Will Tavares be a lifetime islander?


Registered User
Jun 30, 2012
Nassau County
Do you guys honestly expect John Tavares to be an islander for his whole career especially with Charles Wang as our owner and Garth Snow as our GM? I bet you if he demands a change within this coaching staff he will be traded or would not be resigned. This team is a joke, and probably always will be until Wang sells the team.


Jul 5, 2012
wouldn't suprise me if hes not in orange and blue when they move to brooklyn. why would he waste his career toiling away with this pathetic excuse of a franchise?


Registered User
May 13, 2005
Do you guys honestly expect John Tavares to be an islander for his whole career especially with Charles Wang as our owner and Garth Snow as our GM? I bet you if he demands a change within this coaching staff he will be traded or would not be resigned. This team is a joke, and probably always will be until Wang sells the team.

JT isn't the type to demand anything, except greatness from himself. Hopefully by the time JT's contract is over, brain dead Wang,Snow & Cappy will be long gone. If not, get used to JT as a Maple Leaf or even as a Ranger.

N Ireland Nets Fan

Registered User
May 13, 2013
Rochester, New York
Without Wang we'd be playing our hockey in Canada somewhere so I'm thankful for that.

The people I want to blame for all this sorry mess is Cappy, Weight and Snow.

We need everyone fired, a clean slate for the new people coming in to evaluate our roster and make informed decisions. We might even play Poulin and some more Nilsson to see if either could be NHL standard goalies.

Bring the likes of Donovan up to get more games ahead of Martinek & Carkner.

Fire the coaching staff and GM, this franchise is a joke right now. If you saw JT after missing the shootout goal smashing his stick on the boards and kicking the ***** out of it walking down the tunnel you know he's beyond pissed.

Time for change to happen, now.


Jul 5, 2012
We might even play Poulin and some more Nilsson to see if either could be NHL standard goalies.

Unfortunately we need some form of defense to actually get a decent idea of what we actually have in Poulin and Nilsson. You could put Jonathan Quick in net for the isles and they'd still give up lots of goals.

No doubt in my mind if the isles had decent D, Poulin and Nilsson have more W's, because they've played well enough to earn them quite a few times, but the 18 guys in front of them have not


Registered User
Dec 22, 2011
I think that unless things change dramatically, he will leave when his current deal is up. and I wouldn't blame him 1 bit.

this. i know tavares wants to win here and be the leader of the next great islanders team (if there ever is one), but there's no doubt in my mind if things stay the same that he'll leave and look to be the leader of the next great leafs team.


Registered User
May 21, 2011
Astoria, Queens, N.Y
no way he stays here. i cant see him demanding a trade, but he will be a UFA at what? 29? in his prime. he won't stay beyond that. no reason to unless things change and unless we have a new ownerr and a new GM nothing is going to change.

wang doesnt know or care how to run a franchise and snow can't build a team to save his life. he cant sign ufas and he cant make any trades that improve us. he is not the guy to get us to the next level and this season shows it

Hershey Hockey

Oct 5, 2010
Hershey, PA
At this rate? Absolutely not. I can honestly say I feel more loyalty to John Tavares as a player than the New York Islanders as a team. If he was traded tomorrow, I'd be gone as a fan.

When it comes time for talks of another contract for him, it will undoubtedly be a blank check situation to do whatever is necessary for him to stay. But I don't see that making a difference if this team is God forbid still at the same point it is now in however many years it is until his contract his up.

He wants to be a leader and win so badly it hurts. If the nightmare situation of Wang-Snow still running this team beyond the Brooklyn move actually happens, he'll be gone. These guys refuse to give him a supporting cast of NHL-caliber players and staff. It's nothing short of criminal that some of the best years of his career are being wasted by the idiots running this organization.


Mar 24, 2008
I doubt any player with his ability, pedigree, competitiveness who has a chance to be a free agent will stick with a perennial loser franchise. I would lose respect for Tavares if he stayed an Islander under this current regime.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2011
New York
Unless things change, he'd be a fool to stay. He has the potential to be a Hall of Famer. That potential will be wasted if he hangs around with this clown car of an organization.


Registered User
May 5, 2006
Tampa, FL
JT has obviously given it his all so far. But unless things REALLY change (start spending money, new ownership, etc.) I fully expect him to run for greener pastures. And I wouldn't blame him at all. He's given more to this organization, and has been the best thing for this organization over the past 20 years. It's funny because as a fan of course I want him to stay-but on the other hand-he deserves better, and I want him to succeed. He wont demand for a trade-he has too much class and is too professional.

If he leaves us to free agency, I'll still really be pulling for him to win the cup. This pitiful excuse that we call a hockey club isn't good enough for JT.


Registered User
Dec 2, 2013
No...and I could care less... I care more about if Wang will be our owner for life....because with all the positive that JT can bring...it can never out weigh the negative of Wang...never....pray for Proky in 2015! Not Ratner....Proky 2015!!!

A Pointed Stick

No Idea About The Future
Dec 23, 2010
Without Wang we'd be playing our hockey in Canada somewhere so I'm thankful for that.

The people I want to blame for all this sorry mess is Cappy, Weight and Snow.

We need everyone fired, a clean slate for the new people coming in to evaluate our roster and make informed decisions. We might even play Poulin and some more Nilsson to see if either could be NHL standard goalies.

Bring the likes of Donovan up to get more games ahead of Martinek & Carkner.

Fire the coaching staff and GM, this franchise is a joke right now. If you saw JT after missing the shootout goal smashing his stick on the boards and kicking the ***** out of it walking down the tunnel you know he's beyond pissed.

Time for change to happen, now.

But the reason the roster blows is primarily because of Wang. He wont' let Garth spend above the floor (we are the lowest salary team). And, $6 million of that goes directly to buyouts that Wang himself caused when he tried to play GM.

No matter how much you blame Snow, Cappy, or anyone else in this organization, ALL of the blame lay with Wang.

And no, I am not thanking some slumlord owner who saves my team, only to use it like a cheap prostitute. He sullies the logo with his nefarious and ruinous ownership.

I am beginning to wonder if Tavares is going to demand a trade considering the absolute non-commitment Snow & Wang make to him by parading this embarrassment of a roster as his team mates. If Snow has ANY self respect left after watching this freak show tonight he will make changes. But he won't because Charles won't let him.

Bunk Moreland

Registered User
Mar 16, 2010
Long Island
Kind of pointless to speculate about it now a lot and I mean a lot can change in 4 years. Not saying it will with this ownership but who the heck knows what could happen come 2018.

I know this year has sucked but I'm sure come the move to Brooklyn if things start changing for the good he's still signed 3 seasons after the move. It's pretty foolish to even try and imagine where this franchise is that far down the road.

JT isn't the type of guy to demand a trade he tasted a little success last year and I guarantee he's committed to getting back to that level and beyond. I do think he'll be here for life and 91 will be hanging in the rafters in Barclays down the line.


Registered User
May 5, 2006
Tampa, FL
Kind of pointless to speculate about it now a lot and I mean a lot can change in 4 years. Not saying it will with this ownership but who the heck knows what could happen come 2018.

I know this year has sucked but I'm sure come the move to Brooklyn if things start changing for the good he's still signed 3 seasons after the move. It's pretty foolish to even try and imagine where this franchise is that far down the road.

JT isn't the type of guy to demand a trade he tasted a little success last year and I guarantee he's committed to getting back to that level and beyond. I do think he'll be here for life and 91 will be hanging in the rafters in Barclays down the line.

I remember hearing this before.....in 1995/6ish. :help:


JT isn't the type to demand anything, except greatness from himself. Hopefully by the time JT's contract is over, brain dead Wang,Snow & Cappy will be long gone. If not, get used to JT as a Maple Leaf or even as a Ranger.

I agree with this. As frustrated as we all see him get, I don't think it's in his character. I hope he is speaking up though... to Garth. I'd just love to be a fly on the wall in those Closed door meetings that team has been having.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2007
No...and I could care less... I care more about if Wang will be our owner for life....because with all the positive that JT can bring...it can never out weigh the negative of Wang...never....pray for Proky in 2015! Not Ratner....Proky 2015!!!

that might make for an interesting poll. "would you trade jt for a competent/passionate owner & management?"
personally, as tough a pill as it would be for me to swallow, i would say yes.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2010
Baltimore Maryland
nope.......as soon as his contract is up, he will haul ass.

and thats dependent upon him not DEMANDING a trade before his contract is up.

would you stick around?

id do him a favoure, id trade him right now if the deal was right. the kid deserves to play and shine in the spotlight. and from the looks of things, that will never happen on long island.

Poulin 0n My St1ck

Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
I made a comment the other day that I'd support JT if he walked and would abandon this franchise altogether. I've been indoctrinated since birth and have bled orange and blue all my life, but all the charades are getting really old. I thought we reached a turning point last season, but clearly I, and many fellow fans, were duped.

At this point, I don't see how we're going to drastically improve from this season to next, and then the team moves to Brooklyn, and I just don't know what path this organization will take come 2015. My frustration is turning to apathy because I know we, the fans, can't do a damn thing about the circus we're presented every season.

If Charles Wang were to croak tomorrow, I'd be singing a different tune (sorry, but it's true) but, as of now, he's Supreme Ruler and I can't take any more of the "product" he's offering.

I don't watch any other sports and I couldn't be a bandwagon fan, so I guess I'll have to find another hobby to keep myself occupied on Saturday nights.

(I knew an Isles tattoo was a bad idea)


Registered User
Sep 2, 2006
If JT leaves I leave and will be a fan of whatever team he goes to. He represents all that I love about hockey while Wang represents everything I hate.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2004
Without Wang we'd be playing our hockey in Canada somewhere so I'm thankful for that.

The people I want to blame for all this sorry mess is Cappy, Weight and Snow.

We need everyone fired, a clean slate for the new people coming in to evaluate our roster and make informed decisions. We might even play Poulin and some more Nilsson to see if either could be NHL standard goalies.

Bring the likes of Donovan up to get more games ahead of Martinek & Carkner.

Fire the coaching staff and GM, this franchise is a joke right now. If you saw JT after missing the shootout goal smashing his stick on the boards and kicking the ***** out of it walking down the tunnel you know he's beyond pissed.

Time for change to happen, now.

I Knew someone was gonna come along and say without Wangieee we'd be playing somewhere up in Canada.

Well, You should know..IF it was up to my Wanger, we'd be somewhere playing in the west . Also, the N.H.L would never allow the Islander to relocate out of New York..Therefore he had no Options other than Brooklyn. It's mind boggling how people still praise that piece of $!TTTTTTT. So, There's nothing to be thankful for. This was well orchestrated plan By Wang, to try and grab a LAND Deal so he can build his little EMPIRE. When he was rejected he begun to act like a child & ranting. He even went on record saying______he Regrets the day he bought the Islanders!!


