WJC QF: Jan 2 GDT - Finland 3 vs. USA 6

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Dave D

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Mar 8, 2002
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Was there no video for this game?

If there was video and someone has it, please let me know as I would love to buy a copy from you.

Please let me know!



Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
No one wants to give the Americans credit for a great game today. They'd rather try to blame the refs for the loss. In reality, after a call or two went against the Finnish squad, rather than battle through, they felt sorry for themselves and folded. Then they decided to whine about it and embarrass themselves at the end.

If you'd actually seen the game you'd realized that the Americans didn't play that well. They'll get buttfudged by the Canadians.


Registered User
Jan 16, 2006
USA is a stupid country. You have a stupid president and you you´re icehockey team sucks. Nah, just joking. Its always hard to lose these kind of games. A reasonably even game which was decided on power play. USA scored two goals on 5-3, Finland scored zero. Some weird penalties by the ref, but Finns can blame themselves for the defeat. The were like a bunch of kids. Ive never seen a Finnish team playing with that kind of lack of discipline. Some of that can be dumped on the coach, but major part is still the players. Not sure that USA deserved to win this game but Finland sure as hell did not. Rask was fantastic but Frazee played also very well.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2004
Can't make excuses for an adult. However, kids better be taught now that throwing your stick is a no, no.

What makes it so bad? It's not like it hurt someone... What better way to express yourself if words aren't getting through and maybe you can't even say everything in English that you really want to say.

You people watching this game through the radio can stop commenting about class, you have no idea what happened. Is it any more class to celebrate a 6-3 goal (3rd consecutive 5 on 3 PP goal) with a gay *** archer move?

I've seen even one of the most classiest players ever to lose his temper to a bad referee ruining the game and these are kids. Kids who play with a lot of emotion. Give them a ****ing break.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2004
I have never seen such an undisciplined team...sure, the ref made several strange calls but let's not exaggarate here, fellow Finns. Sufficiently many of the calls were justified. This team just had too much passion for this particular coach to handle.

Sad really, because they could have easily won this game if they would have been able to channel that passion and energy a little better.

Good game US and good luck tomorrow.


If you'd actually seen the game you'd realized that the Americans didn't play that well. They'll get buttfudged by the Canadians.

It's good to see that the lack of class of the Finnish team is also indicitive of a good portion, yet thankfully not all, of the Finnish fans.

To the Finnish fans showing grace and class, thank you, and good game.

Talentless Practise*

"finnish team is a shame for the nation" :shakehead

So, do you really think this undisciplined mob was an accurate miniaturization of the mens Lion squads of recent years? I sure as hell don't. The whole tourney their conduct was simply awful.


USA is a stupid country. You have a stupid president and you you´re icehockey team sucks. Nah, just joking. Its always hard to lose these kind of games. A reasonably even game which was decided on power play. USA scored two goals on 5-3, Finland scored zero. Some weird penalties by the ref, but Finns can blame themselves for the defeat. The were like a bunch of kids. Ive never seen a Finnish team playing with that kind of lack of discipline. Some of that can be dumped on the coach, but major part is still the players. Not sure that USA deserved to win this game but Finland sure as hell did not. Rask was fantastic but Frazee played also very well.

How on earth can you "not be sure they deserved to win this game" when they won the game by a score of 6-3?

How does this work in hockey?

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
The difference is, once again, that Finland got most of theirs in a row, at an important time in the game. 5-3 PPs are in my book a bit different from regular PPs.


Maybe you should tell your players to learn to play the game without taking so many penalties and throwing sticks around the ice.

Maybe then you'll have some success. It's not like the US only received 1 penalty and the Finns 50. The penalties were very close.

At one point, the US took 3 in a row. What did Finland do?


Finland had 2 instances in which they took a "grouping" of penalties.

The US had 1 instance in which that happened.

Why are you complaining SO much about the refs when your players were clearly undisciplined and the COACH even took a penalty. This is getting a bit ridiculous. You lost the game. Blame the undisciplined play rather than the reffing.


Registered User
Apr 18, 2006
LOL, I live in America...Watch the WJC's? I'm better off getting a ticket to fly a black helicopter.

I'm not saying you're not justified in your complaints. Finland always seems to have problems with the refs, the last time I saw Finland in the WJC's last year they had similar problems, and very fair complaints as well.

Finns whined last year at the wjc's about the ref, so it means that it happens always? :o


I didn't see the game..bu its tough to give a goalie that good a grade when giving up 5 or 6 goals...even if they were tough stops. When goalies are on their game they make a lot of stops on shots that otherwise "would not be their faults". But who's to say...not that many shots either...but shots don't say everything..

Well 3 goals with 5on3, redirections and 3rd rebounds or so.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
How on earth can you "not be sure they deserved to win this game" when they won the game by a score of 6-3?

How does this work in hockey?

It doesn't happen that way, ever. You and I are both smart enough hockey fans to realize this, though.

The Finnish team nailed their own coffin with the Pejorative Slured penalties they took. They did it to themselves.

Joe MacMillan

Registered User
Aug 10, 2005
So, do you really think this undisciplined mob was an accurate miniaturization of the mens Lion squads of recent years? I sure as hell don't. The whole tourney their conduct was simply awful.

So, do you really think this team is a shame for the nation because they had a poor tournament?


Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
Imo Finland was the slightly better team 5 on 5.

I hate to be a sore loser but I must say this referee stepped up at the right time for team USA to eff us in the a.

He made bad calls both ways but he chose to favor team USA at the most critical point of the game. Later in the third he compensated a lot by giving BS penalties to USA. If the officiating has to be bad could it please just be consequent.

The finns embarrased themselves a bit at the end but that is understandable.

Johnson and Chorney with a couple of really gutless dives, they lost a lot of respect in my eyes.:shakehead

The fact still remains that there was no way Finland would have scored a fourth goal, so I guess USA deserved the win.

I must still say it's sad to see that these games once again were the world junior special teams championships.


It doesn't happen that way, ever. You and I are both smart enough hockey fans to realize this, though.

The Finnish team nailed their own coffin with the Pejorative Slured penalties they took. They did it to themselves.

Does'nt even seem to change when the team wins.i cjecked the swe-Cze thread and for a lot of people when the score was close any penalty that was caled it was starting to get into the "they are out to get us" territory.

There are bad calls in this tournament and in hockey in general these days but i have not seen one instance yet where it was anything other then that.........bad calls!!And those questionable,soft calls are going to every team.

They lost 6-3 and penalties were 11-8.

that should say it all,but for some it still does'nt.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2004
No one wants to give the Americans credit for a great game today. They'd rather try to blame the refs for the loss. In reality, after a call or two went against the Finnish squad, rather than battle through, they felt sorry for themselves and folded. Then they decided to whine about it and embarrass themselves at the end.

I'll give them credit. I give them credit for finishing most of their chances and having a good 5 on 3 PP. But the truth is, aside from less than 5 shifts, this game was controlled pretty much by Finland on even strength.

It's a shame they lost because this really looked like their best game in the tournament.

I'm not denying that Finland did lose their cool at the end, but the game was already 5-3 at this point and the last 2 goals came on 5-3 PPs so I'm not blaming them for losing it either. I would've probably lost it as well.

The two penalties that did it was Osala's very weak penalty that led to Muellers GWG and the 5 minuter that basically killed Finland's chances to get back.


Uncle Gelart
Dec 17, 2005
The tournament wasn't actually that bad of a performance by team Finland. Like Tolvana already said " Good if we get to the POs".
The team played some pretty good hockey on 5 - 5s, but the penalties cost us the semifinal spot.

The only player that really disappointed me was Jesse Joensuu, really carries the puck a helluva lot to much. Rask's performance was average nothing more IMO, the "game savers" lacked...
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