's in position, Ellis doesn't get handcuffed and Panik doesn't just stroll around the net to the rebound.

3rd 07:55 Pyatt (Killorn, Brewer)
-1 Jordan Staal - The classic case of trying to do too much. Sure, Murphy is looking a little shaky, but he's behind the net; it's not a scoring chance, let it go. Jordan looks right at Pyatt, then jumps down below the goal line leaving him wide open for a tap-in.

3rd 17:38 Stamkos (Conacher, Salo)
-1 Faulk - It has to suck to realize you're in a footrace to the net with a wide-open Stamkos
-1 Dwyer - The one guy capable of staying with Stamkos stride-for-stride seems like he has no idea what to do in the moment after he turns it over at his own blue line.

+1 Bowman
+1 LaRose
+1 Nash
+1 Sanguinetti
-1 Dwyer
-1 Faulk
-1 Jordan
-1 Murphy
-1 Eric Staal
-1 Jordan Staal


Registered User
Jan 18, 2010
For the Jets game on the second goal--while Cam should've have flat out stopped the shot, Corvo turns his back to the man with the puck and allows a pass to go to the goal scorer that would have never have happened had Corvo actually been skating backwards like a defenseman should. The puck may actually have even gone off of Corvo's skate as he turns around.

For the Lightning game--I don't know if Harrison should maybe get a minus on the first goal as well. The pass and shot are pretty bang-bang, but Harrison is actually trying to cross check the shooter up high instead of worrying about the stick of a player two feet from his goalie. He really just skated into no-man's land where he couldn't defend the pass or the shot and then didn't do much to move a much smaller guy out of the crease area.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
For the Jets game on the second goal--while Cam should've have flat out stopped the shot, Corvo turns his back to the man with the puck and allows a pass to go to the goal scorer that would have never have happened had Corvo actually been skating backwards like a defenseman should. The puck may actually have even gone off of Corvo's skate as he turns around.

This replay makes more sense of what Corvo was doing there:

He couldn't really have done much more than he did, being caught in no-man's-land and then having to step out on Antropov when Jokinen went down. He couldn't have played out on Antropov and then covered Kane at the post. Whether it the shot hit his skate or not is tough to tell, but either way it was a pretty soft shot from a long distance.

For the Lightning game--I don't know if Harrison should maybe get a minus on the first goal as well. The pass and shot are pretty bang-bang, but Harrison is actually trying to cross check the shooter up high instead of worrying about the stick of a player two feet from his goalie. He really just skated into no-man's land where he couldn't defend the pass or the shot and then didn't do much to move a much smaller guy out of the crease area.

That one's a whole lot closer... I'm really not sure. Anyone else have an opinion on that one? (talking about the 2nd TB goal here)


Registered User
Jan 18, 2010
Actually--it is the pass that goes off his skate when he turns around, not the shot. And I don't have any issue with why he was that high--my issue is with Joe turning his back to a man with the puck when he was already almost to the goalie (Corvo, not the puck handler). If Corvo was beat already by having to stay high--he only made it worse by giving the man with the puck choices--instead of having to take a contested shot from straight on or try to make a pass through Corvo, now he also had the option of passing to wide open man in the low slot with Corvo now covering neither the man with the puck or the potential shooter.
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Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Actually--it is the pass that goes off his skate when he turns around, not the shot. And I don't have any issue with why he was that high--my issue is with Joe turning his back to a man with the puck when he was already almost to the goalie (Corvo, not the puck handler). If Corvo was beat already by having to stay high--he only made it worse by giving the man with the puck choices--instead of having to take a contested shot from straight on or try to make a pass through Corvo, now he also had the option of passing to wide open man in the low slot with Corvo now covering neither the man with the puck or the potential shooter.

The reason he turned his back was because the puck carrier was finally picked up by a teammate, and at that point Corvo had no idea what had transpired behind his back. He had no way to know that Jokinen had picked up Burmistrov in front of the net, so that was the first direction he turned, and recognizing that Kane was open he finally turned all the way around and fronted him. Realistically, that's about as good a play as he could have made within the split-second he had to work with.

In any case, are you saying that the scoring needs to be changed to give Corvo a minus?


Registered User
Jan 18, 2010
Yep--I would give Corvo a minus on that play--I just don't understand turning his back to the puck carrier when he knew there had to be a Cane behind him (because he wasn't in front of him) and he was in good postion to block any shot or pass that would go to somebody behind him, as the puck going off his skates shows. And even if he didn't know exactly where Jussi was, Corvo was in position to block a pass down low to either corner of the net because of where was in relation to puck. I guess I just see it as a panic move by a older player.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Yep--I would give Corvo a minus on that play--I just don't understand turning his back to the puck carrier when he knew there had to be a Cane behind him (because he wasn't in front of him) and he was in good postion to block any shot or pass that would go to somebody behind him, as the puck going off his skates shows. And even if he didn't know exactly where Jussi was, Corvo was in position to block a pass down low to either corner of the net because of where was in relation to puck. I guess I just see it as a panic move by a older player.

Fair enough, margin of error point assigned to Corvo.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Ok, so obviously I'm way behind on these, due to a combination of personal, professional and HF-related distractions. I'm going to make an effort to get a couple done each day until it's caught up.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 17 @ New York Islanders
4-2 Win


2nd 19:13 Jordan Staal (Semin, Faulk)
+1 Jordan Staal - This was a ridiculous individual effort in all three zones. I can't really say that the assist guys deserve a plus, because this was a nothing play that Staal turned into a highlight goal.

3rd 10:17 Sanguinetti (Dwyer, Jordan Staal)
+1 Dwyer - A decent bit of playmaking, using his speed through neutral ice and making a smart pull-up-and-pass move to Sangs.
+1 Sanguinetti - I guess all those times he got caught up ice, this is what he was trying to do...


1st 4:48 Moulson (Boyes, Tavares)
-1 Corvo - It would really have been simple to tie up Moulson's stick, but he opted for the ineffective body bump instead.
-1 Faulk - Not the first guy to get burned by Tavares in the corners.
-1 Jordan Staal - Losing a defensive zone faceoff is one thing, but losing it that cleanly is a no-no.

1st 12:25 Tavares (Moulson)
-1 Sanguinetti - Just a train wreck on this sequence, falling down to shoot, having it blocked, and stumbling around as the Isles take it all the way back for a goal. Harrison played it properly, but you can't give Tavares that kind of clean opportunity and not pay for it.

+1 Dwyer
-1 Corvo
-1 Faulk


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 18 @ Washington Capitals
3-0 Loss




2nd 0:31 Erskine (Backstrom, Carlson)
-1 Sanguinetti - Another of his patented "Wild Card!" pinches that makes a total gong show out of what would have been normal transition defense.
-1 Eric Staal - Another of his patented "stop moving his feet on the backcheck" shifts where he ends up exactly one stride away from the goal-scoring shot.

3rd 11:28 Carlson (Perreault, Ward)
-1 Nash - This play boils down to Nash getting lured into the corner by a slow-developing play. When he leaves his lane, Jokinen moves over to cover for him and -- voila -- there's nobody covering the back side.

-1 Nash
-1 Sanguinetti
-1 Eric Staal


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 19 vs Pittsburgh Penguins
4-1 Win


1st 19:35 Eric Staal (Semin, Tlusty)
+1 Eric Staal - Some fine forechecking work to beat both Crosby and Letang.
+1 Tlusty - Had a big part in the forechecking, and also made the critical screen that made an otherwise soft shot dangerous.
+1 Semin - Learning at the Jay Harrison School Of Just Putting The Puck On Net.

2nd 4:03 Tlusty (Eric Staal, Gleason)
+1 Gleason - Really, how clever was that pass? Perfectly executed.
+1 Eric Staal - Second goal in a row that he creates off his faceoff.
+1 Tlusty - Simply going to the net with a purpose, finds an easy goal.

2nd 5:49 Skinner (Dwyer, Corvo)
+1 Nash - Wins a board battle in the neutral zone to start the rush.
+1 Dwyer - He seems really comfortable in this role, coming down on his off-hand and dishing across.
+1 Corvo - Nice focus and follow-through on a broken play.
+1 Skinner - Partly for the goal, mostly for dat smile.

2nd 19:49 Tlusty (Semin, Eric Staal)
+1 Eric Staal - :amazed: Staal really can be a dominant player when he gets into this kind of zone.
+1 Semin - A simple but well-played assist.
+1 Tlusty - This guy has got to be loving life right now.


1st 13:14 Kunitz (Crosby, Niskanen)
I've watched this goal a few times now, and I've got to be honest, the Pens were just about unstoppable on that rush. Aside from Tlusty getting tripped by no fault of his own, the Hurricanes defended perfectly. But that perfect saucer pass, one-timed right up under the bar from that distance... what can you do? I can't really say anyone was doing anything particularly wrong here.

+3 Eric Staal
+3 Tlusty
+2 Semin
+1 Corvo
+1 Dwyer
+1 Gleason
+1 Nash
+1 Skinner


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 20 vs Florida Panthers
6-2 Win


1st 6:23 Jokinen (Nash, Faulk)
+1 Nash - Solid job anticipating the trajectory of that dump-in, and creating a playable puck for Jokinen off the boards.
+1 Jokinen - Bit of a lucky shot, but hey, he needed one.

1st 8:39 Tlusty (Semin)
+1 Semin - How completely ridiculous is that pass?
+1 Tlusty - He can pretty much just stand in front of the net and get A-grade scoring chances at will.

1st 9:28 Jokinen (Nash)
+1 Nash - Hope he remembers to send Strachan a thank-you card for that turnover.
+1 Jokinen - Unlike the first goal, there was no luck to this one. Solid shot.

2nd 5:22 Nash (Dwyer, Jokinen)
+1 Nash - How unbelievable of a game was this for Nash? On his first NHL goal he takes the puck off the boards, leads the rush, makes a second takeaway, then finishes a beauty of a give-and-go. Unreal.
+1 Dwyer - I thought for sure his return pass would be a turnover. Nice job getting it through.
+1 Faulk - Began the transition play by rubbing a Panther off the puck and leaving it for Nash.

2nd 13:03 Eric Staal (Semin)
+1 Eric Staal - Another case of Staal forechecking to set himself up for a goal.
+1 Semin - Working with Staal in the aforementioned forechecking and setting up of goals.

3rd 12:01 Eric Staal (Semin, McBain)
+1 McBain - Smart little pinch to keep the puck in play and set up the cycle.
+1 Semin - Pretty much trolled Goc here.
+1 Eric Staal - The look on his face after the goal says it all. It was just coming so easy for him that night.


1st 17:41 Matthias (Smithson, Parros)
+1 Goaltender Error - Ward - He got stuck moving around in a butterfly position, which was actually not a bad thing, but lifted up off the ice at the last second. Would have been a very easy save if he had even just had his stick on the ice, never mind his 5-hole closed.

2nd 19:15 Kuba (Goc, Strachan)
-1 Nash - Not sure what preceded this sequence, but somehow we ended up with Nash, Jokinen and Jordan Staal on the ice together. Based on their positioning, Nash should have covered RW but failed to make the switch, instead covering the slot like a center (probably the only time George Parros has ever been triple-teamed). Result: nobody covering Kuba's one-timer from the faceoff dot.

+3 Semin
+2 Jokinen
+2 Nash
+2 Eric Staal
+1 Dwyer
+1 Faulk
+1 McBain
+1 Tlusty


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 21 @ Florida Panthers
3-2 Win


1st 18:08 Faulk (unassisted)
+1 Nash - See Dwyer's comment below.
+1 Dwyer - Despite the technically unassisted goal, it was Nash's and Dwyer's buzzing around the net that caused the Panthers to go into a scramble and eventually leave Faulk open for a screened shot.
+1 Faulk - Pretty good shot to the far, screened side of the goal.

1st 19:08 Semin (Tlusty, Eric Staal)
+1 Semin - Continues to have unreal chemistry with Tlusty. He made fools of the Florida defensemen here.
+1 Tlusty - Continues to thank sweet baby Jesus for the day he got traded.

2nd 16:10 Jordan Staal (Skinner, McBain)
+1 Semin - His body on Strachan made this play a lot easier for Skinner.
+1 Skinner - Putting the puck in the slot for J. Staal.
+1 Jordan Staal - That Florida defense, leaving him wide open in front of the goal.


2nd 16:05 Huberdeau (Mueller)
-1 Jokinen - Evidently a bit of confusion about his assignment, combined with coasting, leads to an entirely too-easy goal for Huberdeau. A couple of high-effort strides didn't happen, and that made the difference.

3rd 19:05 Huberdeau (Mueller, Campbell)
-1 Gleason - Just a mis-read on the play, bodying up Shore because he didn't see Huberdeau.
-1 Faulk - Not sure where he was going just before that initial break-in. It's almost like he thought the Canes had the puck till the last second, then recovered awkwardly and ended up in no-man's land. A bit more focus and he'd have prevented this whole thing from developing.

+2 Semin
+1 Dwyer
+1 Nash
+1 Tlusty
-1 Gleason
-1 Jokinen


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
I'm not. In terms of two-way play he should be getting some Selke recognition this year. But for various biased reasons he won't be: he's not a star, he's not established enough in the league, and he isn't a defensive specialist.

Yeah, he's been very good in both directions. In fact, that whole line has been outstanding defensively when you consider Semin has been just about perfect and Staal has been a monster on the forecheck. Factor in Muller's preference for using them on o-zone faceoffs and the fact that wingers are usually behind the rush anyway, and Tlusty really hasn't had a lot of chances to get burnt.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Game 22 vs Buffalo Sabres
4-3 Win


1st 1:31 Tlusty (Eric Staal, Semin)
+1 Tlusty - When those kinds of deflections start going in, you know the hockey gods are smiling on him. But he earned it by preventing a turnover just beforehand.
+1 Semin - Another great example of the chemistry he's showing on that line.
+1 Eric Staal - Got bailed out of making a bad pass initially, but he made one heck of a smart play to put the puck toward Tlusty instead of on net. He also did a nice job forechecking to start the sequence.

3rd 1:15 Jokinen (Eric Staal, Semin)
+1 Semin - The chemistry he has with E. Staal is just unreal.
+1 Eric Staal - He should have drawn a penalty from Sekera too. Hard forechecking has earned him a lot of pluses this year.
+1 Jokinen - For a guy on a cold streak, these are the kinds of points that make a big difference. Just go to the net and pick up the garbage.

3rd 16:13 Semin (Eric Staal, Gleason)
+1 Semin - Dat wrister. Holy crap. Also, he shook off Gerbe like a gnat in the corner.
+1 Eric Staal - Yet another case of him jumping on a loose puck in the offensive zone, making a broken play work out.
+1 Harrison Gleason - Dicey play at the blue line, but he stuck with it and kept the possession alive at the critical moment.


3rd 0:25 Hodgson (Vanek, Pominville)
-1 Skinner - Just a poor defensive effort at both ends. Between him and Jordan, Buffalo was set up with a ton of speed through the neutral zone that pretty much screwed the rest of the defenders.
-1 Jordan Staal - What exactly was he trying to accomplish on the forecheck? Getting deked by Myers is embarrassing enough, let alone having the other center end up with an easy tap-in. That's the kind of play that makes defensemen and goalies look bad.

+3 Semin
+3 Eric Staal
+1 Harrison Gleason
+1 Jokinen
+1 Tlusty
-1 Skinner
-1 Jordan Staal
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Joe McGrath

Registered User
Oct 29, 2009
^ When you give Harrison the +, do you mean Gleason. I don't have the video, but I recall Gleason flipping around and keeping the puck in, and he has the secondary assist.


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