The Jarmo Thread

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Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
For Jiricek, he could be upset about mixed signals from management and coaches.

That said, players get waived all the time who "have a place" in their NHL cities. It's not some crazy situation.
I will keep beating my drum on this but this sounds like a Walsh move. Kid was pissed he went out west and got sent back to Cleveland and Walsh put that thought in his head as he was coming back to speak out. Sounds like there is a few more people adding to the mixed signals noise other than management and coaches to be completely honest.

I've already said how FO dealt with the Elvis situation is just going to encourage Agents to make their clients speak out like this more often to where the talking heads make something like this into the news of the day and further embarrass the franchise.

KJ Dangler

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Oct 21, 2006
That's what we were headed towards lately and why Jarmo went too far and brought in Babcock to straighten up the veterans while probably keeping the younger player's ego in check. Yes Jiricek is better than Peeke right now but I hope to god as a 6th overall pick you would be. Personally I rather see Jiricek getting 22minutes a night on a Calder bound team with less games to focus more on training than 12 minutes a night playing out a bad season personally. It seems like those talking out today make it seem like Jiricek is a finish project. Like Jfresh said "alot of drama surrounding a kid with a 17% WAR"

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May 23, 2017
Seravelli: “It’s not that people don’t want to play in Columbus, it’s that players don’t want to play in Columbus with this management group and with this coaching staff”

i get it tbh. Jarmo and JD are overdue for getting the boot. Wouldnt let them make another big move if I was the owner
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Jun 23, 2018
That makes sense.

What has me worried is that while the management group has not done a particularly good job of creating a winner, when it comes to the higher profile player disputes (Johansen, Anderson, PLD) they have been right. I would be worried about firing JD and Jarmo and bringing in someone worse who just gives players big contracts they don't deserve and running a country club.

Not Josh Anderson. That started, I believe, in 2017, when Jarmo wouldn't let him sign a 1 or 2 year deal. He made him sign a low salary 3 year deal, it was that or don't play. It was a very maximalist approach vs a player that had always given everything and literally sacrificed his body for our team. A terrible look. Exhibit A in the lack-of-loyalty argument against Jarmo.

Then after the lack of loyalty piece in The Athletic, where numerous veterans spoke against Jarmo, it seems we've been in a different era. Though that also coincides with the post-Torts world and a general lack of accountability. Several times now he has paid players well in excess of what they've done on the ice. He handed big contracts to Bean and Boqvist before they even played at an NHL caliber level.

If you were concerned about a country club, it seems we've gone far in that direction in the last three seasons. The responsible veteran core is almost entirely gone, replaced by more individualistic and irresponsible veterans, and kids on ELCs.
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Formerly CBJWennberg10 (RIP Kivi)
Jun 13, 2009
I obviously don't have any insider info or anything, but I do know that across sports the most common time to make a change is during a long extended time off. (IE the Bye week in the NFL)

While I don't think the CBJ would want to overshadow the ASG. I could see Jarmo, JD, or both fired after the ASG.

The Jackets don't play until Feb 10th after tomorrows game. That is a pretty long layoff.

It also gives the interim GM (Chris Clark? Rick Nash? Basil McRae? Trevor Timmins?) a few weeks to organize a gameplan (IE whatever ownership wants) for the trade deadline as well as set up Cleveland for its best chance to go on a long playoff run.

Do I think it happens? No, probably not. And if something were to happen, I think it would just be Jarmo (in season) and JD would maybe "retire" in the offseason.

Do I think its impossible? No. Especially with all this Jiricek drama coming out.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
I obviously don't have any insider info or anything, but I do know that across sports the most common time to make a change is during a long extended time off. (IE the Bye week in the NFL)

While I don't think the CBJ would want to overshadow the ASG. I could see Jarmo, JD, or both fired after the ASG.

The Jackets don't play until Feb 10th after tomorrows game. That is a pretty long layoff.

It also gives the interim GM (Chris Clark? Rick Nash? Basil McRae? Trevor Timmins?) a few weeks to organize a gameplan (IE whatever ownership wants) for the trade deadline as well as set up Cleveland for its best chance to go on a long playoff run.

Do I think it happens? No, probably not. And if something were to happen, I think it would just be Jarmo (in season) and JD would maybe "retire" in the offseason.

Do I think its impossible? No. Especially with all this Jiricek drama coming out.
I put it as more likely than some people think. You just had your 3rd highest paid player travel with the team to be ready to play then immediately pull out into the Behavior/mental health program probably for the rest of the year and now a young prospect, who was the primary asset in the seth jones trade, now talking like an agent to the media on top of Elvis and his bombastic fiasco a few weeks ago. If I am paying the bills I want to know what the f**** is going on and I think this is happening but we aren't seeing it being played out for all to see.


Mar 19, 2021
I'm starting to think Jarmo will be fired over the break. Insiders are talking like they think he is likely to be fired soon but aren't 100% certain.

Iron Balls McGinty

Registered User
Aug 5, 2005
How many games has Jiricek played in January?


4 in the NHL and 3 in Cleveland.

Say its Walsh talking or whatever you want. The guy is getting jerked around and needs to be playing when he's only played in 1/2 the games for the month.
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Registered User
Jun 23, 2018
It also gives the interim GM (Chris Clark? Rick Nash? Basil McRae? Trevor Timmins?) a few weeks to organize a gameplan (IE whatever ownership wants) for the trade deadline as well as set up Cleveland for its best chance to go on a long playoff run.

Chris Clark always strikes me as well spoken. He's 47 and has experience running a team in the AHL. He'd be a good guy to take over.

Nash is too young and inexperienced. Timmins has a long list of bad drafts in Montreal on his recent resume.

Do I think it happens? No, probably not. And if something were to happen, I think it would just be Jarmo (in season) and JD would maybe "retire" in the offseason.

Yeah JD is not getting fired. They'll let him hang out and retire, maybe this summer, maybe next.

I put it as more likely than some people think. You just had your 3rd highest paid player travel with the team to be ready to play then immediately pull out into the Behavior/mental health program probably for the rest of the year and now a young prospect, who was the primary asset in the seth jones trade, now talking like an agent to the media on top of Elvis and his bombastic fiasco a few weeks ago. If I am paying the bills I want to know what the f**** is going on and I think this is happening but we aren't seeing it being played out for all to see.

I don't think having a player get a concussion and then enter the player assistance program usually gets held against the GM, and I have no idea why it is supposed to matter if the player travels with the team or not. A player entering the program follows his own plans to do so, and maybe plans is not the right word, definitely not something the GM has a lot of control over.

The biggest screw up with Jiricek is not leaving him in the AHL since day one, the second biggest screw up is telling him to get a place. The third is whatever communication is going on right now. Though really I think sometimes when you have an agent like Walsh, you're going to have some bullshit to deal with, there's no clean and tidy option.

I'm starting to think Jarmo will be fired over the break. Insiders are talking like they think he is likely to be fired soon but aren't 100% certain.

Which insiders have sources within our ownership or higher echelons of our FO?

How many games has Jiricek played in January?


4 in the NHL and 3 in Cleveland.

Say its Walsh talking or whatever you want. The guy is getting jerked around and needs to be playing when he's only played in 1/2 the games for the month.

7 in a month, as long as it's not every month, ought not to be a big deal. That's like what the Ducks were intentionally doing with Leo earlier this year, and they (I think correctly) got plaudits for it. We have a problem but it's not a games played problem.
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Iron Balls McGinty

Registered User
Aug 5, 2005
7 in a month, as long as it's not every month, ought not to be a big deal. That's like what the Ducks were intentionally doing with Leo earlier this year, and they (I think correctly) got plaudits for it. We have a problem but it's not a games played problem.
If we want to use the Carlsson comparison, at least that plan was communicated up front. He is also a first year pro and Jiricek is a 2nd year pro was played 55 games in Cleveland and 4 in Columbus last season. He shouldn't be on a pace right now to play less games than he did last year if he only plays 7 games a month for the rest of the season.
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Registered User
Jul 4, 2013
I don't think there's anything controversial in the way Jiricek has been handled, whatever problems there are mostly poor communication, past, present and likely future how this is going :) The defense has been crap and Jiricek has not really stuck out of that pile.

IMO the bottom line is if he wants to be an NHL regular two things need to happen, 1st is he needs to be high enough in the depth chart where it's obvious he belongs in the roster beyond any reasonable argument. 2nd is he needs to play at a level where it's clear beyond any doubt that he's both NHL ready and there are no long term developmental upsides to playing him in the AHL.

I really haven't seen either happen, sure you can argue he's already top-6 but there's like 5 guys battling for those last spots and it's not like Jiricek has separated himself from the rest and none of them have been that great with any consistency. For the 2nd part, his game is not at a level where you can say with confidence it wouldn't be better for him to play big minutes (and hopefully dominate) in the AHL. You can argue about these things but that alone is proof enough it's likely not that bad of an idea to give him some time in the AHL.

What the org is failing to do is communicate all this clearly and just adding shit to the pile with Vincent playing the "kids these days" card, which is just a BS move. I'm sure you all remember how well that worked with you when you were young... Yeah Jiricek's recent comments made him sound a bit too much like a whiney little kid, but the management/coaching needs to look in the mirror and if they find no fault there, they should still be the seasoned professional adults in the room.
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Cyclones Rock

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Jun 12, 2008
I'm wondering if Jarmo can take the rising heat in the kitchen. You'd think that he's doing the egg shell walk these days.

Why JD gets a pass from so many is a mystery to me. If anything, he's more culpable than Jarmo given that Jarmo's employment falls under his domain.

Ownership needs to fiire the broadcaster/con man/snake oil salesman/turncoat/empty suit. Along with Pat Priest. A complete overhaul has been in order for years. It should be interim time in CBJ senior management. Unless............

Dean Lombardi is 65 years old and is still in the game working for the Flyers. If he's interested, he'd be a good candidate to start guiding the turnaround of this tire fire even if he doesn't want to work for another 5 years. Maybe McConnell can swing for the fences and try to pry loose McPhee from Las Vegas. In any case, there are plenty of viable candidates to replace the abject failure JD.

Any shake up of the front office which allows JD to remain at the helm is an absurdity. He's the head of the hydra. If you don't cut off the head, McConnell may as well leave everything as is. Which is, of course, ridiculous. But very possible given his long-demonstrated ineptitude.
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Double-Shift Lasse

Just post better
Dec 22, 2004
Exurban Cbus
Yeah JD is not getting fired. They'll let him hang out and retire, maybe this summer, maybe next.
Unfortunately this is probably the case. JD handles all the league business the McConnells don't want to have to be bothered with. It's enough just to own the team, I guess.
I'm wondering if Jarmo can take the rising heat in the kitchen. You'd think that he's doing the egg shell walk these days.

Why JD gets a pass from so many is a mystery to me. If anything, he's more culpable than Jarmo given that Jarmo's employment falls under his domain.

Ownership needs to fiire the broadcaster/con man/snake oil salesman/turncoat/empty suit. Along with Pat Priest. A complete overhaul has been in order for years. It should be interim time in CBJ senior management. Unless............

Dean Lombardi is 65 years old and is still in the game working for the Flyers. If he's interested, he'd be a good candidate to start guiding the turnaround of this tire fire even if he doesn't want to work for another 5 years. Maybe McConnell can swing for the fences and try to pry loose McPhee from Las Vegas. In any case, there are plenty of viable candidates to replace the abject failure JD.

Any shake up of the front office which allows JD to remain at the helm is an absurdity. He's the head of the hydra. If you don't cut off the head, McConnell may as well leave everything as is. Which is, of course, ridiculous. But very possible given his long-demonstrated ineptitude.

The issues involve a variety of aspects of hockey operations, not just roster construction and player management. I wonder whose title includes the words "hockey operations"?


gudbranson apologist
Sep 24, 2022
So let's say the obvious happens and Jarmo finds himself unemployed. What are we thinking? Eric Tulsky because he's the sexy stats whiz kid? Chris Clark for stability and also the fact he's done a great job with Cleveland? Maybe Cammi Granato or Emilie Castonguay, since the McConnells have already showed a willingness to think outside the box with GM hires in the past when they hired the first European GM.


Formerly CBJWennberg10 (RIP Kivi)
Jun 13, 2009
So let's say the obvious happens and Jarmo finds himself unemployed. What are we thinking? Eric Tulsky because he's the sexy stats whiz kid? Chris Clark for stability and also the fact he's done a great job with Cleveland? Maybe Cammi Granato or Emilie Castonguay, since the McConnells have already showed a willingness to think outside the box with GM hires in the past when they hired the first European GM.
My guess is ownership is going to want a veteran GM. No rookies. As much as I’d like Tulsky.

It also depends on if JD is still here to make that hire. Because if he is, I’d put my bet on Jeff Gorton


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
I think it's too simple to just fire Jarmo. JD has to go with him too, and I think he will ultimately be fired. They have attempted to build a winner and had their ideas but have proven to be unsuccessful.

My real "wish" is that Priest is fired too. Although that feels like too much to ask for this organization.

The "never gonna happen" thought is ownership sells to someone who knows hockey and can pick people who can bring a winner to Columbus.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2011
My guess is ownership is going to want a veteran GM. No rookies. As much as I’d like Tulsky.

It also depends on if JD is still here to make that hire. Because if he is, I’d put my bet on Jeff Gorton
The VP of hockey operations in Montreal? I got my doubts.

Tulsky would be great, hes been as assistant GM on a team thats improved when he and a couple other guys took important roles.

Chiarelli is sadly a possible option as the experienced guy.

Better not be Fletcher. That dude is the actual worst at his job and only got in because of his name


Registered User
Oct 24, 2023
i don't think you fire jarmo.
guy has built something special here we are close....
10 overtime loses, a bunch of blown leads at the start of the season and a fluky 9 game loosing streak... without patty, Z missing time and boone missing time.
In a season we knew we weren't going to make the playoff heck the sport books hard our over/under at 61 points this year.
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Registered User
Jul 5, 2011
i don't think you fire jarmo.
guy has built something special here we are close....
10 overtime loses, a bunch of blown leads at the start of the season and a fluky 9 game loosing streak... without patty, Z missing time and boone missing time.
In a season we knew we weren't going to make the playoff heck the sport books hard our over/under at 61 points this year.
Its special alright


Registered User
Oct 24, 2023
you can see how good we are if you watch the games. yes we are still learning how to play 60 mins but the potential is there! you see it when you watch games. there has maybe been 3-4 games this year where we have looked awful
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