Post-Game Talk: What A Run: Thank you, 2013-14 New York Rangers


Mar 30, 2009
As much as this hurts. Have to remember this was AV first year here with less than ideal players to fill in the system. I have a good feeling this team will be in it again in the next few years. As long as Hank stays healthy, no reason he can't play at a high level for another 5-7 years.

Captain Lindy

Formerly known as Kreider Beast
Apr 1, 2006
I always hate writing this post.

Reflecting first on the series, it was winnable. They had to hang on to the leads in games 1 and 2. The officials did us no favors with the calls in game 2 and the Zuccarello penalty tonight. Not the sole reason we lost, and I hate blaming the refs, but it’s frustrating. Los Angeles is an amazing team. 2 cups in 3 years, and we were right there with them.

I am so proud of what this team was able to accomplish this year. The terrible start into mid December when most of us wanted the team to rebuild. I was part of the trade Girardi and Callahan group for the right return, young roster players and picks. I was against the St. Louis trade. Let's be honest, this roster was not without its flaws.

All year this team proved me wrong. They beat a good Flyers team, came back from 3-1 against the Penguins, slaying two demons, and they beat the whiny Habs. This playoff run presented a ton of fun memories. Being in MSG to watch a win in the Cup final and the Eastern Conference clincher are memories I’ll always cherish. Some highlights for me personally were Carcillo’s goals against the Flyers in games 3 and 7, Marty’s goal on Mother’s Day, Brassard and MSL winning huge OT games, and Lundqvist’s reaction knowing he’d play in his first Cup final.

This team faced a lot of adversity, starting on the road for a month, changing an entire playing style, Moore and MSL’s personal tragedies. The list goes on.

Watching Lundqvist cry tonight is devastating. As fans, this team is a part of you and watching him and the rest of the guys hurting tonight, it hurts me too. The Rangers are my biggest passion. It kills me getting so close and coming up short. I think there’s a lot of positivity to take out of this. Kreider is a rookie and he already has 50 playoff games under his belt. Stepan, Hagelin and McDonagh are still kids and they’ve been on teams with 2 very deep runs already. These guys are learning the sacrifices it takes to win.

On the other hand, our stars let us down. Richards was horrible in the MTL and LA series. He’s not coming back, which is fine. Hopefully JT Miller gives us a young option on the 3rd line. Rick Nash… great defense is fine, but 3 goals in 25 games is unacceptable. He’s a completely different player post-concussion and it’s sad to see. Wish we could dump that contract. Girardi and Staal came up small in this series. Terrible timing.

Looking forward, the team needs to bring back Stralman, Moore and Boyle. Absolute gamers, and I was not a Boyle fan for a while. Re-sign Pouliot too.

This feeling is so deflating, because you never know if you’re going to get back. Hopefully one day soon we can look back on this run as a good memory that started a road to a Stanley Cup, because as proud as I am of the guys, I feel so empty right now.

Sorry for the essay guys, had to get my thoughts down somewhere.
Great post! I agree.

Hire Sather

He Is Our Star
Oct 4, 2002
The real upsetting thing is that while this experience is nice, the reality of sports is that we can have a better team next year, put ourselves in a better spot after the regular season but things break differently in the playoffs and we don't even make the final.

May have gotten some bad luck in the final but every team needs luck to get there.

Have to keep most of this team together. Don't let Boyle and Moore go and rely on young players. They are invalueable glue guys who make a massive difference.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2011
Just out of curiosity, but how many goals do we actually need to score in game 2 to be safe from the refs? 5... 6... 7? We built a 4-2 lead to start the third and it took LA how long to score their 4th legit goal? We finished enough to win that game and should have walked out of there with a tied series. That freebie goal completely changed the complexion of the game and series. Much easier to play up 2 games to none, with room for error, than the refs forcing you to win 4 in 5, while that little nagging feeling sticks in the back of you somewhere that you know you got royally ****ed. Now I can at least somewhat understand how Flames fans feel after getting screwed in 2004. Different scenarios, but screwed is screwed.

Nobody has answered my questions yet about 1. Why the NHL supposedly "hates" the Rangers 2. Why do people here care so much about what the people on the main boards say? Also, yes they got some bad calls but they still could have overcame them and they NEVER did. And how bout the fact that in about 170 minutes of 3rd period and overtime time they scored a grand total of 0 goals. Essentially that's 3 full games of being shutout when it counts the most. The Rangers blew this series, not the refs or Gary Bettman or whoever


Mar 30, 2009
Klein is signed to a ridiculously good contract for a while. Dude is very good third pairing defensmen and would be serviceable in the top 4 if needed.
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Houston, TX
Great playoff run. I'm really proud of how we played with heart, especially after being down 3-1 to Pittsburgh.

I came into this series thinking that LA was the slightly better team. Several blown leads, a couple of game-changing calls, and 3 OT losses later, I still think the teams were closely-matched. The Kings were more of a clutch team. They capitalized on their chances while we did not.

Richards, Girardi, and Nash: ugh.
Boyle and Hagelin were fantastic. CK made great steps this year. Lots to look forward to....hopefully getting rid of Richards is the first move.

Cake or Death

Nobody has answered my questions yet about 1. Why the NHL supposedly "hates" the Rangers 2. Why do people here care so much about what the people on the main boards say? Also, yes they got some bad calls but they still could have overcame them and they NEVER did. And how bout the fact that in about 170 minutes of 3rd period and overtime time they scored a grand total of 0 goals. Essentially that's 3 full games of being shutout when it counts the most. The Rangers blew this series, not the refs or Gary Bettman or whoever

I don't do conspiracy theories and rarely go near the main board. What does that have to do with what I posted? And nothing in your response addresses my question. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what period goals are scored, it's who scored more. When you are up 4-2 in a game and the opposition is handed a freebie goal instead of a penalty, that changes what they have to do to even get the game near overtime (i.e., they can play a lot less risky down one than two), and it breathes major life into them. That is an utterly ENORMOUS swing to the series. The Rangers rightly getting an interference call there, going on a PP, with a chance to go up 5-2 or more than likely end up still up 4-2 with 16 minutes left to play. That is massively different than LA getting a free goal with 18 minutes to tie. The difference of very likely going back to NY 1-1 instead of down 2-0 is HUGE.

At the end of the day, I have no problems if the NYR lose. It happens, you move on. When refs affect the outcome so severely, at this level and at this point in the season, that I do have a huge problem with. Heck, I still think it's a joke and an atrocity that Calgary was screwed out of that Cup in 2004. There is simply no place for any of that at this level, and this seems to be the only league it happens so consistently.

Captain Lindy

Formerly known as Kreider Beast
Apr 1, 2006
When Martinez scored I turned the game off, went to bed and woke up with the feeling that this team (with some minor tweaks) can play for the cup again next season.

Its been a fun ride and i hope i see you all again when the puck drops in a couple of months.
I did that too and I agree with all of what you said. This team is gonna be heard from. I'm proud to be a Ranger fan.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2014
Tomkins Cove, NY
I don't do conspiracy theories and rarely go near the main board. What does that have to do with what I posted? And nothing in your response addresses my question. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what period goals are scored, it's who scored more. When you are up 4-2 in a game and the opposition is handed a freebie goal instead of a penalty, that changes what they have to do to even get the game near overtime (i.e., they can play a lot less risky down one than two), and it breathes major life into them. That is an utterly ENORMOUS swing to the series. The Rangers rightly getting an interference call there, going on a PP, with a chance to go up 5-2 or more than likely end up still up 4-2 with 16 minutes left to play. That is massively different than LA getting a free goal with 18 minutes to tie. The difference of very likely going back to NY 1-1 instead of down 2-0 is HUGE.

At the end of the day, I have no problems if the NYR lose. It happens, you move on. When refs affect the outcome so severely, at this level and at this point in the season, that I do have a huge problem with. Heck, I still think it's a joke and an atrocity that Calgary was screwed out of that Cup in 2004. There is simply no place for any of that at this level, and this seems to be the only league it happens so consistently.


Richter Scale

Registered User
Aug 4, 2012
I have posted a few times getting on Hank's case throughout this playoff run for not playing to the level we all know he can. For saying that he is not free from criticism when he doesn't play like the best goalie in the league given his upcoming contract. And I stand by those statements.

That said, he had amazing performances the last two games. And last night at least, he deserved a better fate than he got. Yes, I'm saying him - not the team. Him. Tore my heart out to see him put up the herculean effort he was through the entire game - and especially the overtime - and not come up with the win. He was literally willing the team to a victory.

I was pretty disgusted with the effort the team put out there in the third period in front him. Jonesy said it, exasperatedly, best in the OT intermission -- "I can't believe they went out and sat back again in the 3rd period with a lead!" I can't ****in believe them. Backs against the wall, clinging to a lead, and that's the 3rd period they throw together? Yes, the refs were brutal again. But once what's done is done, you ****in' sack up and kill that penalty. You get more than 3 shots in the 3rd period - and 15 in the game up to the end of regulation. Had they been attacking in the 3rd, maybe the puck doesn't end up in their zone for long stretches and maybe that "penalty" doesn't even happen.

If that is an AV thing (which, remembering some of the VAN fans' complaints about him I wouldn't be surprised), then jesus ****in' christ that **** is moronic. Just inviting the other team to tie it up. If it is the players lacking the killer instinct to win a very winnable elimination game, well then color me unimpressed. It sure as hell has looked like it was a conscious coached decision though with how they have played 3rd periods with the lead in these playoffs.


That venting aside, very proud of this team for making it even this far. Completely unexpected from me - and they've turned me around on my thinking about them. Not sure they were on par with LA this series - but they're at least in the conversation as one of the elite teams in the East. Still see the glaring holes (Stepan is not a 1C; Nash needs to score in the playoffs; get Richie off this god damned team; not enough(any?) skilled finishers; not many(any?) guys who want to be/can be "the guy" or who can take over a game).

Now onto the offseason. Please for the love of god let Richie not be injured and let Sather buy that pos out. Use that money and the increased cap to lock up Anton Stralman, Chris Kreider, Mats Zuccarello, Dom Moore, and Brian Boyle. If they can keep many of these guys together, I think they could be right back in the ECF next year - and potentially challenging Pitt for first in the Metro.

When the Rangers made it to the Stanley Cup Final, did anyone here think, "Oh, it's great that we made it this far. Good run." Everyone wanted to win it all.

I don't know if there is a worse feeling than making it to the Final and then getting eliminated. Hopefully, the players on this team can take this experience, so totally unnecessary right now, and turn it into one of the tools that will help them become champions within the next couple of years.


Have been numb since last night. Still don't think it has totally sunk in that they lost and aren't playing on Monday.

And while I'm devastated... at the same time, there is a part of me that is thrilled they even made it this far. If there is any bit of positivity to cling to it is that this type of run was totally unexpected and a great thing to build on for all the young players in the room.
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Registered User
Dec 5, 2011
My post wasn't directed at just you Cake or Death. It just amazes me how lots of ppl here swear the NHL has an agenda against the Rangers and that the "main boards" hate us. Fact is we could have overcome the bad calls and we just plain didn't.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Don't know why the Rangers were so bad in the 3rd period all series,.....

Because AV coaches in fear in 3rd periods. People can ***** about Nash, Girardi, refs, or anything else, but what killed this team in this series was AV being compelled to change lines incessantly in the third period.

This caused the Kings to be able to get out of their own zone without any trouble at all. Then the whole period was played in the Rangers end. Tough way to win.

AV seems to be a good coach in other ways, but he has what can be considered a fatal flaw in third periods.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Nobody has answered my questions yet about 1. Why the NHL supposedly "hates" the Rangers 2. Why do people here care so much about what the people on the main boards say? Also, yes they got some bad calls but they still could have overcame them and they NEVER did. And how bout the fact that in about 170 minutes of 3rd period and overtime time they scored a grand total of 0 goals. Essentially that's 3 full games of being shutout when it counts the most. The Rangers blew this series, not the refs or Gary Bettman or whoever

The NHL doesn't hate the Rangers. It's just whiners whining.


Aug 25, 2006
Long Island
Because AV coaches in fear in 3rd periods. People can ***** about Nash, Girardi, refs, or anything else, but what killed this team in this series was AV being compelled to change lines incessantly in the third period.

This caused the Kings to be able to get out of their own zone without any trouble at all. Then the whole period was played in the Rangers end. Tough way to win.

AV seems to be a good coach in other ways, but he has what can be considered a fatal flaw in third periods.

I remember an article someone posted right after we fired him written by Canucks fans and they had mentioned that as one of his major flaws. We didn't really see it much throughout the regular season but it really came back in the final.

Cake or Death

My post wasn't directed at just you Cake or Death. It just amazes me how lots of ppl here swear the NHL has an agenda against the Rangers and that the "main boards" hate us. Fact is we could have overcome the bad calls and we just plain didn't.

Oh gosh, that's silly stuff. The league is a business. I don't get the impression the league has any bias or gives a rats ass who wins as long as they rake in their profits. And I would somewhat expect people on the main board to hate us, we have a fairly obnoxious fan base. It isn't too bad at HF, per se, but elsewhere some of the NYR fan posts and behavior I see are just grotesque. This is exactly why I post here: this is easily the most level headed and most hockey knowledgeable set of NYR fans I think you'll find.

Cobra Jack*

Anyone else over it? I made peace with a lost series after game 3, so it wasn't that painful.

Believe it or not, I thought we had a chance to still win the series if we won Game 5. But what can you do? I would have loved for the series to go to 7 just to shut up the "west is best" crowd. It could have EASILY been the Rangers winning in 5 games, that's what these morons don't seem to understand. Or they don't want to understand. Pisses me off.

Cobra Jack*

You guys should read the YAHOO comments. Wow, infuriating. "Rangers were outclassed by a far superior team" and "the series was won in 5 games so the Kings never had any competition".

Did these morons even watch the games? :shakehead


Registered User
Sep 3, 2006
Long Island
Isles fan coming in peace. Just wanted to say that was some of the most exciting hockey I've ever watched. My eyes were literally glued to the TV the whole series.

I was almost rooting for it to go to game 7, just because it was that awesome. Good stuff guys, good season.


You guys should read the YAHOO comments. Wow, infuriating. "Rangers were outclassed by a far superior team" and "the series was won in 5 games so the Kings never had any competition".

Did these morons even watch the games? :shakehead

Guess you haven't read the main board either.


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